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Chapter 411 Reform or Selling the Factory

Chang Ning's words are a bit interesting. What does it mean to have no opinion? It means that he is still a little reluctant. It's just that due to the relationship and background of the other party, there are some things that are difficult for him to say. After all, let him directly offend a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee.

That is an unwise choice.

"I understand, thank you, mayor. I have something to do here so I'll hang up first." Feng Sizhe made a decision after he found out the inside story of the matter. Knowing that Yu Qiang was involved, he had to think more about it.

Although Feng Sizhe is not afraid of him at all in terms of background, the county magistrate is not as good as the current manager. His father is a member of the Standing Committee of the Zhongzhou Provincial Committee and the Provincial Propaganda Minister. If he can't do it right away, he can always put his own shoes on, so

He must consider this matter in the long run. Of course, he still has to deal with the petitioning workers first and listen to what they have to say.

Not long after Feng Sizhe hung up the phone, the petitioners also arrived in front of the Dahu County Party Committee building, where more than a hundred people surrounded the entrance of the compound.

The police also arrived as soon as possible. Luo Jinlong, director of the County Public Security Bureau, personally led the team and rushed to the scene with about 60 police officers, who quickly began to maintain public order.

There was a crowd outside the county committee building. Under this situation, Feng Sizhe brought He Wenbao, Wang Ruihua and Zhou Xingxing to the entrance of the county committee building and stood opposite the petitioning workers.

"Look, that's County Magistrate Feng. He's the person we're looking for. Only he can make the decision for us."

"Yes, let's all come together. We ask County Magistrate Feng to give us justice."

Someone in the crowd recognized Feng Sizhe. Following the shouts, the crowd began to commotion, and more people began to squeeze in front of Feng Sizhe step by step.

Luo Jinlong, who was standing in front of Feng Sizhe, saw that the workers were a little agitated. He quickly took the lead and stood in front of Feng Sizhe. As long as he was around, he would never let anyone hurt the leader.

"Director Luo, please step aside and let me talk to the worker brothers." Feng Sizhe did not accept Luo Jinlong's favor. Instead, he took a few big steps forward, walked to the front of the crowd, and pushed Luo Jinlong away with his hand.

"Boss, please go into the room quickly. These workers are agitated and something might happen soon. You'd better hide first." Luo Jinlong didn't expect that Feng Sizhe would not retreat but advance instead. He was a little panicked for a moment.

The body that was pushed away immediately came back and stood between Feng Sizhe and the workers.

"Okay, Director Luo, I told you to get out of the way. These are all worker brothers. They are just here to respond to the situation, and they are not our enemies. What are you afraid of?" Feng Sizhe lectured Luo Jinlong with a straight face.

Seeing that Feng Sizhe's eyes were wrong, Luo Jinlong stepped aside. Even if he had a temper, he didn't dare to show it in front of County Magistrate Xiao Feng. He knew very well that if the young man in front of him hadn't protected him, he would probably have

I don’t know how many times I was taken down.

Luo Jinlong stepped aside, and the workers who were petitioning came to Feng Sizhe smoothly. Then he waved his hand, and said loudly: "Hello, fellow workers. I am the deputy county magistrate of Dahu County.

Feng Sizhe, if you have any situations or problems, please tell me, but I would like to ask you to talk about order and discuss things slowly, okay?"

As soon as Feng Sizhe shouted, the rioting crowd became much quieter. Then a middle-aged man in his forties squeezed in opposite Feng Sizhe, "Hello, County Magistrate Feng, I am Jiang Rong, the director of Yongsheng Casting Factory."

, We people came to you today to report the situation, and also to ask you to make the decision for us and seek justice." After saying this, Jiang Rong's knees softened, and he was about to kneel down to Feng Sizhe.

Fortunately, Feng Sizhe reacted quickly and grabbed Jiang Rong's arms as soon as he reached out, "Director Jiang, we are a republic, a country of the people, a country led by the party. We don't do this. Just do whatever you want."

He said, I will try my best to do the best I can. Well, it really doesn’t look good with so many people gathered around the county committee building. Do you think you should let everyone go into the building to have a rest first, and then you can call a few people?

Would you like to have a good talk on our behalf?"

"Well, I listen to County Magistrate Feng." Jiang Rong, whose hands were grabbed, nodded vigorously, then turned around and pointed at a few people, and then said to the workers, "Everyone go inside the building to have a rest, and then we just

The people I named will come with me to have a good talk with County Magistrate Feng. You can rest assured that Magistrate Feng is a good leader. As long as the matter comes to him, it will be resolved."

The petitioning workers entered the county party committee building in an orderly manner under the leadership and command of Jiang Rong. He Wenbao and Wang Ruihua quickly opened the large conference room and arranged for these people to go in to rest. Afterwards, Jiang Rong and several people followed Feng Sizhe to the second floor.

His office, while Luo Jinlong and the police were on standby.

Zhou Xingxing first opened the door of the leader's office, and then Feng Sizhe led Jiang Rong and others into the office. After everyone was seated, he chuckled and said, "Director Jiang, what did you mean just now? What do you mean?

Once you find me, the matter will be solved. You have to explain it clearly to me. And tell the truth, did you organize what happened today? Mejiro just wanted to ask me for an explanation?"

Jiang Rong scratched his head and said with some embarrassment, "County Magistrate Feng really knew everything. Yes, I organized what happened today. I first found out that you were on duty today, and then organized everyone to come.

But I really don’t have any other meaning. It’s entirely because the county committee and county government are really unfair to our Yongsheng Casting Factory. I have no choice but to find you. I know you are a person who dares to think and do things at the same time.

A leader full of justice, if you don't care about this matter, then we really don't know who we are looking for."

"Come on, Director Jiang, you don't need to give me a high hat. You are also a leader. If I am not wrong, you are also a party member and a full-time cadre. You should also know the rules here.

, Secretary He has always been in charge of the affairs of Yongsheng Casting Factory. What do you think is the use of asking me? As a deputy county magistrate, I have no right to interfere in this matter." Feng Sizhe looked at Jiang Rong and said he was honest.

I like him a little bit, but he still has to explain some things clearly first. The purpose is to tell Jiang Rong that doing this will make things difficult for him, so don't have too much hope.

Jiang Rong is also a senior cadre in Dahu County. He naturally knows about the things in the officialdom. Now that Feng Sizhe made it clear to him, he also gave a wry smile, "Of course I understand what County Magistrate Feng said.

But there is really no other way. The conditions Deputy Secretary He gave us at Yongsheng Casting Factory are really too harsh. This is not just for the benefit of the factory, it is just a sales act."

"Oh, what's the situation? Please tell me." Listening to Jiang Rong's painful description of the matter, Feng Sizhe nodded and asked him to continue.

"The situation is like this..." Seeing that Feng Sizhe was listening attentively, Jiang Rong stopped hiding anything and told him one by one what He Zhuhua did to Yongsheng Casting Factory.

Listening to what Jiang Rong said here, Feng Sizhe's brows became more and more intense. Indeed, if things were really as he said, then Secretary He really didn't save the factory but sold it. In other words, it was to take pictures of certain people.

What a flatterer, using public interests as a favor and giving it away.

Jiang Rong said that He Zhuhua once asked some people to come to Yongsheng Casting Factory to see the situation, but the people who were called finally left. They did not agree to help the casting factory because Dahu County was too poor, and the equipment in the factory was also insufficient.

And it was too backward. Thinking about the need to invest too much money to revive the company, and investing so much money in a factory that may not necessarily have a future, it is obvious that these people think that the transaction is not suitable and do not want to take this risk. Until Yuqiang Group

After the appearance of the boss Jin Hai, Yongsheng Casting Factory seemed to see hope.

After a period of investigation, Jin Hai agreed to inject capital into Yongsheng Casting Factory. Jiang Rong was very excited when he heard the news. He seemed to have seen new hope. But when the other party put forward the conditions, it was indeed like this

A basin of cold water was poured directly into his neck, leaving him wondering what to do for a moment. This was because several of the conditions put forward by Yuqiang Group were too harsh.

One is the five-year tax exemption policy, which is related to county fiscal revenue and has nothing to do with Jiang Rong. He can ignore it.

Erbo Yongsheng Casting Factory changed its name to Yuqiang Group Casting Factory. This was just a name change. As long as he could really bring the factory back to life, Jiang Rong could make concessions.

San dismissed some workers, because in Jin Hai's view, there were too many idle people in Yongsheng Casting Factory, and more people would need more money to pay wages. This was also a measure to save money. Jiang Rong was a little helpless about this, because

He didn't know who to fire.

But if these three points are acceptable, the most difficult to accept is the fourth point, which is that Yuqiang Group requires Yongsheng Casting Factory to be transferred to the city bank, and then withdraw funds from it to replace the equipment of the casting factory.

This is something Jiang Rong cannot understand anyway.

This is equivalent to mortgaging the Yongsheng Casting Factory. If the casting factory can be brought back to life in the end, it is possible to pay back the money, and maybe the factory will still be there. Of course, this must ensure that the money earned by the factory is not taken away by Yuqiang Group.

Otherwise, even if you make money, the money is not placed in the factory. When the time comes, the factory and equipment will still be taken away by the bank. On the other hand, if the factory fails to make money in the end,

Then Yongsheng Casting Factory really no longer exists. On the contrary, Yuqiang Group did not suffer any losses, because they did not invest any money. All the money was borrowed from banks, and when they could not repay it, they just used the factory to offset it. It can be said that

This is a good way to kill two birds with one stone. Yuqiang Group can take over the Yongsheng Casting Factory and become its manager without spending a penny. But once the business fails in the end, they can just walk away, and others can help them.

What? What can be done to them?

This chapter has been completed!
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