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Chapter 787 Inspiration

The reason why Feng Sizhe did not become the secretary of his county party committee, but stayed in Kyoto to work in the national ministries and commissions, was simply to lie low and gain seniority. He had already seen that the reason why he had become the target of many people was that he wanted to keep a low profile.

It is simply because of his age that he is too young. Sometimes youth is a treasure, but sometimes it is inevitable that you will become the target of others and want to attack you. Therefore, in order to enable yourself to be a low-key person, mix up your age and mix up your age.

For the purpose of qualifications, he gritted his teeth and did not express his own opinions on many things, but just followed the crowd and lived his life as everyone else said.

But then again, some people can dawdle because their abilities are limited and they cannot do without dawdling. But some people really cannot dawdle because they are destined to have new ideas and thinking that surpasses other people. Such people are also destined to live a lifetime.

Not ordinary. Undoubtedly, Feng Sizhe falls into the latter category.

For example, Feng Sizhe, who was waiting to go home from get off work in the middle of the office, suddenly received a call from Ding Deren, deputy secretary-general of the General Office of the State Council and first secretary to Deputy Prime Minister Bao Jingguo. "Comrade Feng Sizhe? Get ready, in ten minutes , Premier Bao wants to see you."

"Okay, Secretary-General Ding, I'll be right over." When he heard that Bao Jingguo wanted to see him, Feng Sizhe didn't dare to neglect, so he got up and straightened his clothes, and when he saw that everything was suitable, he took big steps

Heading towards the small building where the Prime Minister has his office.

Bao Jingguo is in charge of the national economy. For this reason, his office is also very close to the Planning Commission and even more close to the Financial Development Bureau. Feng Sizhe arrived outside the Prime Minister's Office in less than ten minutes. Here Ding Deren had already

Have been waiting for this.

"Haha, Comrade Feng Sizhe is here. Please wait a moment. The chief is answering a phone call." Ding Deren said to Feng Sizhe with a smile, which was regarded as receiving him.

"Okay." Feng Sizhe nodded respectfully, and then stood in a very standard posture. Compared to Ding Deren, who was several levels higher than him, he did not dare to be disrespectful at all.


Ding Deren looked at Feng Sizhe with an admiring look. This young man was extraordinary. He could become the youngest county party secretary in the country at such a young age. Even Comrade De'en even wrote a letter of congratulations on his engagement. He must have

This is incomparable to others. The most important thing is that his leader also values ​​this young man very much. This man can be said to be loved by everyone. He is really lucky.

"Haha, how are you? Are you adaptable to the working environment and conditions?" The two stood outside the Prime Minister's Office, chatting casually.

"Thank you Secretary General for your concern, everything is fine." Feng Sizhe answered Ding Deren's question with a smile.

"Well, young people should learn to get used to various environments. Of course, if there is anything you are not used to, you can always point it out? Work is very important, but physical and mental health is equally important. If we live in a world that we don't like

In such an environment, it is conceivable that our enthusiasm for work will be hindered, don't you think?" Ding Deren is worthy of being the leader's secretary. When it comes to serving people and making people happy, he really knows how to do it.

Of course, the only people who can let Ding Deren serve are leaders like Bao Jingguo, but Feng Sizhe doesn't dare to expect that. "Yes, the Secretary-General said it is true that only a good working environment can make people feel happy and stimulate them."

Use human inspiration to achieve better results."

"What? Have you got an idea? Then come and report to me quickly." Just as Feng Sizhe said this, suddenly the door of the Prime Minister's Office opened, and Bao Jingguo stood there and finished this sentence to Feng Sizhe.

Finally, he waved his hands, then turned around and entered the house.

"Quick, the chief is asking you to come in." While Feng Sizhe was still in a daze, Ding Deren reminded him softly, so Feng Sizhe quickly stepped up his legs and followed Bao Jingguo into the office.

Bao Jingguo's office is not small. A set of sandalwood sofas is placed opposite his desk. There is also an oversized bookcase standing on one side of the wall, which is filled with books on economics from all over the world.

Texts from various countries stood there like soldiers waiting in line for review by a general, making people feel dazzled at first sight.

"Okay, don't look around. Why don't you sit down and talk about your inspiration?" After Bao Jingguo sat on the desk, he waved his arms and wrote something while calling Feng Sizhe over.

"Ah? Inspiration? What inspiration?" Feng Sizhe was stunned. He had mentioned inspiration just now, but that was just saying that if the working environment improves, inspiration may come, not that he already had any inspiration.

"Okay, don't do this to me. Tell me quickly, what inspiration do you have for the country's economic development under the current situation?" Bao Jingguo became a little sullen when he saw Feng Sizhe pretending not to understand.

Of course, this stern face was deliberately shown to Feng Sizhe. The goal was to scare him and get something out of him.

"This..." Regarding the country's current economic development, Feng Sizhe has a lot of suggestions. They say they are suggestions, but they are just what he has learned from later generations. It's just that he doesn't know which one is best to propose now.


"What are you doing? I don't know what you are doing. What's the matter? After you get married, you just want to live a comfortable life and don't want to work hard? I can tell you that you are working in finance these days.

I know the work of the bureau very well. If others want to goof off, don't think about it." Seeing that Feng Sizhe still wanted to pretend to be stupid, Bao Jingguo revealed something to him.

"Haha, no, no, I am very dedicated. I never leave late or leave early." After hearing these words, Feng Sizhe knew that his every move had not escaped the eyes of the chief, so he laughed and thought

He continued to speak carelessly and got past his eyes before speaking.

"Okay, don't talk in circles with me. I think you read economics books in the office every day, so you don't have any insights. Now tell me your thoughts, whether they are mature or immature.

, tell them all, let’s study together.” Seeing that Feng Sizhe couldn’t fall into his trap, Bao Jingguo had to change his method and use deception instead.

The dignified deputy prime minister and deputy national dignitaries have all said this. If Feng Sizhe is pretending not to know what he is doing and saying nothing, then it is really bad. I think he should say something.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to work in the Financial Bureau. He nodded and said, "Okay, since the chief wants me to say it, then I will talk about my immature opinions, but I can say it."

It’s all in my head, I can talk about these things, but I can’t do them.”

Feng Sizhe didn't want to negotiate any conditions with Bao Jingguo. In fact, he didn't want to do some specific work now. The personnel relations in central agencies are really complicated. If you want to do something, you have to hire people.

When it comes to employing people, it will involve many aspects of things. With his current conditions, it would be okay if he was ordered by others. If he were to instruct others, he really didn't know what to do. After all, he was just a supervisor. Here,

In an environment where two division-level cadres could be knocked unconscious by any stone falling from the sky, his rank can really be ignored.

"Hey, you haven't said anything yet, and you're talking about conditions with me?" Obviously, he was a little unhappy with Feng Sizhe saying that he wanted to talk about conditions, but after thinking about it carefully, considering his

In such a situation, Bao Jingguo actually nodded, "Okay, as long as your idea satisfies me, you can continue to be your monk and live your life in obscurity by ringing bells."

"Hey, the chief can keep his word. In that case, I will say it." Seeing that Bao Jingguo really agreed to his conditions, Feng Sizhe couldn't help but feel a little excited, and then he put forward the thoughts he had already had in his mind.

Speak out.

"Chief, I personally believe that there are fundamental differences between the planned economy and the market economy, and their main differences are: First, the mechanisms of economic operation are different. The planned economy is an all-encompassing national plan, while the market economy is a market mechanism.

That is, price, supply and demand, competitive interest rates, etc. The second is the different means of regulating the economy. The former is mainly administrative means, while the latter is mainly economic means and legal means. The third is the different ways of regulating the economy. The former is the state's direct regulation of enterprises, while the latter is the state's

Regulate the market, and the market guides enterprises. The fourth is the difference in ownership structure. The former has a single ownership structure, while the latter has a diversified ownership structure. Fifth, the distribution of interests is different. The former is serious about egalitarianism, while the latter focuses on efficiency..."

"Chief, I think what our government needs to do now is to change our previous concepts. For example, in terms of the economy, what we do is to provide services, instead of controlling everything and guiding everything as before. Really

The market is to serve people and society, and social needs are also divided into time periods. It is not possible for us to all advance in advance, so I think the first thing we need to do is to change the service functions of the government and create a new one.

For example, if the market is compared to a child, then what we have to do is to let go and let the market run on its own. We can play a supervisory and service role, instead of holding on to the child's hand and always being afraid of bumping or bumping it.

You will never grow up or mature."

"Well, that's right." Feng Sizhe had just said this, and Bao Jingguo jumped up and said, "Well said, you hit the nail on the head. Nowadays, many government workers just can't see this, and always still

We have to deal with big and small things as we did before, but we know that everyone's vision and thinking are limited. If everything is attributed to local leaders, the development of things will only be limited, hahaha." Bao Jingguo told Feng Sizhe.

Obviously he agreed with the proposal. In fact, this was what he had been thinking about, but he couldn't find a more appropriate language to express it for a while, and now Feng Sizhe did say it.

This chapter has been completed!
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