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Chapter 2190 Find the reason and ask for a monthly pass

Hearing that the topic was getting to the point, Feng Sizhe quickly stood up and said, "Mr. Wei, Mr. Zhong, Mr. Peng, this time I want to use this half deck of playing cards to solve the dilemma I am under investigation."

"Well, you are under investigation? Why? You have to use half a deck of playing cards to save yourself. Tell me, is there really something wrong with you?" Wei Laoyi, who was still a little depressed when he heard Feng Sizhe's words

He asked, his eyes immediately lit up, and he asked aloud.

When asked by Mr. Wei, Feng Sizhe felt a pressure rushing towards him. Fortunately, he had also met Mr. De and Mr. He before, so this kind of pressure did not make him lose his sense of proportion.

"Mr. Wei, if I have any problems, the organization will naturally investigate and find out. If I have to say it myself, then I have a clear conscience." Feng Sizhe's righteous voice sounded in the courtyard.

"You don't have any questions, so why are you afraid of the investigation? You even used half a deck of playing cards. What do you mean?" Mr. Peng asked aloud.

"Yes, what Mr. Peng said is that I have no problem, so why should I be afraid of the investigation? In fact, I am not afraid of the investigation, but because the investigation takes too long and I can't wait. I am eager to get into work now.

, and the investigation is not over yet. After much thinking, I thought of asking all the seniors for help. I hope you can give me a chance, even if it means giving me three days to resume work. After three days, I will still be able to work.

I will come back and accept the organization's investigation." Feng Sizhe knew that this was not the time to be humble, he had to make his attitude clear.

"Oh?" After hearing what Feng Sizhe said, the three elders looked at each other, and they felt something interesting.

If an ordinary cadre got this half deck of playing cards, it would be like finding a treasure, and he would definitely think of using it to do something more beneficial to himself. But Feng Sizhe only used him in exchange for three days of work.

Time, this was indeed beyond their expectations.

"You want three days, what do you want to do?" Old Peng asked again. In fact, this question was also what Mr. Wei and Mr. Zhong wanted to ask.

"I want to go to Xichuan City because disaster drills are ongoing there, and according to comrades from the National Seismological Administration, an earthquake is likely to occur in Xichuan, so I need to go there to take charge of the overall situation." Feng Sizhe said calmly.

"Are you going to take charge of the overall situation? Are there no other leading cadres there?" Mr. Peng was not moved by Feng Sizhe's answer and asked again.

"Of course there is, but they don't have the same ideas as me. They don't think that an earthquake will really happen in Xichuan. They think that the disaster response drill I conducted is a waste of people and money, and it hinders the development of the local economy. So this time I

This behavior is not acceptable to them." Feng Sizhe said loudly.

"Oh, you are stubborn. If other comrades don't think so, why don't you convince them?" Mr. Peng looked at Feng Sizhe with interest and said.

"Yes, do you think those are not as good as you?" Mr. Zhong, who had been silent since Mr. Wei and others came in, finally raised his question.

Seeing that his words had successfully attracted the attention of several elders, Feng Sizhe smiled, "Yes, one person's wisdom is not as good as that of a group, but there is another thing I remember very clearly, that is, the truth is often only in the hands of a few people.

In hand."

"Oh, haha, it's interesting." Mr. Peng couldn't help but laugh when he heard Feng Sizhe say this.

"This kid really looks a bit like his foreigner, Madam Zhao, when he was young." Mr. Zhong also sighed.

It is such a truth that is often only in the hands of a few people, and it reminds them of many past events at once. In the war years, when fighting for the country, why is it not like this? Often everyone cannot see through a thing, only

A few people saw it, but because of the principle of the minority obeying the majority, many things were planned well, but the ending was not good. Since then, a generation of great men have understood that the truth is often in the hands of a few people.

This sentence in my hand.

Facts have proven and historical experience has proven that this statement is correct and tenable.

After being asked by several elders, Feng Sizhe cleverly used this sentence to answer this question, which can be said to be very smart.

After listening to the sighs of several elders, Feng Sizhe felt that the time was ripe and said, "Mr. Wei, Mr. Zhong, Mr. Peng, time is pressing now. The disaster response drill in Xichuan has begun. I am urgently needed there now, and now the central government

The investigation team is still looking for some evidence to prove my innocence, but I really can't wait any longer, so I want to ask the third elder to intercede with me, even if it only gives me three days, let me finish presiding over the disaster relief work.

, I can accept the investigation when I come back."

As he talked, Feng Sizhe became a little anxious. In fact, he couldn't help but be anxious. It had been twenty days since he left Xichuan, and he didn't know what the situation was like there. Faced with being investigated, he didn't know.

Can He Wenbao, Zu Jie and others be able to withstand the pressure? If not, the disaster response drill will end before it even begins. In the event of a disaster, the losses will be inestimable.

For the sake of the country's property and the safety of people's lives, Feng Sizhe risked his life this time and even used half of his hole cards in advance.

Listening to Feng Sizhe's urging, after the three elders made eye contact, Mr. Wei finally spoke, "Well, since Mr. De ordered this half deck of playing cards, he said that the owner can ask us for one.

request, and your request is not too excessive, then we will agree to it. Of course, you can just go back to work first. We will talk about the three-day period later, but this matter also involves organizational principles after all. In this way,

The three of us will say hello to some people, but you know it will take time."

After all, it only takes three days for a veteran like Mr. Wei to take action. This is too underestimated of their ability.

"Yes, I can wait. Thank you Mr. Wei, Mr. Zhong and Mr. Peng here." When Feng Sizhe heard Mr. Wei say this, he knew that things had basically turned around.

Originally, Feng Sizhe wanted to use other relationships in the half deck of playing cards, but as a result, some people are no longer here. If their descendants have this thing, they may not have that much power. There are still some people.

She doesn't live in Kyoto, just like Mr. Fang, she also has her place in this half deck of playing cards, so it won't be easy to find these people in a short time. For Feng Sizhe, who is pressed for time, he has to go the extra mile to find them.

, the effect will not be very good.

So after much deliberation, Feng Sizhe finally abandoned this half of the deck of playing cards. In fact, his goal of finding Mr. Wei and others has been achieved. At least he is the owner of this half of the deck of playing cards. The news will definitely spread.

By the time everyone knows, in fact Mr. De and Mr. He were already very fond of him at that time. If this matter spreads, it will be very beneficial to Feng Sizhe's future development.

This is the true meaning of half a deck of playing cards. It represents the gaze of the previous generation. If it must be said, it can mean that Mr. De and Mr. He have long regarded Feng Sizhe as the successor of the next generation.

, this significance cannot be said to be significant.

After talking about business, Feng Sizhe and He Shasha left first. Only Mr. Wei, Mr. Zhong and Mr. Peng were left in the courtyard.

Mr. Zhong shouted into the courtyard, "Bring the things here."

Soon, a staff member from the Zhong Family Courtyard came over and brought three stacks of information.

After Feng Sizhe and He Shasha arrived, Mr. Zhong asked his staff to search for all this information. As the governor of a province, although his personal files are considered confidential, in the eyes of people like Mr. Zhong, they want to

It is indeed very easy to see.

Now, the information about Feng Sizhe was placed in front of the three old people, each holding a copy, which recorded all his circumstances in detail.

The information recorded in the information is very detailed, even including the cause of death of Feng Sizhe's father, Feng Tangsheng, during the great turmoil. Naturally, it also includes everything that happened while he was studying abroad.

Among them, there are also detailed records of the articles that Feng Sizhe published more than ten years ago when he was young, as well as all the things and actions he did along the way.

It took about half an hour for the three of them to read these things with reading glasses. "Well, this doll is very forward-looking. He predicted a lot of things and did a lot of things before they happened."

Preparation, now it seems that his actions are not redundant, they are all precautionary measures." Mr. Zhong was the first to say after reading the information.

"Yes, it seems that Madman Zhao's so-called prediction of the Gulf War was the handiwork of this child. Hmph! I was serving in the military at the time, and I was still thinking about how that crazy Zhao who only knew how to work hard suddenly suddenly

I have been interested in this kind of thing for a long time, and now I finally found the reason, haha." Mr. Peng, who has a much higher qualification than Mr. Zhao in the military world, said with a smile.

At that time, Mr. Peng was indeed working in the military and was considered one of Mr. Zhao's leaders. But in recent years, he was getting older and his body was not very strong, so he handed over power very early and took care of himself at home. Just like Mr. Zhao

The same is true. After a few years, when he gets older and becomes confused easily, he will naturally retreat. Of course, unless someone will find him without looking, he will not be able to do it casually.

What opinions did you express?

Listening to what the two old friends said, Mr. Wei also nodded, "I just read the information specifically. It said that when the two children got married, Mr. De once wrote a line, which is to know people and be kind to them.


"Yes." Listening to Mr. Wei's question, Mr. Zhong and Mr. Peng both nodded in agreement.

This chapter has been completed!
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