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Chapter 92: Like When I Was Young Chapter)

"Ghost" is moving up a level, ranking seventh in the urban novel new book list, and the prodigal son is very happy.

But when you look at the collection and recommendation votes, the increase is still pitiful. Can you please work hard and spend half a minute to click on collections and recommendations? Thank you, this will not make the ranking of ghosts and votes too far apart. Fellow writers

We prodigal sons are too embarrassed to say hello to them.

Once again, I feel grateful to the friends who have worked so hard to vote for favorites, and to the new and old friends who insist on voting for recommendations every day. With your support, the ghost will go further. In addition, let’s talk about the plot, Feng Sizhe is about to download it.

Now that we have gone to the grassroots level to exercise, a new journey is about to begin. We need your continued support even more so that the prodigal will be more motivated. Please move your noble hand!


Zhao Mingyuan was really a little angry, but the object of his anger was not his grandson Feng Sizhe, who had put himself in danger, but his youngest son Feng Wangang and a guard. They said they were close relatives in another generation, and they said Zhao Mingyuan was extremely protective of his grandson.

My son, now I see that this is no longer protective, it is simply doting, unlimited doting, and unfounded doting.

Zhao Wangang shook his head, knowing that he could not reason with his father at this time, so he lowered his head and said in a tone of admitting his mistake: "Dad, Mom, don't be angry, I know I was wrong, and I must strengthen my treatment of Xiaozhe in the future."

In terms of protection work, if anything happens to Xiao Zhe in Kyoto, you can ask me for help, and I think Chen Hu is also a bit unsatisfactory. If it doesn't work, just remove him."

Among the seven or eight strong men following Zhao Wangang was Chen Hu.

Chen Hu knew that he was sent to protect Feng Sizhe, but unfortunately he seemed to look down on him and would not take him with him wherever he went. He was also in trouble. But an hour ago, he suddenly heard that Feng Sizhe seemed to have encountered something.

Danger, he immediately panicked. He knew that if something really happened, his responsibility must be the first. As the person Zhao Wangang had chosen at the beginning, if something like this happened, his life would be over. Fortunately,

Feng Sizhe still came back without any danger, but now that he heard that Zhao Mingyuan and Zhao Wangang still put the responsibility on him, and even wanted to evacuate him now, he felt that his mind went blank. As a guard of the Eighth Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security

Who doesn't know that once the person you want to protect is pushed back, it basically means there is no future, not just a future, but you may have to bear a huge stain for your whole life. This is not a hot-blooded person at all.

The man can bear it.

Feng Sizhe had worried his grandparents by doing what he did today. It was reasonable for them to mention him a few times, or even scold him a few times. But he didn't expect that they didn't say a word about himself, but instead talked about his uncle and Chen.

Hu, looking at Chen Hu behind him, his eyes were red and tears were about to flow out. Feng Huazhe couldn't do it without saying a few words.

"Grandpa, grandma, please don't be angry. What happened today was all caused by me acting on my own initiative. I just can't stand some people bullying men and dominating women, so I want to be a hero. Who would have thought that my own strength is still

I'm a little weak, but it makes you worry about me. I promise that I will deal with such things calmly in the future, but this matter really has nothing to do with my uncle and Chen Hu. My uncle's task is huge, eight rounds

I have the task of protecting many senior leaders, but I am just a young man who has just graduated from the junior high school class, and I cannot attract proper attention regardless of my rank. As for Chen Hu, I deliberately did not let him follow me, because I had a problem with Duan Yunpeng when I went out with him.

Things have to be discussed. In fact, I am very satisfied with him. I would like to ask my grandfather and uncle not to make things difficult for Chen Hu and let him follow me. I will just take him with me wherever I go from now on."

Feng Sizhe understood that what he did today was his own initiative and had nothing to do with other people. He didn't want to implicate other people out of nothing. Originally, what he said was sincere and true, but Chen Hu heard it behind him.

Zhong indeed was not at all. Being able to plead for him as a small guard in front of Zhao Mingyuan and Zhao Wangang was already a great favor. At this moment, Chen Hu had the feeling that a scholar would die for his confidant.

If Feng Sizhe asked him to go up mountains of swords and seas of fire at this time, he would probably be obligated to do so.

"Well, that's right. You know how to protect calves at a young age, just like me when I was young, haha." Zhao Mingyuan laughed when he saw his grandson's performance. He didn't mean to make things difficult for a guard just now. In fact, he just

I want to see if his grandson has any opinions about him. After all, he doesn’t take Chen Hu with him every time he goes out. Does this mean he really has any objections? If his grandson doesn’t say anything, he will take it as acquiescence and take this opportunity to win the prize.

He, and if Feng Sizhe has a good impression of him, then he should come forward to request it, so that he can get Chen Hu's sincere loyalty. This is the best guarantee.

Things did not go as he expected, and Feng Sizhe's performance made him very satisfied. "Well, in this case, let's forget it. Wan Gang, you go back to work. Zhe'er comes in with me. I want to hear

What happened today?"

Zhao Mingyuan also wants to know what happened specifically. Based on this, he wants to see if the Chang'an Western Restaurant needs to be improved. Although he can't control local affairs in terms of power, as long as he gives the order, some of the things below

Soldiers can still disguise themselves as ordinary people and go there to find things. Isn't it interesting that you come and I go there?

After hearing his father's words, Zhao Wangang shook his head helplessly. This father only had eyes for his grandson. When his grandson came back, he would drive him out. Hey, forget it, Xiaozhe has never suffered anything since he was a child.

As for the family's love, this can be considered as compensation.

Zhao Wan was not really jealous with Feng Sizhe just now, but after listening to Zhao Mingyuan's words, he said hello to his mother and sister, and left the Zhao family courtyard with the others. Of course, Chen Hu must stay.

After coming down, he also believed that after experiencing this incident, Chen Hu should know what to do next.

After Feng Sizhe followed Zhao Mingyuan into the back room, he told everything that happened after leaving Zhao's house in the morning, including who he had dinner with at noon, and how he went to Duan's house to chat with Duan Jianghe in the afternoon.

When he was young, he saw someone bullying a weak woman in a Western restaurant in Chang'an, so he drew his sword to help and told the whole story. It can be said that except for hiding Miao Zihan's identity, everything else was reported truthfully. He did not want to tell Miao Zihan.

There is no need for him to hide Zihan's identity in front of his grandfather, because this is someone who will definitely be good to him, but he still has no evidence to explain how he knows her details. He can't say that he is reborn.

It's different. For this reason, there are some things that cannot be concealed.

Zhao Mingyuan listened carefully to Feng Sizhe's speech for a long time, and then nodded silently. "Well, according to this, you and Duan Yunpeng's friends get along well, and you even have cooperation between interests. But will the Soviet Union really disintegrate?

?But no matter what, it is good for you to be appreciated by Duan Jianghe. He is still young and is expected to enter the central center in the near future. If so, it will be beneficial to you."

Feng Sizhe chuckled and knew that his grandfather was not talking about the Chang'an Western Restaurant, which proved that the matter had passed like this. After all, he didn't know his identity, so he said that he had not suffered a loss. On the contrary, it was his grandfather who asked about the Soviet Union.

Whether it will disintegrate after a period of time, he will give a good answer.

When Feng Sizhe and Zhao Mingyuan were talking about the Soviet Union in the house, there were two men, two women and four people sitting in a courtyard hall in Zhongnanhai.

They are Miao Zihan's family, these three people are her grandfather and her parents respectively.

Miao Zihan had already taken a shower after she came back, and then came to the hall, where her grandfather and parents were sitting, looking at her very seriously, as if waiting for her to speak.

This chapter has been completed!
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