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Chapter 2415: On the table

"Yes, you are capable and courageous, so of course you don't need anyone else to take care of you. But I happen to have two little sisters. They have heard the name of Governor Fujian for a long time, and they admire you very much. Since they knew I knew you

After that, I was clamoring to see you every day, but there was no other way. I was also helpless, so I boldly brought them to Kyoto, thinking that I would have the opportunity to let you communicate with them and teach them at the same time.

Tell them more about how to be a good person." After saying these words with a smile, Ma Chenggong took out two more photos from his suit and handed them over, "Governor Fujian, look at this, this is me

Are the photos of those two little girls still worthy of your attention?"

To say that Ma Chenggong knows Min Lianfa, he knows that this person is very lustful, but at the same time he also has his own rules, that is, he is not interested in anyone who is not beautiful. Over time, after the businessmen in Guangyue Province learned about this matter,

Anyone who has nothing to do will always find such an opportunity to get closer to him, and because Min Lianfa is indeed very busy with official duties, so in order to reduce everyone's time, someone handed him the photos of the girls to see. If the photos

Only if you can satisfy the other party will they come forward. This kind of mutual understanding has gradually evolved into a weird habit for me. And it is this kind of habit that is unknown in the entire Guangdong Province business circle.

There are indeed very few people.

Min Lianfa squinted his eyes and looked at the two photos Ma Chenggong showed. From this look, he was indeed a beauty. Of course, his figure was not to mention, but his appearance was also first-rate, especially the slightly pure look on his face.

He looked like he was obviously a college student or someone who had just graduated. Anyway, he was definitely not someone who was always having fun, otherwise, he wouldn't have such a green smile on his face.

Of course, the most terrible thing is that these two sisters look very similar. They should be twins at first glance. This is the most rare thing.

As soon as these two photos came out, it can be said that Min Lianfa's eyes straightened up. When he saw these photos, he was like a businessman seeing a business opportunity or a hungry dog ​​seeing fat. He couldn't even move his eyes at all.

Seeing the look in Min Lianfa's eyes, or rather the ugly look, Ma Chenggong thought a lot in his heart. He had to pay a high price to get these sisters. They were originally meant for himself.

Enjoy it, but who knew that at this juncture, a piece of land he was looking for in Guangyue Province suddenly had a problem. Originally, he had opened up a lot of joints just to get this piece of land. He believed

, as long as it is used well, it can be sold at a high price when resold, and the profits collected from it will naturally not be small.

Even if he eliminates the little devils along the way, his profits will be huge in the end. Unexpectedly, at such a critical moment, the deputy governor of Fujian Lianfa, who is in charge of the real estate business, suddenly stopped and said Ma Chenggong.

The company had incomplete procedures and was not suitable to take over such a large property. In short, it was rejected with various reasons.

Seeing that a piece of fat was about to reach his mouth and fly away like this, Ma Chenggong couldn't be in a hurry. He began to think of ways to please Min Lianfa.

Unexpectedly, he had just had a meal with Fujian Lianfa through someone else and was thinking about deepening the relationship between the two. The vice governor of Fujian suddenly left Guangdong Province and came to Kyoto. Unable to do so, Ma

Cheng Cheng had no choice but to follow all the way, and was prepared to pay the price of the sisters to please Min Lianfa.

Now looking at Min Lianfa's hot eyes, Ma Chenggong knew something was up, and he took the initiative and said, "Governor Min, if you are not very busy now, please meet my two little sisters.

Give them guidance for their life and future. I have already booked this hotel, which is not far from here."

Min Lianfa was naturally very excited when Ma Chenggong was so tricked. Seeing that he was about to get the position of deputy secretary, and now a beautiful woman was coming with him, could it be said that the glory of his life had just begun? Min Lianfa was pregnant with

Yearning for beautiful things and a bright future, he nodded, and then followed the horse into the Mercedes-Benz that had been prepared not far away.

And just when Min Lianfa got into the car, not far away, a valuable high-definition camera captured all of this. The person who did this was one of Mr. Zhao's guards, who is known for his ruthless skills in destroying flowers.

Cui Henghua.

This time, he was ordered by Major General Li Zhiyong to act together with Chen Hu to follow the Fujian attack.

Because of Cui Henghua's superb tracking skills, he is naturally the main player this time. Just now he watched Min Lianfa send Hou Weidong away, and now he sees a short businessman appear, so of course he will record everything

Came down.

"Let's go." After taking the photo, Cui Henghua nodded to Chen Hu as the driver, and then the ordinary Volvo sedan followed Ma Chenggong's car.

That night, Cui Henghua and Chen Hu returned to the Zhao family courtyard and immediately reported to Feng Sizhe who was in the courtyard.

Looking at the photo handed over by Cui Henghua, Feng Sizhe's mouth showed a hint of sneer. He was really afraid that this Min Lianfa was an upright and honest official. If this was the case, even this time he would not be able to communicate with the Hou family.

However, judging from these photos taken, the reality is simply the opposite.

"Is this guy with the slicked-back hair a Fujianese man?" Feng Sizhe asked coldly as he looked at the protagonist in the photo.

"Yes, he is Min Lianfa. Brother Hu and I followed him all afternoon. After he broke up with Hou Weidong, he left with a businessman named Ma Chenggong, and then went to a nearby hotel, where

I stayed in the room with two women in their early twenties for a full four hours. Because the space there was limited, I couldn't enter, but I believe that after such a long time, everything that should happen will happen. Afterwards, he said

I had dinner with Ma Chenggong, and during the dinner, I directly accepted a bank card from the businessman. Although I don't know the amount, I guess it shouldn't be too low." Cui Henghua was very organized.

, reporting one by one.

Everything that should have happened happened. Of course, Feng Sizhe understood what this sentence meant. We are all men, and some things can be imagined with just one's toes.

Of course, this is not the main reason for Feng Sizhe's excitement. As the saying goes, the official reached the level of Fujian Lianfa just because of emotional problems. It can no longer be shaken. At most, it is only a punishment within the party. This will not affect anything major.

. What he was really excited about was the bank card that Ma Chenggong gave to Min Lianfa. How much money was there and what amount was involved was what really made him curious.

"Is there any way to find out the money in this card?" Feng Sizhe asked aloud.

"This... is not easy. After all, the distance is too far, and the card number cannot be seen clearly, and it is difficult to check. However, if we can successfully capture the horse and ask him, I believe it will be clear. But in this way, will it be clear?

Will he be able to alert the enemy?" Cui Henghua said uncertainly.

"Well, this is a way, but it's not easy to start now. In this way, you keep an eye on these two people and wait for my call. If you don't have enough manpower, ask Uncle Li for a few people, just say yes

My arrangement." Feng Sizhe nodded silently. It's not that Ma Chenggong cannot be arrested, it's just that he shouldn't be arrested now, and he shouldn't be the one to arrest him. Since it is an active bribe, it is already illegal, and the Discipline Inspection Commission can


The key question is when is the most appropriate time to intervene. This is a question that Feng Sizhe needs to weigh carefully. Of course, under the current circumstances, it is better not to alert the snake because the time has not yet come. The battle between the Hou family and the Zuo family has not yet begun.

, the central government has not yet made a clear attitude on this matter, so he has to continue to wait.

But no matter what the decision is, Feng Sizhe has these things in his hands, and he can already foresee that this time, Fujian will not only compete for the deputy secretary of the capital province, but also whether he can serve as the deputy governor of Guangdong Province, or even be able to

Not being able to maintain his identity as a party member is a big unknown problem.

Looking up at the starry sky, Feng Sizhe murmured, "Let the storm come more violently."

As long as the Hou family and the Zuo family start fighting this time, the general situation will be formed. If the Hou family fails again, the impact will be far-reaching and sobering.


After the negotiation with Hou Zhennan collapsed, Zuo Zhongqing of the Zuo family finally took the lead to take action. After all, they were still weak in comparison. If they did not take the initiative, they would have no chance of winning at all.

The first breakthrough Zuo Zhongqing chose was the Z Organization Department. He came directly to the Z Organization Department on the third day after talking to Hou Zhennan and stayed in the office of Minister Miao Yunfeng for more than an hour.

Although others didn't know what they talked about, it could still be seen from the smile on Secretary Zuo Zhongqing's face when he left that his purpose had basically been achieved this time.

In the following period, Zuo Zhongqing chose to visit several leaders. Without exception, all of them were members of the ZZ Bureau. They all had the final say on the matter of deputy secretary of the Capital Provincial Committee.

, with the right to vote.

As soon as the Zuo family started to move, the Hou family also started to get busy.

While Zuo Zhongqing was looking for committee members, Hou Zhennan was the first to find the Secretary of the Z Discipline Inspection Commission, a member of the Standing Committee of the Z Central Committee Z Bureau. His attitude was like a cow, and he told Zuo's family clearly that I was the one he was looking for.

The relationship is much deeper than yours.

In the following time, Hou Zhennan went to see Fang Haiyang, the director of the Central Fine Arts Office, who was obviously a member of the Standing Committee. He also visited the homes of some committee members. His attitude was indeed very high-profile.


As Zuo Zhongqing and Hou Zhennan took action, the issue of the selection of deputy secretary of the Capital Provincial Party Committee was finally brought to the forefront. The question of who is more suitable for this position has become a matter of concern among many officials in Beijing, and even

It is the target of the attention of senior local officials. Normally, the position of a deputy secretary of the provincial party committee does not receive such high attention, but because of the different people competing for it, this matter has become extremely complicated and far-reaching.

This chapter has been completed!
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