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Chapter 2305: A Crisis Caused by a Heavy Rain

Although He Wenbao is only the acting mayor, everyone knows that he is from the Feng family. With this advantage, it did not take him long to grasp the overall situation of the municipal government after arriving in Sichuan City. Many people wanted to

Those who were close to Feng came to him.

He Wenbao also accepts all comers. As long as they come to report work to him and express their willingness to surrender, he will accept them all. Mayor He's idea is to accept them first, and then wait until he fully understands the situation in Sichuan City.

After that, screening is done, and those who are not suitable are dealt with.

Because of He Wenbao's broad-mindedness, he quickly established a foothold in Sichuan City. At least in the decision-making of some municipal government matters, it was not easy for Yang Dawei, member of the Provincial Standing Committee and Secretary of the Sichuan Municipal Party Committee, to interfere.

"Governor, the heavy rain has really tested some conditions in Sichuan City, especially whether some infrastructure and underwater pipelines are up to standard. We have given a clearer answer." Facing Feng Sizhe, He Wenbao was not convinced.

What kind of restraint, because he knows very well what his leadership work methods are. As long as he is discussing work, there is no need to worry too much. Just say what comes to mind. As for whether what you say is true, the leader will weigh it in his heart.

"Well, what's your answer?" Feng Sizhe asked rhetorically. Of course he knew that a heavy rain is the best time to inspect a city's underground pipes.

"Most of the underground pipelines in Sichuan City were built in the late 1980s and early 1990s. At that time, the country was just undergoing great economic development. It was at that time that the entire underground pipelines in Xichuan City were rebuilt. Now it seems that they are qualified.

Yes, it is effective. At least for now in Sichuan City, except for some really low-lying areas, there is no water on the ground in other places. It will not take long for a heavy rain to be well injected into the ground.

." When He Wenbao said this, he felt a sense of pride in his heart. Although he did not do this project at the time, it can still have such a good effect now. Obviously, as the mayor of Sichuandu, he

, and also felt proud.

"Well, this is certainly due to the topographic factors of our Sichuan city, but I have to say that the people in charge at that time were indeed rigorous in their work in this area, and they were much better than some officials today." Feng Sizhe listened.

The report is also based on feelings.

The terrain of Sichuan City is uneven, with some highs and some lows, which reduces the possibility of heavy rains accumulating on the water surface. In addition, the underwater pipeline project at that time was indeed qualified, which made the accumulation of water after heavy rains even greater.

Few. But we have to admit a reality, that is, those officials in the 1990s were still very careful when doing these facilities projects related to people's livelihood. They are far different from some officials today. As long as it involves projects,

The first thing you should think about is not the quality of the project, but what kind of benefits you can get from it. With this kind of mentality, you can say that you have missed the opportunity before you have done the work. When you don’t have the people in your heart, you will

Even if what you do is good for the people, the final result will not be as ideal as imagined. Even if it is not done well, it will become a face-saving project.

"Let's talk about the infrastructure situation." Feng Sizhe was half relieved when he heard that there was no problem with the underwater pipelines, and then asked another concerned question.

When it came to the infrastructure situation, He Wenbao was obviously not as confident as before. His face darkened, and then he shook his head slightly, "Governor, the situation in this regard is not optimistic."

"Well, let's talk about it in detail." Feng Sizhe seemed to be mentally prepared and nodded silently.

Relatively speaking, the country's current economic development is too fast, which has also led to great strides in infrastructure construction. For example, many infrastructure projects are often completed and put into use only a short time ago, but some leading comrades will point out that this architectural style

Will it not keep up with the trend, will it affect the external image of the entire city, will it fall behind, etc. This will directly lead to more duplication of investment. To be more specific, it is

Often after a building has been built, it will be torn down again and rebuilt after it has been built. The direct result is that none of the investors knows how many years the building they built will last.

The original lifespan is seventy years, but it will need to be renovated in less than seven years. For this reason, some people have an idea, that is, they do not pursue the strength of the building, as long as it looks good, and it will not be used anyway.

It may be completely destroyed and rebuilt in a few years, so why spend so much money on it? Why not spend more money on the current leaders to get more benefits?”

When talking about such a common phenomenon in the officialdom, He Wenbao also had a rather helpless expression on his face. This is a phenomenon that has been formed independently for a long time. It has existed since ancient times. Every year, the prefect is cleared.

, the saying of one hundred thousand snowflakes, and in those days, it became a rule within the system for those who were G to rely on the power in their hands to seek benefits for themselves. In the face of this phenomenon, although the country had also made great efforts to investigate,

But faced with such a huge temptation, he still resisted repeatedly.

The human heart is often the biggest enemy of mankind, and no one can change this. Even though we are a legal society, there are still many people who will take advantage of the law.

"Yeah." Feng Sizhe was also deeply touched by what He Wenbao said. Although he had dealt with a lot of officials during his growth over the years, in comparison, more fish would have slipped through the net.

And Ji. “Let’s talk about it in detail.”

"Okay." He Wenbao nodded and was about to give a detailed report on what he knew. But at this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

"I'm sorry, Governor, let me answer a call first." Not many people know the number of the mobile phone He Wenbao is carrying, but the secretary knows it. But at this time, the secretary knows that he is here to report to the governor, but he can still make a call.

The call came, which means something big must have happened.

"You answer first." Feng Sizhe nodded, not in a hurry.

He Wenbao took out his cell phone and looked at the number. Sure enough, it belonged to his secretary. He quickly picked up the phone and asked, "Xiao Wang, what can I do?"

"Boss, something happened..."

More than twenty minutes later, He Wenbao's car appeared at Chuan'an Park in Sichuan City, and behind his car was the Provincial Government Car No. 1, and obviously Feng Sizhe also followed.

Chuan'an Park, one of the largest parks in Sichuan City, is also one of the iconic parks in the entire capital province. The name of the park also has its own unique meaning: Chuan'an, Chuan, and Sichuan are safe. Kawadu is the capital of the capital and it is safe.

Yes, naturally the whole province is safe.

But today, it is indeed not safe here, at least not right now. Outside Kawato Park, although it is still raining, there are still crowds of people. It can be seen that something big must have happened here, and nearby,

The public security comrades have already set up a cordon and will not allow any unprovoked people to enter.

Feng Sizhe and He Wenbao are here. Naturally, this mere cordon cannot stop them. Even the main person in charge here, Duan Yuntao, the current secretary of the Sichuan Municipal Political and Legal Affairs Committee and the director of public security, also ran to greet them and saluted when he saw the two.

He said, "Governor, mayor, you are here."

"Well, how is the situation?" Feng Sizhe agreed and walked towards the cordon while asking.

He Wenbao naturally followed him. At this time, a staff member came over with an umbrella, and he glared back. This is the difference between the domestic system and the foreign system.

In foreign countries, leaders often meet with people. When it rains, it means that the leaders have no umbrellas on their heads and the people have umbrellas in their hands. This reflects that the leaders attach great importance to the people and regard them as the greatest. But in China, it is indeed the case that the people are the most important.

It's the other way around.

He Wenbao had followed Feng Sizhe for such a long time, and of course he knew what kind of leader he was following, so when he saw those who came to flatter him and wanted to put umbrellas over his and Feng Sizhe's heads, he immediately glared in displeasure.

This glance immediately dashed the thoughts of those who wanted to flatter him.

Up front, Duan Yuntao has already begun to report the situation to Feng Sizhe.

"Governor, there was a sudden heavy rain. The guardrail of Chuan'an Park has been shaken due to long-term repairs. Someone came here in the rain and held on to the guardrail to watch the rain. This directly led to unsafe accidents. According to statistics, when the guardrail collapsed

, a total of seventeen people fell into the water. Because there were many onlookers at the time, everyone came out of the water to rescue them, so no lives occurred. Only three of them were sent to a nearby hospital for rescue because the treatment time was not enough. However, there was news just now.

, everyone has passed the dangerous period, and his life is no longer serious." Duan Yuntao reported what he knew as he walked.

Duan Yuntao was only the deputy director when he first came here, but with the help of Feng Sizhe, he first became the director, and then during the last province-wide "simplification of administration" campaign, he had the opportunity to take the next step and become the mayor.

Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee.

In fact, there is another way for Duan Yuntao, such as entering the Provincial Public Security Department and becoming the deputy director. Regarding this matter, Feng Sizhe personally called Director Duan Jianghe for instructions. The chief meant that he hoped that his son would be in the future

He could inherit the mantle of the Duan family, and not just be limited to being a public security chief. For this reason, Feng Sizhe had some ideas. He nominated him, and Xu Chaoqi naturally would not object. In the end, he became the secretary of the Municipal Law Committee.

In one year, Duan Yuntao jumped two levels. This was certainly because he was born in the Duan family, but it also had a lot to do with Feng Sizhe's full help. For this reason, what did he report when facing Governor Feng?

What, even though his surname is Duan, in the capital, he does regard himself as a member of the Feng family.

This chapter has been completed!
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