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Chapter 1979: Going to the Night Market

Xu Chaoqi was observing Feng Sizhe's every move after his arrival, and he believed that he was not the only one observing.

After Feng Sizhe came, he took the initiative to take over the Baichuan Building incident, forcing Ma Weigan to leave and replace Xia Yu. As for the provincial government, Feng Sizhe seemed to have not been idle, and took the initiative to give up Fu Changtao, who was not cooperative with the work.

, appointed Comrade Zhang Yang.

In view of Feng Sizhe's every move, Xu Chaoqi counterattacked according to Ji Quanyong's wishes, and it proved to be effective. Zhang Yang was taken away for questioning by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. This was one of their targets for counterattack. Don't you want to use someone? Well, then,

I will hit whoever you use, and see who dares to come closer to you. Then Xia Yu was hit. This was not arranged by them, but when it happened, they would only laugh on the sidelines, thinking that

This is God helping them.

Let’s not mention Xia Yu’s matter. Then, because of Zhang Yang’s cunning, he gave the wrong direction. What’s even more annoying is that the people from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection’s investigation team were fooled and rushed into Villa No. 8 regardless of the impact. The result was

This aroused Feng Sizhe's anger, and even the Discipline Inspection Commission called to inquire about the matter. This made Xu Chaoqi very passive. In desperation, he had to let Zhang Yang go after asking Ji Quanyong.

But then, Feng Sizhe set up a project inspection team for the construction, brought in the injured Xia Yu and the unfairly treated Zhang Yang, and based on the situation, proposed to upgrade Zhang Yang's official rank, which made Xu Chaoqi a little annoyed.

Xu Chaoqi could see that all of this was the result of Feng Sizhe's counterattack. But he couldn't say anything now because the central government punished the Capital Province for the Baichuan Building project, so Ji Quanyong retreated to the background. But

As you can imagine, no one can stop Feng Sizhe from talking about the project now. Even if anyone tries to stop him now, it is very likely that he will play into someone else’s hands. If something happens later, Mr. Feng only needs to use his

He wanted to take care of it, but the provincial party committee did not give him the power to easily reject it on the pretext that if this was the case, the Capital Province would definitely be under greater pressure.

It was precisely because Feng Sizhe saw the current situation that he made such a request. It can be said that he is following the trend. Although Xu Chaoqi is SW Secretary, there is really no better way at the moment.

"He is the provincial governor. The affairs of the provincial engineering inspection team are under the jurisdiction of the provincial government, and we have no right to interfere too much." Xu Chaoqi thought for a moment and then said to Su Hanmin.

When Su Hanmin heard this, he understood that Xu Chaoqi was shirking responsibility. It was obvious that he couldn't control Feng Sizhe, and he was insisting on using his power to make matters worse. If this was the case, then what else could he say? No matter in terms of rank or

In terms of power and even background, he is not on the same level as Feng Sizhe. Even Secretary SW gave in, so all he can do is cooperate.

"I understand." Su Hanmin thought about it and said to Xu Chaoqi.

"Well, Lao Su, you go and do your work." Xu Chaodian nodded. He did not have enough power and no longer wanted to face these subordinates anymore. Some of them were just humiliating themselves.

Seeing Su Hanmin leave, Xu Chaoqi picked up the phone and called Fu Changtao, who had gone to the hospital for treatment, "Call Ma Weigan and tell him he should be back."

Xu Chaoqi saw that Feng Sizhe was going to make trouble, so he thought about whether to transfer Ma Weigan back in time, because after all, in terms of the content of his responsibilities, the work of the Provincial Construction Department was under the control of Vice Governor Ma.

This was Xu Chaoqi's move, and the purpose was to test Feng Sizhe. It can be said that since Feng Dashao came to Capital Province, his performance has been very good. He has used Xia Yu and Zhang Yang successively, which can be said to be equal to

The provincial government threw two stones into the pond, and it seems to be working well so far.

Of course, Ji Quanyong was not idle either, he also took action, but the method was a good one, but the person who executed it was too stupid, so Feng Sizhe got the opportunity to counterattack.

But next, Xu Chaoqi still had some confidence in his move. He wanted to see how Feng Sizhe would forcefully solve it. Ma Weigan is a deputy provincial cadre. Even if you want to seize power from him, do you have to have a suitable person?

The reason is that, if not, then it’s no wonder that as the secretary of SW, he wants to take action.

Feng Sizhe took Zhang Yang back from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection in a timely manner, which seemed to make many staff members of the provincial government see his ability. From noon to afternoon, more people came to report on work.

In fact, this cannot be said to be power. In fact, this is the rule of the game. No matter what game it is, it always adheres to the principle of survival of the strong.

Throughout the afternoon, Feng Sizhe met with the leaders of several provincial government departments, including the director of the Provincial Statistics Bureau, the Director of the Audit Office, the Director of the Department of Land and Resources, and the Director of the Urban Planning Bureau.

When the time reached six o'clock in the evening, Feng Sizhe stretched himself, and his secretary Yin Fenglei also walked into his office in time, "Boss, it's time to get off work."

"Yeah." Feng Sizhe nodded. He didn't really like this kind of formalistic report. Speaking of which, he preferred to go around and take a look. Most of the time, the reports were always empty and incomplete, far inferior to those in person.

Going to the site to see it makes it clear. But his current position means that he must get used to this way of working. There are thirteen prefecture-level cities and more than one hundred districts and counties in Capital Province, and he can't do it all on his own.

Not to mention anything else, there are many departments under the provincial government, and it is impossible for him to be respectful in everything, so listening to reports is also a way of working.

"Do you want to go to the guest house to eat in the evening?" Feng Sizhe asked Yin Fenglei casually. This is no wonder, for the past few days, he has gone to the provincial guest house to eat in the evening. Although there are many people around Mr. Feng, they are all men.

No one cooks. Although Wang Ruihua is a good cook, considering the differences between men and women, she has not lived in Villa No. 8 at all. For this reason, of course she cannot ask anyone else for food.

"No, boss, Comrade Zuo Xiaolei called just now. She said the meal is ready." Yin Fenglei promptly reminded Feng Sizhe.

"Oh, look at my brain." Feng Sizhe chuckled. Zuo Xiaolei's cooking skills are pretty good, at least it suits his taste. Thinking of Zuo Xiaolei, Feng Sizhe couldn't help but think of Zhang Yang.

This lesbian came on the recommendation of this person. So he asked Yin Fenglei beside him, "Is Zhang Yang still in the office?"

"It should be there. May I call and ask?" Yin Fenglei asked for instructions.

"Well, ask him if he is here. If you have nothing to do, he can have dinner with us. I have something to do with him tonight." Feng Sizhe nodded and allowed Yin Fenglei to make the call.

Zhang Yang received a call from Yin Fenglei, so it goes without saying that he will definitely come. Having the opportunity to have dinner with the governor is a good opportunity to get closer to each other. Don't say that he hasn't gotten off work yet, even if he has.

Ban, he will also try his best to come here.

In Villa No. 8, Feng Sizhe led several people to eat delicious meals. Afterwards, Young Master Feng nodded. It was obvious that they were satisfied with Zuo Xiaolei's cooking skills.

Seeing Feng Sizhe's satisfied look, Zhang Yang was also very happy. Many times, when the leader accepts the person you recommend, it is actually another kind of affirmation of your work.

"Deputy Secretary-General Zhang, if you have nothing to do, come watch the news with me, and then let's go for a walk." Feng Sizhe offered to Zhang Yang to stay.

The leader's request to stay was actually an order, so of course Zhang Yang agreed.

After watching the unstoppable national news broadcast, Feng Sizhe walked out of Villa No. 8, accompanied by Zhang Yang and Yin Fenglei. Outside the door, Li Shuang had already driven a Volkswagen Magotan, which was not very eye-catching, waiting for them. In fact,

This was also arranged by Young Master Feng a long time ago. He had heard more than once that the public security in Capital Province was not good, so he wanted to take this opportunity tonight to take a look around, so he found his guide Zhang Yang


As soon as Feng Sizhe's car left, not far away, Chen Hu, Wang Fanghua, Wang Jiefang and others followed the car and slowly drove out of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee.

After hearing that Feng Sizhe said that he wanted to go for a walk after watching the news, Zhang Yang sat there and thought about where he should take the governor tonight. Obviously, the current Young Master Feng didn't want to see the gorgeous side, if it was just like this

, then there is no need for him to lead the way. Doesn't that mean he wants to see the real night life in Capital Province? Thinking of this, he already has a destination in his mind.

After the car drove out of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, secretary Yin Fenglei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned back and asked Feng Sizhe, "Boss, where are we going?"

Feng Sizhe did not answer, but said openly, "Let's go to the night market, it's more lively there."

There are so-called night markets in almost every big city, especially in southern cities. Because of the weather, night markets tend to last all year round. In northern cities, because of the cold weather, the night markets tend to be less popular in winter.

, or even closed, but as a capital province, there are no seasons.

Li Shuang drove the car and headed to the night market. In fact, he had not been idle these two days. He would take a look at the map when he had the opportunity. Although the car was equipped with navigation, it was not omnipotent.

Yes, some small places may not be marked.

The night market that Li Shuang came to was one of the largest night markets in Chuandu, the capital of Capital Province, and it was also in the city center. As we have said, there are many people in Capital Province, so the night market here was also crowded and seemed more lively.

The two cars stopped three hundred meters from the night market entrance. Looking at the crowd of people in front of them, even if they wanted to drive in, they probably wouldn't be able to do so.

Feng Sizhe got out of the car and looked at the excitement in the distance. He nodded involuntarily. This place was the place he wanted to examine. Seeing Young Master Feng's expression, Zhang Yang also let out a sigh of relief.

He has come to the right place.

This chapter has been completed!
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