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Chapter 672 Thrilling confrontation

Listening to the constant sighs from the people around him, Wu Fu became more and more courageous. The more everyone admired and admired Feng Sizhe, the more he had the urge to step on him, because only

Only in this way can you prove that you are a more powerful existence.

Feng Sizhe walked out of the car and first looked around with his eyes. His eyes were deep and sharp. Wherever he looked, some people with poor concentration, those with little courage, and some people who were watching the fun couldn't bear it.

They took a few steps back. These people didn't know that the pressure brought by the depth of this gaze was endless, or that it was also a manifestation of official and personal authority.

When Feng Sizhe finally fixed his eyes on Wu Fu, who was sitting on the Taishi chair under the gate of Baide Gold Mine, he was really shocked. He really thought that a young man's eyes could be so sharp, looking at him.

At that moment, he actually felt like he was being seen through. If he hadn't been sitting on the Grand Master's chair at that time, his legs would have weakened and he wouldn't have been able to stand straight.

"Ahem, are you Feng Sizhe, the county party secretary of Qiu County?" After Wu Fu felt the pressure, he decided to attack first to preemptively interrupt the sense of oppression that Feng Sizhe's gaze could bring to him.

Wu Fu asked himself, and Feng Sizhe nodded, "I am, but who are you?"

"Me? Haha, listen carefully. My name is Wu Fu. My friends call me Fu Ye to save face. At the same time, I am the famous Baide Gold Mine in Qiu County..."

When Wu Fu was asked about his identity, he suddenly felt a sense of pride. He was about to recount his glorious journey in detail. However, the conversation had just begun when Feng Sizhe suddenly interrupted,

"Oh, your name is Wu Fu, right? Well, Political Commissar Zhang is here, why don't we hurry up and arrest Wu Fu, who is disturbing public order, and hold him accountable."

Zhang Minyou has been standing next to Feng Sizhe since he got off the car. He did this to prevent someone from jumping over the wall and suddenly talking about Feng Sizhe, or even taking action. It can be said that he has always taken precautions. He even once

He thought that this place was really too dangerous. If possible, he hoped that Feng Sizhe would turn around and leave immediately after saying a few symbolic words here, so that he would not feel the pressure and burden.

It can be said that Zhang Minyou has been thinking about active defense and has no intention of taking the initiative to attack or take advantage of his opponent. However, when Feng Sizhe suddenly gave this order, he was not mentally prepared at all. He was suddenly

I was stunned on the spot.

Feng Sizhe's words not only stunned Zhang Minyou on the spot, but Wu Fu was also stunned after hearing these words. Originally, he wanted to do something to Feng Sizhe, but before he could finish his words, the other party unexpectedly

He had to start with himself first. For a moment, he really didn’t know how to do it well.

"What? What are you doing standing still? You haven't taken action yet." Feng Sizhe saw that he had given the order, but Zhang Minyou was still stunned, so he shouted again.

When Feng Sizhe shouted like this, Zhang Minyou came to his senses. Seeing that Secretary Feng had really given the order, rather than mishearing it, he immediately shouted, "Qiu County Public Security Officers, let's work together

Arrest Wu Fu, the person who led the strike."

As I said before, although Zhang Minyou didn't bring many policemen, these people were considered his confidants and people who listened to his words. Now that he shouted, those people immediately shouted in agreement, and then turned to Wu one after another.

Fu approached, ready to hold him down.

Feng Sizhe's shout woke up Zhang Minyou and Wu Fu at the same time. When he saw that these policemen really dared to make trouble against him and really wanted to subdue him, he immediately became anxious. He retreated back.

, retreated to the side of the mine protection team, "Brothers, these police want to arrest me and say that I am a troublemaker. Have you ever thought about it? If you really arrest me, you will not be able to do anything better. By then, all of you will be dead."

If you have to squat in the police station, what will happen to your family, your parents, wives and children? So, everyone listen to me and resist together. The law does not rule the crowd. As long as everyone resists together, these policemen

They don't dare to do anything to us, so everyone is safe."

Wu Fu's words were loud and soon spread throughout the mine protection team. Even the many miners standing behind who were watching the excitement stood up involuntarily. From the looks of it, they seemed to have heard Wu Fu's words.

After hearing this, they thought that they were also responsible for today's strike, and were afraid that someone would come after them to settle accounts with them, so they all stood up and waited for action.

Wu Fu's words attracted the support of at least 40 mine protection team members and countless miners. Looking at this situation, Wu Fu felt confident. He stretched his hand back and took the iron iron handed by a brother.

He yelled, "Come on, let me see who of you dares to arrest someone. If you don't want to live, just charge forward."

Less than twenty police officers suddenly faced off against an opponent several times their own. Immediately, Zhang Minyou and others hesitated, and some police officers holding batons also stopped moving forward. It is true that the police catch bad guys, but they also have to

No matter what the situation is, if there are too many bad guys and too few police officers, then people with a little bit of intelligence will not rush in and throw eggs against rocks.

The policeman's hesitation made Wu Fu even more arrogant. Seeing that the policeman was really afraid of him and others and did not dare to rush towards him, he laughed and said loudly, "What do you think? Do you see it?"

Brothers, these policemen saw that many of us were pretending to be bears, so it was just right for us to rush over and let them know the power of the people. Come on, everyone, come together, grab the weapons of these policemen, and put them in the way.

Catch the young guy who is responsible for us."

As Wu Fu said this, he led everyone forward. Due to the large number of people on the other side, Zhang Minyou and others had to give in step by step. After a while, the policemen retreated to Feng Sizhe's side.

Feng Sizhe saw that the armed forces representing justice were being suppressed or even forced to retreat by the evil black forces, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry. His sense of justice was overflowing, and he would never allow such a thing to happen in front of him, especially

Still under his rule.

For this reason, Feng Sizhe stretched out his hand and took the baton from a policeman next to him. Then he rushed to the front and rear. Then he swung the baton, and without any warning, the stick was directed towards the man who was taking the lead to oppress him.

Wu Fu was hit on the head.

Wu Fu was really not prepared at all. In his opinion, his side was outnumbered. As long as he took action, the opponent would be unable to fight back. Although they still had hundreds of militiamen in formation, these

He is a young kid, who appears to be a reserve militiaman. In fact, he has no actual combat experience and is not very courageous. He should be a useless person when he sees such a scene. This is why he acted so arrogantly for the first time just now.

One of them took the lead and rushed forward, but Feng Sizhe's sudden appearance broke his plan. The stick hit him right on the forehead, and a stream of blood flowed out from that part.

The blood flowed to Wufu's eyes and nose, letting him smell the smell of blood. At this moment, he was really stimulated.

"Yeah, if you dare to hit me, I will let you die." Wu Fu felt that his face was thrown to the ground when he was injured in front of so many people. At this moment, he was really angry. On the road

What a busy person cares about is face, and the most valuable thing he cares about is face. Now that face has been trampled under his feet like this, how can he give up so easily?

In anger, he suddenly stretched his hand into his arms, and then a May 4th pistol was held in his hand. In an instant, the black muzzle was pointed at Feng Sizhe's body, "Feng Sizhe, I want it.

Your life, prepare to die."

"Bah!" There was a sound, and the gun rang out.

The harsh sound of gunshots suddenly silenced the scene that had been a little noisy just now. Everyone present stopped breathing because of the sound of gunshots, because everyone had a consensus at this moment, that is, someone had killed someone, and the matter was big.


The gunshot suddenly rang out. Wu Fu's eyes were wide open and his mentality was the most novel. He really didn't expect that the gunshot rang out after he took out the gun. He really had no intention of shooting.

, he just took it out to scare people. No, it seemed that he was not the one who fired the gun, because he found that after the gunshot sounded, the person he was pointing at with the gun, Feng Sizhe, still looked at him with a smile on his face, yes!

There was definitely a smile on his face, no expression of pain at all.

Why is this? Why does the other person not feel any pain at all, but on the contrary, he does feel some soreness, numbness, and pain in his right arm? What is going on?

Pain was felt along the body. Wu Fu looked down. This was not a good look. What he saw was bright red blood flowing out from his right arm.

"Ah!" Suddenly he realized that he was the one who was shot, not someone else. He exclaimed, and then he habitually raised his left hand and pressed it towards the bleeding spot on his right arm. Although he didn't study well when he was in school, he still

He still knows that the blood in the human body is limited. If the blood continues to flow like this, he will eventually die from excessive blood loss.

"Do it." Seeing Wu Fu lowering his head to treat the wound, Feng Sizhe, who was still very calm and smiling, changed his expression. Then he slid forward, quickly moved forward, and attacked Wu Fu with a big sweep of his legs.

Fu's calves were on Fu's legs, and then the other party became unsteady, and then fell to the ground with a plop.

This chapter has been completed!
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