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Chapter 396 Feng Sizhe is back

Thank you 13606799152 for voting for a gold medal for a ghost, thank you prodigal!!!


"Feng Sizhe is back?" Qi Hengsan, who saw this scene first, was stunned. He really didn't expect that Feng Sizhe would appear outside the hotel. He shouldn't be locked up in the city, so why did he come back like this?

?Could it be said that he escaped?

Although Qi Hengsan also knew that his idea was a bit ridiculous, he still wanted to believe it was true. Because he could not believe that Feng Sizhe would come back safe and sound, and his return often meant that his unlucky days were coming.

Also surprised was Dong Ke. He was responsible for Feng Sizhe's imprisonment. Even if the leaders of the Yongyang Municipal Party Committee wanted to release him, it would be impossible without his own consent. But he could.

Appearing here so easily can only prove one thing, that is, a higher-level leader has spoken, and the Commission for Discipline Inspection is a relatively independent system, so the person who spoke is probably the leader of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, which means that there is

It is very likely that they are Deputy Secretary Cheng and Secretary Zhu.

But if it was Secretary Zhu who gave the order, then why didn’t Deputy Secretary Cheng inform him? There is only one answer, that is, this was the order given by Deputy Secretary Cheng himself, which means that Feng Sizhe won the matter in the end, and Secretary Cheng did not

If you withstand the pressure, will you have to bear the blame yourself next?

While Dong Ke was thinking about it, Feng Sizhe persuaded the people here with just a few words. Speaking of which, he only made two promises. One is that Pengfei Peanut Processing Factory will start work on time tomorrow morning;

All the people in the county who participated in the major road construction will fulfill their previous promises. They can either use next year's agricultural tax to cover their wages, or they will settle accounts with them when the county's agricultural tax is collected early next year.

You can come to Feng Sizhe, he has taken it all.

With these two points, the people immediately had the backbone in his heart, and they left the hotel happily one by one. Feng Sizhe stretched out his right hand in a gesture of invitation, and Secretary Geng stepped forward and walked towards the center of the flavor.

In the private room of Weifenju, the two parties met. When he saw Feng Sizhe, Dong Ke asked arrogantly, "Feng Sizhe, who allowed you to come out? Do you know that your investigation

It’s not over yet, it’s still unclear whether you are guilty or not?”

"Comrade Dong Ke, from now on you will no longer serve as the leader of the working group on Comrade Feng Sizhe's case, and you will no longer serve as the director of the Supervision Division of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Regarding your issue, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection will conduct a detailed investigation. Now please come with us.

Well, this is the notice about your suspension." Seeing that Dong Ke was still so arrogant and domineering, Principal Geng shook his head lightly and handed the one-page notice to Dong Ke's hand.

Looking at the notice, which was stamped with the seal of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and personally signed by Secretary Zhu Yingcai of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Dong Ke shook his head like a wavy drum, "No, why is this happening? Why?"

"If you want to ask why the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has given you the opportunity to reason, please cooperate with our work now." Colonel Geng's face darkened, and with a wave of his hand, several people came up behind him and clamped Dong Ke back and forth.

Pulling him out of the private room.

Dong Ke was taken away like this, and he was obviously going to be hit by the Feng Sizhe incident. He Zhuhua, Yang Chao, and Qi Heng could not help but lower their heads. At this moment, they could see Feng Sizhe's ability more clearly. At this time

There is even a hint of admiration in their hearts, because they believe that facing the investigation of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection working group, they will never have any problems like Feng Sizhe, and this County Magistrate Xiao Feng can really be a breeze, making it difficult for people to investigate.

If anything goes wrong, they won't accept it.

Dong Ke was taken away, and Colonel Geng said to He Zhuhua with a stern face, "Deputy Secretary He, you should go to the county committee building immediately. When Secretary Sun comes back, you will convene a standing committee meeting, and I will explain some things.


"Yes, we will go back to the county committee immediately." He Zhuhua didn't look so arrogant at the moment. He could guess the purpose of Geng Xiaoxiao's stay, and he also understood what would be discussed at the next standing committee meeting, but he couldn't stop it. He could only

Watching things go in a direction you don't want.

In the small conference room on the third floor of Dahu County, all thirteen members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, including Sun Shicun, were present. Geng Xiao, as the leader of the municipal party committee, sat at the head of the table alongside Sun Shicun.

Seeing that everyone was here, Sun Shicun said to Colonel Geng in a flattering voice: "Secretary Geng, you see everyone is here, can we start?"

"Well, let's get started." Colonel Geng nodded slightly.

"Okay." After asking for instructions, Sun Shichen looked back at the other members of the County Party Committee Standing Committee, and then said word by word, "Comrades, a lot of things have happened in our Dahu County recently. Pengfei Company suddenly shut down its factory.

The slow progress of the county's major road construction project has seriously hindered the economic development of our Dahu County. All this happened because people wrongly accused Comrade Feng Sizhe, the deputy county magistrate, and even caused some people to have feelings for our county committee and county government.

In view of this, today Secretary Geng of the Municipal Party Committee visited Dahu County in person and convened this standing committee meeting to explain the problem. Now we welcome Secretary Geng’s speech with the warmest applause.” Sun Shicun finished his words.

One raised his hands and clapped vigorously.

As Sun Shicun took the lead in applauding, the people below also responded one after another. Whether it was from the heart or fake, at least on the surface everyone looked very excited.

"Thank you all." Colonel Geng nodded slightly to express his gratitude to everyone present for welcoming him. Then he sat upright and began his speech. "Comrades, everyone knows that the provincial government has

The Discipline Inspection Commission suddenly came to a working group and asked your Comrade Feng Sizhe to leave, saying that they had received a report and suspected that County Magistrate Feng had an ambiguous relationship with some lesbians. Once this matter spread, it caused a very bad impact and also gave people

The work in Dahu County has brought about a lot of passive factors. But today, the truth of the matter has finally been found out. The answer is that there is a pure revolutionary friendship between Feng Sizhe and the lesbian. There is no ambiguity at all. Everything is

Someone deliberately created it, and the comrades of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection were deceived and made wrong decisions. Of course, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is responsible for controlling the mistakes made by comrades of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Then I have two points to say,

First, the issue regarding Feng Sizhe has become very clear. From now on, I don’t want to hear anyone mention this matter, otherwise it will be treated as a disciplinary violation. At that time, I will be cruel, so don’t blame me. Second,

Cao Jinfa, the deputy county magistrate of Dahu County who reported Comrade Feng Sizhe, we found out that he was a little dissatisfied and jealous, so he wrote the false accusation letter. We must deal with such comrades seriously and get to the bottom of the investigation. At present, I only suggest

Dahu County convened a National People's Congress meeting to remove Cao Jinfa from his position as deputy county magistrate. We will report everything about him to the Dahu County Party Committee at any time after investigation. Okay, I'm done."

Colonel Geng's eyes were never idle while he was talking, and he was looking at everyone present.

Those who have good relations with Feng Huazhe and are responsible for justice are naturally not afraid of this kind of look. But for those who have other Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts, especially Qi Hengsan, he can be said to be the instigator of this matter.

Hearing Colonel Geng's speech, he almost fell off his chair. He was very aware of this serious treatment. Once he found out what it meant, he knew that he would be involved in this matter if he didn't do it.

Then, in the face of strong pressure, Cao Jinfa would sell himself if he could not protect everything. What should he do?

After Colonel Geng finished speaking, he walked out of the conference room and left Dahu County under the eyes of Secretary Sun Shicun, County Magistrate Fang Xianzhi, Feng Sizhe and others. He had to return to the city to interrogate Cao Jinfa. He wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

, seize the opportunity to pursue the victory, and eliminate these alien elements from the party's ranks who do not know how to work hard and only know how to play tricks and play tricks.

Colonel Geng left, Feng Sizhe returned, and the entire county party committee compound fell into three extremely different situations.

One is the Feng family, they are proud and happy.

The second type is those who are opposed to the Feng family. They are terrified, fearing that they will be caught for doing something wrong, thus ruining their future.

The last type is neutral people. These people have no personal relationship with Feng Sizhe other than the normal relationship between colleagues. In the past, they thought whoever was in power in Dahu County was the same as them. Whoever was in power anyway, they all had jobs. What should they do?

You can do whatever you want. But since Feng Sizhe was invited by the Discipline Inspection Commission until now, these people have also discovered the fact in the past few days, that is, this County Magistrate Feng is really a person who does things. Have you not seen what happened in Dahu County in just a few months?

Have you made any major changes? Don’t you see that during the days when County Magistrate Feng was away, a lot of work came to a standstill. Sometimes it’s like this, others won’t notice when you are there, only you are gone.

Only then will everyone deeply feel your importance.

Feng Sizhe's arrest not only did not affect his authority at all, but also allowed more people to see his personality charm and let more people know that Feng Sizhe was not only not a corrupt official, but also a capable official.

The incident where the Discipline Inspection Commission invited him to tea seemed to have ended like this. Feng Sizhe came back safely, but Dong Ke, who was investigating him, was invited back by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. An attempt to seduce Feng Sizhe failed again.

But in fact, this was just the beginning. A few days after Feng Sizhe returned to Dahu County, news spread in the city that Cao Jinfa, the deputy county magistrate who wrote a letter to accuse Feng Sizhe of having male and female problems, was double-checked by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. At the same time, Dahu County

Qi Hengsan, a representative of local forces, was invited to have tea by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.

This chapter has been completed!
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