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Chapter 2483: Victory or defeat depends

Thanks to 8062 for voting seven monthly votes for the genius, thanks from the prodigal son!!!


Faced with Feng Sizhe's words, Duan Yunpeng really wanted to refute, but he did find that what they said seemed to be right. With the current status of Young Master Feng, if anyone wanted to threaten his safety and force him to do something he couldn't do...

If you are willing to do something, the consequences will be really serious.

"Get out of my way." Feng Sizhe snorted coldly and yelled at Liu Liang and others.

Liu Liang and the others glanced at Duan Yunpeng, and after seeing that the boss had no further expression, they quickly made way.

When Feng Sizhe strode out of the Great Wall Club, Duan Yunpeng himself plopped down on the sofa. He felt that his whole body seemed to have no strength. His last hope was shattered.

It didn't take long for Dexingmin and Xi Meidan to know what happened at the Great Wall Club. Neither of them knew what to say. They knew that Duan Yunpeng had really done something wrong this time. People like Feng Sizhe could now

Is it possible to force it? If it is easy to talk and discuss, there may be a chance to have a relationship, but if it is forced, it will definitely be reversed.

In the end, the two of them reached an agreement that they would never mention this matter again. This was the best way to avoid embarrassing everyone. Of course, the two of them also decided not to deal with Duan Yunpeng's matter.

There was no way, even Feng Sizhe couldn't think of a better way, so they were even more helpless.

After Duan Yunpeng had a falling out with Feng Sizhe, he contacted many other people, but no one could do anything about the matter. In desperation, he returned home and found his father, wanting to see if he had anything more to say.

Good idea.

Duan Jianghe has been very busy at work these days, and he has a lot to worry about in the preparations for the 18th National Congress. But when his son came to visit, he still took the time to listen to his son's report.

In the study, Duan Jianghe heard Duan Yunpeng's detailed report, and then fell into deep thought.

He knew some things in Sanxiang Province, but he didn't expect it to be so serious. He knew about his son's Pengfei Company. Even such a large company could not survive. It is conceivable that in Sanxiang Province,

What will be the situation of other small companies that we invest in?

"Is Sanxiang Province really as bad as you said?" Duan Jianghe didn't believe it. He was afraid that his son was exaggerating the facts intentionally.

"It's only worse than what I said. Dad, you don't know that in order to repay the loan from Samsung Group, the province not only withdrew all the cash it could take, but also collected taxes from our company for three years.

All this is to solve these problems. But I heard some friends in the province say that even so, it still cannot solve the problem." Duan Yunpeng sighed, obviously when it came to matters related to Sanxiang Province,

He also had a severe headache.

"What? Three years of tax collection first?" Duan Jianghe was shocked when he heard this statement. This approach was somewhat similar to the warlord style during the Republic of China. He really didn't expect that in peaceful times,

Something like this might happen.

"Yes, there is such a policy, but although it is taxed, it has not been publicized. I am afraid that everyone knows that it will still be developed in Sanxiang Province in the future. If it really offends the provincial government, then it will still be done in the future.

Will there be any good policies for us?" Duan Yunpeng nodded and acknowledged this statement.

"How bold." Duan Jianghe slammed the table and stood up from his chair. He was obviously angry about this matter.

After about half a minute, Duan Jianghe's anger seemed to have subsided a little, and he asked again, "Did they take your job?"

"Of course I'll take it. I'm one of the largest foreign companies in Sanxiang Province now. How can I run away?" Duan Yunpeng shook his head helplessly, obviously he was very dissatisfied with Sanxiang Province's approach of not letting him go.

In his opinion, everyone knows what kind of identity he is. Even if Hou Weidong messes around again, he still has to distinguish who can be messed with and who cannot be messed with. But in the end, he still accepted his money,

This is indeed a very irritating place.

"Okay, okay, that's great. It seems that the relevant comrades in Sanxiang Province have a very tough work style." Duan Jianghe said bitterly. At the same time, he understood better that even the taxes from his son's company must be collected for three years.

, this is enough to show that the current economic situation of Sanxiang Province is really very bad.

"Dad, it's better not to talk about this now. You should see if there is any way to solve the problem. If it doesn't work, I think the central government will allocate funds. Otherwise, the problem in Sanxiang Province will become bigger." Duan Yunpeng

He persuaded her earnestly, and said these words partly for himself and partly for the stability of the country. He could imagine that once things in Sanxiang Province cannot be suppressed, and one day they are exposed, the economy of the entire province will be in great danger.

It may collapse. If that happens, it will take a long time to recover. And the most important thing is that the government departments will lose credibility. This is what he thinks is the most important thing.

It was precisely because of these thoughts that Duan Yunpeng thought of explaining the matter to his father. He believed that the top leaders of the country did not want to see such a thing happen, and in order to solve the problem, they would allocate funds and rescue the market. That way

If so, the problems he faces can be solved.

Duan Jianghe was also very excited when he heard the truth, but when he heard his son ask whether the central government could allocate funds, he still shook his head, then patted his son on the shoulder and said, "Yunpeng, although

You are a good person in business, but when it comes to zz, you are still far behind."

"Dad, what do you mean?" Duan Yunpeng asked puzzledly.

Facing his son, Duan Jianghe did not hide it, but took the initiative to explain, "If the central government starts to allocate funds, it means that the method of borrowing chickens to lay eggs and accelerating the economy implemented by Hou Weidong is wrong.

.If other people did this, it wouldn’t be a big deal if such a result would occur. The worst that could happen would be to be dismissed from office. Or even if you are lucky, you could sit on the bench for a while and then look for opportunities to make a comeback. But for some people

Speaking of which, it is indeed impossible, especially at such a critical time now, and they will not allow such a thing to happen. Do you understand?"

Duan Jianghe looked at his son with a smile and continued to teach, "If my guess is correct, the situation in Sanxiang Province must be solved, but it will definitely not be handled by the parties involved, because at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which is about to be held,

, he still needs to take a step up in the country and become the secretary of any province. This is their normal development path. Then you tell me, how could they ask the central government for money and slap themselves in the face at this time?"

After his father's explanation, Duan Yunpeng understood. "So that's the case. Doesn't it mean that it will take a lot of time to resolve the issue in Sanxiang Province?"

"Yes, if there is such a big problem, it will be extremely difficult for anyone to change it. But this is not important anymore. What is important is that he will be transferred and serve as secretary of another province." Duan Jianghe

He nodded and said.

Listening to what his father said, Duan Yunpeng was a little dumbfounded, "Could it be... is it true that as Feng Sizhe said, I have no choice but to give up now?"

"What? Did you talk to Comrade Feng Sizhe about this matter?" Duan Jianghe was shocked when he heard this.

"Ah, I told him that I wanted him to think of a solution for me." Duan Yunpeng nodded and said.

"Hey." Seeing that his son had already said it, Duan Jianghe knew it was too late, so he simply said, "Okay, okay, it's like this anyway. Sooner or later, he will know who will do it."

They say it’s all the same.”

Duan Yunpeng didn't think about what his father said. He only thought about whether he really had to give up like this. If so, his personal assets would be severely reduced, which was very difficult for him to accept.

The fact.


Wait home.

Hou Zhennan was reporting something nonstop in the Hou family's study room. Mr. Hou was enjoying the massage from his grandson Hou Weidong and sat back on the chair.

After about ten minutes, Hou Zhennan stopped talking, and then asked in a questioning manner, "Dad, this is the result of my discussion with several other leaders. What do you think?"

Hearing his son's inquiry, Hou Lao opened his eyes and said, "Dong'er's matter must be resolved quickly, and the appointment must be announced before the meeting."

"Okay, I will convey your intention to the relevant comrades." Hou Zhennan nodded quickly.

As soon as Hou Lao said this, Hou Weidong's hand on his shoulder shook, and then he said in a slightly excited tone, "Grandpa, let you and father worry about my affairs."

"It should be." Mr. Hou patted Hou Weidong's hand on his shoulder and uttered three words.

"That's right, Dong'er, don't have any mental burden. You are the future and hope of our Hou family. Only when you are good to the Hou family can the Hou family be better in the future. No matter how much we do for you now, it is appropriate." Hou Zhennan said with a loud voice.


Hou Weidong blushed and lowered his head. He knew very well that his performance in Sanxiang Province was not satisfactory, so his grandfather and father's plan had to be changed. Originally, he should have directly taken up the post of secretary in Sanxiang Province.

Yes, but now we really have to consider the positions of secretaries in other provinces.

Fortunately, the Hou family is powerful and has other provinces to choose from. Otherwise, I might really be nailed to Sanxiang Province this time.

As if sensing Hou Weidong's low mood, Mr. Hou comforted him softly and said, "Dong'er, your father is right. You don't have to have any mental burden. Victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists. Now that I have said it, you

Your starting point is good, no one will question you or anything."


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