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Chapter 95 Three Questions Chapter)

Congratulations to "Ghost" for advancing to the sixth place on the urban novel new book list, with an additional chapter.

I don’t know why there are so few collections and recommendation votes. The prodigal son doesn’t dare to be lazy at all. In order to make everyone comfortable, he has no idea of ​​splitting the chapters. The free chapters are each one with more than 2,000 words. Three chapters are updated for free a day.

That’s equivalent to more than 7,000 words.

I hope everyone can see the hard work of the prodigal son and keep up with the free collection tickets and recommendation tickets. Thank you.


The conversation between the two parties started with the establishment of the securities industry in Shanghai. Although Comrade Deen has done a lot of research on this new thing, he has no idea whether it will work in a socialist country under the current republican system and economic status.

He didn't have a clear idea of ​​how far it could go and what effect it would have. He wanted to hear the opinion of Feng Sizhe, who was the first to write articles supporting securities and stocks.

Feng Sizhe did not dare to have any arrogance. When facing Comrade Deen, he was not only excited but full of respect. Facing this problem, he tried hard to suppress the excitement in his heart and relied on

He described in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the securities industry to the development of the Republic based on his own understanding and those of later generations.

This was Feng Sizhe's preparation work. He knew that this topic might be discussed today. He had already made full preparations for this. Now when he talks about it, he talks clearly and clearly. In order to make people understand better, he even

They also cited many examples, many of which are examples of the development of the securities industry in Western countries, and of course many are summed up by later generations. In short, it is a combination of Chinese and Western methods.

It took forty minutes for Feng Sizhe to explain his understanding in detail. During this process, Comrade Deen had been listening silently. Except for occasionally asking questions when he encountered some puzzles, the rest of the time

There he nodded or smiled, or pondered. In short, he listened.

After Feng Sizhe finished speaking on this issue, Germany did not give him any time to rest, and then raised the issue of the Gulf War. There was only one question: how did Feng Sizhe realize that the Gulf War would happen, why did the United States join the war, and even

Why can we conclude that this war will end within two months?

Feng Sizhe was a little unable to keep up with some of Comrade Deen's unreasonable questions. Fortunately, he was well prepared in this regard. After being stunned for a moment, he got into the mood again and changed the views of future generations on the Gulf War.

He narrated it again, and of course the vocabulary used in it was from modern times. He did not dare to add too many explicit words from later generations.

It took another half an hour for Feng Sizhe to finish answering this question. Thinking that Comrade Deen must be satisfied that he had answered both questions, but he just smiled and said, "Come on, I've been talking for a long time and I'm thirsty."

Let’s have a sip of tea first and let’s talk about why you dare to say that the Soviet Union may disintegrate in the near future.”

As soon as this question was raised, cold sweat broke out on Feng Sizhe's head. He did not expect that even the old leader knew this question clearly. It seems that it is true to say that there are no secrets among the top management. Many secrets are there.

It is impossible to hide it from the eyes of high-level people for too long. What's more, Duan Yunpeng, Qin Tian and others still have to raise money and consult about what the country lacks. This will inevitably amplify the matter, so Comrade Deen will have nothing to do.

I know the reason.

As he stretched out his hand to drink tea, Feng Sizhe stabilized his mind. When it was time to put the tea leaves back, he already had a clear idea in his mind. Originally, these things were stored in his mind, but

It’s because I didn’t expect the old leader to ask this question. Now that I can’t avoid it, let’s tell the truth. In the following time, Feng Sizhe talked about several major contradictions in the Soviet Union. There were the rigid economic system and contemporary technology.

The contradiction between the inherent requirements of development; the contradiction between serious bureaucracy and the broad masses of cadres and the masses; the contradiction between the hegemonic foreign policy and the people. In addition to the ideological line of the Soviet Union, it also has political line and organizational reasons.

The reasons for the route were also explained in detail.

These are not random remarks, but Feng Sizhe had in-depth research on this aspect when he was a social commentator in later generations, and they are all put to use now.

When listening to Feng Sizhe's words, Comrade Deen's eyes were profound, and his facial expression became much more solemn. "Well, you are right. There are indeed many problems with the Soviet Union's cash, whether it is possible or not.

There will be incidents of disintegration. In short, they are all for us to take warning. The country is people-oriented. When the country's line is wrong and no longer puts the interests of the people first, when the phenomenon of privilege becomes a common phenomenon

At that time, when the social classes were clearly divided, and when the people lived in dire straits, the country was in danger. It did not improve people's living standards, did not explore a socialist construction model with unique national characteristics, and did not advocate a practical approach.

Starting from the starting point, the style of seeking truth from facts must implement the principle of democratic centralism in the organization. We do not understand that reform must be deeply rooted in the national conditions of the country. The success or failure of reform must be centered on the development of productive forces, economic growth, the enhancement of comprehensive national strength and the people's livelihood.

The improvement of socialist standards is the criterion. If we are not wary of the "peaceful evolution" of socialism carried out by Western countries, our country will also be in danger."

With one mouthful, Deen made a profound explanation of the main body of the matter, and was able to grasp the root of the matter in such a short period of time. This had to make Feng Sizhe look at the old leader with admiration. He understood a little more, with a

It is impossible for the old man to think clearly about so many things in one moment. Obviously he should have been paying attention to the Soviet Union's problems for a long time. The reason why he was able to raise it with Feng Sizhe today is because he thinks that their views have many similarities.

That’s all.

"Yes, the chief is right. If the country wants to develop, it must carry out reform and opening up. This is imperative, but the fundamental purpose is to liberate productivity, develop productivity, and improve people's living standards. It is not like some developed countries in the West.

Likewise, if you follow the script and don’t consider your own actual problems, if you imitate everything from others without thinking about your own strengths and weaknesses, then the country will go astray, and even the destruction of the party and the country is not impossible.


"That's right, we just want to take a socialist road with our own characteristics, instead of following others and copying them mechanically." After listening to Feng Sizhe's words, Deen seemed a little excited, and he suddenly stood up from the bench.

He stood up and waved his arms, seeming to be commanding thousands of troops, giving people infinite strength and courage.

When they met for the first time, Feng Sizhe left a very good impression on De En, and what happened next was completely beyond Zhao Mingyuan's expectations, because the old chief actually asked to stay for the two of them to eat. Although the food at the old chief's place was not special.

The richness, but the meaning is completely different. Not even the current leaders can enjoy this treatment, let alone others.

Feng Sizhe had a simple lunch with the old leader in an uneasy mood. Fortunately, Comrade Deen didn't say much during the meal, so Feng Sizhe had a meal with peace of mind.

After the meal, the health doctor came to remind the old chief to take a lunch break. Then he reluctantly waved his hands to Zhao Mingyuan and Feng Sizhe, meaning that he also had to obey the order of the organization. When they parted at the end, the old chief looked at Feng Sizhe, who was dressed in military uniform, with deep meaning.

He said something like, "Comrade Feng Sizhe is a bit humbled by his talents as a soldier. There are too few people in the country who understand economics. People should be used where they can best reflect their value."

Zhao Mingyuan immediately understood what he meant when he heard this, and quickly replied, "Being a soldier is just a right to exercise his body. How can he participate in revolutionary work without a good body? Haha, in fact, the road has been chosen long ago.

, he thought of going to other places and starting from the lowest level."

"Well, that's right. Theory alone is not enough. Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. It's okay to go down and exercise. Good steel needs to be polished more so that it becomes a weapon. Okay, you guys go back, I should rest."

De'en nodded thoughtfully, then waved his hand for Zhao Mingyuan and his grandson to leave.

This chapter has been completed!
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