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Chapter five hundred and twentieth chaos

These thoughts just passed through his mind in an instant. He knew that Xianzhi was still there in front of him, and he needed to solve the current problem first. "Hey, I didn't expect Comrade Lu Zhuo to have such a personality. It's just that he has a too big temper.

It’s a good thing, and it’s even more irrational to do things impulsively.”

"Who said otherwise? He actually kept telling me that he wanted to hand Comrade Zhu Dongnong over to the higher-level Discipline Inspection Commission for investigation and punishment. What he wanted to do was just a case involving a few hundred yuan, and he was not enriching his own pockets, but going to

Helping others, this kind of thing can be discussed at the top. If he really does this, where will the face of our Dahu County go?" Fang Xianzhi said with some annoyance. In his opinion, the superiors sent him

This secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission is really ignorant and does not know what collective honor is.

"Haha, who says it's not the case? The work of the Discipline Inspection Commission is more about supervising and investigating disciplinary and illegal behaviors of party members and cadres. I personally think that supervision comes first. For example, some things are not very big. If it must be big, this is

His politics are not tough and his thinking is immature. In fact, if he does this, not only will our Dahu County lose face, but also the county Commission for Discipline Inspection will lose face. They will be the first to be criticized. So I personally

I think Comrade Lu Zhuo just said an angry word, and he would not really do it, because even if he did, it would have no effect. For a case worth several hundred yuan, Secretary, what do you want the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to do?

Look, do they think that some people are causing trouble for them, thinking that they have nothing to do and are making trouble for them?"

Feng Sizhe spoke in plain language without beginning or ending. These words seemed like he analyzed the matter and said that Lu Zhuo would not really submit the issue of Comrade Zhu Dongnong to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. But if you

If you listen carefully, you will realize one truth from these seemingly disorganized words, that is, if this matter really gets big, although the Dahu County Party Committee will be disgraced, it will be him, Lu Zhuo, who is even more disgraced.

Secretary of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection who has recently arrived in Dahu County.

"Oh..." Fang Xianzhi hummed as if he understood something, and then after thinking about these words carefully, he quickly nodded several times, "Well, let Sizhe analyze the matter.

That’s thorough, haha. In other words, we can just ignore this matter as before and let him do it however he wants, but no matter how he does it, he won’t get any good results?”

"Hey, Secretary Fang must not say that. How can we say that there is no good fruit to be eaten? Some comrades are just willing to make fuss over trivial matters, and we have nothing to do about it. After all, he has said more than once that the County Commission for Discipline Inspection is

It is a very independent department, but how we handle this matter has little to do with our Dahu County Party Committee, what do you think?"

"Yes, yes, yes! The Discipline Inspection Commission of Dahu County is indeed a very independent department. Some comrades have said this personally. So when the superior leaders ask, I only need to answer this way, haha, Brother Sizhe has it.

I have an idea." Fang Xianzhi, who finally understood what Feng Sizhe meant, couldn't help laughing.

According to Feng Sizhe's opinion, one point is that he still lets Lu Zhuo mess with him with a no-questions-asked attitude. Should you report the issue of Comrade Zhu Dongnong to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection in anger, or should you just let it go?

Just let it go now, Comrade Zhu Dongnong. In short, it is you, Lu Zhuo, who is in trouble. It has nothing to do with the Dahu County Party Committee and others. If you think about it this way, then there will be no problem, and there will be no problem.

Even if I am annoyed, I am not worried anymore, because the person who is worried and troubled should be Lu Zhuo.

Just as Feng Sizhe analyzed, Lu Zhuo slammed the door from Fang Xianzhi and had an angry look on his face when he returned to his office.

This Fang Xianzhi was too disrespectful to himself. He knew what the purpose of his trip was, but he still humiliated himself in every possible way. Did he and Feng Sizhe actually wear the same pair of trousers just to see his own joke? But he didn't even think about it.

If Zhu Dongnong's matter is really reported to the municipal party committee, will his face be bright? He originally went to this matter with the purpose of a win-win situation, in order to turn a major issue into a trivial matter, but he doesn't seem to accept this

Well, in that case, he will really report the matter to the superior municipal party committee and see if he can run away as the county party secretary after the municipal party committee criticizes him.

Under this anger, Lu Zhuo actually drafted a report and reported Comrade Zhu Dongnong's issues to the Yongyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.

After the materials were handed over, Lu Zhuo seemed to be still upset and called his deputy Shen Wen, "Comrade Shen Wen, immediately organize all the staff of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection to go down and give me a good investigation and take a look at the big lake."

Do the county cadres have other problems? Remember, check carefully and vigorously. Don’t let go of any doubts. I really want to see if the cadres of Dahu County are really

If you are so honest and honest, there really is no problem."

Lu Zhuo was really angry, which made Shen Wen, who originally wanted to comfort him a few words, dare not say anything. He only nodded and said he would do as he was told.

As a result, a large-scale investigation of the county's cadres by the Discipline Inspection Commission began. All the staff of the county's Discipline Inspection Commission, except for one person who was on duty to answer the phone, went to various departments and towns to start investigating all cadres.

A major investigation was conducted.

This operation had a rather vigorous feel. When all the Discipline Inspection Commission members began to appear in the offices of various departments wearing uniform black clothes and black trousers, first of all, there was some chaos in the county party committee compound.

For example, the work of the county petition bureau is very complicated. Every day it has to receive all kinds of people who come to petition and think injustice. Many of these people do not understand party discipline and state laws. They only see things from their own perspective.

, so naturally many of their questions were unfounded, or even made up of nothing. But as soon as the staff of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection arrived here, they quickly took over the work that the staff here should do.

, began to conduct an investigation into the people's words that had no clear evidence and were even speculation.

For example, some people think that the cadres in their village are not qualified. Otherwise, why would someone in the same village become rich but he is still poor? For this reason, he reported that their village cadres were biased towards certain individuals.

Suspicion. As soon as they received such a report, the county Commission for Discipline Inspection staff immediately intervened and started talking to them. Under their inducement, the people directly said that the village cadres had probably accepted bribes from others, so they

Some people take special care of them, do good things for them, and leave good opportunities to people like him to seize, so that there is a fact that some people are richer than them.

In fact, the result of things like this is very obvious, that is, people who have become rich have succeeded by relying on their unique vision and hard-working hands. The people who are still poor and come to petition are because they only know how to guard the

It is caused by the inflexibility and inflexibility of one's own one-acre land. But these things are not like this in the eyes of the county discipline inspection personnel. In line with the strict orders of Secretary Lu Zhuo, they think that this cannot be done properly.

This was due to the partiality of the village cadres, which was caused by private individuals. As a result, the staff of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection directly followed the petitioners to their village and began an unnecessary investigation of the village cadres here.

Of course, this is only part of it. For example, some cadres in the county have slightly better family conditions and more luxurious furnishings. They immediately became the targets of the investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. In their view, everyone is earning a dead salary. Why?

Some people's families will be so rich, and some people will be poor. Of course, those rich people have become targets and the objects of investigation.

This kind of unfounded and purely speculative investigation quickly threw the work of the county party committee and county government into chaos. Many staff members were interviewed by the county Commission for Discipline Inspection in the name of investigation, and some were interviewed several times a day.

For a time, many departments were unable to work normally due to this reason, which was the main cause of chaos.

Feng Sizhe is reviewing documents in his office. As the head of a county, he is in charge of the lifeline of the county's economy. His work is actually very busy. There are many cadres who send documents for review every day and report in person. But

He doesn't like official talk, and he doesn't like to flatter others. Often when the cadres below come to report on their work, that is, as soon as they talk about the work situation, Feng Sizhe will just wave him away and let him go. Gradually, everyone knows that

He really takes "development is the last word" very seriously. As a result, all cadres focus on work, and the number of people who come to report work to increase mutual affection becomes very few.

Less. In this way, he finally has more opportunities to work in the office instead of dealing with boring entertainment.

But this habit was broken starting this morning, and cadres lined up to report to him.

At first, Feng Sizhe was confused. This was neither the harvest season nor the time for cadres to investigate. What did it mean for these people to report to him? But soon, he figured it out while talking to these people.

After finding out the truth of the matter, these people came here to complain, because starting from yesterday afternoon, the County Commission for Discipline Inspection began a large-scale investigation of all the cadres in the county, ranging from cadres at the deputy director level to a small return officer.

Those who were not official state civil servants at the department level were all asked to talk to people from the County Commission for Discipline Inspection.

This chapter has been completed!
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