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Chapter 231: A Very Suspicious Thing

After Guan Denggui explained this, Feng Sizhe understood a little bit. After combining what Guan Denggui said before, Young Master Feng asked in a low voice, "This should be what Chairman Guan meant."

Unexpectedly, Feng Sizhe could see through the essence so quickly. He immediately replied directly without any shirk, "Yes, that's what I meant. I have been a provincial governor and an ordinary citizen, and I have lived a poor life."

, I deeply know how important a house is to ordinary people's homes, so I asked An Ran to do some things within my ability. I don't ask for how much money I can make, I just want to be able to do it within a limited scope.


Hearing that Guan Denggui's speech was not a long one, Feng Sizhe looked solemn and said, "Chairman Xi, I really admire you. I didn't expect that there are officials like you in Capital Province."

"Okay, Governor Feng should say that you are surprised that there are still people like me among the local faction. In fact, it is nothing. Most of the cadres in Capital Province are good, but there are only some real people in power.

Because they have more power and feel better about themselves, they will not recognize the facts and do things that are detrimental to the country and the people. Look, the facts have proven that their approach is wrong, regardless of the impact on the current capital province.

Development, or future development, is meaningless, and they may even become sinners if they fail. Maybe they can only slowly understand this phenomenon when they really retire." Guan Denggui said these words.

He was not necessarily very excited. On the contrary, he said these words with a very normal emotion. But just like this, Feng Sizhe admired him even more.

In recent years, the assessment of whether a civil official is competent and capable is often linked to the speed of economic development. This cannot be said to be wrong, but it cannot be said to be absolutely correct, because for this reason, it is not

We know how many cadres only pursue economic growth value, but they really don't think about the negative impact this will have on the country and the people.

But what Guan Denggui said today really made Feng Sizhe see hope again. It seems that everyone has a measuring stick in their hearts for whether things are good or bad, but some people are willing to do something about this matter.

, want to change something within their ability, but some people really choose to go with the flow.

But no matter what, Guan Denggui's words greatly exceeded Feng Sizhe's expectations, and he had to admire this old comrade in his heart. "Chairman Guan, Sizhe admires your character."


When Feng Sizhe said these words, he was not speaking in the name of the governor, but purely personal, or even from the perspective of a junior.

Feng Sizhe's sincere performance made Guan Denggui feel a little moved in his eyes. "Hey, governor, you don't have to say this. In fact, I should be admired. Your engineering inspection team is the one who is so generous."

Although Guan Denggui has removed the previous surname of the provincial governor, which proves his regard for Feng Sizhe, he still believes that Feng Sizhe established the project inspection team to control the development of real estate, so he still let Feng Dasheng

It was a bit dumbfounding. To be honest, his real intention was not like this, and because of the advantage of being a prophet, Mr. Feng still knew that the development of the real estate industry would still be quite strong in the next few years, at least for his first time.

Before his death, this matter was still under development.

But now, Feng Sizhe also knew that explaining those things was of no use. Thinking of another purpose of his visit, Feng Sizhe raised the idea of ​​meeting Zuo Anran and having a talk.

Guan Denggui also supported this idea and called his goddaughter Zuo Anran in front of him, and they agreed to have lunch together at noon.

As the governor, Feng Sizhe naturally had a lot of work to do. After discussing things with Guan Denggui, he left the provincial CPPCC building. After all, there was still some time before lunch.


In the office of Chao Long, executive deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Department.

The police officer on duty, Zhang, was standing opposite Chao Long, reporting to him everything that had happened since he went on duty at the hospital yesterday.

Speaking of which, Officer Zhang was quite unjust. No one was on duty for him all night. An Guang finally brought someone to replace him in the morning. He went home and wanted to catch up on some sleep, but Chao Long's phone call came just after he went to bed.

, and he rushed to the Public Security Bureau without stopping.

But although he had a lot of grievances in his heart, he did not dare to mention it at all when facing Chao Long. Instead, he explained the matter clearly according to the other party's request.

"Chao Ting, I've been guarding the door of the ward almost since I arrived at the hospital. There shouldn't be any problems." Officer Zhang said with a very serious look.

"Almost?" Chao Long, as the deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Department, has interrogated countless prisoners, and he can often hear a different flavor from a sentence. This police officer was guarding the ward for almost every sentence.

It made him feel that there seemed to be something going on.

"Ah, well... I was really hungry around eight o'clock in the evening, so I went downstairs to buy some food." When Officer Zhang saw that the leader understood what he meant, he quickly said:

Explaining. But just after saying this, after seeing Chao Long's face turn gloomy, he immediately explained, "Head, Chao Ting, although I went to buy something to eat, I did order two."

A doctor was watching over me, and I went shopping very quickly, in just over ten minutes. I even asked the two doctors specifically, and no one had been to the ward while I was gone."

To say that Officer Zhang is not stupid, he also found two doctors, probably to contain each other. Hearing him say this, Chao Long's face looked better, "Hey, I was derelict in my duty, forgetting that you are here

It’s about being on duty at the hospital, but Xiao Zhang, you also need to know that I have a lot of things to do in a day, and sometimes forgetting some things is just business, right? Let me tell you, this time it’s a big deal. The provincial government’s

Secretary Yin is keeping an eye on this matter. Think carefully about whether anything else happened while you were on duty."

When Officer Zhang heard Chao Long say that he had forgotten about him, he felt a little aggrieved. As for what the other party said about being very busy at work, he didn't believe it. Chao Long usually went to Xiaosa after work. When would he see him?

He had worked overtime. Of course, these were just thoughts in his mind, but he didn't dare to say it out loud. "Chao Hall, nothing really happened. Except for Yin Fenglei who came here during my shift, the rest was in the hospital.

doctors and nurses.”

Officer Zhang also felt very wronged. To say that his performance last night was good, at least he was conscientious in his duties, but who would have thought that something like this would happen? So when he thought about it, Han Chunhong must have taken drugs a long time ago, and it happened to be

It's just that he got sick this morning. There's no way his hands or feet were touched while he was in the hospital.

"Are you sure? Is it possible for those doctors and nurses to do anything else?" Of course Chao Long did not dare to doubt Yin Fenglei, so he could only find a solution from those so-called doctors and nurses.

"Impossible, those doctors and nurses usually come in a few people together. After saying that if other people want to do something to Miss Han inside, Miss Han will also shout. I should be able to listen outside the door.

We're here." Officer Zhang really couldn't think of what happened during his shift, so he couldn't say anything at all.

Seeing that Officer Zhang couldn't seem to provide any useful clues, Chao Long had no choice but to wave his hand and said, "Okay, then you can go back and rest first. If you think of anything, remember to tell me immediately. Oh, by the way, you have been very good these past two days.

You're tired, take a good rest these days, and you won't be on duty at night."

"Thank you." Officer Zhang was very happy when he heard that his boss had given him a day off. He could finally have a good rest. Although he usually didn't have much to do when he was at work, he had to report morning and night.

He still has to come, and sometimes he has to work night shifts, which makes it difficult for him to get a good night's sleep, but this holiday is different, he can sleep until he wakes up naturally, which is definitely a beautiful thing


After walking out of Chao Long's office, Officer Zhang left the Provincial Public Security Department and drove out of the compound in a Volkswagen Express he just bought. Along the way, he was humming a little tune, looking very proud of himself.

"Hey, I can have a good rest for a few days, and I don't even have to work the night shift anymore. This is really a beautiful thing." Officer Zhang was thinking this while driving the car, but suddenly he braked and stopped.

, the sentence "night shift" seemed to make him think of something.

For some reason, Officer Zhang suddenly thought of the doctor who went to Han Chunhong's ward for rounds last night. He also remembered that since then, there had been no movement in Han Chunhong's room. He had heard Han Chunhong's room before.

The movement of the young lady tossing and turning in the hospital bed, unable to sleep, has indeed not happened since then. Could it be that there is something wrong with the doctor?

Thinking about it, the doctor was pushing a cart with syringes and instruments into the ward. Normally, doctors would do ward rounds. Is it necessary to do this?

Questions suddenly popped out of his heart one after another, shocking Officer Zhang himself. His intuition told him that the doctor might have a problem. Thinking like this, he took out his mobile phone from his arms and gave it to Chao

The dragon fought over.

"Chao Ting, I suddenly thought of something very suspicious, and I want to report it to you." Officer Zhang thought about telling Chao Long what he suspected on the phone.

This chapter has been completed!
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