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Chapter 646 Go home and sober up

"Well, I hope my considerations are unnecessary. Now that we can't find Xiao Wu, why not find someone else to blame first? Fortunately, Lu Bin doesn't know who did this. He can just find someone.

Just let people deal with it." After hearing Fan Yuegang's words, Wu Shiyou also thought it was reasonable, so he let go of the matter and came up with another idea, which was to find someone to take the blame.

"Okay." Wu Shi nodded. Since he couldn't beat Xiao Wu, he had to do this now. Otherwise, if he continues to support him, Lu Bin would inevitably have other ideas and wonder if he was perfunctory.

What about the other party? If this is the case, that would be bad.

"Okay, let's do it like this. If you can't find Xiao Wu before dark, then you can find someone to take the blame. At that time, Secretary Lu and I will be good people in the middle and mediate between you and Lao Lu.

You will still be friends from now on, right? Qiu County is so big, there will be many opportunities for everyone to cooperate. Whether it is to continue to move up or to make money, there are many opportunities." In the end, Fan Yuegang stood up and gave the final answer to the matter.

The result was final.

With Fan Yuegang's strong intervention, the matter was settled. Just waiting for it to get dark, these two people would act as intermediaries for Wu Shiyou and Lu Bin to mediate.

In the Qiu County Party Committee Courtyard, Feng Sizhe received a call from Chen Hu in his office. The fifth brother had been controlled and hidden in a bungalow in the county town that had not been occupied for a long time. It was set up by Chen Hu.

At one point, there were no less than four people from the Xing family guarding the door. Under such circumstances, the fifth brother could not escape even if he had wings.

Knowing that the fifth brother was arrested, Feng Sizhe breathed a sigh of relief. This step was equivalent to planting a bomb between the two generals of the Fan family, Wu Shiyou and Lu Bin. If this matter was exploited, then the other

The result was of great help in disintegrating the Fan system. Thinking that I had finally found a breakthrough point in this complicated environment, when I was thinking about how to use this matter, something suddenly happened in the corridor outside the door.

After hearing the quarrel, which was quite loud, Feng Sizhe opened the office door and walked out.

The person who was quarreling in the County Party Committee building was none other than Gu Yucheng, the director of the County Party Committee Office, one of the members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee. He was currently making trouble with Luo Bing, the deputy director of the County Party Committee Office.

"I said Deputy Director Luo, what's going on with your work? Didn't I tell you? The specific work of the county party committee cannot take effect without my signature, but why do I not know many things?" Gu Yucheng stood in Luo

At the door of Bing's office, he smelled of alcohol and spoke in a loud voice.

From the looks of it, Gu Yucheng deliberately wanted to increase his influence, in order to put pressure on Luo Bing and let others know that he still had the final say in the county party committee office. Generally speaking, his behavior was not like this.

When you drink, you will inevitably have some uncontrollable feelings, and you will feel free to express any thoughts you have.

Luo Bing stood up from the office chair in a good temper, "I'm sorry, Director Gu, I don't know what you mean by many things. Everything I do is done in accordance with the rules and regulations. You

If you have any questions, please tell me."

Seeing that Luo Bing dared to call him like this, Gu Yucheng was not happy. After all, he was also a deputy division level cadre and one of the standing committee members of the county committee. Luo Bing had only been assigned to the county committee office for a long time, and he had just become the official

How long has this upright cadre dared to openly question his own words like this? That's okay. If he doesn't suppress the other party's momentum this time, who will take him seriously in the future?

"My surname is Luo. Don't pretend to be confused. I'm asking you, who agreed to transfer personnel from the county party committee office to form an inspection team to go to various units below to investigate the verification of government employee files. This case

Was it something I arranged for you to do? Have you reported it to me again? I'm afraid you made the decision on this matter without authorization, right? Let me ask you, do I still have the final say in the county party committee office? What do you want to do?


Gu Yucheng's accusation was very loud, and he looked completely confident, as if he was accusing Luo Bing of his faults.

Chen Guangming, who ran over first when he heard the quarrel, looked at Gu Yucheng's arrogant speech and couldn't stand it at the moment, "Director Gu, don't say things like that. If you have anything, you can talk about it calmly.

Why do you need to argue so loudly? It will make others laugh at you, not you."

"Come here." Seeing that Chen Guangming was coming to take care of this business, Gu Yucheng pushed aside Secretary Chen who had just walked up to him, "I tell you, Chen Guangming, don't think that you are the secretary of the county party committee secretary.

You think you can take care of everything, but let me tell you, you are like a rabbit with a tail that cannot grow, and you will get out sooner or later."

Gu Yucheng was really angry this time. Luo Bing hid it from him and sent an inspection team from the county committee office to start checking the files of the staff of various departments of the county committee without telling him. Talking about this matter is not a big deal.

Xiao, I don’t know how many staff members in various agencies in the county have fake files. Some of them have fake diplomas. For example, some say they are junior college, but in fact they have not even graduated from middle school. Some say they are technical secondary schools.

, those who have not even attended elementary school for a few days. There is also age falsification. Some people are clearly in their fifties and should have retired, but because they are greedy for that position, their files only say they are in their forties. This way

You can occupy that position and continue to be a power and a blessing. In that era, files did not need to be entered into any computer at all. In this way, you only needed to write a copy casually, and the leader signed and approved it. In this way

Under these circumstances, if the inspection team really conducts a strict investigation, there will be many problems.

As Gu Yucheng, who has been responsible for this matter in the county party committee office, he knows very well that if the results of this census are different from those of previous years, then the final responsibility will definitely be on him.

But it's a big disadvantage, and in recent years, he has taken countless kickbacks and collected money by doing this. In this way, not only will he be responsible, but he will also lose income in this area in the future.

He still has enough money to drink heavily every day, so it's strange that he's not in a hurry.

In this hurry, Chen Guangming happened to come to break up the fight. It would be strange if he didn't hurry with him.

Chen Guangming was stunned when Gu Yucheng said this. He came here with good intentions, thinking that it would be ugly for something like this to happen in the county committee building. In order to take into account the impact on everyone, he took the initiative. How dare he be a lover?

Gu Yucheng didn't take his good intentions seriously at all. Instead, he treated him like a donkey and looked indifferent.

Seeing that this man knew no good and bad, Chen Guangming had no choice but to take a step back and stand aside.

Chen Guangming's retreat made Gu Yucheng very happy. He thought that his authority and words had suppressed the other party, and that they were afraid of him. After saying this and drinking Chen Guangming away, he

He was getting more courageous, and then he turned to look at Luo Bing, "And you, you think you are innocent, do you think you can do anything to me by doing this? I tell you, you'd better think about you

The actual situation, don’t you know what kind of thing your husband is? If you hadn’t had a father who was a deputy county magistrate, you would have achieved what you have today. Also, don’t think that you have

With a certain amount of beauty, all the men in the world will surrender to your pomegranates. Let me tell you, the fact is..."

"The fact is that you, Director Gu, talk too much." Suddenly a very serious tone came from behind Gu Yucheng.

Hearing this voice, Gu Yucheng was very unhappy, so he turned around and looked around. This glance made his heart tremble, because standing not far behind him was the county committee member of Qiu County.

Secretary Feng Sizhe.

Feng Sizhe had already gone out and stood there for a while, including what Gu Yucheng said about Chen Guangming just now. He also noticed it, and the reason why he didn't say anything was because he wanted to see what Gu Yucheng would say, but he didn't expect that he

He actually had no quality at all. The more he said this, the more it began to insinuate onto others, and he couldn't help but step out and take care of it.

When Feng Sizhe stood up, Gu Yucheng was speechless for a moment. No matter how much he drank, he still knew that the person in front of him was his leader. (I still remember that a satellite TV news once had something like this.

According to the report, there was a middle-aged man who drank too much. The police were checking for drunk driving and caught him. However, because he drank too much, he refused to accept anyone. The police came and scolded the police, and the reporters came and beat the reporters.

Until there was no other way, someone came up with the idea to call in his leader. As soon as his leader showed up, he immediately became as honest as a cat, no matter what the leader said.)

"Look at you like that. Why are you drinking so much during work hours? Why don't you go home and sober up for me?" Feng Sizhe said to Gu Yucheng in a tone of concern and even protection from a leader to his subordinates.

This tone actually gave Gu Yucheng a sense of familiarity that he had not seen for a long time, as if it was what Secretary Meng had said to him before when he was still alive. Thinking about how Secretary Meng valued him and took care of him in the past, but in the end he did harm to others.

, even though he is a member of the Fan family, he does not receive the same care as a direct descendant. Gu Yucheng felt that his nose was a little sore, and he couldn't help but regret some of the things he had done in the past. But never mind what he felt in his heart.

What he was thinking, he would not show it in front of Feng Sizhe, "Yes, Secretary Feng, I will go back and sober up right now."

This chapter has been completed!
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