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Chapter 2454 Wake Up

Xu Chaoqi's idea is very simple, that is, to clarify the facts and then convince Tang Jian.

What Tang Xiaolei has done has violated the law, and it is a very serious act. If he is rescued, then based on the principle of severe punishment, his life will be ruined. When the time comes, it will not only be that, but also Tang Jian,

As Tang Xiaolei's father, he also has an unshirkable responsibility.

On the contrary, if Tang Xiaolei dies, based on the principle that the dead person is the most important, it will be difficult for the organization to pursue anything, and Tang Jian will be safe and sound.

One way is to save a half-dead son, and I will also be implicated. The other is to gain the reputation of righteousness and destroy the Qing Dynasty. These two are placed in front of Tang Jian.

If we only consider interests, it should be more advantageous to choose the latter. After all, even if Tang Xiaolei survives, his life will be over. So, Xu Chaoqi believes that Tang Jian will know how to make a good choice.


Tang Jian, who is rational, naturally knows how to do it, but now he no longer thinks about too many issues. He doesn't pay attention to the future, prospects and interests. What he thinks in his heart is that his son can

If he survives, he will have to die at least a hundred years later. He doesn't want that thing like a white-haired person to give a black-haired person to happen to him.

"No, I have to keep my son safe. For this reason, even if the organization punishes me, I will admit it. Please ask Secretary Xu to find a way." Tang Jian made a choice directly, and he still went towards what Xu Chaoqi didn't want.

Choose the direction.

"Secretary Tang, you should think twice." Zheng Qinghe said anxiously from the side. Obviously, it would be very troublesome to keep Tang Xiaolei at this time.

"Think twice. If your son's life is threatened now, can you calm down?" Tang Jian shouted directly without taking Zheng Qinghe's face at all.

Tang Jian's madness put a hint of helplessness on the faces of Xu Chaoqi and Zheng Qinghe. They didn't want Tang Jian to go crazy, but looking at it now, is there anything they can control?

"Okay, I'll try my best." Seeing that there was no room for negotiation, Xu Chaoqi had no choice but to sigh, and then got out of the car to continue thinking of a solution.

When Xia Houjie and Huo Zhun saw Xu Chaoqi get out of the car, they immediately gathered around, "How's it going?"

"Hey, Comrade Tang Jian is very excited now. He is only a child and he cannot bear such a blow. I think you are still thinking of other ways to save Tang Xiaolei."

Xu Chaoqi's decision was already anticipated by Xia Houjie and Director Huo Zhun.

It is said that this kind of thing happened before, and they also prioritized rescuing the hostages. But the problem now is that Harley is extremely alert. Just now, Huo Zhun also tried to send people to approach the car, but the distance was only a hundred meters.

When he was inside, Harley suddenly fired his gun into the air and threatened that if he took a step forward, he would kill Tang Xiaolei first.

As a professional killer, Harley is extremely vigilant. It is extremely difficult to deal with such a person silently.

"Okay, let's try our best to find a way." After Xia Houjie agreed, he cast a look at Huo Zhun, and the two walked away from Xu Chaoqi.

"What's wrong? This method is difficult to think of. We still want Secretary Xu to do Comrade Tang Jian's work, and we must be prepared for any eventuality." Huo Zhun was a little confused. The two of them had agreed to work with Xu Chaoqi together.

Let’s talk, but why do you back out without saying anything?

Looking at Huo Zhun, Xia Houjie smiled bitterly and said, "Old Huo, I don't think it's easy for you and me to decide on this matter. If we don't do it right, the matter will be handled unsatisfactorily and we will take the blame. I

I suggest you report the matter to your superiors."

"Superior? Where did the superior come from? Secretary Xu is right in front of me. Governor Feng is in the hospital. Do you mean he wants to report to Deputy Manager Zheng Zhi?" Huo Zhun asked in confusion.

"That's not necessary. You forgot, Old Huo, isn't our Commander He at the Provincial Military Hospital?" Xia Houjie winked at Huo Zhun.

"Hey, Commander Xiahou, if you don't tell me, I really forgot. Well, yes, it's time to report to Commander He. At this time, only the decisions he made cannot be questioned." Huo

Zhun nodded in agreement. He Shengli was the commander-in-chief of the Capital Province Military Region, and his rank was no lower than that of Xu Chaoqi. Even if something went wrong, Secretary Xu and the others would only stare blankly.

In the car, Zheng Qinghe was still comforting Tang Jian, but there was really no progress. It was obvious that people in this meeting were already dead, and no matter how hard they spoke, they would not have any effect.

Outside the car, Xu Chaoqi had no choice but to call Xia Houjie and Huo Zhun once and ask if they could think of any solution.

Facing Xu Chaoqi, Xia Houjie and Huo Zhun shook their heads at the same time, saying that the matter was difficult to handle.

Xu Chaoqi was very angry at the attitude of these two people. He knew that these two people might not take him seriously. If Feng Sizhe was here, they would not have such an attitude.

The more he thought about it, the more depressed Xu Chaoqi felt. He felt that this secretary was really too useless. When I saw Ji Quanyong as the secretary before, he really settled everything while talking and laughing. That kind of aura and that kind of demeanor made him

He has been envious for a long time.

Xu Chaoqi had always thought that one day he would be like that when he became secretary. If anyone didn't listen to him, he would give someone a show of strength. But now, after Fang Zheng was qualified for this role, he realized that it was not possible at all.

It's not that simple.

Position only represents your qualifications, but power is also determined by influence. If your actions are unpopular, you will have no power even if you hold a senior position.

Thinking that now even Tang Jian had begun to threaten him, he felt more and more that this secretary was not doing his job as a foil. Then something even more depressing happened again. Several military vehicles drove up not far away to congratulate Shengli.

The commander arrived.

Seeing the arrival of He Shengli, Xu Chaoqi's disappointment became even stronger. He knew that at this moment, he would be deprived of even his right to speak. When dealing with such a terrifying matter, it was obvious that the army commander was better than him.

This secretary has much greater say.

Sure enough, He Shengli scolded Xia Houjie very harshly as soon as he arrived, "What happened? The matter has not been resolved yet. Don't you know how many Chinese and foreign reporters are in this city because Poole is in Capital Province?

If they hear the news here and rush over, things will only become more difficult."

"Yes." Facing He Shengli, Xia Houjie didn't say a word of nonsense except bowing his head to accept the criticism.

"Okay, take action immediately to rescue the hostages. If it doesn't work, just prepare for the worst." He Shengli made a decision to Xia Houjie.

"Commander He, that hostage is the son of Comrade Tang Jian, secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Capital City." When Xu Chaoqi saw that He Shengli had made such a decision, he panicked and wanted to speak out to dissuade him.

"No one can do it. From what we know, this hostage has a certain relationship with the killer. Even if he survives, we will still hold him accountable. Also, in the face of national security, any individual

The safety risks are all minor." He Shengli said with a serious face.

As a soldier, his thoughts are obviously different from those of ordinary people. It is not surprising that He Shengli, who is used to life and death, would make such a decision.

"Yes." Xia Houjie stood at attention immediately. With these words of He Shengli, he knew what to do next.

Xu Chaoqi returned to the car helplessly and explained the situation to Tang Jian. "You can't blame me for this. I have worked very hard, but..."

"No, we can't decide like this, I want my son." When Tang Jian heard that things had turned out like this, he immediately opened the car door impulsively, wanting to rush out to see what was going on.

Just as Tang Jian rushed out of the car door, there was a burst of intensive gunshots not far away. Then someone was heard shouting, "The killer is dead. Oh, the hostage was also killed by the killer."

"Ah!" As soon as this news reached Tang Jian's ears, he felt a sudden tremor, and he fainted.


Capital Provincial Military Hospital.

The lights outside the operating room finally turned on, and several doctors filed out of it.

Immediately, Zheng Zhi took the lead and walked over, "How's it going? How is Comrade Feng Sizhe's situation?"

"Chief, Governor Feng's condition is relatively stable. Although the bullet entered his body, its lethality was weakened a lot because of the distance. Even when Governor Feng was at the critical moment, he still managed to escape the critical point.

, so there is nothing wrong with him, he is just weak and needs a good rest. We suggest that it is best to send him to the 301 Hospital with better medical conditions, which will help Governor Feng's physical recovery." A doctor from the attending hospital took off his mask and answered.


"Okay, I will contact you immediately about this matter, and you will also do the transfer work." Zheng Zhi nodded, and then turned to the secretary to make arrangements. Then he reported to the central government that Feng Sizhe was injured in saving Poole.

We all know it and are waiting for news now.

After doing all this, Zheng Zhi got up and walked to a room not far away, where Poole was still waiting for news.

Kyoto 301 Hospital.

In a spacious ward with a very elegant environment, Feng Sizhe was lying on the hospital bed eating the fruit peeled by He Shasha.

"Hey, by the way, your skills are really good. Look, your peeled pears haven't lost any nutrients at all. That's amazing." Comrade Feng Sizhe was eating the fruit while constantly complimenting his wife.

"Okay, I know you have a sweet mouth." After being flattered, He Shasha's face was also very good, with a sunny face. It was completely different from the miserable look she had when she heard that Feng Sizhe was shot and hospitalized a few days ago.

The room door was pushed open in Zaidu, and Mr. Bao Jingguo and Bao appeared in the ward.

This chapter has been completed!
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