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Chapter 801: Promoted to Deputy Office

After the phone rang three times, the other party picked up, and then a very sexy and melodious female voice speaking English came over, "Hello, this is Alina."

"Hello Alina, I'm Jack." After hearing the long-lost voice of the other party, Feng Sizhe smiled bitterly and said hello.

"Oh, Jack? Are you really Jack?" After the other party finished shouting this sentence, he paused, maybe glanced at the caller number, and then exclaimed, "Oh, you are really Jack, this has never happened since.

The call came from the distant country of the Republic, my God, I really can’t believe it.”

"Haha, you can't believe I called you?"

"Yes, think about it, you haven't called me alone since you returned to your country, haven't you?" When talking about the relationship between the two, Alina on the other end

It was obvious that her voice was a bit deep. However, foreign girls are still naturally free-spirited and their ideas are much simpler, so they quickly adjusted themselves.

"Haha, but shouldn't I call you alone now? Let me tell you, I have always remembered your phone number, and I have no intention of contacting you through my mother this time." Feng Sizhe smiled.

Said here.

Although these words were not sweet words, hearing them in Alina's ears really made her so excited, "Yes, Jack, I'm glad you gave me this phone call. Oh, by the way, listen to Auntie

You said you were married, right? How was it? Are you doing well?"

"Very good, she is a beautiful, gentle and virtuous girl." Speaking of his wife, Feng Sizhe still has a sense of pride. Some people are beautiful at first glance, but ordinary at second glance, and some people are more beautiful the more they look at her.

The more beautiful she is, the more she comes into contact with people, the more she can appreciate her goodness. There is no doubt that He Shasha belongs to the latter.

"Oh, you are so happy." Listening to the pride in Feng Sizhe's tone, Alina couldn't help but sigh.

Although Alina once loved Feng Sizhe, she is indeed a career-oriented girl. Such a girl is very strong. Unless her man is much more domineering than her, it will be difficult to control him, like before

When they were both studying in college in the UK, she had felt that Feng Sizhe was missing a bit of domineering. At that time, she was just a little girl and was impressed by Feng Sizhe's extraordinary appearance and smart mind. Now she has

As an adult, she has different views on the past. She still thinks that Feng Sizhe is as childish as before, so relatively speaking, her love for him is not that deep.

"Thank you." When Feng Sizhe heard the other party's congratulations, he had to show something.

"Oh, by the way, Jack, you called not just because you wanted to chat with me, but tell me, if there is anything I can do for you, just because you introduced me to Tang Sheng International Company,

I will definitely do my best for your affairs." Otherwise, why would foreign girls be so open-minded? This can be seen from Alina's brief opening remarks.

Feng Sizhe has also lived abroad, and has long been accustomed to the way foreign girls talk. "Very good, I do have something to do with you, that's it. I want you to help me raise some money from foreign banks."

I think it is not difficult for you to read the successful case information of the project..."

He quickly communicated with Alina, and the other party also agreed that after completing the work, he would send it via fax quickly. The matter was settled, all he needed was Dongfeng. Feng Sizhe was waiting for the news from above.

In a heavily guarded courtyard in the back streets of Jingshan, Kyoto, Bao Jingguo sat there respectfully like a child, listening to Comrade Deen's instructions.

"Well, I have read all the information. The idea is very bold and the thinking is very advanced. I think it is feasible." Comrade Deen gave instructions in his usual concise language.

"Yes, Chief, I think so too, but if we really want to do this, the conservatives in the party will inevitably object. There will be a lot of pressure at that time. You see..." Of course Bao Jingguo also

He believed that Feng Sizhe's proposal was feasible, otherwise he would not have made this trip. But what he was more worried about was how much resistance there would be in the process of doing this before it was completed. This was an absolute

This is a problem that cannot be ignored.

"Okay, if you want to accomplish something that has never been done before, some rumors and pressure are inevitable. As long as it doesn't hinder the progress of things, let's leave it alone. Of course, I will find someone

If I have the opportunity to talk to those people and express my opinion, you can just do it. But I have a reason for my ugly words. If this thing is done well, it will be easy to say. If it is not done well, then the pressure will be on you.

If it's serious, this will directly affect your next term..."

"Sir, stop talking. In my heart, Bao Jingguo only has the country and the people. As for other successes and fortunes, they are just passing by. As long as I respect my conscience, I will have no regrets." Bao Jingguo heard the chief say.

When he mentioned this matter, he stood up immediately, showing his determination.

"Well, you and I still understand each other. Let's do it this way. You can do the specific things yourself and I'll give you a little encouragement. Haha, this Feng Sizhe is interesting. One of his proposals can guide you.

I'm here to let us two old guys worry about his affairs, hahaha." After talking about serious matters, we started to talk about lighter topics, and this topic naturally involved Feng Sizhe, the initiator of the proposal.

"Yes, I have been observing him for a long time. From the incident in the securities industry six years ago, I felt that he is a young man with ideas. In recent years, it seems that this guy is really unusual. Why, is the old chief not

What thoughts do you have about him?" When talking about Feng Sizhe, Bao Jingguo was also full of praise. This was also due to his good impression of this young man.

"Haha, I already have the idea, but I have to keep watching to see how he handles this matter." Deen did not go into depth on this issue. On the contrary, it was enough to stop.

But his eyes became very deep, as if he was thinking about something important.

Even Feng Sizhe didn't expect that the matter would come to fruition so soon. On the third day after he submitted the proposal, Ding Deren called him into the office with a phone call. "Comrade Feng Sizhe, the director of your proposal has been approved for many years."

.Haha, this time I really saw what efficiency is, and what it means to do something special." Speaking of the efficiency of this work, even Ding Deren, who has been working beside Bao Jingguo, couldn't help but praise him. This time the chief

The decision came really fast.

Feng Sizhe didn't expect that the efficiency would be so fast this time, so he would have to work overtime. Fortunately, Alina had already faxed him some information, so he just used this time to digest it. "Well, this

The chief's efficiency is fast enough, but I'm not ready yet."

"It doesn't matter, haha, you have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to do things step by step. You see, the Chinese New Year is almost here, I think it would be good if we could establish our preparatory bureau before the year. Oh, by the way,

I forgot to tell you that the chief has already said that the name of the temporary organization is the Foreign Bank Preparatory Bureau, and you will be the director. Haha, I want to congratulate you, Comrade Feng Sizhe, this Preparatory Bureau is a deputy department-level establishment, that is to say

You have now been promoted to deputy director." When he said this, Ding Deren couldn't help but look at Feng Sizhe with some envy.

Although his current level is not low, but when he was as old as Feng Sizhe, he was just a deputy director, and he already felt that he was great at that time.

"What? This is the deputy director." Good things happen too quickly, and people often don't have much preparation. Feng Sizhe was like this at this time. He was not prepared at all, so he was promoted to deputy director.

"Yes, isn't this the deputy director? However, after the official appointment document is issued, the establishment bureau still needs to be established. This means that it may not be until after the New Year that you officially enter the deputy director. However, this is already very difficult.

It's coming soon, Comrade Feng Sizhe, you have to keep working hard, I'm optimistic about you." Ding De, who was becoming more and more fond of Feng Sizhe, couldn't help but pat Feng Sizhe's shoulder and said with a smile.

Feng Sizhe naturally had a lot of emotions in his heart. After he was beaten, he suddenly seemed to have figured it out. That's how it is, whether it's a blessing or a curse. You can't hide. Instead of hiding around, it's better to be brave.

In the face of it, do more things and let more people recognize you. Only in this way can you become stronger and more fulfilling, and your opponents will be more afraid of you.

It was precisely because of this thought that Feng Sizhe thought about starting a career and submitted a report on the establishment of a private bank. As expected, a good thing happened after this handover, and he was able to get out of the situation so quickly.

Being promoted to deputy director was a move he had never thought of.

"But Uncle Ding, did I leave a little too fast?" Without outsiders, Feng Sizhe no longer has to call Secretary-General Ding. Especially when asking for personal questions, calling Uncle Ding is more approachable.


"Well, isn't it a good thing to be quick? Besides, the chief also said that the organizational structure of the Preparatory Bureau cannot be too low, otherwise you will be in trouble every time you want to do anything. In this way, as soon as I fight for it, you will naturally be promoted.

Yes, hehehe." Ding Deren smiled and told what happened, and of course he did not forget to talk about his role in it. Some things are like this. Just thinking about doing good deeds without leaving a name is Lei Feng.


Thanks to brady2507 for voting for a gold medal for a genius, thank you prodigal!!!

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