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Chapter 2127 Someone wants to make trouble and ask for a monthly ticket

"Well, not bad, not bad." After eating a whole piece of Jingxi dim sum, Mr. Fang was satisfied and wiped his mouth with the towel handed by A Fang, and then said, "Let's serve tea."

At this moment, Mr. Fang showed his usual serious expression again, which made Feng Sizhe not only stunned. That sense of majesty without anger made the young master Feng, who was already in a high position, feel a trace of respect.

heart of.

"I heard from outsiders that people who know you well call you Xiaozhe, so it's not too much for me to call you that." Mr. Fang finally spoke after sipping the fragrant tea.

"Yes, the elders all call me that. I just don't know if the younger generation can boldly ask which leader you heard from." Feng Sizhe slowly raised his head and asked softly.

"What? Only the chief can call you that?" Mr. Fang seemed a little unhappy about this question and frowned.

"No, how could it be? I just asked casually. If Grandma Fang has any inconvenience, don't say anything." Feng Sizhe lowered his head again, looking very respectful.

Seeing that Feng Sizhe had behaved very well since he came in, Mr. Fang felt soft in his heart, "Hey, it doesn't hurt to tell you. I heard what Comrade Hua Liguo from Guanggui Province said."

Suddenly hearing Mr. Fang talking about Hua Lao, Feng Sizhe immediately realized that he was the person he had made friends with when he was the deputy mayor of Haibei City, Guanggui Province. Because Hua Lao admired Feng Sizhe's work philosophy and style very much, the two soon became friends who have been together for many years.

, even now we still contact him occasionally. Now when he heard Mr. Fang mention this person, he couldn't help but feel reassured. He believed that since he had a good relationship with Hua Lao, he should get more positive information about himself.

With this in mind, Feng Sizhe said without delay, "It turns out to be Mr. Hua. Yes, I have dealt with Mr. Hua for work. Although this man is older, his character is still the same as before, and the younger generation admires him."

"Haha, I didn't expect that this little flower's position in your heart is quite low." Mr. Fang said with a smile.

Hearing that Hua Lao, the most senior person in Guanggui Province, was actually called Xiaohua by Mr. Fang, Feng Sizhe felt that he was in a bad mood at this moment. This person's comparison with others was really irritating.

"Well, what? This time you come to me, you won't just bring me snacks for your grandma, right?" Mr. Fang was still smiling just now, but suddenly his tone became serious, and his face was really June-like, and he said

It changes as it changes.

Fortunately, Feng Sizhe had already prepared it. When he heard Fang Xian's question, he said, "Yes, Mr. Fang, this time the junior came here to do other things."

Feng Sizhe suddenly changed his name and no longer called Grandma Fang but Mr. Fang. This meant that what he was going to talk about was business matters. Mr. Fang could also think of this, so she immediately said, "Okay, Governor Feng, what's the matter?"

You can just talk about the things, but I want to remind you that the things you are talking about should not be trivial."

"Of course, if it's a small matter, I can raise it at the Provincial Standing Committee." Feng Sizhe didn't dare to be pretentious. After just explaining, he took out a small folder that had been stored for a long time.

Presented it. "Mr. Fang, please take a look first."

Seeing Feng Sizhe handing over the documents, Mr. Fang was stunned. What could not be reported verbally, and why should it be so formal? Immediately, she took the folder with suspicion, opened it, and started reading. It didn't take a while.

, her expression became more solemn, then angry, and then turned into calm.

In this short time, Mr. Fang's heart has experienced several changes. This cannot be hidden from Feng Sizhe, who has been staring at her. Of course, Mr. Feng will not open his mouth casually at this time. He wants to give Mr. Fang

time to consider.

Mr. Fang was really thinking about it at this moment. Looking at the document handed over by Feng Sizhe, it turned out to be about his grandson Ji Dapeng. The document listed several things related to Ji Dapeng, the most important of which was the recent case.

, nine people died and twenty-three were injured. These consequences were all caused by her grandson’s thoughts and actions.

If someone else had done such a thing, Mr. Fang would definitely send it to the corresponding agency for processing, but this time the person was indeed her relative, so she would inevitably feel a little painful when making the decision.

Mr. Fang now understands the reason why Feng Sizhe came to see him. His relationship is because he has taken advantage of his grandson, and he doesn't know what to do. This has caused a conflict transfer and has been directly handed over to him. Now that this trip

He came here after listening to He Jiayu, and he also brought Jingxi snacks. So Mr. Zhao and Mr. He should also know about this matter. Even if they knew about it, it should be the two of them who gave Feng Sizhe the idea, so that

He came to find her. If this was the case, she would have to be more cautious in making decisions.

Mr. Fang only has one daughter and one grandson. Now her only grandson is involved in the law. How can she not be anxious?

But Mr. Fang also knows that it is useless to be anxious at this time. Since Feng Sizhe has already arrived and is here to deliver something on behalf of He Jiayu, it proves that more than one person knows about this matter.

She couldn't hide it anymore. Besides, she had no intention of hiding it. Decades of revolutionary experience told her what the Party was. Although it could not be completely fair and open, the most basic fairness was still necessary, that is,

However, if your grandson has done these wrong things, he needs to take responsibility.

Of course, it is impossible for Mr. Fang to make a decision quickly. After all, she also needs time to think carefully. She is thinking about how to best solve this matter, that is, let her

The law reflects fairness and at the same time prevents oneself from being too sad.

But before making a decision, Mr. Fang still wanted to see Feng Sizhe's attitude. After all, he was told about this matter. If the result given cannot satisfy the other party, it obviously won't work. "Governor Feng, look at this

How should this matter be handled better?"

Feng Sizhe could feel that Mr. Fang's words were very sincere. This at least proved that the other party did not underestimate him and wanted to respect him. This was enough for him. But beforehand, he had never thought that he would be the one to do it.

To resolve this matter, he has given full responsibility to Mr. Fang. As his grandfather said, as people who have experienced the test of war and have strong beliefs, they do not need the guidance and guidance of others at all.


"Mr. Fang, you can just watch and handle this matter. I won't interfere." Under business circumstances, of course Feng Sizhe would not call the other party's grandma, but call her by her first name, just like Mr. Fang called him Feng.

The governor is the same.

"Okay." Listening to Feng Sizhe's answer, Mr. Fang also nodded with satisfaction. This is what she wants. Of course, for this, she must be treated fairly, otherwise, she will have to deal with it first.

It's hard to get through. This is a junior's trust in an elder. If she doesn't handle it well, it will make others look down upon her. And for a person with her status, she naturally values ​​face more than any other aspect.

Soon, Feng Sizhe left the Fang Mansion. He did not ask Mr. Fang to make a decision immediately. He gave the other party time. Mr. Fang also did not answer immediately. Obviously this matter was also very difficult for her.

Although his grandson is not directly involved in this life, it still has a lot to do with it.

No one knew that Feng Sizhe had returned to the provincial capital from Kyoto, let alone that he had secretly met with Mr. Fang. In fact, even Ji Quanyong might not believe that Feng Sizhe would go to see him.

Mother-in-law, if he thought about it, even if Mr. Feng had this idea, his mother-in-law would definitely meet this person.

After returning to Capital Province, Feng Sizhe did not get into work immediately. Instead, he took a day off, and then on the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, he suddenly appeared in the provincial government compound. He was on duty here.

The leader was also stunned. It was clearly written on the duty list that the governor's work date would start on the 11th day of the first lunar month, and he entered work two days in advance. Of course, everyone was caught off guard.

However, other provincial party committee leaders did not pay much attention to Feng Sizhe's return to work two days early, especially the cadres in the Disciplinary Department. They all thought it was this person's deliberate performance to win people's hearts with a high profile, and no one even thought about it.

Why do people come back early?

And just to see that Feng Sizhe has returned to the provincial government to start working, Secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee Tang Jian, Organization Minister Su Hanmin, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Pang Yijun, Propaganda Minister Mou Ximing, United Front Minister Mei Guolong, Standing Committee Vice Governor Zou Anlin, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee

Chang Zhengqing congratulated Yang Dawei, Secretary of the Sichuan Municipal Party Committee, where the provincial capital is located, and others, as usual, spending their annual vacations. Occasionally, they would organize a meal together, and one of the main topics during the meal was the future after the new year.

Provincial People's Congress.

This year's Provincial People's Congress is different from previous years, especially in terms of the government. In the past, it was just about listening to the government's work report and presentation of the next five years, but this year it involves whether Feng Sizhe will be transferred from acting governor to governor.

Such a major event is of course valued by everyone, especially those who are their opponents.

With the efforts of Tang Jian and Pang Yijun, they united a total of seven members of the Provincial Standing Committee, accounting for half of the nearby Provincial Standing Committee. Their purpose was to embarrass Feng Sizhe. They had already thought about it and even did it

The decision has been made to make a fuss about the National People's Congress, and strive to prevent Feng Sizhe from being allowed to have the name of his own. If this is the case, it is conceivable that even if the central government issues an order, I am afraid that Feng Dashao will not stay in the capital province.

After all, everyone wants to have face. If he didn’t even pass half the vote, then how could Feng Sizhe have the face to work in Capital Province?

This chapter has been completed!
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