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Chapter 775: The He Family Objects

In terms of time, it happened to be midnight in the UK. No wonder the other party would be nervous when receiving a call at this time. It was also because Zhao Lirong asked this question that Feng Sizhe thought of this question, thinking that this call was really wrong.

It's time, but now that it's cleared, there's still something serious to say.

"Mom, there's nothing wrong. It's just that my aunt insisted on letting me call you to report something. Look..." Feng Sizhe said in as relaxed and naughty a tone as possible. He knew what he was saying.

, all the worries on the mother’s side will be dispelled.

Sure enough, when her son said this, Zhao Lirong's tone became much more relaxed, "Oh, it's your aunt, what kind of monster does that little girl want to do, and she insists on you reporting something to me?"

Well, what are you going to report to your mother this time?"

Zhao Lirong's voice became more relaxed, which made Feng Sizhe very happy. He thought that he might as well take this opportunity to talk about his marriage, so he laughed and said, "Mom, actually I want to tell you

You have a big thing to report, that is, you are going to be a mother-in-law."

"Mother-in-law? What mother-in-law?" Zhao Lirong didn't react for a moment, but soon she woke up, "What, Xiaozhe, do you mean you are getting married?"

"Haha, mother is wise, that's right." Feng Sizhe laughed when he heard the voice of surprise from his mother.

"Oh, my Xiaozhe has finally grown up and is about to get married. This is great, great, how about it? Tell me who the girl's family is and what they do at home. She is beautiful.

Aren't you beautiful?" Zhao Lirong was obviously very excited when she heard that her son was getting married and that she was going to be a mother-in-law.

"The girl's surname is He, and her name is Shasha. She is the grandson of Mr. He, one of the founding marshals of our motherland, and is also my grandpa's old superior. In fact, we established a relationship as soon as we met after I came back from England, but it has always been because of

I'm not mature enough to talk about this topic, haha." When it comes to He Shasha's identity, Feng Sizhe is somewhat proud. No matter what, she is also a third-generation red, and she is still very authentic.

"Oh, He Shasha, I have an impression of this person. Your aunt told me on the phone before that she is a very beautiful girl. Well, with such a family background, she is worthy of you, but

Do you really like her and can you bring her happiness?" Zhao Lirong nodded when she heard it was He Shasha. It can be said that she is not very unfamiliar with this girl.

"Well, I like her, and she likes me more. I think we will be happy. Mom, do you have any objections?" After Feng Sizhe answered the question in the affirmative, he still asked weakly. After all, his mother's

Opinion is still very important to him. It is easy for his mother to act as his father and mother on his behalf. He must have due filial piety to his mother.

After Feng Sizhe said this, Zhao Lirong was silent for a while, and then heard her answer, "Okay, I respect your choice. If I have time, I will return to the motherland to attend your wedding. Of course,

You can also bring her over to see me when you have time, and I will definitely entertain you well."

Mother agreed, which made Feng Sizhe very happy. "Thank you, Mom, I will definitely take her to see you if I have the chance." Although this is a bit false, he is also within the system after all. If he wants to go abroad,

, naturally it is necessary to ask for instructions at many levels, which is very troublesome, but you still have to say what you need to say.

The mother had finished asking for permission. Feng Sizhe hung up the phone and shrugged at Zhao Lizhu, "How about it, aunt, you heard it, and my mother agreed."

"Oh, I can't do anything about you, and I don't know how your mother can trust you like this and agree without even looking at your future daughter-in-law." Zhao Lizhu looked helpless. How could she know that her sister Zhao Lirong

So her current achievements are entirely due to listening to her son's advice in many aspects. Of course, no one will tell her these things. This is a secret between Feng Sizhe and Zhao Lirong, mother and son.

There was no problem on Zhao Lizhu's side, and Feng Sizhe returned to the main room. It was early in the afternoon, and my grandparents had the habit of taking a nap. But we can't break the rules just because He Shasha is here today. This is not a big deal for the elderly.


Feng Sizhe and He Shasha came out of the courtyard together, "Shasha, everything at home has been settled. I even called my mother who is far away from home. She agrees with my opinion. The next step is to see you.

That’s right, I’m waiting for your call. As long as you get through to your family, I’ll propose marriage right away.”

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely convince my family." After feeling the happiness and warmth from Feng Sizhe, He Shasha made up her mind to go home and explain things to her family. In fact, the problem is not big.

After all, everyone knows that they are talking about friends with Feng Sizhe, and the difficulty may lie with the second master and his brother. Alas, no matter what, happiness must be pursued by oneself, and He Shasha understands this truth.

But no matter what, her trip to the Zhao family today was not in vain. At least she clarified the misunderstanding with Feng Sizhe and found her own happiness. He Shasha returned home very happily. The facts and her

As expected, grandma Yu Lao kept silent about this matter, and her parents supported it. Unfortunately, the second master and his brother strongly opposed it.

"No, I've already beaten him. How can you still be with him? Aren't you afraid that he will retaliate against you in the future? Who can help you at that time?" As soon as I heard my sister say that I had been with Feng Sizhe.

After talking, the two parties shook hands and made peace and wanted to marry the boy. He Wei immediately quit.

It's true that if he beat his brother-in-law, how would he get along with him in the future? He couldn't put himself in an embarrassing position.

"That's right, Xiaowei is right. Think about it, if your brother beats someone up, won't they hold grudges? Will you still have status when you go to the Zhao family? Besides, this guy Feng Sizhe

I have investigated, and although there is no clear evidence, he is very carefree, and there are many girls around him every day. Will you be happy with such a person who is not emotionally dedicated? Will you be happy in marriage?

Is there any guarantee? I haven’t finished yet. Furthermore, yesterday I went to see Crazy Zhao, and he still refused to sell me face. He also wanted to punish Xiaowei, but why did he suddenly change the picture today?

What about their faces? Do they have any purpose, or is it a trap? Do they want to usurp the He family's military power? We have to guard against these." He Chuanye 100% did not want the He and Zhao families to marry.

, in this way the influence that Mr. He left in the army will be divided, which will be very detrimental to the competition for the position of the Military Commission a year later.

The second master and his elder brother both tried their best to oppose the situation, and what they said had some basis. This put Mr. Yu, He Shengli and Li Qiujuan in a difficult position.

They are all people within the system, and whether it is the army or the local government, as long as the government is involved, there will naturally be fights. It is common to greet people with smiles one day and stab them in the back the next.

For the He family who have experienced a lot of things, they have to think about why the Zhao family suddenly changed their attitude, and have to wonder if this is a trap. In this way, before the matter is found out, there will be no

Eager to express my opinion.

The objections of the second master and her brother, and the lack of expressions of the rest of the family, all made He Shasha feel cold-hearted. Could it be said that there is no true love in ZZ? Her relationship with Feng Sizhe can only be the product of ZZ's marriage.

, and is it impossible for true feelings to exist? If so, isn't this a little too cruel? It is too ruthless to treat her, a girl full of desire and pursuit of feelings.

No, she must fight back, otherwise she will not find the happiness that belongs to her, or she will not get the life that belongs to her. "No, Sizhe will not retaliate against me, I can feel it,

He has feelings for me, and I also like him. As for the rest, I don’t want more zz to get involved in my love life. In short, I will definitely marry Sizhe this time, even if you

Even if you don’t agree, I will do the same.”

"Shasha, listen to your brother and your second master, are you going to disobey the He family's orders?" Mr. Yu, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw his granddaughter suddenly being so stubborn and firm.

She is used to others obeying her instead of talking back to her. If someone suddenly wants to do this, of course she will be unhappy.

"Yes, Shasha, you have to listen to the old man. We are all doing this for your own good." Seeing his sister-in-law speaking, He Chuanye quickly followed up. He didn't want the He and Zhao families to marry from the bottom of his heart. At this time, he

You have to bite it.

"Shasha, stop talking. Listen to your mother." Seeing that his mother was angry, He Shengli quickly spoke out to stop He Shasha.

Only Li Qiujuan understands her daughter's temper best. Her daughter is usually very obedient, but if she really sees a path, she will end up in trouble. She is also afraid that her daughter will see this matter, so she hurriedly walks to her.

He stretched out his hand and pulled her sleeves. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning was very clear, which was to remind his daughter to stop talking.

This chapter has been completed!
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