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Chapter 299 Li Shuang's Story

Of course, regarding Article 3, this only occurs when everyone does not trust each other. If everyone trusts each other, this problem will not exist.

It can be said that this is a good idea that kills three birds with one stone. The only question now is whether Feng Sizhe can trust Li Yige and whether he can feel annoyed by Li Yige arranging his nephew in front of him.

Leaders and employees, especially the people around them, all like people with a clean financial background, so that they will not betray themselves, and they can rest assured. If there are people with obvious factional marks around them, or relatives of other officials

, even if they are relatives of allies, they will be very worried. There are no permanent friends and enemies in politics, only eternal interests. This is something everyone knows.

Today, Li Yige wants to put his nephew Li Shuang next to Feng Sizhe. No matter what the purpose of Li Yige is or he is forced to do so, it will undoubtedly make Feng Sizhe think too much. For this reason, it is also Li Yige's fault.

Yige is a test of County Magistrate Xiao Feng to see if he really believes in himself and how open-minded he is.

Feng Sizhe II is not a man who doesn't understand some rules in the officialdom. He has seen too many leaders betrayed by secretaries and drivers. Theoretically speaking, he certainly does not want the people around him to have obvious factional marks.

of people.

What makes people feel funny is that although Feng Sizhe knows this truth very well, his secretary Zhou Xingxing is the nephew of Zhou Chunhai, the deputy director of the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department. Today, his driver must also be the nephew of the director of the County Party Committee Office. This cannot be

Not saying it is a travesty.

Forget it, the secretary’s net worth is no longer clean enough anyway, so what’s the harm in having an extra driver?

Feng Sizhe arranged himself in this way, and then nodded to Li Yige, "Okay, then you can ask Li Shuang to report to Deputy Director He Wenbao tomorrow."

Feng Sizhe finally nodded and agreed, which made Li Yige finally be able to let the stone hanging in his heart fall. To be honest, he was also very worried that Feng Sizhe would refuse him, and even have some thoughts about himself, or refuse to accept his feelings.

His approach, if that's the case, is really not worth the gain.

Fortunately, Feng Sizhe agreed in the end, so his heart could finally rest. This evening was not in vain.

In fact, as the director of the County Party Committee Office, Li Yige just arranged for a nephew to work at the County Party Committee, which should not be difficult. But he did choose to be Feng Sizhe's driver. This is Li Yige's vision. It is precisely because

He saw that Feng Sizhe had a strong background, so he chose a good master for his nephew. It can be said that he was not optimistic about Feng Sizhe now, but Feng Sizhe in the future. He hoped that his nephew Li Shuang could follow this Feng County Magistrate.

The further away he is, the more he will not have to worry about his future in the future.

Next, after Feng Sizhe agreed to Li Shuang's matter, Li Yige talked about some of the complicated relationships among the county committee. From Li Yige's words, Feng Sizhe finally learned about the relationship between Secretary Sun and the local forces in Dahu County.

The reason why Sun Chengcun protected Qi Hengsan and others was because he had benefited from them in recent years.

The biggest way for Qi Hengsan and others to make money is to use their political resources in Dahu County to purchase famous crops at very low prices, and finally sell them to others to earn the difference. And because of their monopoly, many of them are of good quality.

All the peanuts and cotton were taken away by them at extremely low prices. As a result, the farmers became poorer and poorer, and Dahu County could not get rich.

Dahu County has become a poor county in the country, and the state will allocate a sum of money every year for various expenses, which is regarded as a financial subsidy. This is also one of the inputs of Qi Hengsan's wealth. This part of the money will also be distributed to Qi Hengsan

Part of Sun Shicun, so that there is a relationship of interest between the two parties. Naturally, Secretary Sun will not really embarrass the local forces in Dahu County. As the saying goes, pull out the carrot and bring out the mud. If Qi Hengsan and others are forced into a hurry

I'm afraid they will push Sun Shicun out, and then Secretary Sun will be completely finished.

These matters are extremely confidential. If it weren't for Li Yige's responsibilities, he would not know about these things. For example, He Wenbao, who has been in the county party committee for fifteen years, does not know about such things. This is Li Yige.

Feng Sizhe's greatest advantage was that with him around, the transactions and affairs between Sun Shicun, Qi Hengsan and others would be known to Feng Sizhe.

"Haha, thank you for what Brother Li said. I have learned a lesson. Originally, I thought that the biggest worm in Dahu County was the local faction headed by Qi Hengsan and others. But what people didn't expect was that Secretary Sun was also in cahoots with them.

It seems that the problems in Dahu County are really big." He sighed, obviously feeling sorry for Secretary Sun Shicun. But after just sighing, Feng Sizhe's eyes became extremely clear again.

He was determined. "But it doesn't matter. Black is black and white is black and white. In the Republic, no one can cover the sky with one hand. The same is true in Dahu County. Even if the entire county committee standing committee is rotten, it will

I am the only one left, and I will try my best to fight against them, and finally bring clarity to the sky over the Great Lakes. What's more, not only am I here, but there are also Brother Li, and Secretary Wu Guangrong, a good person with a strong party spirit.

Comrades, come on, let us join hands and work together to bring a prosperous, strong and beautiful future to the Great Lakes as soon as possible."

Feng Sizhe stretched out his hand towards Li Yige from the distance.

Touched, Li Yige also quickly reached out his hand, took Feng Sizhe's hand, and nodded excitedly, "Well, if you come to my place, Li Yige, in the future, just talk, and I will definitely help you with all my strength."


Finally, Feng Sizhe found a solid alliance with the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee on his journey to Dahu County. When Feng Sizhe was writing his autobiography in his old age, when talking about what happened tonight, he compared it to a fish in water. In Dahu County, because

With the secret help of Li Yige, director of the County Party Committee Office, he will be able to seize the opportunity and take the initiative in many major events in Dahu County in the future.

Early the next morning, the rain finally stopped. It rained all night, which shows how heavy the rain was last night.

Everything is just as Li Yige said, and as written in the information prepared by Zhou Xingxing, given the high terrain of Dahu County, this rain basically has no impact on Dahu County. Of course, the reason why it is said to be basic is that

It's because in addition to Huodian Township, due to the terrain, the heavy rain had a certain impact on them.

I arrived at the county party committee compound early in the morning. As soon as I entered the office, Deputy Director He Wenbao pushed open the door. After saying hello to Zhou Xingxing outside the door, he walked into the inner room and came to Feng Sizhe. "Leader,

Just now, Li Shuang came to report on the work, saying that you allowed him to be your driver, right?"

Seeing He Wenbao coming with such force, Feng Sizhe put down the information about Dahu County's flood control that he had just taken out of the drawer, and said with a smile, "Huh? What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this Li Shuang?"

Fifteen years of experience at the deputy department level have long since made He Wenbao less impulsive. Under normal circumstances, he can complete the tasks assigned to him quietly and well. It is rare to have such an impulsive character. But today he is like this

He came with a face full of anger. Although the anger was not directed at him, it made Deputy Director He so impulsive. Feng Sizhe was also very curious, thinking that there must be some story in it.

Seeing that Feng Sizhe was not angry because of his attitude, but seemed to not understand who Li Shuang was, he immediately calmed down and slowly explained to Feng Sizhe, "Leader, it's like this, this Li Shuang is a

A retired special forces soldier. When he was in the army, he also participated in the last small-scale war in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, catching up with the last small battle in 1989. To say that this guy is really not a coward, first of all

The first time he went to the battlefield, he killed seven enemy soldiers and captured an enemy company-level officer. He was awarded second-class military merit on the spot and first-class military merit after returning home."

"Oh, this man is very nice. What's the problem?" Feng Sizhe didn't expect that this man named Li Shuang had such a good background. He had actually gone to the battlefield and killed people. Such a person really made him admire him with admiration.

"Of course there is no problem with this. He has made military exploits and has become the cutest person in the world. He is still young and is about to be promoted to an officer. But at this time, this boy did get into trouble with a dancing girl while he was on leave.

They got it together, and then because this woman injured several people, this incident was later spread to the army. According to regulations, he would definitely be dismissed if he was promoted to an officer if this happened, but considering his outstanding performance on the battlefield,

In the end, his place in the school was indeed reserved, but he was asked to apologize to the people who were beaten. However, this kid ignored the care of his superiors and refused to apologize. Instead, he was in the process of talking with the other party.

Du got into a fight and hurt someone."

When he said this, He Wenbao still shook his head sadly. It seemed to him that such people were hopeless. They failed to live up to the care of their superiors and hurt people again and again.

Such a person has no organizational discipline at all. I really wonder how he achieved military exploits on the battlefield? Of course, such a person is not suitable to be a driver for the leader, because if the weather is bad for him, he will not be able to do it.

I would really fight against the leader. If that happens, it will really be a big joke.

Listening to this story about Li Shuang, Feng Sizhe's curiosity aroused.

Maybe this kind of person seems unorganized and undisciplined to others, but in Feng Sizhe's eyes it is completely different. He believes that people with personality first have a temper and character that is different from others. Obviously, this Li Shuang is such a person.

And often such a person is like a fierce horse, which seems difficult to subdue, but once you subdue him, he will definitely be used by you, and he will be sincere.

"Well, that's it?" Feng Sizhe thought that he was just hitting someone, and He Wenbao shouldn't be so angry.

This chapter has been completed!
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