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Chapter 376 Misunderstanding

Although Feng Sizhe had not personally experienced the situation of officials being investigated in his previous life, he did see some on TV. Usually they were in a relatively luxurious hotel, with a large private room, and then the Discipline Inspection Commission personnel would talk to you.

Let's have a heart-to-heart talk and let you explain the problem. But what is today? This is completely the way the police interrogate prisoners. If this method is used on him, how can he speak under such conditions?

Originally, Feng Sizhe could not be given this kind of treatment. After all, he is also a cadre at the deputy director level of the country, and there is no evidence that he has violated any discipline. But Dong Kezhen just wanted to do this, in order to shock Feng Sizhe and scare him.

For a moment, he didn't expect that this kid had a tough mouth and actually opened his mouth to ask for treatment. Dong Ke couldn't help laughing, "You want treatment and a good environment? Hahaha, are you dreaming? Let me tell you Feng Sizhe

, you explain the problem to me immediately, and I will treat you based on the principle of frankness and leniency, but if you don't honestly explain the problem, what awaits you next will be even more cruel."

In Dong Ke's opinion, Feng Sizhe probably still didn't know why he was invited by the Discipline Inspection Commission. It was precisely because he firmly believed that Feng Sizhe didn't know the reason that he wanted to scare him and see if he could take the opportunity to cause more problems.

, if he couldn't bear the pressure for a while and said something else, then he would have made a profit, and the case would naturally become a solid case.

But what Dong Ke didn't know was that the Discipline Inspection Commission personnel he sent betrayed him on the way, and had already revealed the main reason for inviting Feng Sizhe. For this reason, his wishful thinking might really come to nothing this time. Of course even if

Without knowing it beforehand, Feng Sizhe's experience as a person in two lives would not allow him to talk nonsense. It's just whether he has such determination or not is a matter of debate.

"Well, it will be even more cruel. Do you want to use pepper water to get rid of the tiger?" Feng Sizhe first asked Dong Ke with a smile, then suddenly stood up, pointed at Dong Ke and said, "I tell you,

I don’t care if you are from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection or the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. In short, I am still a national cadre and a party member. You must treat me as a national cadre. If you want to play dirty tricks, hate,

Then you have to be prepared for the possibility of being repaid twice as much."

Feng Sizhe's eyes widened with anger. As soon as this look came out, Dong Ke was stunned. If he hadn't been sitting on the chair now, he would have fallen to the ground under this glare.

"What do you want to do?" Dong Ke yelled, and all the strength in his body seemed to be exhausted at this moment. He knew that in this situation, it would be useless to ask Feng Sizhe anything. He shook his head.

, "Okay, let's talk about this for today. Think about it carefully later and figure out all the problems you have made."

Dong Ke waved his hand and ordered someone to take Feng Sizhe down to rest first. He didn't know why. The man in front of him was obviously very young, but why was he so powerful? Even someone who had seen many high-ranking officials felt the same.

His whole body was so cold. Forget it, let's go and see how many problems the two women explained. As long as these two women opened their mouths, there would be no need to worry about being able to cure Feng Sizhe's crime.

Dong Ke got up and led people to Wang Hong's room next door.

Wang Hong was simply in trouble this time. People from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection suddenly appeared and took her away. She was indeed a little scared at the time, but when she was brought to the city, someone talked to her about whether Wang Ruihua had anything inappropriate with Feng Sizhe.

When she was in the relationship, she understood that this was what happened. She immediately calmed down a lot and was able to answer questions fluently when faced with the questions from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. She truthfully told the story of her conversation with Wang Ruihua that day, and

She repeatedly stated that County Magistrate Feng did not know about this matter. It was entirely her own initiative. It was because she felt that she and Wang Ruihua had a common understanding that she came forward to do something.

Wang Hong's calmness and sophistication made the Discipline Inspection Commission members return in vain after questioning for a long time. Until now, the only person who can make a breakthrough is Wang Ruihua. After all, she cannot compare with Wang Hong in terms of age or qualifications.

.She is the director of the county guest house, and she usually has the opportunity to interact with some high-ranking officials. However, Wang Ruihua is just a secretary of the township government, and her worldly connections will definitely be much smaller.

Compared to Feng Sizhe and Wang Hong, Wang Ruihua's treatment is considered the best. Her room has a sofa, a bed, and even a color TV. This is considered a standard for division-level cadres, and it is used in Wang Ruihua's room at this moment.

It can be seen from the body that some people want to move people with their emotions.

Compared to Feng Sizhe and Wang Hong, the natural Wang Ruihua feels much easier to deal with.

Even though he had never seen much of the world and was young, after encountering obstacles with Feng Sizhe and Wang Hong respectively, Dong Ke focused on her, wondering whether he could make a breakthrough from her.

To say that Wang Ruihua was indeed frightened at first, she had never seen such a battle. Even when she was bullied by Qi Hengsan in the county, she just gritted her teeth, straightened her body and returned to work in the village.

Now, no one is making things difficult for her. Unlike today, when she was secretly taken away by people from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection in the county, she began to be confused. Until she was brought into this luxurious lounge, she was still a little dizzy.

, I couldn’t find the southeast, northwest, and for a while.

In order to get through Wang Ruihua, Dong Ke sent a woman from the task force and two women from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, making a total of three people to work through her. At first, the four of them were just chatting about family matters together.

Of course, this is one of the ways the Discipline Inspection Commission works. First we become friends with you, then we talk to you, and finally we turn your words into testimony.

Although Wang Ruihua said that her head was a little dizzy, she was not confused. At least she still maintained a sense of vigilance. How could these three people who did not know each other treat her so well? As the saying goes, there is no such thing as free food in the world.

For lunch, these people must be asking for something.

Slowly, Wang Ruihua finally figured out the meaning of these three people. From between the lines of their words, she also realized that these three people were trying to trick her and her relationship with Deputy County Magistrate Feng Sizhe.

"Xiao Wang, look how beautiful you are. I think a girl like you must have many men liking you. Do you have a boyfriend now?" A woman who looked to be in her forties asked.

Wang Ruihua said.

As soon as she mentioned her boyfriend, Wang Ruihua immediately lowered her head. At her age in rural areas, it is indeed time to talk about marriage, and some are even mothers of several children. But that's not the case.

I know why no one proposes marriage to Wang Ruihua. In the past, it was because I felt unworthy of Wang Ruihua. After all, she is young, beautiful, well-educated, has a good job, and earns royal food. This girl is very impressive in the countryside, generally

I don’t dare to think about it for a small family.

Later, when Wang Ruihua got a little older, some people were attracted to her, but because Qi Hengsan was interested in her, many people forgot about it. After all, it was nothing for the Qi family to be interested in marrying a wife.

Good thing, because of this, her marriage has been delayed. Until Feng Sizhe appeared, she finally got rid of Qi Hengsan's clutches and shadow, and then she appeared and performed artificial respiration on Feng Sizhe in front of hundreds of people.

After that scene, no one came to propose marriage, because the concept of three obediences and four virtues is still very deep in the hearts of rural people, except of course the so-called "Hong Kong people".

In this way, Wang Ruihua became the so-called leftover girl in later generations. Now when someone asked her about this topic, she lowered her head in embarrassment. After all, it is not a glorious thing to have a boyfriend now.

Seeing Wang Ruihua lowering his head, the lesbian thought that he was talking about her sore feet, so the three women began to chatter. The topic was nothing more than one principle, that is, now

There are not many good men out there, and some leading cadres use their power to force their subordinates to do things they shouldn't do.

When Wang Ruihua said this, she was indeed very angry. Of course, the reason why she was angry was because she was thinking of Qi Hengsan, not because others thought that the male leader was Feng Sizhe.

As soon as Wang Ruihua showed an expression of indignation, the three female comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection immediately became happy. They felt that this seemed to have resonated with something, so a female member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection boldly said, "Xiao Wang, I heard that your county

A deputy county magistrate once used his power to threaten you, right?"

"Well, how do you know?" Wang Ruihua raised her head and asked. At this moment, she was not thinking of Feng Sizhe, but Qi Hengsan. Who knew that Qi Hengsan was also the deputy county magistrate before.

Wang Ruihua's words were tantamount to a disguised admission, which made the three lesbians very excited. They felt that a breakthrough was about to open, and the older female discipline inspector got up directly and came to the director next door.

A room is available for reporting.

As soon as Dong Ke heard Wang Ruihua's admission, he laughed loudly, and then immediately reported the unconfirmed news to Deputy Secretary Cheng Jinbao of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, who was waiting for news. Immediately, Deputy Secretary Cheng issued an order, and immediately

Take Feng Sizhe into custody and ask him to honestly explain the problem. Otherwise, don't blame the people of the Discipline Inspection Commission for being unselfish and dealing with him sternly.

For this reason, a misunderstanding arose. Dong Ke immediately ordered the Discipline Inspection Commission personnel to move Feng Sizhe from the room of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection task force to another hidden place, thus cutting off all the news that Feng Sizhe could pass outside.

.At the same time, Dong Ke also stepped up his efforts and started doing Wang Ruihua's work.

This chapter has been completed!
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