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Chapter 2447 Intimacy Asking for a Monthly Ticket

After Bai Zhifei brought Zhang Anzheng into the hotel, he said, "You can check room by room, but please do it quickly, and don't reveal any clues, otherwise other people will know about this matter."

, it will be considered as an invasion of privacy, which will be very troublesome."

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in anything else. I'm only interested in their portable computers, and I will only do some small tricks on their computers. I won't be interested in anything else you let me see.

Interested." Zhang Anzheng replied.

"That's best." Bai Zhifei nodded, and then began to lead Zhang Anzheng from room to room.

Outside the Capital Zoo, a dozen medium-sized commercial vehicles drove here, and then Poole, accompanied by Feng Sizhe, appeared at the gate.

After getting out of the car, Poole glanced at Feng Sizhe curiously, and then said, "Why, don't you need to wear a body armor?"

"Aren't you wearing nothing too?" Feng Sizhe asked with a smile.

"Haha, it seems we have the same idea. If you wear that thing, others will definitely be able to feel it. If that is the case, they will not take action, and then all the preparations will be in vain." Poole said with a smile.

, and then added, "It's just that I didn't expect that you would have such courage like me. This is really beyond my expectation."

"Mr. Poole, I admit that you are brave, but I want to say that there are also many brave warriors in the great republic. Some of them even paid the price of their lives for the sovereignty of the country and the development of the nation. Compared with those people,

I just took a risk, it’s really not worth saying anything.”

Thinking of the many comrades who are still fighting on the secret front, and the fact that many people rarely get to reunite with their families for several years or even more than ten years because of their work, they have no time to be filial to their parents, no time to love their wives and children, he just took a risk

Well, what does this mean?

"Well said." Poole sighed in appreciation, and then when he looked at Feng Sizhe, he said actively, "I find that you and I have more and more common languages."

"Haha, Mr. Poole, I think you don't know me yet, and I don't understand you completely, but as long as time allows, we will definitely become good friends." Feng Sizhe also said with a smile, it would be great to have someone like Poole.

If someone truly respects you and becomes a friend, this is definitely a good thing for him.

"Haha, yes, I think so too. We will definitely become good friends." Poole said in agreement.

"Please." Feng Sizhe said boldly and pointed at the zoo gate.

At this time, Feng Sizhe and Poole seemed to have forgotten their identities. They were like two adventurers traveling together and cherished each other.

Director Huo Zhun, who was closely observing all this not far away, quickly said into the small walkie-talkie next to him, "The apples have entered the orchard. Everyone, please be careful of the resident insects. If you find any problems, you can remove them first and report later."


In his career over the years, Huo Zhun was as cautious as this time for the first time. He knew that the success of this mission could directly affect his future life, so he did not dare to be careless.

Surrounded by a group of people, Poole was still as normal as usual, talking and laughing all the way, and seemed to be interested in everything. Only Feng Sizhe was with him, because Mr. Feng was very fond of e-slang.

It’s so proficient that it even eliminates the need for translators.

Other people from the government and business delegation of Country E were indeed accompanied by staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. Following Feng Sizhe, they all felt that the two people in front seemed to be talking about something big.

Everyone was so familiar that they didn’t get involved.

This effect is exactly what Feng Sizhe and Poole wanted.

Neither of them knew what would happen next. In order to ensure unnecessary losses, they deliberately distanced themselves from the people behind them this time. The advantage of this was that if something happened, they would not be able to survive.

Predicting things can minimize the bad consequences of things.

In a very hidden part of the zoo, which is even ignored by people, a small pipe sticks out from the cover of the horse gourd.

Don't underestimate this tube. It is a small detector that can see everything within a range of 500 meters. This thing is also a high-level secret weapon just developed by country M. This time, in order to influence

The relationship between ze and the two countries actually came in handy.

Ma Hulu Gai was already hidden in the grass. In addition, the target was a dead object, so it did not attract the attention of Huo Zhun and the others. However, even this small flaw was caught by someone and given to him.

Take advantage of it.

At the bottom of the horse gourd cover, there is an Asian man wearing a diving suit. He is paying attention to everything within 500 meters around him through this tube.

This man is also an assassin who belongs to Country M stationed in Asia. This time he received the task of assisting Harley in completing the assassination mission. Of course, the task is also extremely dangerous. If he does not do it well, he may lose his life.

Throw it here.

The killer has been hiding here for a day. If he hadn't brought his own oxygen tank, he would have been suffocated by the filthy air here. You should know that the ingredients of the horse gourds in the zoo are mostly animal feces.

Mainly, the taste is really indescribable.

The killer observed the surroundings carefully while forming a rifle made of ivory. The advantage of such a firearm is that it can eliminate all metal detection, can appear without anyone noticing, and even if you are lucky, you can kill the target with one shot.


The killer was very calm and stayed down there. It wasn't until he sensed someone around him that he activated the tube once. Through the tube, he finally saw several special agents from the Capital Province Military Region.

Soldiers. Obviously, these soldiers are responsible for leading the attack. Their task is to carefully detect the areas that the leader will pass through.

Seeing these soldiers appear, a smile appeared on the corner of the killer's mouth. He could feel that the target should have appeared, otherwise this pioneer would not appear here. Even so, his mission may be carried out in the next second.


Several soldiers from the special agent battalion were carefully searching the surrounding plants and trees, just because Ma Hulu could see the whole place at a glance. For this reason, everyone just glanced at it and ignored it. When they wanted to come, this

There is no place to hide people.

It seemed that he had known for a long time that the soldiers in these spy camps would ignore him. The killer stayed there confidently. He was very confident in himself. The diving suit on his body could not only isolate all dirt, but also prevent infrared rays.

Deep detection means that no advanced weapons can even hope to detect his presence. He is absolutely safe.

After the people from the spy camp searched, the place fell silent again. For a while, the killer's breathing was a little heavy, because he knew that the target would appear next, and if possible, he might be able to complete it alone.

Task, if that's the case, he will get a huge sum of money, a huge sum of money that he will never be able to enjoy all.

Finally, under the expectant gaze of the killer, Feng Sizhe and Poole appeared in sight.

You can clearly see the appearance of these two people from the tube. Seeing that they are only wearing a very thin half-sleeve, the killer's eyes lit up. There should be something exposed, otherwise they would not

There is no vigilance at all.

Watching the target approaching, the killer was ready to take action. In the tube, he could clearly distinguish the distance between the target and himself, two thousand meters, one thousand eight hundred meters...

Because of the special nature of the ivory gun, his problem also exists, that is, the shooting distance cannot exceed 600 meters, otherwise, the accuracy will be lost, so the killer can only wait until the target is within a suitable distance.

You can shoot.

Feng Sizhe and Poole were talking and laughing all the way. They had already passed the crowd by a lot and were slowly heading towards the Ma Hulu Cover with the call of death.

"Mr. Poole, if the two of us are completely fine this time, then please come to my home. The authentic oriental dishes cooked by my wife will definitely satisfy you. Of course, I also have

There are good wines that have been stored for many years, and you will definitely not be disappointed." Feng Sizhe took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to chat enthusiastically with Puer.

"Okay, I accept your invitation. Haha, to be honest, I am very curious that you can become the governor of a province at such a young age. I thought you should be from a famous family, and I know the zz of your republic fairly well.

Some, haha. Just after talking with you today, I believe that you have really come up through your own abilities." After this period of conversation, Poole has a certain understanding of Feng Sizhe.

Feng Sizhe's erudition, his humor in language, and his views and grasp of international events all made Poole feel bright.

In particular, Feng Sizhe's views on some subtle changes in the international situation gave Poole a sense of enlightenment. He was very interested in Feng Sizhe's view that cooperation would benefit both sides.

Feng Sizhe saw Poole's curious eyes, and he continued to speak enthusiastically, "Mr. Poole, as a former world power, your country still has a very profound foundation. Although it has taken some detours, as long as it seizes the favorable opportunity, it can still achieve great results."

It can be dug up quickly. The situation in our country is basically the same as yours. As an ancient country with a history of five thousand years, our country is also vast and rich in resources. It has inherited a lot of valuable development experience and also has many items that your country needs.

.If we can join forces and complement each other, I think we will benefit a lot whether it is the United Nations or the entire international community."

This chapter has been completed!
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