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Chapter 885: Problems in the province

Although Ding Qiang had such thoughts, Ding Deren did not agree, because in his opinion, he knew very well what kind of material his son was. In order not to let his son fall down once and delay the most beautiful time,

He has been looking for a suitable position for his son. This time he got on the phone with Feng Sizhe and expressed his thoughts.

Feng Sizhe also knew Ding Qiang well. He thought that when he was preparing for the bureau, his work status was still good, and his personal abilities, especially his diplomatic skills, were also good. This led him to think that maybe the development zone would also need funds when it develops in the future.

Yes, he said to Ding Deren on the other end of the phone, "Uncle Ding, I think it's better to let Ding Qiang set up a branch of China Tangsheng Bank in Guanggui Province, and let Ding Qiang be the general manager.

At the same time, he was also appointed as the director of the southwest region of the Preparatory Bureau. In this way, his level could not only be raised one level, but he would also be within the establishment of the State Council. He would also have real power and be fully trained. And I am now in Guanggui.

Haibei City in the province, if he has anything he doesn’t understand, he can ask me at any time, which is a bit more convenient, what do you think?"

"Director of Southwest District?" Ding Deren listened to Feng Sizhe's suggestion. He was a little confused at first, and then asked, "What you said is a good thing, but will the headquarters of China Tangsheng Bank allow it?"

"Haha, yes, I will just give Alina, the deputy general manager of Zhengxing headquarters, a call later. In fact, they had such an idea when I was in the company, but at that time I thought the time was not yet ripe.

We still need to prepare more funds to cope with this financial crisis, so I'm not sure, but now it seems that the storm has passed, and it's time to put this suggestion into reality." Feng Sizhe smiled and solved the problem for Ding Deren.

After listening to Feng Sizhe's answer, Ding Deren slapped his head with his hand, right? Who is Feng Sizhe? He is the biological son of the president of China Tangsheng Bank. With such a relationship, building a branch is just a sentence.

It was about what he said. He immediately laughed and said, "Haha, that would be great. I would like to thank you on behalf of Ding Qiang. Don't worry, I will start preparing for this matter right away."

For the deputy secretary-general of the General Office of the State Council, who has real power, such a transfer is nothing more than a trivial matter. Furthermore, even if other people have other ideas, they are transferring their own sons, and Shenzhou Tang Sheng

The bank also has this idea, so what can others say? It can be said that this matter is a sure thing.

Feng Sizhe gave Ding Deren advice, and the next time was to wait for the news. Since the State Council had made preparations, as long as the application form he wrote was delivered to it, there would definitely be a result.

After a while, the province should have submitted the documents, and then Feng Sizhe only needs to wait for the letter.

Time passed day by day, and on January 7, 1998, there was still no news about the approval of the Haitian Economic Development Zone as the first high-tech development zone in a coastal city. This made Feng Sizhe a little anxious.

. He thought that the Chinese New Year would be coming in twenty days. If that were the case, things would be really difficult to handle. If it was the New Year's holiday, he would not be able to let people go to work for his own affairs.

Out of impatience, he had no choice but to call Ding Deren's office.

After going through several procedures, the call came in. The person who answered the phone was none other than Deputy Secretary-General Ding Deren that Feng Sizhe was looking for.

"Hello, who are you?" Ding Deren's voice came through the microphone.

"Uncle Ding, I am Sizhe."

"Oh, Sizhe, haha, why did you remember to call me?" But just after he finished asking this question, Ding Deren seemed to have remembered something, patted his head and said, "Oh, this time

I was just busy handling the job transfer matter for Ding Qiang, and I did forget about your matter. Hey, it's strange to say. I said hello, as long as your document is handed over, I will handle it for you right away, but

Why doesn’t anyone come to report now?”

These words seemed to be addressed to Feng Sizhe, but also to himself. "Sizhe, wait a moment, I'll call and ask." After saying that, Ding Deren called up another phone to ask.

The sound of things.

"What...Guanggui Province did not submit such information, are you sure about this?...Okay, okay, I understand."

"Sizhe, it seems that the problem is with your Guanggui Provincial Government. Up to now, our State Council has not received the information you wrote." The sound of the phone became clearer again, and Ding Deren's voice was also there.

It rang once.

Everything is in Feng Sizhe's imagination. Seeing that there has been no news for such a long time, Feng Sizhe is also wondering whether the problem lies in the province. Otherwise, it shouldn't be like this. Since Ding Deren promised him, then

He will definitely get things done. "Oh." Since the problem lies with the higher-level government, Feng Sizhe, as a deputy mayor, doesn't know what to say.

Listening to Feng Sizhe's enthusiasm, Ding Deren chuckled and said, "Okay, now that we know where the problem is, the next thing will be easier to handle. How about this, I'll give you a call.

Ask Gui Province. Your governor Qi Qinghua came to the State Council ministries and commissions a while ago, and we even had dinner together." Thinking that he was helping Feng Sizhe at this time, Ding Deren chuckled.

"Thank you, Uncle Ding." Feng Sizhe knew that no matter who he knew or how close his relationship was, it would be difficult for him to speak to the Guanggui Provincial Government in a questioning tone regardless of his rank. This kind of thing was left to Ding Deren.

It couldn't be more appropriate.


In the governor's office of the Guanggui Provincial Government, the phone on the desk of Governor Qi Qinghua, who was busy looking at a document and giving instructions, suddenly rang.

He looked up and saw that the outside phone was ringing. He reached out to pick it up and said with the air of a provincial governor, "Hello, I'm Qi Qinghua."

"Hey, Governor Qi is so arrogant, isn't he?" A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone with a smile.

When he heard this voice, Qi Qinghua was stunned. His feeling told him that the person who could talk to him in such a tone should not be too low-level. So who is this person? I don't want to be rude.

, Qi Qinghua asked with a chuckle, "Who are you? Forgive me for hearing loss, I really didn't hear your voice."

"Haha, Governor Qi, you are a noble man who forgets things. Have you forgotten? We had dinner together a while ago." The person on the other end of the phone still did not reveal his identity, but still used a certain expression.

He spoke in a joking tone.

Is it wrong to eat together? Qi Qinghua thought about this problem, feeling as if he had not said this. As the governor of a province, there would be a lot of dinner parties on any day. He pushed it again and again, but some dinners were still not allowed.

So he was going to participate, and there were so many people eating with him every day, how could he remember them all one by one. But having said that, since he could eat with him, he must have some status.


"Haha, I'm really sorry, I still can't remember." Qi Qinghua covered up his embarrassment with laughter.

"Come on, let me remind you that not long ago, at the Jingxi Hotel in Kyoto, in the VIP room, there were several department heads of the State Council..."

"Oh, I remember, you are...Secretary-General Ding, right?" Although he had remembered it, he was still not sure, so he spoke in a somewhat questioning tone.

"Haha, Governor Qi, you finally remembered me. I'm not Ding Deren." Ding Deren finally called and admitted his identity. Don't look at him going around in such a big circle just by saying his identity on the phone.

, in fact, he did have his own purpose, which was to tell Qi Qinghua in this way that their relationship was very close, close enough to make a joke.

Who is Qi Qinghua? He is the head of a province. His brain and reaction are quite fast. Hearing that Ding Deren signed up without coming forward, but instead came up with this move, he knew that the other party must have personal matters with him.

I have to say, otherwise I wouldn't do this. I thought it was a private matter, and I also thought that the other party's identity was exactly the person I wanted to make friends with. Although the other party was only a deputy ministerial level now, he couldn't compare to me, a full ministerial level cadre.

, but people are working next to the chief, especially Comrade Bao Jingguo will soon be promoted to the number two chief at the National Ninth National Congress in March. Needless to say, Ding Deren’s status will definitely rise as high as the tide.

, then it would be of great benefit to maintain a good relationship with this person at this time, so he chuckled and said, "Oh, Secretary-General Ding, you called me suddenly, and you made it from an outside line. I don't know if there is any

What's going on? Are you coming to Guanggui Province? Don't worry, if you come, I will definitely open a big banquet to entertain you. Are you satisfied or not?"

"Haha, Governor Qi is too polite. The chief is so busy, so where are the people around him? So unless the chief goes to your place, it will be difficult for me to make the trip." Ding Deren laughed and rejected Qi Qinghua's kindness. "

But Governor Qi, I can't go, but my son can. He is going to work in Guanggui Province. He is the director of the Southwest District of the Foreign Bank Preparatory Bureau of the State Council. He is also the director of China Tangsheng Bank in Guanggui Province.

General Manager. Haha, if my son comes to your territory, you have to help me take care of him. If he does something wrong, you have to remind him more. If he does something bad, just teach him a lesson.

Yes, after all, you have to supervise him as an elder."


Thanks to Chen Qikun for the three little red envelopes he gave to the genius. Thank you, prodigal son!!!

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