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Chapter 2149 Xie Kaiquan's Attitude Asking for a Monthly Ticket

There are also some capable people in the Capital Province. Soon the central government's decision on the Capital Province was spread. The cadres of the provincial party committee and the provincial government were basically aware that there was a wind from the upper levels that was going to blow to the Capital Province, and this wind was aimed at the Capital Province.

The one is their young governor Feng Sizhe.

On the way to the office in the morning, Feng Sizhe even noticed that there were many middle-level cadres who used to rush to say hello when they saw him. At this time, they all stayed away from him and looked at him from a distance, as if he was now

Like a god of plague, it will bring trouble to them once provoked.

This is the cold world. If a person is aloof, countless people will naturally come to fawn over you. But when a person is depressed, how many people will come to comfort you? I'm afraid that others will take the opportunity to step on you, which is not bad, right?


As soon as he entered the office, Zhang Yang, secretary-general of the Provincial Government Office, walked in. "Boss, Secretary Tang Jian has returned from Kyoto."

"Yeah." Feng Sizhe nodded.

"Also, after Secretary Tang came back, he spread rumors one after another, saying that this time the central government will take down you, boss. He also said that if other people have anything about you, they can report it to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. He told these people not to be afraid of crackdowns.

Revenge." Zhang Yang continued.

"Yeah." Feng Sizhe still nodded, but still didn't express his opinion. Isn't this Tang Jian a little impatient to wait now? Well, let's take this incident to see who around him is truly of the same mind as him.


Feng Sizhe wanted to use this incident to observe people's hearts. And he himself believed that there was nothing wrong with his actions in these two matters. The disaster relief materials were sold, and his responsibility was very small. He only had influence on

It's just his own fault. As for Xia Yu's matter, he needs to be held accountable. It's just a leadership responsibility. You can't do anything to him. He is very curious. This time the Lu family has put on such a big show.

What can I do to myself?

The world is selfless in his heart. Feng Sizhe has done nothing untoward or against his conscience, so he is not afraid of others coming to find out. But how do other people know this? When everyone sees that the trend in the province is obviously not good for Feng Sizhe, these people start to do it.

made their own choice, and the first person to waver was Executive Vice Governor Zheng Defu.

This cadre who parachuted into the capital province together with Feng Sizhe, this deputy governor who had had problems with Feng Sizhe but was finally entrusted with important tasks and believed in was indeed the first to betray Feng when this trend came.

Governor. He went directly to SW Secretary Xu Chaoqi’s office and took the initiative to show his loyalty. In fact, he really wanted to go to the Ji Department to show his loyalty, but he knew that as an outsider, he would not be able to get the Ji Department.

Trustworthy, of course, there is another point. He once had a very unhappy relationship with Zou Anlin, a member of the Discipline Department and Vice Governor of the Standing Committee. At this time, if he went to the Discipline Department, he would not get any good results, so he chose another one.

Xu Chaoqi was also extremely powerful.

Xu Chaoqi certainly welcomed Zheng Defu's active surrender. Since Feng Sizhe might be about to fall, it would be a good thing if he could take this opportunity to regain his powers.

Following Zheng Defu's move, the other deputy governors who had just cooperated with Feng Sizhe also began to make their choices. If they chose the discipline department, if they chose Xu Chaoqi, some even chose Yu Chunhao, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. In short,

Everyone showed their abilities, and there was indeed only one deputy governor left who could really serve under Feng Sizhe. He was Yuan Weimin, the deputy governor who is now in charge of the Public Security Department, social stability, national defense mobilization, and air defense.

After Zhang Yang left, Yuan Weimin took the initiative to report to Feng Sizhe. He talked about the disaster relief material sales case and also focused on Niu Er. He also said that Duan Yuntao, director of the Sichuan City Public Security Bureau, is now using

Use all means to find this person. As long as you find this person, the case will take a big turn and the situation will be much better.

Feng Sizhe was somewhat moved that Yuan Weimin came to talk to him at this time. Others could not hide now, but he did take the initiative to come up and report on his work. This proved one point, that is Yuan Weimin

This person is reliable and can be trusted.

After Yuan Weimin left, another deputy governor was welcomed into the office. Feng Sizhe was very surprised by the appearance of this person, because he did not expect that Xie Kaiquan would come to report to him at such a time. Could he not

Do you know those things about yourself? Definitely not. Then what does it mean if they still come?

As the director of the Guochuan Development Zone in charge of the only national-level development zone in Capital Province, and also the commander-in-chief of the construction of the new airport, Xie Kaiquan's power is not small at all, and even the general deputy governor's authority is not as good as his. In addition,

With his relationship with the Ji family, it can be said that there is no need to flatter Feng Sizhe at any time, but today, he really showed up.

"Have a seat." Feng Sizhe took the initiative to come to the reception area, thanked him and took a seat.

Feng Sizhe was still a little surprised by Xie Kaiquan's arrival. He still couldn't figure out the purpose of Xie Kaiquan's arrival. Did he come to deliver a message to the Ji family, or did he take the initiative to comfort himself? He couldn't tell yet.

"Governor, I am here to report on the progress of the new airport. With the new airport completely settled in Tianping Village, with the cooperation of various departments, the construction of the new airport..."

There, Xie Kaiquan gave a detailed report on the situation at the new airport.

Since Ji Dapeng was brought to Kyoto by Fang Wusheng, the residents of Laohutan have stopped making troubles. No one has organized them. These people are like a piece of loose sand, unable to make trouble even if they want to. In this way, the construction of the new airport has entered the stage.

On the right track, and under the leadership of Xie Kaiquan, the construction of the new airport is in full swing and the progress is very fast.

After reporting on the new airport, Xie Kaiquan took the initiative to report on the work of the Guochuan Development Zone. Finally, he said, "Governor, Great Wall Motors has settled in the development zone, which has greatly stimulated the economic development of the development zone.

This is inseparable from the support and help of the provincial governor. Here, on behalf of the leaders and comrades of the development zone, I would like to thank the provincial governor for his support."

Xie Kaiquan's sudden statement about this matter is self-evident. He is showing that after Feng Sizhe became governor, he still did a lot of work for the country's economic development. At least the settlement of Great Wall Motors is closely related to

Feng Sizhe's efforts are inseparable. Of course, these superficial political achievements are the result of Zheng Defu's efforts, but no one knows that Vice Governor Zheng is just taking advantage of Governor Feng.

"Thank you." Feng Sizhe now understood Xie Kaiquan's intention, and thought that it was really rare for someone to take the initiative to express his support at this time. As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed, at this time, he should really say it to them

A thank you.

"Don't say this to the governor. You should say thank you to us. Your arrival has made a huge contribution to the economic development of the province. This is something that the previous governors could not do. They only knew how to stand on their own laurels and only knew how to develop.

The local economy, but they really don’t know that the consequences of this will only make the capital province’s economy fall further and further behind, and sooner or later it will be at the bottom of the country. At that time, it will be difficult to cheer up.” Xie Kaiquan seemed to have some insights.

Speaking of which, it can be said that when Ji Quanyong was the governor, he was a cadre of the capital province, followed by Xu Chaoqi. Although these two people have certain abilities, they have played a very important role in economic development and promotion.

It was so small that it even hindered economic development. Until Feng Sizhe came to Capital Province, although the time was still very short and the progress in the economic field was not very great, just relying on the settlement of Great Wall Motors, he did not know how to provide

How much GDP has the entire province's economy increased? Moreover, the most important thing is the issue of vision. With Great Wall Motors as the leader, I believe more and more businesses will settle in Capital Province. That is the most meaningful and important thing.


Xie Kaiquan then talked a lot. The bottom line is that he admires Feng Sizhe's work ability. He even stated that as long as the investigation team talks to him, he will truly reflect his thoughts. He just wants to say to the above, if

The central government transferred Feng Sizhe because of this, which was definitely a big loss to the capital province.

Xie Kaiquan stayed for nearly an hour before leaving. Looking at the man's leaving figure, Feng Sizhe felt a lot. He found that as long as he did things seriously, he would be recognized by others, and this further strengthened his determination.

With a spirit of refusing to admit defeat, Xie Kaiquan's arrival was like a strong injection, making him understand that as long as he works hard, he will always be rewarded, and as long as he works hard, he will gain the sincere respect of others.

After Xie Kaiquan left, Feng Sizhe's mood suddenly improved. He suddenly decided to go to Xichuan City to have a look. He thought that if he could save thousands of people through his own efforts, then no matter what kind of grievances and difficulties he had, he would be able to save thousands of people.

What does it matter?

So, Feng Sizhe took some people to Xichuan again. At this time, he was still in the mood to go to Xichuan to inspect the disaster prevention drills there. This was indeed beyond the expectations of many people. Everyone thought that this was Feng Sizhe.

I was scared and went to Xichuan to hide from the wind.

Soon, two investigation teams from the central government arrived in the capital province. Ji Quanyong, the director of the Provincial People's Congress, and Xu Chaoqi, the secretary, greeted the group.

When during the banquet, Ouyang Ling learned that Feng Sizhe had gone to Xichuan and was not in the provincial capital, he sneered in his heart, "Why, are you scared? You know how to hide, but it's useless, don't let me

Find something, otherwise, you are destined to be unable to turn around this time."

This chapter has been completed!
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