Turn off the lights
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Chapter 255: Do something and don't do something (seeking monthly ticket)

After saying this bitterly, without waiting for Xie Kaiquan to say anything, Ji Dapeng turned around and left, slamming the office door loudly as he left.

Xie Kaiquan never expected that it would end like this. It would be false to say that he didn't mind other people's comments, especially the Ji family's impression of him was even more important. It can be said that what Ji Dapeng said just now is true.

It was breaking his heart.

The secretary entered the room responsibly from the outside. He just saw Ji Dapeng leaving in a menacing manner, so he wanted to come in to comfort his boss, but before he could speak, Xie Kaiquan waved his hand, "You can get off work first.

, I want to stay alone for a while."

The secretary nodded quickly and exited the office. Of course, he didn't dare to leave work. All he could do was stay here. Being a secretary was not that easy sometimes.

Xie Kaiquan sat in the office for half an hour. During that time, he kept thinking about what Ji Dapeng said just now, and then concluded, does his current status really depend on the help of the Ji family? Indeed, of course he can be promoted so quickly.

He has a lot to do with the Ji family, but if he can hold the position of director of the Guochuan Development Zone, a national key large-scale development zone, and still be satisfied by all parties, it should be his own ability.

While Xie Kaiquan was still deep in thought in the room, the door of the office was pushed open. When he saw another secretary walking in, he immediately said angrily, "Didn't I say it? You can get off work.

I just want to be alone."

"Haha, Comrade Kaiquan is very angry. It doesn't matter. I just want to be quiet. Why don't we just stay together. I won't disturb you anyway." At this moment, a loud voice sounded,

Then behind the secretary, Feng Sizhe suddenly appeared.

When he saw Feng Sizhe actually coming, Xie Kaiquan immediately shouted, "Acting Governor, why are you here?"

"Haha, I just got off work. I passed by you and saw that your office light was still on, so I wanted to come over and take a look. I didn't expect that you were actually there, and you didn't seem to be in a good mood." Feng Sizhe said with a smile.


Obviously Feng Sizhe's lies were all lies. When returning from get off work from the provincial government to the Provincial Standing Committee, he did not need to pass through the development zone. The reporter said that the lights of the office building in the development zone could not be seen from the outside. Of course, even if Feng Sizhe knew that Xie Kaiquan wouldn't point it out if he was lying. It was just a form of language art. To put it bluntly, it was just a statement made by a leader, and no subordinate would ever expose it.

"Acting Governor, please have a seat, please have a seat." But no matter what, Feng Sizhe came anyway. As a landlord, Xie Kaiquan must treat him with courtesy. This is the same for ordinary guests, not to mention that this is the governor.


"Haha, you don't have to be so polite." Feng Sizhe casually sat down on the sofa in the reception area.

Yin Fenglei, who was following behind him, watched his boss sit down and smiled. Then he pushed the secretary who thanked Kaiquan, and the two of them exited the door and walked out.

When only Feng Sizhe and Xie Kaiquan were left in the office, Mr. Feng said with a smile, "What's wrong, Comrade Kaiquan, you seem to be in a bad mood. Can you tell me about it?"

"Hey, it's nothing, it's just a small matter." Xie Kaiquan said with a smile on his face, obviously he didn't want to tell what happened when Ji Dapeng came just now.

Xie Kaiquan didn't say anything, but Feng Sizhe already knew it. He was very satisfied with Xie Kaiquan's performance in today's meeting, but he also knew that this matter was not over. He probably didn't want to blame himself for some trouble, but

He really dared to find Xie Kaiquan, so he had already arranged for Chen Hu to keep an eye on this area. Sure enough, Wang Fanghua, who was responsible for keeping an eye on this area, called when he got off work, saying that Ji Dapeng had come to the development zone.

It's not clear what they were talking about, but it can be seen that the young master of the Ji family was in a bad mood when he left.

After listening to Chen Hu's report, Feng Sizhe came to the development zone after get off work. Originally, he could have arrived earlier, but he happened to have some official matters to deal with, and he also had to give this person some time to think about his work, so he I came a little late. At this time, it can be said that the time is just right. Xie Kaiquan should not be so angry anymore.

"Comrade Kaiquan, I still want to thank you for today's matter. Without your support, I am afraid that the matter will not be passed so easily. Your actions have reduced unnecessary losses for the country and the people of Capital Province. You can be said to be taking credit.

Extremely great." Feng Sizhe looked at Xie Kaiquan's reluctance to say it, so he took the initiative to raise the topic.

Listening to Feng Sizhe's praise, Xie Kaiquante was not excited at all, "This is what we should do. There is no merit. I just hope that the new airport can be successfully built in my hands. In that case, I will be considered right."

I have won the trust of the country and people in me."

"That's good. But it's a matter of trust and responsibility. Nowadays, some officials really can't do it. I agree with you. Don't think that what you do is completely normal and what you should do. In fact, I can guess

You must be under a lot of pressure, and it takes a lot of courage to dare to stand up under heavy pressure and fight against some unfair and unfair things. To be honest, just rely on this

, you are admirable, at least I, Feng Sizhe, admire you very much." Young Master Feng extended his thumb to Xie Kaiquan.

Regarding Feng Hua Xinzhe's praise again, Xie Kaiquan shook his head and smiled bitterly, "These things I have done are nothing. Relatively speaking, the acting governor is the one who is admired. Although I have known about Laohutan for a long time.

It is not suitable for building an airport, but I have never dared to stand up and say it. I just hope that other leaders can see it for themselves. However, you corrected the problem in time as soon as you discovered the problem. This righteousness is beyond my level."

"That's different. I'm the governor. I should be responsible for the economic work of the province. Now, I just came here and I don't have to consider so many relationships and favors when doing things. But you are different. I know you

What you do will make some people dissatisfied, but sometimes this is how you work, you can't be afraid of offending people, otherwise nothing will be done well." Feng Sizhe looked at Xie Kaiquan and said very seriously.

After saying this, he noticed that Xie Kaiquan frowned, and Feng Sizhe continued, "Comrade Kaiquan, please forgive me for talking about some big principles here. There are things that people do and things they don't do in their lives. Many things are obvious.

It is a good thing, but why no one does it? Everyone understands many truths, but why do they all pretend not to understand? This is the reason of human nature, and only those who live free and easy and know what they are doing are real people.

Such people tend to ignore difficulties, setbacks, and even all kinds of family ties. They may be regarded as cold-blooded and unkind, but in fact, what they do is for the greater public. Such people are truly

Men. On the contrary, those who look forward and look back will never achieve great things. Until the day they die, they may realize that nothing worthwhile has happened to them in this life. Such a life is different from not being born.

What's the difference?"

"Something to do, something not to do?" As if he understood the meaning of Feng Sizhe's words, Xie Kaiquan's face became a little more alive.

"That's right, I'm not giving you a high hat. What you did today is the choice that a person who does great things should make. Here, on behalf of the people of Capital Province, I would like to express my gratitude to you. Thank you. Thank you, Comrade Kaiquan." After saying this,

As he spoke, Feng Sizhe very solemnly extended his hand to Xie Kaiquan, who was still thinking about the meaning of his words.

Feng Sizhe was so solemn that Xie Kaiquan was a little flattered and said, "Acting Governor, this is not allowed."

"There is nothing wrong with it. What you do deserves such respect. You have earned all this by your own ability." Feng Sizhe shook his head, as if this is how it should be.

Feng Sizhe's attitude made Xie Kaiquan suddenly enlightened. He suddenly felt that compared to this kind of respect, Ji Dapeng's words just now were nothing at all. Yes, people should do something in their lives and cannot always be mediocre, otherwise it would be really

What a waste of life.

When he saw that Xie Kaiquan seemed to be thinking about it, Feng Sizhe added at the right time, "Comrade Kaiquan, if there is anything you can't handle this time, you can blame me. Although I am not wider than your shoulders."

How much, but I can still bear it."

As soon as he said this, it was like Feng Sizhe was taking the blame for Xie Kaiquan. If Ji Quanyong was really acquitted later, the latter would only have to push the former.

"No need." Unexpectedly, Xie Kaiquan did not accept Feng Sizhe's kindness. On the contrary, he said, "I will not change what I decided. If there are any problems, I will naturally take them. Of course, I will also thank you."

, Governor, I have seen from you what it means to serve the people wholeheartedly, and I think many of our comrades will gradually feel this."

Feng Sizhe did not expect that Xie Kaiquan would say this, or even speak so highly of himself. At the same time, he also dropped the pronoun in front of the governor, which showed that the other party truly accepted him. Young Master Feng couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

He smiled and said, "Haha, you are so good at flattering me so easily."

Hearing what Feng Sizhe said, Xie Kaiquan finally burst into laughter. Originally, people from the two camps had the same ideas, but now they came together like this. This is the role of ideas.

After the Provincial Standing Committee, as the acting governor, Feng Sizhe's reputation greatly increased. In terms of personnel power, Wang Hailiang was simply removed because he offended his secretary, and he became the director of the department from a high position.

A prisoner who lost his freedom, this allowed everyone to see the cool and ruthless side of young Feng Sizhe, and at the same time made Xia Yu, Yuan Weimin and others admire him very much. These people all hated him because of some things that happened recently.

Regarding the attitude of the provincial department, if something happened to the deputy governor of other provinces, the leaders of the provincial public security department would have been held accountable for a long time. However, this would not be the case in Capital Province. It is entirely because Wang Hailiang is a member of the discipline department.

A cadre. But even so, Young Master Feng managed to find a way out and was knocked off his horse. Doesn't this prove how powerful he is?

This chapter has been completed!
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