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Chapter 494 Observing a Good Opportunity

Thank you lz179 for voting for another gold medal for the genius, thank you prodigal!!!


This Wu Fuliang spoke in a more vicious manner, and directly wanted to take advantage of the situation to terminate Feng Sizhe's position. Of course, this was also a vote of trust, indicating that he supported Qiu Fugui, and even more that he supported Secretary Yuan Sheng. Because although Yuan Sheng did not express his opinion on the matter

However, what he said just now is enough to prove his position.

When Wu Fuliang said this, many people present took a breath. They really didn't expect that things would turn out like this. The good Feng Sizhe was found out just because he stood up and answered Secretary Yuan.

The old accounts were settled, and then someone expressed their intention to deal with him, and then came out their opinions on how to deal with him, which was to win him the position of county magistrate.

The rapid development of the matter was completely beyond the expectations of many people, and the colors on the faces of many people present suddenly changed. Looking at the attitude of Secretary Yuan, the opinions of Deputy Secretary Qiu and Minister Wu of the Municipal Party Committee, everyone did not know what to expect for a while.

Will something unexpected happen next? Is Feng Sizhe, the county magistrate, really going to be captured?

As things have developed now, even Feng Sizhe himself is shocked. He never thought that Yuan Sheng would talk about his beating of Lu Xingmin in Kyoto in front of so many people. This matter had actually already happened in Kyoto at that time.

Definition, it was Lu Xingmin who uttered arrogance to him first, and he wanted to teach him a lesson. This matter was not a secret in Kyoto, because many high-profile people knew about it, and no one did anything.

Instructions. Sometimes there are instructions without instructions, and Lu Xingmin’s meal was in vain. But if the things that have been decided by the top are passed down to the people below, they will soon become another script. After all, not everyone will change from their own body.

Looking at things from a high position, just like many things, the big leaders will not care. They only care about the people below who are short-sighted and ill-informed. This is where the saying goes that the king of hell is easy to meet, but the kid is difficult to deal with.

Today, it was his turn to deal with the matter. The matter of beating Lu Xingmin was over at the top, but if you put it down below, it would still make many people make fuss about it. No, this fire might burn him.

It even made it impossible for him to keep his position.

At this time, Feng Sizhe wanted to explain a few words. He didn't want the situation to become so passive. But after opening his mouth, he still didn't say anything because he suddenly realized that this might be an observation.

A good opportunity for people's hearts.

I am always at the upper hand and cannot see how others view me in their hearts. You don’t know who your true friends are until you are in trouble. At this moment, you may be able to better see if anyone will speak to you, especially

Like Mayor Chang Ning, what will he say next? Will he also shrink back because he is afraid of the power of the Lu family?

"Well, Comrade Wu Fuliang represents the Organization Department, and his opinions must be pertinent. After all, as a party cadre, if you make a mistake, you must investigate it. If it is your fault, you must admit it. What is the attitude of other cadres? Everyone.

Let’s talk about it all.” Yuan Sheng looked unhurried and was no longer in a hurry to go to the county to check on the security situation. Instead, he held an on-site office meeting on the side of the road. He also used half the time.

The affirmative tone supported Wu Fuliang's statement, and at the same time he further asked other municipal party committee leaders what they thought of this matter. It seems that he just wanted to force some people to express their opinions over and over again, so that he and Feng Sizhe would fight.

Before the fire breaks out, eliminate the opponent's backup first. As long as everyone in the municipal committee does not support Feng Sizhe, it will be much easier to deal with him next.

Yuan Sheng's words and questions made several members of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee behind them beat the drum in their hearts. Of course, the members of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee who had always been at odds with Feng Sizhe would not miss such an opportunity.

"Well, I support the opinions of Deputy Secretary Qiu and Comrade Wu Fuliang." Municipal United Front Work Minister Wang Yanjin was the first to agree.

As Wang Yanjin, who was once refuted by Feng Sizhe at the Pengfei Peanut Processing Factory in Dahu County, and even received a punishment, he had always dreamed of dealing with Feng Sizhe, but he had never found a suitable opportunity, but today like this

The good opportunity finally came, how could he give up.

"I also support the opinions of the above comrades." Liu Zidao, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of Xinglong District, as a member of the enemy faction, will naturally express his support at this time.

Four people expressed their support in a row, and Yuan Sheng couldn't help but nodded, "Oh, it seems that everyone's understanding and party spirit are very high, so what will be the attitude of the other people next?"

Yuan Sheng, as the Secretary of the Provincial Political and Legal Affairs Committee, actually forced the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee members to express their opinions one after another. This was indeed a bit too much. This made the accused Feng Sizhe feel angry. Originally, he still wanted to

Big things are reduced to trivial matters. As long as Yuan Sheng can be more sincere when he comes to Dahu County, he will not fall out with him, and even some of the evidence in his hand will be directly handed over to the other party. After all, he should keep a line in life so that he can meet each other in the future.

, he didn’t want to have any direct conflict with a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Zhongzhou Province. After all, doing so would be very detrimental to him. What was hateful was that the other party was repeatedly aggressive. From the looks of it, he would not give up until he was defeated.

Well, don't let him get the chance, otherwise he won't buy the other party's face. Even if he is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, it doesn't matter. As long as he does something wrong, the emperor will be guilty of breaking the law and the common people will be guilty.

Yuan Sheng's repeated questioning also aroused the backlash from other members of the Municipal Party Committee's Standing Committee. Deputy Secretary Geng Xiao, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, was the first person to feel disgusted.

As the Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Geng Xiao does not belong to any group of people. If he must have an affiliation, it belongs to his duties, his responsibility, and his loyalty and responsibility to the party. From the bottom of his heart.

Frankly speaking, Geng Xiao is a person with a great sense of justice. Of course, sometimes he will do things because of his personal preferences, but more often than not, he still puts party principles first.

For such a person, when he saw Yuan Sheng suppressing a small county chief with the respect of the leader of the provincial party committee, his heart couldn't help but feel angry. It can be said that he knew Feng Sizhe relatively well. If this incident was aimed at

It was others, and he might not have much say yet, but he had known Feng Sizhe for a long time, and he had seen the changes in Dahu County one by one. He was such a young, courageous cadre who dared to think and do.

In his eyes, they are the good cadres that the party and the country need, but it is these cadres that have attracted a lot of people to suppress them. Even today, Secretary Yuan of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee wants to suppress them. As Secretary of the Yongyang Discipline Inspection Commission, he

How can I still stand aside and watch at this time?

A voice emerged from the bottom of his heart, that is, as a cadre of the Discipline Inspection Commission, what he has to do is not to allow a party cadre to be specialized, and of course he will not allow a cadre to be wronged. He is full of righteousness.

After Secretary Yuan's voice rang out for the first time, Mr. Geng, a student, finally spoke, "Secretary Yuan, fellow leading comrades, I don't know if it's okay for me to express my personal views."

"Of course Comrade Geng Xiao, as the Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, can express his opinions. Please tell me." Seeing that even Geng Xiao appeared at this time, Yuan Sheng nodded happily. Before coming to Dahu County, he was doing

Having done enough work, he knew who among the Yongyang Municipal Party Committee would support Feng Sizhe. Colonel Geng was undoubtedly the person who supported him. Strong fortresses are often broken from the inside. If Colonel Geng also expressed his intention to pursue the case,

It's really great that Feng Sizhe is responsible for the beating.

When Colonel Geng wanted to speak, many people were stunned.

As for Qiu Fugui, Wu Fuliang, Wang Yanjin, and Liu Zidao, their statements were all expected by everyone. Who made these people always look down on Feng Sizhe? It is reasonable for them to say this, but now Geng

If the school wants to speak, the meaning will be different. If he also expresses support for Qiu Fugui and others' resolution, I am afraid that Feng Sizhe's position as county magistrate will be really unstable this time. For a moment, everyone's attention was focused on

On Colonel Geng.

Including Feng Sizhe and Mayor Chang Ning all looked at Colonel Geng. Chang Ning even opened his mouth, as if he wanted to remind Colonel Geng to be cautious and responsible when speaking. But Colonel Geng seemed to have seen him opening his mouth.

He actually waved his hand first and said, "Don't worry, comrades, what I'm going to say next will be worthy of my responsibilities and worthy of the honorable title of party member."

When Colonel Geng said this, Chang Ning had to shut his mouth. It was useless what he was saying at this time, because he could see that Colonel Geng's attitude was determined, and what he said next would represent what he was like.

Views and thoughts.

Under the attention of everyone, Colonel Geng finally expressed his views on this matter word for word, "Comrades, if you ask me to say, as a party member and cadre, as a county magistrate, it is wrong to hit people.

It's definitely wrong. No matter what the motive is, hitting someone shouldn't be done."

When Colonel Geng said this, many people sighed deeply. It seemed that Colonel Geng finally couldn't stand the pressure from Secretary Yuan and was about to rebel.

"But... things are not absolute. The party's inspection cadres have always had standards, which is to focus on facts. Of course, another point is to see clearly the situation at the time. I personally think that Comrade Feng Sizhe was beaten by everyone.

Lu Xingmin’s matter still needs to be carefully investigated, evidence collected, and the opinions of those present present can be obtained in various ways before the result is reached. Everyone must know that it is not easy for the party to train a cadre. In line with the attitude of being responsible for others, I still think that County Magistrate Feng Sizhe

I still have to continue to hold my position, and of course I have to be prepared to be investigated by the organization at any time. This is my opinion."

This chapter has been completed!
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