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Chapter 2520: Resolving a Harm (Votes Chapter)

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"Why are you negotiating terms with me? Your son is suspected of qiangjiang and has been arrested by the police in accordance with the law. No one can take him away now." Feng Sizhe looked at Luo Jinhu with no fear at all. For these social

Gangster, scum, not to mention Fei Yuan and his men are coming outside, even if there are no reinforcements, he will not be afraid at all.

"Then there's no need to talk?" Luo Jinhu looked at Feng Sizhe and said fiercely. He didn't expect that Feng Sizhe would give in. He had made preparations before he came. The worst is to fight, and then he brought

He just hides his son and secretly controls the Black Tiger Gang.

"Huh! Not only do we have nothing to talk about, but since you are here this time, don't leave anymore and stay with your son." Feng Sizhe sneered, and then suddenly shouted loudly, "Commander Fei,

What are you waiting for? Haven't you taken down all these cancers that endanger social security?"

After Feng Sizhe shouted, more than two hundred soldiers with guns suddenly appeared behind Luo Jinhu. As soon as these people rushed out, a wave of cold air suddenly filled every place in the space.

"Ah? They're from the army. Didn't they say they wouldn't interfere? What's going on?" When they saw so many People's Liberation Army soldiers suddenly appearing, everyone in the Black Tiger Gang was shocked.

They dared to use force when facing the police, but they would not have such courage when facing the army.

"Arrest them all. If they resist, they will be killed on the spot." Fei Yuan stood up from the crowd and shouted loudly.

Immediately, more than 200 soldiers rushed up, and most of the Tiger Gang people were restrained and controlled without checking for a moment.

As soon as Luo Jinhu saw this situation, he knew that he was probably going to be thrown here today. To say that he was ruthless enough, he suddenly tore off his clothes, revealing the explosives tied inside, and then shouted loudly

He said, "I don't think any of you dare to move. At worst, we will die together today."

To say that Luo Jinhu's move really exceeded many people's expectations, no one would have thought that this person would have bombs strapped all over his body when he came. This person is really a desperado.

"Bah!" A gunshot rang out, and the bullet penetrated Luo Jinhu's head directly. In just this moment, Luo Jinhu, the dignified Jiao Liao gang boss, was shot to death.

Needless to say, this was done by the hidden sniper in the army. It was also unavoidable. If decisive measures were not taken at this time, the situation would be very dangerous once Luo Jinhu took control of the overall situation.

Luo Jinhu was shot to death, so the others naturally did not dare to resist. Within a short time, all these dozens of people were captured.

As Luo Jinhu was killed and most of the core gang members were arrested, the Black Tiger Gang, which had been rampant in Jiaoliao for a while, announced its disintegration.

The next time was naturally to start cleaning up the battlefield, and the People's Liberation Army soldiers began to search layer by layer to see if there were any remnants of the Black Tiger Gang among them.

The search lasted for more than half an hour, and at this time, the commander of the Provincial Military Region, Zhao Liang, and the political commissar Shi Dianjie finally arrived with soldiers from the Provincial Military Region.

As soon as he saw Zhao Liang and the others coming, Feng Sizhe raised his hand and looked at his watch, then snorted and said, "Commander Zhao and Political Commissar Shi are so fast. They agreed on it for an hour, but it was over twenty."

It's been a few minutes, I wonder how you want to explain?"

Zhao Liang and Shi Dianjie also smiled awkwardly. They had never come at all. If they hadn't suddenly received the news that Commander Fei of the Military Region had arrived, they still wouldn't have appeared. Now that Feng Sizhe was getting angry in public, Zhao Liang had no choice but to

He explained, "It's a traffic jam. By the way, traffic jams in cities are really severe."

"Yes, there are more and more cars on the road now. I think the province needs to find a way to solve the traffic pressure, otherwise we won't be able to get there on time for any important things." Political Commissar Shi Dianjie was even smarter and directly

The reason is attributed to the local government.

Seeing the two people singing and drinking, it seemed like this was going on. Feng Sizhe said with a serious expression, "There is a traffic jam, so I don't know how Commander Fei got here on time? How can I explain this?"


"There is nothing to explain. I will report this matter to the military, and I believe the superiors will come up with suggestions for handling it. Zhao Liang, Comrade Shi Dianjie, this time you did not complete the task on time, which made the incident more serious.

I think you have to take full responsibility. Now, on behalf of the Northeast Military Region, I will suspend you two from your duties and wait until the military makes a decision." Fei Yuanzhen waved his hand and said that he didn't need to listen at all.

The way he explained it, this technique had the style of a military god.

Hearing that Fei Yuanxian had killed him, Feng Sizhe was not far behind, "Okay, now that the military region has made this decision, on behalf of the Capital Provincial Committee, I will now suspend Comrade Shi Dianjie from his position as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee. During this period, you will

Just shut yourself up at home and reflect on your past."

In an instant, Zhao Liang and Shi Dianjie became the scapegoats, which surprised both of them. They did not expect such a result. On the way there, they were still thinking that at worst, they would be killed when they met.

It's good to take the initiative to admit your mistakes, but who can do anything to them because of this matter?

But I never expected that people would really dare to do anything to them, and even directly deprive them of their power as soon as they took action.

"Why? You can't make such a decision. I want to appeal to the central government. I want to appeal to the military." Shi Dianjie relied on the support of the Hou family behind him. How could he sit still and wait for death at this moment?

"Whatever, this is your right. You can appeal at any time, but I am the commander of the military region. I have the power to suspend you for inspection." Fei Yuan said nonchalantly. At this moment, he had already made up his mind to take this action.

The two of them were replaced, or it could be said that he had made this decision during a discussion with General Manager Zhao Wanyong at the Zhao Family Courtyard in Kyoto.

Among the Northeastern Military Region, the Jiaoliao Military Region is naturally extremely powerful, but this unit did not listen to his orders. This made Fei Yuan feel that he could not control the overall situation, so after he took office, this unit

The two of them will change sooner or later, and today is just the right time.

In addition, this time Zhao Liang and Shi Dianjie not only provoked Feng Sizhe, but also almost injured Tang Xiaojun, Tong Qing and Tian Liang. Based on this, these two people were doomed this time.

With Zhao Liang and Shi Dianjie being stripped of their military power, the matter at the Liaodu Hotel has come to an end for the time being.

But this is just the beginning of another struggle.

After Shi Dianjie returned home, he immediately called Hou Weidong and told him about his situation. He was not angry at Fei Yuan and Feng Sizhe for suspending him.

Hou Weidong comforted him on the phone and said, how could the political commissar of a provincial military region say that suspension is suspension? It was just that he was a little late, which was not a big deal, so he didn't have to worry, Hou would

Speak for him at a high level.

After hearing Hou Weidong's assurance, Shi Dianjie felt relieved. He thought that he would be fine this time. But what he didn't know was that there were people like Tang Xiaojun in the Liaodu Hotel. At this moment, Tang Xiaojun

The eldest son had already flown to Kyoto under the personal escort of Feng Sizhe, and he was returning to report to his father the true situation that happened here.

At the same time, Tong Qing and Tian Liang also went back to their respective homes. They also needed to explain the situation to their respective fathers so that they could play a certain role at the critical moment.

Luo Jinhu was shot dead, and Luo Xiaohu was shot again. It was said that he was destined to be disabled for the rest of his life. The other five kings at the scene were all caught, and after a while, the police suddenly arrived at the hospital and took over

Brother Long and Brother Ying are in the hospital. At this point, all the senior officials of the Black Tiger Gang have been wiped out.

When this result reached the ears of Cheng Shaotang and Hu Yinwen, both of them couldn't believe it.

These two people took advantage of the chaos and left before the army arrived. They are now safe. However, after hearing the fate of Luo Jinhu, they were still shocked because they did not know that they would

I won't get the same result as Luo Jinhu one day.

At Hu Yinwen's urging, Cheng Shaotang took the initiative to call Jiang Houlong, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, to inquire about the current development of the matter.

Jiang Houlong comforted them on the phone. The young master will personally come forward in this matter. The matter will not be so bad. This time Feng Sizhe's actions were a bit reckless. The higher-ups should punish him for disturbing social order. Please

They are relieved.

What Cheng Shaotang and Hu Yinwen were most worried about was whether Feng Sizhe would use this incident to catch them all. Now that they heard Jiang Houlong say this, they felt relieved and waited for the results.


zNanhai, where Tang Yi’s office is located.

Tan Longjun, member of the Standing Committee of the zz Bureau and Chairman of the CPPCC, is sitting here.

As the spokesperson of the Hou system at the top, Tan Longjun still has a very important voice. This time he came here just for the affairs of Jiaoliao Province. He also believed that as long as he put pressure on him, Tang Yi would know what to do.


"Secretary Z, I don't know if you have heard about what happened in Jiaoliao this time. Large-scale social riots occurred, which had an extremely negative impact on the stability of the country. I think that in this matter, Feng Sizhe

The comrade is responsible for the oversight. I suggest that Feng Sizhe should be warned about this matter. This can be regarded as an encouragement to him." Tan Longjun looked like he was smiling. I don't know, I really thought he said this for Feng Sizhe's benefit.

Woolen cloth.


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