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Chapter 2230: The People's Liberation Army is Coming

Only halfway through watching these video materials, Duan Jianghe couldn't help but give instructions, "Congratulations to Comrade Shengli, please also issue a military order to let the glorious PLA commanders and fighters fighting on the front line speed up their work.

We must open up a road to the earthquake area as soon as possible."

"Yes." He Shengli replied firmly and obligingly.

"No, if you want to enter the disaster area earlier, it is not feasible from the direction of Capital Province. I have seen that even if you open this road, there will still be about 20 kilometers of highway collapse ahead of you about ten kilometers ahead.

Yes, no other vehicles can pass." Xie Kaiquan, who was drinking water at the side, said quickly.

He had just walked that road, and he knew very well what was on the road and what happened.

"What? There are roadblocks?" Hearing what Xie Kaiquan said, Duan Jianghe, He Shengli, Zu Youjing, and Xu Chaoqi were all shocked.

"Yes, there are still roadblocks. Now if you want to go to the disaster area, there is a better road, which is to enter from Longxi City to the west of Xichuan City. Governor Feng arranged for someone to build an auxiliary road there. Obviously, its location is just right.

This earthquake was avoided just because the length of the assistant Taoist cultivator did not meet the standard. Otherwise, it would be better to enter Xichuan City from Longxi." Xie Kaiquan quickly answered, this was also what Feng Sizhe specifically ordered before he left.

This is one of the ways to enter the earthquake zone earlier.

"What? There are also assistants? How come I don't know about this?" Duan Jianghe was stunned after hearing this, and then said casually, and after speaking, he looked at Xu Chaoqi, Secretary of the Capital Province.

Xu Chaoqi was also stunned. He had previously known that Feng Sizhe was practicing auxiliary roads in Xichuan, but he did not know where the auxiliary roads led. The main reason was because he had not paid attention to matters in Xichuan.

"It's like this. Repairing the auxiliary road was one of the preparations that Governor Feng had made long ago. At that time, he strictly ordered the Provincial Department of Transportation to do this work. However, because the people there did not completely follow the governor's instructions,

Therefore, the length of this auxiliary road is still not enough, otherwise, you can now enter Xichuan City. Of course, with the efforts of Governor Feng, this road is not very far from Longxi, it is about

It's seven or eight kilometers away. As long as you go all out, it's obviously much easier to enter from there than from the capital and provincial capital." Xie Kaiquan explained proactively.

"Great." Duan Jianghe was very excited when he heard the news. He didn't expect that Feng Sizhe had arranged such a move in advance. If Xie Kaiquan hadn't come this time, they would have foolishly left the capital and provincial capital.

If this is the case, we still don’t know when we can enter Xichuan.

"Okay, now Comrade He Shengli, you immediately order your elite forces to enter Longxi, and then start building a road to Xichuan in the direction pointed by Xie Kaiquan. It is only seven or eight kilometers. How long will it take you to build this section of road?

"Duan Jianghe asked anxiously to congratulate Shengli.

He Shengli thought about it and said, "If it is just to build a road that can pass people and small cars, then it will be enough in one day, but if it is to build a high-standard road, it will take a long time."

"No, as long as you can pass people and small cars, it's fine. In that case, you go and make arrangements right away. We must try to repair this road within a day, and we must try to get to Xichuan City as quickly as possible." Duan Jianghe hurriedly made arrangements.

Give orders.

Duan Jianghe was afraid that over time Xichuan's food and drinking water would not be enough. If this was the case, new problems might arise.

"Okay, I'll do it right away." After He Shengli agreed, he walked out and began to arrange the work. He had to mobilize people and horses from the capital provincial capital to Longxi and bypass Xichuan City. This also takes time.

Yes, fortunately it is night now, and one night should be enough. By dawn the next day, some work can be carried out normally.

It can be said that Xie Kaiquan's arrival has given Duan Jianghe and others new hope. At least they have a closer understanding of the situation in the earthquake area, and they also know how to better reach Xichuan, which will provide a better basis for future rescue work.

Provides a favorable basis for protection.

Under the auspices of Zu Youjing, some videos about Xichuan's independent disaster response were continuously transmitted to the central government, and more news was received there.

One night passed in a blink of an eye, and early the next morning, Duan Jianghe and Zu Youjing got on the helicopter and headed straight for Xichuan.

Originally, Zhao Lilong was planning to follow, but because of Xie Kaiquan's arrival, she clearly knew that her son was not in Xichuan, but in Taohua Town, so she did not follow, but waited in Capital Province, waiting for the opening of the province.

The road from Mansion to Taohua Town opens.

The helicopter successfully arrived over Xichuan under good weather conditions, and because it found a safe place here, it slowly landed.

When Vice Minister Hong Weiguang, Zu Jie, and others who were guarding here saw the arrival of Duan Jianghe, Zu Youjing and others, they couldn't help but feel excited. More than thirty hours had passed, and they finally saw

The leader saw the support of the central government.

When Duan Jianghe got off the plane, he held the hands of Hong Weiguang, Zu Jie and others tightly, and kept saying, "You are the heroes, the country's heroes, and the people's heroes."

For a moment, Hong Weiguang, Zu Jie and others were all excited. They knew that with Feng Sizhe's efforts, they had made great achievements. With this contribution, their career would undoubtedly be much smoother in the future.


Relatively speaking, Feng Sizhe in Peach Blossom Town did not know this yet. He was still using his own strength to save others.

As the rescue forces gradually deepened, Feng Sizhe increasingly felt that the situation in Taohua Town was not good. Although he had worked hard for so long, as far as he knew, there were still many people trapped under the rubble.

, there are still many lives waiting for them to save.

"Governor, take a rest, you haven't slept for more than two days." He Wenbao, secretary of the Xichuan Municipal Party Committee, walked over and handed over a glass of ice-cold mineral water while speaking.

Reaching out to take the water, Feng Sizhe found a nearby stone and sat down, "Hey, I'm really thirsty."

After saying that, Feng Sizhe raised his head and took a sip of water, and then let out a sigh of satisfaction, as if someone who had been in the desert for a long time drank fresh water. "Old He, here in Taohua Town now.

How's the situation going?"

As soon as he was asked about the situation, He Wenbao's face darkened, "Hey, the situation is not very optimistic."

"I heard from Mayor Yin Jiang that there are still at least a thousand people underground. Of course, this is still the most conservative situation." He Wenbao continued to answer.

Listening to this result, Feng Sizhe also sighed. With his ability, he can influence Xichuan City, but for remote places like Taohua Town, his influence is indeed extremely limited.

While Feng Sizhe sighed, he also lamented that his influence was still a little weak. If he could have come to Capital Province a few years earlier and reached a certain level of influence, the harm to this earthquake would naturally be reduced a lot, but

Now he has been suspended from the post of provincial governor. According to Xie Kaiquan, Yuan Weimin and others, it seems that he will also be suspended from the post of deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. This is his current situation.

Of course, Feng Sizhe doesn't have much time to think about personal matters. Now that he is in Peach Blossom Town, what he is most worried about now is the situation here. Looking at the people and soldiers everywhere who are looking for and rescuing people, he

How can you still think about your own affairs?

"I don't know if Lao Xie has found reinforcements." Feng Sizhe said with emotion as he looked into the distance.

After sending Xie Kaiquan, Feng Sizhe first hoped that this person could find the Central Government and spread the news about the situation here to reassure the superiors. Secondly, he also hoped to attract more people to pay attention to Taohua Town, where they could only rely on what they had

People, obviously the rescue force is no longer enough.

"Yeah, I don't know where Vice Governor Xie is now, or whether he successfully left." He Wenbao also sighed. After all, he didn't know much about the road conditions from Taohua Town to the Capital Provincial Committee. This time

The destructive power of the earthquake was so great that he didn't even know how bad the situation was.

"Look, there's a red flag." Suddenly, Secretary Yin Fenglei, who was beside the two of them, shouted.

This shout immediately attracted the attention of thousands of people, including Feng Sizhe and He Wenbao.

Looking at it, I saw a red flag not far away, appearing in everyone's sight.

Next, the red flags came one after another, and then as they got closer, what everyone could see was countless soldiers in camouflage uniforms walking towards them holding red flags.

"It's the People's Liberation Army!"

I don't know who shouted such a cry, and the thousands of people present were shocked. At the most critical moment, these people's physical strength was greatly exhausted, and they all thought that they were exhausted, and they didn't know that they could still survive.

No matter how long it takes, so many People's Liberation Army soldiers suddenly appear, I'm afraid any one of them will be very excited.

"It's reinforcements." Feng Sizhe also saw it at this moment, and then he stood up and shouted loudly.

As Feng Sizhe shouted, everyone stood up. At this moment, they finally saw hope and a savior.

That's right, the team coming not far away were the two hikers sent by He Shengli. They spent an afternoon and an entire night climbing over mountains and ridges, overcoming various obstacles, and finally arrived.

Arrive at Peach Blossom Town.

Of course, if these people hadn't met Xie Kaiquan and dozens of others on the way, they probably wouldn't have arrived at this inconspicuous Peach Blossom Town so quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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