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Chapter 274: Blocking the Door

However, the reputation that can scare people every day does not work today. After hearing the driver's shouting, the three young security guards turned around and left as if they had not heard anything, and re-entered the Pengfei Peanut Products Processing Factory.

, it looks like a person is dead and a bird is lying in the sky, you can do whatever you want.

Seeing that the security guard ignored him and walked back outside the factory, the driver looked back at Wang Yanjin in confusion. This was the first time he had encountered such a thing today, and he really didn't know what to do.


Wang Yanjin's face looked very ugly at the moment. In fact, it was not that he didn't know that his driver occasionally did something that was fake, but he just didn't want to take care of it. He always turned a blind eye, because in his eyes

If the driver can borrow the tiger's power from him, it is a complete proof that he is indeed a tiger. But today, the tiger's power is not easy to use. In a small processing factory in Dahu County, there are people who dare not to sell themselves.

Face, if this spread, he would be very depressed. For this reason, he took the big brother from the secretary in the front row and thought about calling Secretary Sun Shicun and asking him what was going on. A small family

How can a small processing factory be so arrogant?

Just after I got the mobile phone and before the call was made, the car of Li Lianxue, the Propaganda Director of the Municipal Party Committee, also drove over.

As soon as he saw Li Lianxue coming out of the car window, Wang Yanjin interrupted his attempt to pull out the phone. He wanted to see if Li Lianxue would hit a wall like him. "Xiao Hu, reverse the car and give it to me."

Minister Li, please make room." He said to the driver and then opened his eyes wide to see if Minister Li's treatment would be better than his own.

Just like he did just now, Minister Li's car drove straight to the gate of Pengfei Peanut Products Processing Factory. He honked the horn twice, and the same three security youths came out just now. The relationship between the two parties was also the same as before.

conversation, and then the same scene appeared. The three security guards abandoned Li Lianxue's car, turned around, and returned to the factory.

Wang Yanjin couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene in the car, "Haha, okay, okay, Lao Li's car was also stopped. It seems that this Pengfei company is very courageous?"

With a little money, you dare not take the two municipal party committee leaders in your eyes, huh, I want to see how you end up next."

Knowing that he was not isolated intentionally, but that this company had such a bad temper, Wang Yanjin swept away the gloom on his face just now.

"Leader, Vice Mayor Sun's car is coming." The secretary's sharp eyes saw that just after Li Lianxue's car hit a nail, the car of Standing Committee Vice Mayor Sun Zhongping was also driving towards this direction, so he immediately whispered a reminder

Wang Yanjin shouted.

"Haha, don't be afraid. Let's see if Vice Mayor Sun's car will also be blocked outside. Haha, it's really interesting to come to Dahu today. There is such a factory and they want to build a country within a country. They think

Who am I? I am building on my land in Yongyang, and I still don’t want to buy the face of Yongyang’s leaders. I think the money they really wanted to invest has been wasted.” Wang Yanjin was already angry at this moment, and his words began to get out of hand.

It's online, and it seems that he is ready to clean up this Pengfei company.

The slowly approaching car belonged to Vice Mayor Sun, and Sun Zhongping himself was sitting in the car. Far away, he saw the cars of Minister Li Liancue and Minister Wang Yanjin parked at the entrance of the compound. Out of caution,

He casually said to the driver, "Stop the car first, Xiao Wang, and go and see what happened."

Sun Zhongping's driver stopped the car, and his secretary Wang Gang quickly got out of the car and walked straight to the gate of Pengfei Peanut Products Processing Factory. After chatting with Minister Li and Minister Wang's secretary there, he hurriedly

He returned to the car and reported everything that had just happened to Vice Mayor Sun.

"What? The people in this factory dare to shut out the leaders of the municipal party committee. This is too courageous. Xiao Wang, please call out the private number that County Magistrate Feng Sizhe gave me last time.

He talked on the phone. "After all, he is a politician. When encountering something, he must first consider the political impact. His feeling is that the Pengfei Peanut Products Processing Factory is a little too big and arrogant today, and he doesn't know what's going on.

Is there any back-up plan from Feng Sizhe? If so, be sure to remind him that he is playing with fire.

Wang Gang quickly found Feng Sizhe's phone number, pulled it out, and as soon as he connected it, he immediately handed the phone number to Sun Zhongping.

Feng Sizhe was currently chatting happily with Mayor Chang Ning at Dali Village in Shisanli Town.

Chang Ning was originally the leader of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, and he was much more familiar with agriculture than ordinary officials. Today he and Feng Sizhe were walking together in the countryside again, so naturally the two of them had to talk about whether they wanted land or not.

agricultural topics.

During this period of time, I have been wandering around the countryside, and Feng Sizhe has gained a basic understanding of agriculture. Since both parties are interested, they naturally have more things to talk about in common.

"Well, County Magistrate Feng, your idea of ​​​​based on agricultural development is not bad. At least it is in line with objective laws and adapts to the development environment of the Great Lakes. Your vision is accurate and your requirements are not too ambitious. I support you very much." As soon as they chatted, Chang Ning said.

Straight to the point, he affirmed Feng Sizhe's recent work.

"Thank you, Mayor Chang, for your praise and affirmation of my work. As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people. I personally believe that no matter what era or system we are in, food will always be the foundation of a country. A poor person

You can live in a smaller house and wear shabby clothes, but you must eat enough, otherwise you will be hungry and have no energy to work, start a business, and become rich. So I think agricultural issues will always be something that everyone needs to talk about and will never fall behind.

Problem. Especially since our land is fertile and the people are diligent, as long as there is a good direction and good policies, there is no reason why the people will not get rich from it." Feng Sizhe also expressed his opinion at the opportunity, although

He also knew that as the mayor of a city, he was willing to come to the village to see him, and his sincerity was enough. If he said that he had received his approval, but he still wanted to try Chang Ning's political ideas, he really meant it.

Are you thinking about the people? Or are you just trying to use your influence to find a shortcut for promotion and wealth?

"Yes, Dahu County has very good hardware conditions for agricultural development. It is far from a barren land, let alone a mountainous plateau with strange rocks. Logically speaking, agricultural development here should be able to achieve self-sufficiency and wealth, but I don't know

Why is this still one of the poorest counties in the country? I think this should be a problem of governance. It is caused by the inaction of local officials and their failure to discover their own advantages." Chang Ning does not seem to have the same outsider attitude as Feng Sizhe.

I mean, this opening of my mouth shows my attitude.

What's more, what he said next turned out to be even sharper. "Some officials in our country now just look upward, always thinking about how to curry favor with their superiors, without caring about the lives of the people under their control.

They only think about what the leaders above need, and never what the people below need. Even if such officials are not corrupt and do not bend the law, I think they are guilty of not doing anything. For this reason, personally

, I really don’t like such a ruler. As the old saying goes, if an official doesn’t make decisions for the people, it’s better to go home and sell sweet potatoes! But I think, if every official is thinking about climbing up instead of thinking about the people, he doesn’t care about the people.

For the welfare of the people, even if he comes down one day, even if he wants to sell sweet potatoes, he may not have such an opportunity, because the good land is not properly utilized, and the people will eventually be unable to even grow sweet potatoes, so what will he use to sell?

"While talking, Chang Ning looked very angry.

Chang Ning's words were a bit cruel. If these words were spread to the ears of some officials, it would definitely have a big impact.

Feng Sizhe looked at Chang Ning with a serious expression with a smile, weighing in his mind, is what Mayor Chang said true or false? Is it his true thoughts or is he just trying to test himself?

If it is the former, then he is really worthy of his admiration. For such a good official, an old official with the people in mind, Feng Sizhe will definitely find a way to push him. After all, such a person is in a high position.

, it is a great thing for the country and the people. But if it is the latter, then Chang Ning is a little too insidious.

Because he had few contacts and understood little, Feng Sizhe did not dare to make any judgments about someone he just met, so he decided to give Mayor Chang a try.

Before Feng Sizhe could open his mouth to explore other aspects, the big brother placed next to the table rang.

Feng Sizhe smiled apologetically at Chang Ning, "Mayor Chang, if you call me, can I answer the call?"

This is of course a respectful request from him, and Chang Ning will certainly not object, "Okay, you can take it, I'll be fine waiting."

Feng Sizhe nodded, reached for the phone and pressed the answer button, "Hello, I'm Feng Sizhe."

"County Magistrate Feng? I'm Sun Zhongping." Vice Mayor Sun's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

When he heard that the call was from Sun Zhongping, Feng Sizhe's first feeling was that something must have happened in the county, so he immediately said respectfully, "Hello, Mayor Sun, I am Feng Sizhe."

Chang Ning, who was observing Feng Sizhe on the side, was stunned when he heard that the call was from his deputy Sun Zhongping. However, he responded with a look of listening attentively.

This chapter has been completed!
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