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Chapter 423: Promote Wang Ruihua Again

He Zhuhua complained continuously, and Fang Xianzhi was stunned after hearing this, "What's going on? You just said that County Magistrate Feng was going to be promoted to Wang Ruihua's position. This... this is unlikely, right?"


"How is it impossible? I have already found the Organization Department, convinced the director Li Yige, and sent in my resume investigation report. Isn't this still impossible?" He Zhuhua pointed at the documents on the table.

Said angrily.

Fang Xianzhi quickly took the documents on the table and read them carefully. He only glanced at them for a few times, and then he threw the documents on the table, "Hey, I really didn't expect that County Magistrate Feng would also

We really plan to promote Wang Ruihua as the director of the government office, but it’s a pity that I, the county magistrate, didn’t know about it until now. I really don’t know whether he is the county magistrate or I am the county magistrate in the county government.”

"Look, look, this kind of thing is not even communicated to you, the top leader of the county government. It shows that he is not a fool when it comes to personnel issues." Hearing what Fang Xianzhi said, He Zhuhua finally found someone to say.

People who are going together.

"Okay, you don't need to add a tank. We still need to investigate what happened." Fang Xianzhi, who has experienced Feng Sizhe's methods several times, will not be as uncool as before. He already knows who Feng Sizhe is.

A person who is not easy to mess with. For such a person, anything he does cannot be judged casually. It must be carefully investigated.

Fortunately, Fang Xianzhi was not impulsive this time. In fact, Feng Sizhe had his own reasons for not saying hello to him in advance.

Indeed, as the director of the county government office, the county magistrate has a great say, but why did Feng Sizhe still not talk to him? There is only one reason, and that is because Feng Sizhe didn't know how to talk to Fang Xianzhi. Some things

Things can only be understood but cannot be explained. The matter itself can only be understood by one person. If it is really said, it would be meaningless. Another main reason is that the former government sponsor He Wenbao was Feng Sizhe's die-hard. Now in

In Wang Ruihua's place, the internal affairs that actually belong to them have little to do with Fang Xianzhi. Everyone knows this, but it would be meaningless to say it out loud. Feng Sizhe can't go to the county magistrate and talk to him.

, do you have any objection to me replacing someone as the director of the county government office?

If he really said this, it would be a bit bullying. Feng Sizhe would not do this, so he just had to watch Fang Xianzhi realize it. After all, he was his person and replaced him. After thinking about it, he should be able to figure it out.

Yes, if you really can't figure it out, then there is nothing you can do. You just have to force it through. But in that case, everyone will inevitably look bad, and the stable and united situation that was finally achieved may be lost again.

Seeing that Fang Xianzhi was getting a little excited, He Zhuhua didn't dare to say anything, "Okay, let's not mention this matter. Why didn't he report it to you in advance? As the county magistrate, what will you do about this matter?"

You can tell me your thoughts, I at least want to know your opinion, right?"

"I said I have no opinion now. You should ask Secretary Sun first. Let me think about it." Fang Xianzhi waved his hand. At this moment, he no longer knew how to answer He Zhuhua's question. He was indeed

It takes time to think about it carefully.

Fang Xianzhi had his own thoughts in mind. When Feng Sizhe first came to Dahu County, he was alone and no one looked down on him. But after more than a month, he began to fight back fiercely. Anyone who went against him

, those who didn’t take him seriously suffered. Qi Hengsan wanted to suppress him, so he was first transferred from the county government, and then he was Shuanggui not long after, and then Pi Taisheng was accused of covering up Song Jingang’s kidnapping of Feng County.

In the case of the family members of the elders, not only was Song Jingang’s father removed from his position, but Song Jingang’s father was also removed from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee. These undoubtedly proved his ability. Including himself, because he had intervened in some

He shouldn't have interfered with the matter, but wasn't the former secretary Zhang Xiaosong forced to take it down?

After thinking about it, this person is really untouchable. On the contrary, if you get along with him, it will bring about another situation. Now that he has decentralized power, he has handed over all three major economic development issues in the county.

What are the results in other people’s hands? Didn’t the municipal party committee call the day before yesterday to praise him? He said that the economic situation of Dahu County has changed a lot under his leadership. He even found out from his acquaintances in the city that he

Now he has a very good impression in the minds of the municipal party committee leaders, and he may even have the opportunity to take up the post of county party secretary in the next step.

This is the benefit brought by the alliance. In other words, dividing it can bring about two evils. After thinking about it carefully, Fang Xianzhi finally sighed and let it go. He made a concession on this matter. I believe that with Feng Sizhe's personality,

He will repay himself well.

He Zhuhua walked out of the county magistrate's office helplessly, went back upstairs, entered Secretary Sun Shicun's room, and handed the two personnel transfer reports sent by the Organization Department to Sun Shicun's hands.

Sun Shicun's attitude was much more relaxed than Fang Xianzhi's. He knew the central government's documents on the promotion of female cadres. Now that he saw Wang Ruihua's name, he knew what Feng Sizhe was up to.

"Secretary Sun, what do you think?" He Zhuhua saw that Sun Shicun was a little unhurried and panicked, but it made him feel unsure. Ordinarily, he should have done the same thing as Fang Xianzhi after seeing this report, and became furious. Why was he like this?

As for Calm, could it be that Feng Sizhe greeted Secretary Sun in advance? Well, this is certain, otherwise they would not have such a calm reaction.

"I don't have any objections, I agree." Sun Shicun was happy and thought for a moment that instead of letting the superiors send a female cadre down to occupy an important position, it would be better to leave this opportunity to Wang Ruihua. In this way, Feng Sizhe must be grateful for his kindness.


Sun Shicun happily signed, which He Zhuhua had never expected. I thought that Fang Xianzhi was an indecisive person, and I expected that he would behave like that, but Secretary Sun is still very courageous in doing things. I believe this

This matter will definitely come to his attention, but he didn't expect it. He was happy here, but he agreed happily and had no intention of blocking it at all.

The secretary agreed, and the county magistrate did not object. He Zhuhua, the deputy secretary in charge of personnel, had a headache. If he alone opposed Feng Sizhe's proposal, it was obviously not the result he wanted. After experiencing so many things, he

But I don’t want to be an enemy of County Magistrate Feng anymore. Well, since you all agree, I will sign it. Anyway, the secretary’s name is on it, and he can’t bear any responsibility by signing it. Instead, Feng Sizhe will miss him.


The three of them had such a mood. After Secretary Sun signed, He Zhuhua also signed, and then handed the document to Fang Xianzhi at once, so that the name of the county magistrate also fell on the document. Then the following

The document was returned to the county organization director Li Yige. Li Yige accepted Feng Sizhe's suggestion and reported the document to the municipal party committee.

In the municipal party committee, Feng Sizhe had already greeted Chang Ning and others. Someone spoke above, and it was time to promote female cadres. Wang Ruihua's appointment document was passed easily. This was faster than Feng Sizhe had imagined.


As soon as the document that Wang Ruihua was appointed as the full-time director of the county government office and assistant to the county magistrate was sent back to Dahu County, it immediately aroused a wave of discussion.

Some of these voices are envious, some are jealous, and some are angry. It can be said that there are many different voices.

For example, envious people will say that Wang Ruihua followed a good leader and finally rose to the top. For a time, some cadres who wanted to follow Feng Sizhe became more confident, because they firmly believed that as long as they worked hard, they could become like Wang Ruihua

That kind of people.

The jealous people really said that Wang Ruihua must have promised Magistrate Feng some benefit, or maybe he even gave his body to someone else in exchange for his current official position. Women are good, especially beautiful women.

They are born with the best conditions, and often very complicated things are handled by them. They only need to agree with each other and everything can be accomplished.

What the angry people said was even worse, saying that Wang Ruihua was shameless and had climbed into someone's bed in order to climb up. Such power and sex transactions will lead to Dahu County's atmosphere not being Qingming, but Dahu County's

When the local power collapsed, a new Feng faction emerged. It was like driving away the wolf and bringing back the tiger. For a while, some people lamented the injustice, those who had not moved their positions for a long time, and those who felt that they had not been treated fairly began to investigate.

Are the people of the Feng clan clear and clear? Is there anyone with various problems?

For a time, some people in Dahu County launched a secret and semi-public investigation into the people of the Feng family. Of course, these people are just people who follow the wind, and most of them have no ability and can only complain.

Wang Ruihua was sitting in her office, looking at the document in her hand. She was still confused at the moment.

Feng Sizhe had not revealed any news to her before, and he was not prepared at all for what happened. It was not until he went to the Organization Department just now and Minister Li Yige talked to her in person that she realized that she had been promoted again.

She had been appointed, and this time she became the youngest and highest-ranking female cadre in Dahu County. For a while, she really couldn't accept it.

This chapter has been completed!
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