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Chapter 281 Zhang Youlun Appears to Consolation

In fact, these are not all. I heard from Mr. Bai that I can’t forget peanut butter and delicious peanut milk drink. These products will be launched by Pengfei Company in the near future.

After listening to Mr. Bai's introduction, Sun Zhongping and Li Lianxue couldn't help but nod their heads, praising Pengfei Company for having ideas and characteristics, and for being a good company with great prospects for doing great things.

Facing the compliments from Sun Zhongping and Li Lianxue, Bai Caixia waved her hands and smiled, "Two leaders, how could a girl like me have such a powerful mind to come up with such good ideas? To tell you the truth, these are

Dahu County Deputy County Magistrate Feng Sizhe's idea, including the different names of these peanut series, was also given by Magistrate Feng. We just followed his ideas. Haha."

Of course, Bai Caixia will not compete with Feng Sizhe for credit. On the contrary, she will encourage her brother Sizhe at the appropriate time, because in his opinion, if Feng Sizhe is good, she is good.

"Oh, these are all County Magistrate Feng's ideas. Well, there is really a good county magistrate who does practical things." Sun Zhongping listened to Mr. Bai saying that these were all Feng Sizhe's ideas, and he couldn't help but nodded. He continued.

The city came to Dahu County just to observe up close whether Feng Sizhe was a good official who was really willing to do things for the people, or a politician who just wanted to climb up and get rich. Now it seems that the answer seems to be there.

"Well, County Magistrate Feng is indeed a good county party committee cadre, not bad. He has ideas and ideas in doing things, and his views are also very novel. I think this method of Pengfei Company is still very feasible. And I believe this also requires a lot of work

With peanut raw materials, it’s possible that the entire peanut industry in Dahu County will have to rely on Pengfei Company to revive it in the future, and even the peanuts in some surrounding counties and cities will benefit from this.” Propaganda Minister Li Lianxue also smiled happily.

He had only heard of Feng Sizhe before, and had a little impression of him, but it wasn't until today that he understood that Feng Sizhe not only had some background as people said, but he was also a man of action. Okay.

, having more such cadres is beneficial to both the country and the people.

Listening to Sun Zhongping and Li Lianxue both following their own words and praising Feng Sizhe, Bai Caixia wanted to say something nice about Feng Sizhe while the iron was hot, but the assistant who followed her came over. Sun Shicun, secretary of the Dahu County Party Committee, came and asked to see Mr. Bai.


The local officials could not be provoked or offended, so Bai Caixia had no choice but to complain to the two municipal party committee leaders, and then walked out of the factory gate. Of course, as she walked, she did not forget to ask Feng Sizhe for instructions on what to do next, so that

After seeing the scene just now, Bai Caixia angrily rebuked Sun Shicun, Wang Yanjin and other county and city leaders. At the same time, she dared to turn around and continue to make these people who wanted to make things difficult for Pengfei Company suffer in the name of quitting.

Sun Zhongping and Li Lianxue were basically kicked out of the Pengfei Company compound. Although no one actually had physical contact with them, the flying stinky shoes still embarrassed them and made them even more miserable.

Anger also rose, and after Sun Zhongping finished asking Wang Yanjin, Li Lianxue also opened fire.

"I said to Minister Wang, what is going on? What did you say to Mr. Bai of Pengfei Company to make her so angry that she even kicked us out and said that Pengfei Company was going to divest its capital?"

, I want to leave Dahu County, what... is this going on?"

Li Lianxue's voice of questioning made Wang Yanjin very distressed. This was not the result he wanted at all. Originally, he wanted to make things difficult for Pengfei Company, but now the result is that he was made difficult by others, and he wanted to make things difficult for him.

Thinking about the development of the matter, as the top leader on the scene, he did not give any instructions in time, which has proved that he was wrong and he has a great responsibility. Now he is facing the questions of Minister Li and Mayor Sun.

He also blamed him for being a mute who ate Coptis chinensis and felt unspeakable pain.

Wang Yanjin lowered his head and didn't know how to answer. Facing the questions from Li Lianxue and Sun Zhongping, he just wanted to remain silent at this moment. The mistake had been made, and there was no use in explaining it now. The only thing he wanted to do was to

All you have to do is think about how to minimize the impact of the situation.

But in this chaotic time, even though Wang Yanjin claimed to have seen some storms, he really couldn't think of a good solution at this moment, not because of anything else, but because he was really unfamiliar with Dahu County, and he couldn't even think of a good solution.

There is no one who can tell the truth. In such a dark situation, what can he do?

"Everyone, don't make any noise, don't make any noise, County Magistrate Zhang Youlun is here." Suddenly, a sharp shout came, and then Li Yige, director of the county party committee office, walked over accompanied by a middle-aged man.

"Who is he?" As soon as this person showed up at the end of the year, the Pengfei employees who were noisy around Sun Shicun immediately became much quieter. The leaders of the municipal party committee at the scene all asked this question in their minds, because Deputy County Deputy Zhang Youlun

The name of the mayor really has no impression in their minds. As for the county magistrates in the Dahu County government, they only know the county magistrate Fang Xianzhi, the executive deputy county magistrate Feng Sizhe, and the standing committee deputy county magistrate Qi Hengsan. There are indeed no others.

What an impression.

And even Qi Hengsan, deputy county magistrate who is a member of the Standing Committee, cannot change the overall situation at the scene. Can an ordinary deputy magistrate who has not joined the standing committee really solve any problems?

Sometimes things really can't be judged by rank. Among officials, there may be a saying that the first rank kills people, but among the common people, whoever is good for them and whoever has influence will establish authority.

This is often not proportional to the level above the officialdom.

For example, Deputy County Magistrate Zhang Youlun, as soon as he appeared here, the employees of Pengfei Company who were making trouble stopped and looked at him, as if they thought he was a good official who would speak for them.


Zhang Youlun also saw several municipal party committee leaders not far away from the scene. He wanted to go up and say hello, but when he saw the eyes of the people not far away surrounding Secretary Sun Shicun, he still did not stop.

He walked directly towards the Pengfei employees and said, "Comrade employees of Pengfei Company, don't be impatient, let alone be impulsive. No matter what happens, our county government will work hard to coordinate with everyone.

The sky cannot fall."

When Zhang Youlun said this, the local Pengfei employees who were surrounding Sun Shicun immediately surrounded him, "County Magistrate Zhang, but Mr. Bai just said that the county committee has decided to close Pengfei Company, and Mr. Bai also said that he would

How can I say that we respect the county committee’s decision?”

"Damn it." Zhang Youlun secretly cursed the county party committee leader who said this.

Today, Mayor Chang Ning and a group of people came to Dahu County for inspection. As the deputy county magistrate with the lowest ranking, Zhang Youlun was not qualified to go to greet him. Even if he went there, he would be nothing more than a light bulb, blending in with the crowd.

It would attract the slightest attention from others. Thinking that he was not fooling around wherever he stood, he followed Feng Sizhe's words and went to Chengguan Town to supervise the peanut and cotton planting work there. There was no telling which leader would come to Chengguan Town on a whim.

, if that were the case, Zhang Youlun would have shown his face.

But Zhang Youlun, the leader of the Municipal Party Committee in Chengguan Town, did not wait for him. Instead, he waited for Li Yige, director of the County Party Committee Office. As soon as Li Yige saw him at the Chengguan Town Government, he pulled him to the car without saying a word, and then got in the car.

After that, he briefly introduced what happened at the gate of Pengfei Peanut Products Processing Factory, and came to Zhang Youlun for one thing, and that was to ask him to put out the fire.

As Zhang Youlun who followed Feng Sizhe's footsteps, he also had a certain prestige in Pengfei Peanut Products Processing Factory. At least he was more talkative than he actually was. Now that he couldn't contact Feng Sizhe for a while, Li Yige had to find Zhang Youlun.

I hope that his appearance can temporarily relieve the tension here.

From Li Yige's words, I learned that the reason why no one from the municipal party committee went to Chengguan Town was because everyone went to Pengfei Company to watch and join in the fun. Now that it's better, they actually did it for the sake of face.

It was so exciting that Pengfei Company was forced to withdraw its capital from Dahu County. This would be a big event. Thinking that such a thing happened, I don’t know if County Magistrate Feng knew about it. He was sitting in the car and asked

Li Yige stretched out his hand and said, "Director Li, please let me use my big brother. I'll contact County Magistrate Feng."

"Does County Magistrate Feng also have a mobile phone?" Li Yige was surprised. As the chief steward of the county party committee, he usually had a lot of things to do, so he was authorized by the county party committee's successor secretary Sun and County Magistrate Fang to equip him with a mobile phone.

It is used to facilitate contact. I have never heard that Feng Sizhe also has one.

While asking this question in surprise, Li Yige also gave his mobile phone to Zhang Youlun. Deputy County Magistrate Zhang picked up the mobile phone and dialed out a series of numbers very familiarly, and then Feng Sizhe's voice came from the other end, "You

OK, I am Feng Sizhe, who are you?"

"County Magistrate Feng, I'm Zhang Youlun. That's right. I'm with Director Li Yige now. I'm using Director Li's Big Brother to report to you that there was a riot at the gate of Pengfei Peanut Products Processing Factory. Secretary Sun because of

Minister Wang Yanjin of the municipal party committee had a dispute with Mr. Bai, and he impulsively announced his decision to shut down Pengfei Company. Mr. Bai was very angry and had already announced that Pengfei Company would withdraw its capital from Dahu County. Pengfei

The local employees of the company were angry and surrounded Secretary Sun. The situation at the scene was extremely chaotic. I will follow Director Li to solve the problem now. Do you think County Magistrate Feng has any other instructions?"

As soon as the phone call came through, Zhang Youlun gave Feng Sizhe a brief report on what he learned from Li Yige.

This chapter has been completed!
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