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Chapter 425: The Sound of the Waves Is Still

Thank you cnzjwpf for voting for the gold medal to the genius, thank you prodigal!!!


At this moment, even Feng Sizhe himself had to admit that when it came to his courage for love, he was really not as good as Wang Ruihua in front of him. At this moment, he flinched a little. Even when his feet were pressed in the basin, he didn't know what was going on.

What can I say?

In this way, Feng Sizhe was honestly lifted up by Wang Ruihua, rinsed with soap, and then dried with a foot towel. After that, his feet mechanically returned to his shoes.

"Okay, leader, are you still comfortable with the little lady serving you?" After Wang Ruihua finished all this, he raised his head and asked naughtily.

"Ah, comfortable, comfortable. No...what were you doing just now?" Feng Sizhe only came back to his senses at this moment. It was not until his feet were put back that it seemed that his whole mind had returned to his body.

Likewise, at this moment he regained his demeanor as a deputy county magistrate, and when he looked at Wang Ruihua, his eyes no longer held the fear of me flinching.

"What are you doing? I'm going to wash your feet. You didn't refuse. Really, why are men like this? They don't admit what they have done?" Wang Ruihua seemed to have said this angrily. After that,

She quickly turned around to pour the water, because at this time she also realized how ambiguous her words were.

Feng Sizhe was also stunned. What do you mean by not admitting what happened? What he did was just asking her to wash her feet. If someone with a heart heard this, he didn't know what to do.

Thinking about it.

He stretched out his hand and patted his forehead to wake himself up quickly. Then Feng Sizhe quickly thought about the whole thing. Only then did he realize what Wang Ruihua had just done to him. Although the actions were nothing to talk about.

It was outrageous, but at that moment, he believed that both of them were mentally thinking about things they shouldn't be thinking about.

"Sigh." Feng Sizhe let out a long sigh. He knew that he was young, so he tried not to think too much about the relationship between men and women. He worked hard during the day and watched the news and books at night so that he had no extra time to think about other things.

He has always done well, but when Wang Ruihua made such a fuss today, he realized that he was just lying to others. His feelings for He Shasha, Miao Zihan, and Wang Ruihua in front of him were all different from those of others.

People are different, whether you admit it or not, this is an unchangeable fact.

While Feng Sizhe was thinking about this, Wang Ruihua had already poured the water and walked back to him.

When Wang Ruihua was standing here, Feng Sizhe had basically returned to normal. When he looked at Wang Ruihua again, his eyes were much calmer, "Now that you are here, please take a seat. I have something to say to you."


Feng Sizhe suddenly became so serious, which actually made Wang Ruihua a little nervous. Just now, Feng Sizhe didn't come back to her senses, so she could take the opportunity to take the commanding heights, but now everything has returned to normal, and she showed off her leadership style.

, she was clearly in trouble.

She sat opposite Feng Sizhe with some nervousness. Although Wang Ruihua still pretended not to care on her face, she knew very well how nervous she was at this moment, and even a little bit worried.

.Because she was afraid that Feng Sizhe would suddenly say something she least wanted to hear. What should she do if that happened? If he was angry with him because of what happened today, and he got angry at herself, then what would happen to her in the future?

Where should we go from here?

Feng Sizhe, who had been born in two generations, was very good at seeing people. At least the young Wang Ruihua was definitely no match for him. Seeing Wang Ruihua sitting in front of him with some anxiety, he wanted to say a few harsh words but he

Some can't bear it anymore.

"Hey, Comrade Wang Ruihua, why are you doing this?" Feng Sizhe finally sighed first as his opening remarks, and then he said, "I understand what you are thinking, I am a man, you are

Women, there are some things that you don’t need to say explicitly, just your feelings are enough.”

Feng Sizhe finally pointed out the relationship between the two. After saying this, he looked at Wang Ruihua again and found that her head was buried lower. Then he slowly said, "To be honest,

You are a young, beautiful, capable, thoughtful girl who is loved by everyone. Everyone will like a girl like you. But... But I really can't. I want my girlfriend He

You must have met Shasha. You should know that she is also a good girl. I can't let her down, so..."

Feng Sizhe didn't know what to say next. If he kept talking, he would really hurt each other's feelings. He felt that he had said a lot today. "So I hope you will be well."

Regarding work, I just want to say one thing. You are here today because of your personal efforts. I am not motivated by any selfish motives. I do it because I think you have the ability. There is no meddling in it.

Any other feelings, you must understand this. And you don’t have to think about other issues, you just need to remember one thing, you don’t have to do things like today in the future, okay?”

Feng Sizhe tried his best to chat with Wang Ruihua in a heart-to-heart manner. He had only one purpose, how to persuade the other party without hurting her self-esteem and let her know that he had no requirements for promoting her. Although he also knew what he was thinking in his heart.

She is still a little selfish, but based on her personal abilities, she is indeed qualified for this position.

Wang Ruihua didn't say anything in the following conversation. She had already felt that Feng Sizhe treated her differently from other people. He must have his own difficulties, so he couldn't accept this feeling. Also, he was just a farmer.

A girl, without background, will not be able to give him any help in his future growth. Such a man is destined not to belong to her. She has only buried this thought deep in her heart. Maybe this will be her life.

The best memories may not be the same.

Wang Ruihua finally walked out of Feng Sizhe's office. Later, she didn't know what they were telling her. She only knew that this promotion was indeed without any intention. She really relied on her personal efforts and national policies to achieve this goal.

Position. This may be a good thing for her. At least she doesn't have to feel grateful for this matter and can't let it go in her heart. Since they are destined to be two types of people, people on two parallel lines.

There can't be any overlap, so why not just do her job well and leave the best memories in his heart.

At this moment, Wang Ruihua still remembers the new song he wrote to his girlfriend He Shasha that she took from Feng Sizhe's book before leaving. The name of this song is "The Sound of the Waves Are Still". This man is really beyond his imagination.

He actually has such attainments in music.

Following the music score, Wang Ruihua hummed softly to harmonize with the lyrics. The words seemed to be her mood at the moment, making her eyes filled with tears. "Take away a fishing fire and let it warm my eyes, leaving

The next piece of true love made it parked by the Maple Bridge. I was helpless and had already alienated that emotion..."

Except for Wang Ruihua and Feng Sizhe, no one else knew what happened in that room last night. Even Su Qian only thought that she really had something to report to the leader.

The next day, Wang Ruihua did not have any bad emotions because of what happened last night. She had tried her best to digest all the pain and difficulties last night. She knew that if she wanted him to think highly of her, it would be even more necessary.

Work hard to prove that he is not wrong about the person and that he is indeed qualified for this position.

Feng Sizhe is also pretending to be fine. He does what he usually does in the county committee building and what he does now. No one can tell the slightest clue. From this point of view alone, his energy-raising skills are obviously higher than those of young people of the same age.


The news of Luo Jinlong and Wang Ruihua's promotions was like a strong wind in the county party committee compound. After it blew over, the wind was slowly forgotten by people. Everyone thought more and looked more at the county's economy.

Development and rapid changes. This change has attracted everyone's attention. Whether they are optimistic about Feng Sizhe or those who oppose him, they all have to admit that this young deputy county magistrate is still very capable at work.

The land reform has been extended to the entire Dahu County. The ten towns and fourteen townships under its jurisdiction have all formulated plans for planting different crops according to their own regional characteristics. Feng Sizhe also brought deputy county magistrate Zhang Youlun and director of the Agriculture Bureau who were in charge of this aspect.

Zhu Dongnong helped them find the most suitable seeds and sales after the harvest. As long as they follow the unified steps of the county, as long as it is not a particularly severe disaster year, the people will have a good harvest.

The original Yongsheng Casting Factory was also changed into Pengfei Casting Factory. After Yang Keqiang supported a large amount of funds to purchase several advanced equipment, the factory finally officially started operation and began the busy process of adding processing points. Except for a few individuals, there was no work in the whole place.

In addition to their ability, most of the employees stayed on, which solved a lot of trouble for the county's employment. No one came to the gate of the county party committee compound to petition anymore.

After Bai Caixia introduced new technology to the Dahu Lighter Factory, it not only produced ordinary lighters, but also produced exquisite and compact lighters. For a time, various strange-shaped lighters appeared on the market. Because they applied for patents in advance,

Many manufacturers who wanted to imitate them had no choice but to regret it. Some even had no choice but to sign a contract with Dahu Lighter Factory to produce lighters while paying a certain patent fee. In this way, no matter whether it was Dahu Lighter Factory

Both Feida Packaging Corporation made a huge profit.

This chapter has been completed!
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