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Chapter 238: Seeking Help from Xu Chaoqi

If you understand it this way, it can be explained. Such a decision will also tell others invisibly that you, Wang Hailiang, want to use Yin Fenglei as a cover to attract the pressure of Chao Long to attack you. That is not feasible. If you want to have your own way, then

You can only shoot yourself in the foot.

"Haha, thank you." Yin Fenglei thanked Zhang Yang. At this moment, he was still very excited. He was proud and proud to follow a leader like Feng Sizhe.

In the governor's office, Wang Ruihua hung up the phone, turned around and glanced at Feng Sizhe who was sitting nearby, and couldn't help but shook his head, "You are really powerful. You even used such a method. I'm afraid that Feng Lei will be obsessed with you in the future.


"Originally Feng Lei was the person I liked, okay? If there was no such thing, I was going to mention him as deputy director, but this just happened to catch up. Besides, Wang Hailiang wanted to make trouble with the people around me, but he didn't even think about it.

, will I agree? This time, let’s just use this matter to show them how powerful they are. To be honest, Chao Long’s behavior was originally what Zhang Yang and Yin Fenglei meant, and I had no intention of intervening, but now it seems that I really

I intervened, otherwise wouldn't others say I have a guilty conscience?" Feng Sizhe looked at Wang Ruihua with a smile and said lightly.

"As good as you are, you will make excuses for your behavior." Wang Ruihua doesn't think so. Although Feng Sizhe is not yet forty years old, when it comes to playing zz, his skills are no worse than those of the old raccoons, or even anyone else.

If you dare to look down on him, they will bite you later, ranging from serious injuries to being kicked out of the official career circle.

"Haha, you are the only one who dares to say this." Feng Sizhe still smiled like that. Thinking about his position now, even if others see through some things, they dare not say them out. Of course, Wang Ruihua can make an exception. This is

His own woman, and the woman who bore him a son.

"Get it." Wang Ruihua also chuckled. Women, no matter how strong they are, like to show their cutest side and act coquettishly in front of the man they like. Just like now, her appearance is undoubtedly

Act like a little girl in front of the man you like, showing off the unique charm of a woman.

Looking at Wang Ruihua's performance at the moment, Feng Sizhe was also a little distracted. He thought that he had been in Capital Province for the past few days and had only been busy understanding the situation. He had not done anything else. He didn't even have much contact with Wang Ruihua.

And now seeing the other person showing off his charm like this in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little bit ready to make a move.

Feng Sizhe's performance was noticed in time by Wang Ruihua. She quickly took a few steps back, and then said to the former, "Hey, you can pay attention to your identity. After all, this is the governor's office."

"Oh, you mean, if this is not my office, I can do whatever I want." Feng Sizhe caught the other party's sick words and smiled.

"I hate you." When Wang Ruihua heard this, he blushed on his face. But everyone was a restrained person and quickly returned to normal, "Hey, this time the matter with the Public Security Department is an opportunity.

, have you figured out what to do?"

"Well, it should be about the same. In this case, please go and call Comrade Yuan Weimin over, and I will discuss it with him." As soon as he got down to business, Feng Sizhe returned to his majestic attitude as a provincial governor.

Wang Ruihua also knew that he couldn't joke casually when he was doing business, so he nodded immediately. Now that Yin Fenglei and Zhang Yang are not here, she will play the role of secretary for a while.


Just after Chao Long suddenly attacked Wang Hailiang and arrested three division-level and seven deputy division cadres, the situation in the Provincial Public Security Department immediately became complicated. There were very few people in the usually bustling corridors of the Provincial Department Building.

When walking around, even if someone has to go out, they do so very carefully, as if they are afraid that if they make a loud noise, they will offend a leader and cause countless troubles.

However, just as everyone was paying careful attention to the situation, another news suddenly came out, that is, Deputy Governor Yuan Weimin, who was in charge of the Public Security Bureau, suddenly joined forces with Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Chang Qingshan, and Chao Long from the Provincial Department.

The deputy director went to the Sichuan City Public Security Bureau and took control of a deputy director there named Wang Lei.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately aroused a heated discussion, because who among the provincial departments didn’t know that Wang Lei was definitely Wang Hailiang’s loyal supporter. This person was also one of the officers assigned by Director Wang to the Sichuan Public Security Bureau.

After all, the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of the provincial capital city is still very valuable, but he was pulled out like this. Could it be said that Chao Long was really desperate?

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye will know at a glance that Chao Long alone cannot stir up such a big wave. With the addition of Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Chang Qingshan, everyone has already seen that this matter has something to do with the new acting governor Feng Sizhe.

It has a big relationship. Who doesn't know that Chang Qingshan is a member of the People's Discipline Inspection Commission, he is related to the He family, and Young Master Feng's lover is He Shasha, an authentic direct descendant of the He family.

If there is just a Chao Long jumping here, Tang Jian is not afraid. This person is not a good bird. As long as the beating is timely, this matter can be suppressed. But now that Feng Sizhe intervenes, it will be difficult to handle.

But it happened that at this time, Wang Hailiang detained Mr. Feng's secretary. This gave him a reason to officially intervene in the case. Tang Jian was very depressed at this time.

Wang Hailiang let Yin Fenglei go. After learning that Wang Lei had been arrested, he went to the provincial party committee and found Tang Jian.

"Secretary Tang, please save me this time. I have always listened to your words." In front of Tang Jian, Wang Hailiang looked like his little daughter-in-law had been wronged.

"Okay, I'm just thinking of a way." Tang Jian said a little upset. Speaking of which, Wang Hailiang did listen to me, although because of his good relationship with Mr. Ji, he didn't often leave him.

relationship, but when his orders were issued to the provincial department, they were still able to implement them with all their strength. This also allowed Tang Jian to maintain a strong voice in the provincial public security department, but if this person was taken down

It is conceivable that he, the secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Affairs Committee, will not have an easy time. Without the support of the Public Security Department, it will be awkward for him to be a secretary.

Tang Jian tapped the table with his fingers, intending to call Ji Quanyong to ask for instructions. However, considering that things did not seem to be at their worst, it would be a bit early to move out of the banner of Secretary Ji at this time.

, you should discuss it with Xu Chaoqi first.

Xu Chaoqi is now the first brother of the provincial party committee. If he is willing to come forward and say hello to Feng Sizhe, I believe it will play a good role. And if Ji Quanyong has to worry about everything, firstly, he will make others feel that he is incompetent, and secondly,

Will it also make Xu Chaoqi unhappy? Why, don't you all take me seriously? You know, I am the first brother in the capital appointed by the organization. If you have something to report, you will report it to someone else. This is not good for everyone.

Do it.

"Okay, you go back first, I will find a solution for this matter." Tang Jian issued an expulsion order to Wang Hailiang. He also wanted to go to Xu Chaoqi to report the matter. The position of the provincial public security director is very important, but

Feng Sizhe must not be allowed to take advantage of the loophole and take away this powerful department.

Wang Hailiang left Tang Jian feeling somewhat resentful. Now he had placed his hope on this person, because he knew very well in his heart who Wang Lei was and how many shameful things he had done for him.

Tang Jian called Ji Quanyong's office after Wang Hailiang left. After learning that the other party happened to be free now, he got up and headed towards the ninth floor.

Xu Chaoqi sat majestically on the office chair. After watching Secretary Wu Xin pour tea for Tang Jian, he waved his hand, and Secretary Wu wisely withdrew.

"What's the matter with Secretary Tang?" Although he already knew the purpose of the other party's visit, Xu Chaoqi still picked it up, thinking that his current status really qualified him to act as a big brother in front of others.

"Secretary Xu, I'm here to report to you about the recent work of the Public Security Department." Tang Jian didn't intend to hide it, and since everyone was in the discipline department, he went straight to the topic.

"Well, tell me." Xu Chaodian nodded, then took the teacup on the table and drank it slowly.

Looking at Xu Chaoqi's calm expression, Tang Jian thought to himself, "Why are you so awesome? To put it bluntly, don't you have the same status as me in front of Secretary Ji? Even if you take this position, how much can you do?"

Where is the Lord?" Of course, these words were just what he was thinking in his mind, but he did not dare to say them out.

"Secretary Xu, the atmosphere in the Provincial Public Security Department is not very good now. Without notifying me, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection suddenly launched an investigation into some cadres of the Public Security Department. Now there is a commotion and it is difficult to carry out work.

, and just now Comrade Wang Hailiang came to me and said that if the situation continues like this, I don’t know how to work.”

Listening to Tang Jian's report, Xu Chaoqi sneered, "Wang Hailiang is unsure, huh! You usually don't pay attention to your work, but if something goes wrong, have you thought of asking your boss?"

Xu Chaoqi didn't have a very good impression of Wang Hailiang. He still remembered that Xu Chaoqi's younger brother, Xu Chaoying, had committed a crime when one of his subordinates committed a crime. He had greeted Wang Hailiang and hoped that he would be released immediately, but in the end he still followed the procedure.

The law was settled. Although it was not handled according to the strictest requirements, it was still handled after all. At that time, Xu Chaoqi had just become the governor. For this matter, he went to Ji Quanyong to complain, but the Ji family

Considering that these two people are his direct descendants, they each made a fifty-fifty strike and reconciled.

This chapter has been completed!
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