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Chapter 2303: General Feng Chen Buyun

Speaking of Chen Buyun, he himself was receiving an appointment interview in the office of Governor Feng Sizhe at this time.

Chen Buyun, male, is from Tongda City, Sanjin Province. He serves as a member of the Tongda Municipal Committee, Standing Committee, and Executive Vice Mayor.

This time, by resolution of the Capital Provincial Standing Committee, he was transferred to Capital Province to serve as director of the Provincial Department of Finance, a senior official.

Chen Buyun received a call from Feng Sizhe three days ago, and then spent a day dealing with the official matters at hand, and another day dealing with his family affairs. On the third day, he came to Capital Province, but it was already night.

It happened to be the time when the Provincial Standing Committee was meeting, so he took a good rest under Zhang Yang's arrangement.

On the fourth day, today, he arrived at Feng Sizhe's place early and waited until half noon before he was able to see Governor Feng.

"Haha, Buyun, you are welcome." As soon as he saw Chen Buyun following Yin Fenglei, Feng Sizhe stood up with a smile and extended his hands enthusiastically.

"Hello, Governor." Chen Buyun also looked flattered and quickly extended his hand to greet Feng Sizhe.

Until now, Chen Buyun still feels like he is surrounded by clouds and mountains. I think at the beginning, he was just a deputy director in the lower ranking of Tongda City Statistics Bureau, and his level could barely be regarded as deputy director level. But since Zero One

After he started following Feng Sizhe in 2008, his life changed greatly.

First, in 2002, he completed the transition from deputy director to full director and became the director of the Bureau of Statistics. Then in the following year, he became the deputy mayor. Although he ranked lower, he was also a deputy department-level cadre who had been promoted to eight levels.

. And in 2006, he jumped from an ordinary deputy mayor to an executive deputy mayor. I don’t know how much I envy you for this leap.

Of course, Chen Buyun has always known that his life has undergone so many changes only because he met a noble person, and this noble person is Feng Sizhe. In fact, every step he takes has the shadow of Young Master Feng.

"Haha, we are all old acquaintances. There is no need to be so restrained. Fenglei soaked my good Dahongpao and gave it to Comrade Buyun." Feng Sizhe saw Chen Buyun and couldn't help but remember the time when he was working in Tongda City.

Seeing this scene, I felt a burst of excitement in my heart, and my mood became extremely good.

After a while, a cup of steaming, fragrant new tea was placed in front of Chen Buyun.

Chen Buyun took a sip without politeness and said it was a good tea. This was not a compliment to him. In fact, the Dahongpao tea offered inside was considered to be the best tea. Anyone who knew tea could tell the difference.

Feng Sizhe chuckled and didn't say anything more about the tea issue. He just smiled and said, "Bu Yun, this time you are transferred to Capital Province. Do you have any ideas or requirements?"

"No." Chen Buyun answered quickly. Are you kidding me? From the deputy mayor of a city to the director of the finance department of a province, he became the treasurer of a province. I don't know how many people asked for this kind of change.

He couldn't ask for anything, and he was just like a pie in the sky. What else could he ask for?

"Yeah." Feng Sizhe was quite satisfied with Chen Buyun's answer. A person must be self-aware. It is certainly a skill to behave well when you get an advantage, but he doesn't like such people. On the contrary, honest people like Chen Buyun

He actually liked the person very much.

"This time, I transferred you to Capital Province, which is the result of my careful consideration. I understand your working methods. You are cautious, conscientious and principled. These are the characteristics of your work and what I admire most about you. This time you have become

The finance director of a province, the so-called God of Wealth in everyone's eyes, must have a lot of jealous people, and there must even be a lot of people who have other ideas, but don't worry, as long as you do your work in a down-to-earth manner, I can guarantee you

, no one can touch you, do you understand?"

As soon as Feng Sizhe said this, Chen Buyun couldn't help but show a look of gratitude. How could he not know how much real power a position like the Provincial Director of Finance has? And generally positions like this

, are usually held by people who are well-rounded and at least have a deep background in the local area. Otherwise, if there are many such cadres who just know how to work with their heads down, how could it be their turn?

It can be said that before Chen Buyun came to the capital province, he had thought that this trip to the capital would be both an opportunity and a challenge, and it might even be his own Maicheng. Because in terms of his methods of doing things, he was too

He talks a lot about principles and is sometimes very unpleasant to people. In terms of his understanding of Capital Province, he has just arrived and is a complete outsider, so the only person he can rely on is the governor Feng Sizhe.

But how much can Feng Sizhe help him? He didn't dare to think too much about this question, let alone ask it. As a subordinate, he had no reason to ask his superiors for more.

What excited Chen Buyun was that during this first meeting, Feng Sizhe directly raised the issue without waiting for him to say anything, and made a promise that you only need to do your job well, and everything else will be taken care of.

Give it to me and I'll handle it.

This is a kind of complete trust, which also proves that Feng Sizhe has considered these things from his own position. What else does Chen Buyun have to say? The only way is to do his own job well and live up to the trust of Governor Feng.


"Governor, don't worry, as long as I am still in this position, I will ensure that I do a good job throughout the day. I..." Chen Buyun promised excitedly.

"Okay, don't get excited, sit down, sit down." Feng Sizhe chuckled, patted Chen Buyun's shoulder and asked him to sit down. "Bu Yun, I want you to come to Capital Province this time, although I want you to be the director of finance.

This position, but I want to say, you really can't be called the God of Wealth, because our capital province is very poor, and even the Department of Finance is not as wealthy as other brother provinces, and we even owe the central government a lot of money.

, you need to have a background in this situation first. Haha, I might as well tell you directly, the position of director is not easy to fill, and it absolutely requires someone who knows how to live a good life to calculate it carefully. Can you do this?

Can you do it? Of course, if you feel there is too much pressure, you can also tell me and I will consider rearranging candidates for this position."

What Feng Sizhe said is absolutely true. He only learned about the news not long ago. He originally thought that the finance department of a province should have the most money, but it was not until he sent the Statistics Bureau and the Audit Office to check the accounts that

We know that the money on the books of the Finance Department is really pitiful. What's more, they have used up the financial allocations that the central government should have provided this quarter. In this case, it is equivalent to receiving

In August and September, the Finance Department will not make any big gains on its books. On the contrary, it will indeed spend a lot of money. From this, it can be seen that the position of the Finance Director is not good.

So easy to do.

"And the most hateful thing is that part of the money allocated by the state to rebuild Xichuan's home was also diverted." When talking about this matter, Feng Sizhe's tone couldn't help but become heavier, and then he said, "Of course

Yes, this is the problem of the former director. I will deal with it seriously. The only part that concerns you is Yin Shi, who took office. You have to find a way to get this money for me from other places. In short, you can’t let Xichuan’s

Reconstruction was stalled because of money issues, you understand?"

Chen Buyun also didn't expect that Capital Province's finances would be in such trouble. He originally thought that Feng Sizhe wanted to find a trustworthy person to help him manage money, but now he realized that the burden on him would be so heavy.

It’s about managing money, but also saving money and making money.

Of course, opportunities and challenges often coexist. Once Chen Buyun made the decision to come to the capital, he made the decision to make a career. For this reason, these problems did not scare him at all. After listening to this

After speaking, he stood up suddenly and said, "Governor, please rest assured that I will hold on to every penny. The purpose of my work is to save whatever I can, and if I can't, I must try my best to save. In short, in the future, I will save money."

Work will definitely not hold you back."

"Okay, very good." This is what Feng Sizhe wanted. Now that he heard Chen Buyun say it in a reassuring manner, he smiled with relief. It seemed that he had made the right choice for the director of the department this time.

With Chen Buyun's strong support from Feng Sizhe, the Department of Finance began internal reforms and began to tighten money. In order to make life easier for the Provincial Department of Finance, Feng Sizhe personally talked to several managers of major banks in the province.

You have to sell your face. If you want to do a good job in Capital Province, you can't offend this local snake. Although the managers of each bank are appointed by the central government and have always had their nostrils turned upside down, for Feng Sizhe, they do

Clearly, this person's background is not something they can mess with casually.

With his dual identity of power and background, Feng Sizhe finally succeeded in loaning a huge sum of money from major banks, solving the provincial financial worries.

In fact, not only in the Department of Finance, but also in other departments, Feng Sizhe also tried his best to clear mountains and cut trees for his people, laying a good foundation for them. In short, Feng's cadres became the capital system for a while

Within the new force, the main force, and any important department, the shadow of the Feng family can be seen.

In comparison, those who do not belong to the Feng family have a much harder time.

For example, Fang Lingguang, the former director of the Provincial Department of Finance, was investigated for personal financial problems. Huang Gang, the former mayor of Sichuan City, was investigated for economic problems. He was...

It must be said that Huang Gang was still dreaming about Spring and Autumn Dreams before the incident. His former deputy director of the Urban Organization Department, Qiu Yunhai, was embarrassing Liu Jun, deputy director of the Provincial Government Office. Feng Sizhe knew about it, and he used this matter to try to establish a relationship.

, Governor Feng's attitude towards him was still very good at that time, which allowed him to find a backer. Therefore, during the adjustment of middle and high-level personnel in the province, he did not think of more ways, but who

He thought that by the time he knew the result, it would be a foregone conclusion.

This chapter has been completed!
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