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Chapter 864: The Mayor’s Office Meeting

It wasn't until Di Quan was seated and everyone else was taking their seats that Liu Wenhua seemed to have discovered Feng Sizhe and said, "Hey, Mayor Feng, look, I've completely forgotten you. Come on, sit here with me."

Come over here."

Liu Wenhua's attitude seemed very sincere, as if he had just discovered Feng Sizhe, and he waved his hand for Feng Sizhe to come forward and take his seat.

"No need, I can hear the mayor's speech from here." Feng Sizhe smiled and refused. Although Liu Wenhua was calling him, Feng Sizhe could feel that this was just a casual remark. If this

If he actually sat down, he would be very annoying. Feng Sizhe has always been a well-known person, and he will never make people hate him. This can still be done.

"Haha, yes, Vice Mayor Feng is younger than us. I believe his hearing must be very good. Even though he is a little far away, he should be able to hear it." Executive Vice Mayor Song Dexiang chuckled.

He put Feng Sizhe in his original position. This seemed to be an attempt to understand Feng Sizhe, but in fact he was actually trying to sow discord, because everyone knew that Feng Sizhe was the youngest here. This is a fact that everyone knows

, but no one would say it. But Song Dexiang did say it, which can only prove one thing, that is, he is emphasizing this issue, and the result of emphasizing is to make everyone's hatred towards Feng Sizhe even heavier.

Feng Sizhe didn't answer Song Dexiang's words. It was wise for him not to answer, because this is the fact and it is undeniable. Do you want him to say something that emphasizes his youth and attracts everyone's hateful eyes?


"Oh, in that case, Vice Mayor Feng can just sit there. Let's have a meeting next." As for the addition of a deputy mayor, who is also a deputy mayor of the Standing Committee, Liu Wenhua, as the mayor, has no trace of it.

If you want to introduce it, it doesn’t even mean this. This is a kind of naked hatred. Under normal circumstances, there are rules in the officialdom, that is, if the leader does not pay attention to someone, other colleagues

Nor will he take him seriously. Liu Wenhua actually has only one purpose for doing this, which is to isolate Feng Sizhe and let everyone know that this new deputy mayor does not please him, and he also hopes that everyone will not fight with him.

Come closer.

As Liu Wenhua directly announced the meeting and did not introduce Feng Sizhe in the key points, his goal has obviously been achieved. Fortunately, our Feng Sizhe is deep enough and broad-minded. He has nothing to do with Liu Wenhua not introducing himself.

Complain, just think about one thing in your mind. Regardless of whether you introduce me or not, I am the deputy mayor of Haibei City, the third deputy mayor who has been elected to the Standing Committee. This cannot be changed.

Next, the meeting officially started. After Liu Wenhua made a start and announced the meeting, the executive deputy mayor Song Dexiang presided over the meeting. Looking at the manuscript in his hand, Comrade Song Dexiang read, "Comrades, in our Haibei Municipal Government work

Thanks to the efforts of our staff, our municipal government achieved remarkable results in 1997, and was generally recognized by the municipal party committee and the people... Next, at the end of the year, we held a

This meeting is to further discuss what we should do in the upcoming 1998, so that we can take a better step forward economically and better benefit the people of the city. And for a better and more comprehensive

To promote the work, we still ask Mayor Comrade Liu Wenhua to give us a speech and give us instructions." After speaking, Song Dexiang was the first to raise his hands and applaud.

Feng Sizhe, who was sitting below, couldn't help but laugh when he listened to this nonsense speech. What was this? There was no substantive content in introducing the achievements. He only said that achievements had been achieved, but what kind of achievements were they?

It only says that it is recognized by the people, but what kind of recognition is this? Is it a good recognition or a bad recognition? This says nothing. Instead, the mayor has to speak. If you want to describe him as a sycophant,

This is not excessive at all, he is really a person of no standard.

Feng Sizhe, who felt a little funny, seemed to have found the reason why Haibei City's economy could not advance. If even the executive deputy mayor in charge of the economy of a city is at this level, then it is no wonder that it has such a good geographical advantage.

Haibei City will lag behind other sister cities in economic construction and development.

Liu Wenhua began his speech after the applause of the crowd. "Comrades, time flies, time flies. The old year has passed, and the new year is about to arrive..."

Liu Wenhua just said this, and Feng Sizhe almost laughed out loud. What is this, a primary school student's language composition? Then there is no need to say the last sentence that the spring girl is coming. It turns out that Liu Wenhua is at this level.

"As we welcome the new year, have you ever thought about what kind of mental outlook we should have to work well in the new year? Our Haibei City is a city with a superior geographical environment.

As a city with an ancient history, we have many advantages that cannot be compared with other sister cities. So have we thought about how to rely on these advantages to develop the economy quickly in the new year? You know, in this upcoming year

In one year, our economic development has been hazy and there has been no progress."

When the words came to this point, everyone in the meeting squeaked. Feng Sizhe also sat up straight. He finally saw Liu Wenhua starting to criticize his subordinates. Indeed, if Haibei City's economy cannot develop, then

We have an inseparable relationship with everyone here today.

But what disappoints Feng Sizhe is that after Liu Wenhua only said these two sentences about criticism and self-criticism, he began to look forward to the future again, "Comrades, no matter what the New Year is, it has passed.

What we have to think about is future development. Should we base ourselves on the present and think about the future? The province has also thought of ways for the economic development of Haibei City. Isn’t that right? This is what people in the industry are known for.

Comrade Feng Sizhe, who is responsible for economics, transferred us from the Kyoto ministries and commissions and asked him to serve as deputy mayor of the Standing Committee to take charge of the Haitian Economic Development Zone that we narrowly saved last year due to the financial crisis."

The topic finally came to Feng Sizhe, which also made everyone look at Feng Sizhe. But it was just a glance, because what Liu Wenhua was going to talk about next was the focus of today's meeting, which is that everyone

The separation of the deputy mayor and the mayor's assistants is the topic that everyone is most concerned about. This is related to everyone's real power in the new year. As the saying goes, only when you have power can you have money and you will have everything. Even if you are

If a deputy mayor has no power, he is no different from an empty shelf.

"Now I will announce the municipal government's decision on the division of labor among the deputy mayors." After speaking softly, Liu Wenhua picked up a manuscript and formally read it.

"Comrade Song Dexiang, the executive deputy mayor, assists the mayor in presiding over the daily work of the municipal government. He is in charge of establishment, development and reform, supervision, finance, auditing, state-owned assets, taxation, prices, production safety, legal system, food, emergency management, rail transit and key points

For project work, contact the CPPCC work. "

"Comrade Feng Sizhe, deputy mayor of the Standing Committee, is responsible for the main construction and development issues of the Haitian Economic Development Zone. He is also responsible for the city's ports, social stability and demographics."

"Comrade Zhang Chunhua, deputy mayor, is in charge of the Municipal Education Bureau, Health Bureau, Culture, Radio, Television, Press and Publication Bureau, Sports Bureau, Tourism Bureau, Radio and Television Center, Municipal Government Legal Office, Ethnic and Religious Affairs Administration, and is responsible for the work on aging."

"Comrade Wang Fenglin, deputy mayor, is responsible for agricultural work. He is in charge of the Municipal Agricultural Work Office, Agricultural Bureau, Water Conservancy Bureau, Transportation Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Agricultural Machinery Management Office, Cotton and Various Operations Office, Animal Husbandry Center, and Agricultural Comprehensive Development Office.

Water Resources Office, Fisheries Bureau, contact meteorology, highways, postal services, and telecommunications work.”

"Comrade Li Yuan, the deputy mayor, is in charge of the Municipal Health Bureau, the Commerce Bureau, the Food and Drug Administration, the Commercial Group Corporation, the Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, and is responsible for salt affairs, tobacco, and petroleum work."

"Vice Mayor Comrade Zhao Haofen (female) is in charge of the Municipal Population and Family Planning Bureau, Civil Affairs Bureau, Justice Bureau, Letters and Calls Bureau, Municipal Charity Federation, Municipal Emergency Management Office, Municipal Inspection Office, Mayor's Public Telephone Office, contact

Disabled Persons’ Federation work.”


One after another, Liu Wenhua explained the division of labor among all the deputy mayors and mayor's assistants. It can be said that the main work of a city is managed separately by these people. When some people heard about the work they were in charge of, they thought...

There are smiles on their faces. It is obvious that such people are satisfied with the division of labor because they have real power in their hands. But similarly, some people do look unhappy and unhappy. Such people have very little power and get

The benefits are also very small. There is nothing that can be done about this. There are only so many things that a city has to take care of. If you give Bie Cong more work, you have to give him less work.

Feng Sizhe himself is quite satisfied with his division of labor. To put it bluntly, as long as he has specific work to do, a Haitian Economic Development Zone is his main task, because there is a large and well-built port in the Haitian Economic Development Zone, which makes

He is also responsible for managing the port, which at least prevents him from having any conflicts with other deputy mayors due to port issues in his future work. As for social stability and demographic work, that is a deputy position, after all.

There are dedicated people to manage these things, such as the Public Security Bureau and the Civil Affairs Bureau. They just hold a position, which sounds nicer.


Thanks to qq139585539 for voting for a gold medal for a ghost, thank you prodigal!!!

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