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Chapter 2526: Elder Zhao is ill

Unfortunately, Qin Xianghua went to Beidaihe to recuperate. Not only him, but several ministerial-level figures who had good relations with the Hou family used various excuses for not being in Kyoto so that he could not be found.

Hou Zhennan also knew that someone was hiding from him. In desperation, he had no choice but to come to Tan's house and meet Chairman Tan Longjun of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Tan Longjun was the serving leader, so naturally he couldn't hide anymore. Even if he said it, he couldn't hide. So, he might as well be more direct. He sat at home and waited for Zhennan's arrival.

As soon as Hou Zhennan entered Tan's house, he shouted, "Chief, Chief, you have to make the decision."

"Comrade Zhennan, what's wrong with you? You asked me to make the decision, what kind of decision?" Tan Longjun looked unreasonable.

"The chief, the chief, is Comrade Jiang Houlong's problem. He was obviously wronged and was a trap set up by Feng Sizhe. However, some leading comrades of our party were deceived and became his accomplices for unknown reasons." Hou Zhennan said.

He looked so indignant that people who didn't know better would have thought that he had suffered a lot of injustice.

Originally, Tan Longjun was not in a hurry, because he had already thought about how to talk to Hou Zhennan, but now when he heard this, he was still a little shocked and said quickly, "Comrade Zhennan, speak up

You have to pay attention to evidence, and some things can’t be said carelessly.”

When Tan Longjun drank, Hou Zhennan was stunned. "Chief, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? You just said that Jiang Houlong was wrongly accused. Do you know how many people have responded to his question now, and how many of them have irrefutable evidence?"

"You just said that Comrade Feng Sizhe deceived some leading comrades to become accomplices in dealing with Jiang Houlong, so where is your evidence?"

"Comrade Zhennan, you are still one of the senior cadres of our party. Don't you still understand the words "trouble comes from your mouth" even now?

"Comrade Zhennan, we are the only two here today. I will pretend that I have never heard what you said. Don't tell others casually. Otherwise, if something happens, I won't be able to protect you." Tan Longjun is

He commented on Hou Zhennan one question at a time, and even later turned into criticism.

Hou Zhennan came to Tan Longjun to complain, but now he has become the target of criticism. How this trick turned out made him a little confused. But after all, he is the secretary of a province, and it is still a big province like Guangdong.

His reaction was very quick.

"Chief, what are you talking about? I can only say these words to you, and I can't say them casually to others. Besides, you just said you wanted to protect me? Haha, to be honest, I don't think anyone else can touch me.

, I didn’t violate discipline." Hou Zhennan was still very confident when he said these words.

As the leader of the second generation of the Hou family, it is true that as long as Mr. Hou is still alive, no one can touch him. After all, Mr. Hou is still here, and his power is naturally not small. This is not a person, or

A few cadres can do it if they want to deal with him. That requires not only sufficient evidence, but also strong strength.

Haven't you listened to the ancients, haven't you heard that punishment cannot be as good as the doctor said? And Hou Zhennan's status is equivalent to the position of a doctor in ancient times.

"I didn't say you had any problems, I just reminded you that I didn't want to help with Jiang Houlong's matter, but after I inquired about it, I found out that there is really a big problem with this cadre, and this matter

It has also attracted the attention of both Secretary Tang and Secretary Wang. I am afraid things cannot be changed, so you should give up those unrealistic ideas." When Tan Longjun said these words, he was also full of helplessness, really because

With his current position and ability, he cannot speak out on one matter, which will make him feel a deep sense of frustration.

Originally, Hou Zhennan came to Tan Longjun with a glimmer of hope. He even wanted to hear Tan Longjun talk to him about some conditions, for example, that this matter was not easy to handle and needed to be discussed in the long term.

If this is the case, it proves that there is still room for change. In this case, in order to prevent some people from succeeding in attacking the Hou family, he can take a step back and transfer some of the Hou family's interests to Tan Longjun.

Even though Tan Longjun is now one of the seven big guys, in fact, he is not very strong. He originally developed based on the Hou family, and there are really not many opportunities for him to develop his strength. But now he

I have finally achieved positive results and have reached the pinnacle of my life. Of course I want to have the feeling of having the highest power.

If you want to stand at the top of power, what you need to do is to have available people under you. Otherwise, you can't just give orders. If the people below you don't follow your words seriously, the result is that your words will not be effective.

A sign of having positions but not having power. And now, with so many years of development, the Hou family still has a lot of people in various systems. Although some of them were destroyed by the attack, no one dares to underestimate the remaining strength.

It was based on this foundation that Hou Zhennan came to find Tan Longjun. He believed that he had things and resources that others needed. But he never expected that he would not mention any conditions and just said that this matter could not be done. If

If he doesn't even give him a mouthful, then there's no point in what he's saying.

After praying silently for Jiang Houlong in his heart, Hou Zhennan left. He also knew that not even Tan Longjun could help with this matter, and it would be useless to look for others to worry about. The person said that for a

It doesn't seem worthwhile for the deputy secretary of the province to really stake all the information on the Hou family.

Hou Zhennan just gave up the opportunity to speak for Jiang Houlong. Although this was a last resort, it did prove that the Hou family was not as powerful as others imagined and could really influence the situation at the top.

Hou Zhennan backed down because he saw no hope. In comparison, Hou Weidong did not give up.

After he became the secretary of Nanxi Province as he wished, he finally felt the feeling of having great power and having one order executed by hundreds of people. This also made his self-confidence infinitely expand.

This time, he paid attention to the incident in Jiaoliao Province immediately and obtained a lot of information in his own way. After knowing that Wang Zerong helped Feng Sizhe this time, or that Feng Dashao once again used the Disciplinary Inspection Department

After carrying out the action openly and honestly, he began to think deeply.

It has to be said that Hou Weidong himself is still very smart. If Feng Sizhe hadn't appeared, maybe he would really be the proud son of the emperor now and be favored by countless people.

Just like what happened in Jiaoliao Province this time, it inspired Hou Weidong.

Hou Weidong saw that Feng Sizhe knew how to take advantage of the situation, and while he admired him in his heart, he was also studying silently. Based on this matter, he came to three conclusions and decisions.

1. One of the main reasons why Feng Sizhe was able to gain the initiative in Jiaoliao Province so quickly was that he chose to crack down on gangsters. By cracking down on gangsters and eradicating evil, he can win the hearts and minds of the people, gain points for himself, and at the same time take the opportunity to cut off

This is a great trick for people who are on the wrong side of you.

Drawing on Jiaoliao's experience, Hou Weidong also suddenly started a vigorous crackdown on organized crime in the southwestern provinces.

Second, the reason why some people now dare to speak against Jiang Houming, who is a descendant of the Hou family, is undoubtedly because his grandfather is bedridden and is not in good health. Then one can imagine how important the head of a family is to the existence of a family.


Third, if Feng Sizhe can take advantage of the situation, why can't he take advantage of it? Isn't it the Discipline Inspection Commission? It only costs 20 cents to write a report letter and it can cause countless people headaches. This is a good way, and

He already has a goal in mind, a goal borrowed from Article 2.


On the fourth day after Wang Chun and others were detained in Jiaoliao Province, Jiang Houlong was finally declared Shuanggui, and the situation in Jiaoliao Province changed fundamentally. Feng Sizhe, who had only been here for more than half a year, quickly took the initiative.

, and the Chiang people who originally resided here became rats crossing the street, and everyone shouted and beat them.

As soon as the situation at the top changed, the cadres below immediately started to take action. Especially this time, Comrade Wang Zerong came to Jiaoliao to handle the case in person, which gave people the impression that Secretary Wang would fully support Feng Sizhe.

, with the support of such a strong boss, wouldn’t they be fools if the lower cadres didn’t seize the opportunity to defect?

Suddenly, there was a long queue of cadres who came to report to Feng Sizhe, and there was also a long queue for Comrade Xia Xiang, the provincial governor who followed him. A key scene of power transfer and replacement was also taking place in the entire Jiaoliao Province.


Just when Feng Sizhe, Xia Xiang and others were integrating Jiao Liao's cadre system, suddenly a call from his second aunt Zhao Lishu came to his mobile phone, saying that his grandfather was suddenly ill.

With these words, Feng Sizhe immediately booked a flight, handed over the family affairs to Xia Xiang, and hurried back to Kyoto.

When I returned to the courtyard, I saw my grandpa, Mr. Zhao, lying on the bedside with a very bad look on his face. Grandma and some comrades in charge of health care were taking care of him.

Seeing Feng Sizhe coming back, Zhao Lishu called him aside with a gentle gesture, "Xiaozhe, it's so fast."

"Second aunt, what happened to grandpa? What did the doctor say?" Feng Sizhe didn't have time to say any kind words at this moment, so he asked in a hurry.

"Hey, the doctor said it's nothing serious. It's just the qi stasis caused by a bad mood." Zhao Lishu sighed and said helplessly.

"What? Grandpa is not in good health. What's going on?" Although in the last life, grandpa was admitted to the hospital due to a stroke as early as this time last year, and his health was extremely deteriorating, but that was because of the previous life.

The Zhao family has always failed to live up to expectations and stood on the wrong team at the critical moment, so grandpa is like this. But this life has completely changed because of his rebirth. The Zhao family is now in a strong position, so how can such a thing happen again?


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