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Chapter 589 First Meeting Luo Bing

After leaving his office, Feng Sizhe headed towards the first floor. He had seen the floor plan of the county party committee building when he arrived yesterday. He had the impression that the Petition Office was at the stairs on the right side of the first floor. By forgetting that he was alone

Go there.

Feng Sizhe is wearing a brown jacket today. This kind of clothes is a bit casual. It is not what a county party secretary should wear, at least not what a cadre with a certain status in that era should wear. But Feng Sizhe still chose to wear it.

Firstly, this thing is very warm, and its warmth must be better than a suit. Secondly, he is still very young, and wearing a suit every day is too old-fashioned. Thirdly, and most importantly, this kind of clothes is not available in the mainland now.

Well, in practice, this dress was specially sent by my mother, Zhao Lilong, from the UK. The price of this dress is not well known yet, and others can’t tell the price when you wear it, so there will be less criticism. It doesn’t look like

Each of those suits he owns is so expensive. From the materials to the workmanship, they are all products of the British aristocracy. Wearing such a suit is still different from the black suit of a cadre. He doesn't want him to be ruined because of his clothes.

I was having some dispute, so I chose this jacket for casual wear.

Feng Sizhe was dressed in casual clothes and walked to the Petitions Office on the first floor like a young man. At this time, because the time was almost eleven o'clock, most of the prominent people had gone to dinner and got off work. Those who stayed in the building

They are all low-level staff, and they are helpless. The leaders have the privilege to stay late and leave early, but they really can't and don't dare.

Almost no one was seen from the third floor to the first floor. Feng Sizhe happened to be too lazy to say hello to anyone, so he walked downstairs and arrived at the door of the Petition Office.

Compared with some other quiet departments, the Petition Office has a calm look. There are only two staff members living there, one is a beautiful woman who looks to have just turned thirty years old, and the other is...

The name is a young man who seems to have just entered society.

As soon as Feng Sizhe appeared at the door of the Petition Office at this time, he was immediately looked at by the young man sitting next to the door. As soon as he saw Feng Sizhe appearing here, he immediately frowned, and then said something in his mouth

There was a snort, "I said you people are annoying enough. Even if you want to report the situation, you have to wait for a while. Look at what time it is. We are about to get off work. I think you should wait until we go to work in the afternoon.

Come on now."

As soon as the young man spoke, the woman raised her head. When she raised her head, she first glanced at Feng Sizhe, and then a not too happy look flashed in her eyes, but soon the light flashed.

Then he said, "Xiao Wang, don't complain. Let's do this. I will receive this person. You can get off work now."

"Ah? Director Luo, I really have to leave first." The young man was obviously very happy when he heard that he could get off work.

"Well, you go first. Just remember to ride slowly when you go out, otherwise the boss of a gold mine accidentally bumps into you, and you deserve to be unlucky."

"Hey, my luck won't be so bad. I can't have bad luck happen to me. Hey, Director Luo, thank you for your hard work. I'll really leave first." While talking about other aspects, this is called Xiao

Wang's man neatly packed up the materials on his desk. He was obviously very excited. This was in sharp contrast to the unhappy expression when he saw Feng Sizhe just now.

Xiao Wang just slipped out from Feng Sizhe. At this moment, only Feng Sizhe and Director Luo were left in the room. Director Luo politely pointed to a nearby chair and said, "Comrade, please take a seat."

Well, if you want to report any situation, you can tell me. I am Luo Bing, deputy director of the Qiu County Resident Visit Office. (Luo Bing’s name is based on the name provided by reader 934998658. Thank you for your participation. All prodigal sons will try their best to respond to your request.

I asked to write about this character, but I only changed the age by ten years. You must know that it is really difficult for women to do anything in official novels. I hope for your understanding.)

After listening to the other party's introduction, Feng Sizhe smiled and nodded, thinking, it seems that he has just arrived in Qiu County, and because he has not appeared in public yet, many cadres who are not very high-ranking do not know him yet. Alas.

, think about it when I was in Dahu County, let alone cadres, even the masses did not know me. There were very few people. The gap between the two counties was really not small. These thoughts just passed by in a flash, and then Feng Sizhe

He still said seriously, "Oh, it's Deputy Director Luo. I've admired you for a long time."

"Haha." When Feng Sizhe said this, Luo Bing smiled instead, "I said this comrade, what does it mean to have admired me for a long time? Am I famous?" After saying this, she said with a straight face,

"Okay, if you have something to say, don't think that if you say a few nice words, I will definitely help you from a personal perspective. Let me tell you, we have our regulations. If what you report is true, then I will

I will try my best to help you get justice, but if what you say is not the truth, then I'm sorry, there is nothing I can do."

Luo Bing's sudden business-like expression made Feng Sizhe nod his head with appreciation in his heart. Very good. His speech can be said to be reasonable and measured. Such a cadre at least gives people a good feeling. Thinking like this, Feng Sizhe

He followed her instructions and sat on the designated bench.

Seeing that Feng Sizhe was seated, Luo Bing poured a glass of boiling water and placed it beside his table as usual, and then asked, "Comrade, do you have anything to report to the county committee or any problems to solve? Now

You can talk about it all.”

When Luo Bing said this, Feng Sizhe realized that he came here to see if he could find anything useful. When it came to reporting the situation, he really didn't know what to say. He had just been in Qiu County for a day and was not very familiar with everything here.

I understand, what do you want him to say?

When Feng Sizhe thought about the problem, she hesitated and looked in Luo Bing's eyes. She thought it was because he had something to hide, so she explained patiently, "Comrade, if you believe me,

Just tell me what you want to express. Of course, if you think that I am young and cannot win your trust, you can also explain it to the director of our Petition Office in person after you go to work in the afternoon. Also, I see how you are dressed.

It’s not like ordinary people. If you think the problem is too big and we can’t solve it here, you can also tell your matter to a higher-level petition department. However, I advise you to give it a try here. Maybe I will give it to you.

It’s not always possible to come up with a good idea.”

Luo Bing has already said this, why do you ask Feng Sizhe to say it? If he can't say a word, it seems like he really doesn't believe him. This is too frustrating for people's self-esteem.

Thinking about it, Feng Sizhe suddenly thought of the fact that the restaurant where he and Li Shuang ate Carp San last night didn't even have a sign. Thinking of it, he opened his mouth and said, "The situation is like this, Director Luo, I was in Qiu County yesterday

For dinner, I went to a restaurant that didn’t have a brand. The carp three dishes cooked there are very famous and delicious. But what makes me curious is why the boss doesn’t put it up for business if he has such skills. Could it be that this is something special in Qiu County?

Is there any actual problem with my habit? I really wanted to find out, but the boss still didn’t tell the truth, so I decided to go to the Petition Office to see if I could find the real answer.”

When Feng Sizhe asked this question, Luo Bing was stunned. Obviously she didn't expect that this very well-dressed person would actually come to ask this question. It's not like she didn't know the hotel he was talking about.

Carp is eaten three times, and sometimes she will try it. She also knows about the chef and boss Zhang Fatty there, and as a Qiu County person, she also knows a little about the truth, but there are some things she knows.

, maybe not being able to say it is another matter.

Thinking about the people involved in this question, she looked at Feng Sizhe again. "What I can answer for you is that this matter is not stipulated by the Qiu County Party Committee and County Government. As for why this hotel

I think there is a deeper meaning to not hanging up the signboard, and it’s not easy for me to solve.”

After saying this, Luo Bing still seemed to feel that her answer was inappropriate, so she took a preemptive step and asked Feng Sizhe, "Sir, I don't know what you mean by asking this question. Is it you?"

Are you curious, or do you feel sorry for that hotel?"

Feng Sizhe was speechless for a moment after being asked, and then he remembered to ask such a question. But now that Luo Bing asked him this question, he didn't know what to say. He just felt that there was a story behind this matter, that is,

However, the person refused to tell the truth to him, so he had no choice but to answer, "Oh, I'm just curious."

"Curious? Then I advise this gentleman to put away his curiosity. Although I can't answer your question yet, I would like to advise you that it is better not to pay too much attention to some things in Qiu County, otherwise you will be afraid

I’m going to cause you some trouble.”

Luo Bing's kindness was heard in Feng Sizhe's ears, and he nodded. He seemed to understand something and said, "Okay, since Director Luo asked this, I won't say anything. Then I will first


Feng Sizhe left the Petitions Office like this, which was really a helpless move. Looking at the situation now, people don't believe him at all. He is afraid that even if he declares his identity like this, he will not be able to gain the trust of the other party.

In the end, not only was he unable to understand anything about the situation, but he even alerted some people in Qiu County to let some people in Qiu County know that he had come to the Petitions Office. Would they think more about it? It was for this reason that Feng Sizhe quickly retreated because he was deeply aware of the situation.

I felt that my move to come to the Petitions Office was a bit reckless and abrupt.

This chapter has been completed!
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