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Chapter 984 Extraordinary interrogation

Also arrested along with Hai Heizi was his deputy Hai Gui, who had been following Hai Heizi. Both of them were caught in a bathing center. Hai Gui was a capable person, but faced

Facing the dark muzzles of the armed police and the dense crowd, he really couldn't muster any resistance, and he didn't dare to resist, because he believed that as long as he dared to make a move, the armed police would really shoot.

, they are not the police, they will also talk to you about policies. At critical moments, guns don’t have eyes.

The only person in the Hai Gang who has not been caught is Hai Ren. This Hai Ren is a learned, or relatively highly educated person. I think he was chosen by Hai Heizi because he had no suitable job after graduating from university.

, and entrusted him with important tasks, it can be said that he is an intellectual in the Hai Gang and a military advisor. People like this are generally more cautious in doing things. Although Haibei City is calm these days, he

He thought it was just an appearance. It was because the flood was coming and everyone was busy with that matter, so he decided to wait and see. This time he did not return to Haibei City. Now he heard that the boss was

Caught, he also let out a long sigh. He felt that he had saved his life this time. Of course, as one of the brothers of the Hai Gang, he also needed to do something for those who were caught.

In this way, he found Xu Liang and Tian Xiong Daguang who were hiding in the Guanggui Provincial Japanese Business Council. Together, the three of them began to make corresponding plans against Feng Sizhe.

The sudden action of the Municipal Military District and the arrest of nearly a hundred people, but there was no communication with the Municipal Public Security Bureau before this, and even the Municipal Party Committee had no knowledge of it. This shocked the Municipal Party Committee Secretary Xiang Yang and the Municipal Law Committee Secretary Mi Xueyong.

Out of anger, the two of them called Yu Xiqiu one after another to ask why he didn't say hello before taking action, which would make them very passive.

Faced with Mi Xueyong's questioning, Xi Guoguo didn't dismiss it at all. He just said that this was an internal matter within the army and dismissed it. However, he was not so hasty with Xiangyang and moved out of the provincial military region.

It was said that this was an order from the Provincial Military Region Headquarters. For details, you can ask Commander Deng Tiejun.

Of course Xiang Kang would not ask Deng Tiejun. After all, he was also a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and one of the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee. He would not do anything to offend people. In the end, he just said "Xi Guijun", implying that he would do something like this in the future.

He must be notified of any actions. After all, he is the municipal party committee secretary. It would be unjustifiable if he did not know anything about some things.

After listening to Xiang Kang's words, Xi Guoguo immediately reflected and said that there would never be a second time. After all, Xi Guoguo was also the secretary of the municipal party committee, and Xi Guoguo did not want to have a stalemate with him. This time, it was also a special situation. It was Feng Sizhe himself.

He was found, and Commander Deng Tiejun indeed called him to cooperate with Feng Sizhe's deployment. Otherwise, even if he was the commander, he would not dare to use the army in vain.

Nearly a hundred members of the Hai Gang were arrested at once, and nests exploded on the roads of Haibei City. For a time, no matter what kind of organization they were, they became more solid. They were all afraid that they would become the next Hai Gang, and become the target of the gang.

The targets of human attacks. And these arrested Hai Gang members were all imprisoned in the Haibei City Military Branch. They were completely isolated from the outside world and could not contact the outside world. This ensured the effectiveness of the interrogation and


Mi Xueyong was so anxious that he even tried to negotiate with Xi Guiguo, to the effect that it was better to leave local matters to the police. However, this time Xi Guiguo was very firm and only said that they were military divisions.

If they have the ability to solve this problem, the police will not have to worry about people being arrested by the military.

Mi Xueyong, who had countless shady connections with the Hai Gang, was afraid that something unpredictable would happen next, so he had no choice but to call Yu Zhengda, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and secretary of the provincial political and legal committee, hoping that he

The provincial party committee can put pressure on the Haibei City Military Region and first get the people from the Hai Gang into their own hands.

Yu Zhengda agreed to give it a try, and after hanging up the phone with Mi Xueyong, he began to contact Deng Tiejun. In fact, he did not have much confidence in his heart, because his relationship with Commander Deng had not been very harmonious, so he rashly contacted Deng Tiejun at this time.

He also doubted whether it would be possible to find the other party to release him.

Things went as he thought. Deng Tiejun didn't give Yu Zhengda any face at all. He only said that the army had military affairs and did not need the police to intervene, so he took Yu Zhengda back. Yu Zhengda was very angry, but there was nothing wrong with him.

A better way, and not wanting to lose his identity and face in front of Mi Xueyong, was to call Mi Xueyong and tell him that nothing would happen, because the investigation team from the Ministry of Public Security would come to Guanggui Province soon.

When we go down to Haibei City, I believe the military will not have that much confidence.

After Yu Zhengda said this, Mi Xueyong could only hope that the investigation team of the Ministry of Public Security would come down soon.

As soon as Hai Heizi and others were captured into the military camp, he and Hai Gui were given a beating with an iron whip. This was really a helpless move. Time was limited. Who knew when the investigation team of the Ministry of Public Security would arrive in Haibei City?

If a family has just arrived, and they are still interrogating them using conventional means, then it is already too late, and their current efforts will be in vain.

Haigui is a little better. Every day when he walks in society, he is faced with beatings and killings. Being beaten like this is considered commonplace, and he can still bear it. But Haiheizi is really not good anymore.

Nian was used to being the boss, used to reaching out for clothes and opening his mouth for food. Suddenly he was treated like this. His mind could bear it, but his body couldn't bear it anymore. After being beaten a few times, he started to explain the problem.

It's just that Hai Heizi is quite shrewd, because he had heard before that the Ministry of Public Security would send an investigation team to target Feng Sizhe, so he also knew that what the military did was just a last-ditch effort. As long as he could delay it for two days,

Then things would be much easier to handle, so he tried his best to say more, but his words were not on point. To put it bluntly, he was just arguing with the people in the army, wasting his time and relying on time.

Soon Hai Heizi's thoughts were found out by the people in the army. Seeing Hai Heizi being so dishonest, they smiled and said to him, let him watch a good show. After saying that, they led him up.

He went to the top floor of the military district building and gave him a telescope. Soon after, he saw his deputy Haigui sneaking out of a barracks. After looking at the surrounding environment, he

He quickly climbed over a low wall in the military compound. Needless to say, he looked like he was running away.

Just when the sea ghost put one foot on the low wall, he heard a gunshot. Then the sea ghost's body softened and he fell down from the wall. Then Hai Heizi

I heard the intercom of the officer next to me ringing, "Report to the chief, there is a suspect who seems to be trying to escape. We found out and shot him in time. Please give instructions."

"What's the instruction? Dig a hole and bury it. Just don't let the wild dogs eat it." The officer standing next to Hai Heizi answered casually.

Hai Heizi, who was originally frightened by the seven souls and lost three souls, immediately fell to the ground when he heard this. He really didn't expect that the army would be so cruel. They said they would deal with the sea ghosts, and it would be like this.

Relaxed and casual, this is really not the same way as the local police handle cases.

Seeing Hai Heizi fall to the ground, the officer kicked him on the butt and said, "What, this is making me look bad. I tell you, if you don't explain the problem, he will be yours."

It’s over, do you understand?”

"I know, I know, I will explain everything to the government, oh, not the military men, I will explain everything." Once he heard the officer say this, Hai Heizi was really convinced. He knew that the only way out now was to explain the problem, otherwise

His life is really not guaranteed.

In fact, the army does not have the power to kill people at will. This scene is just a show. For example, take the sea ghost. He was not killed at all, but was shot with a tranquilizer gun. Once he was hit by a shot, he was dead.

He fainted, but how could Hai Heizi, who was thousands of meters away with a telescope, know the truth? He really thought it was the army killing someone.

As the saying goes, special times use special methods. This is the method that Feng Sizhe and Xi Guoguo came up with. Now it seems that this method has worked. Hai Heizi is really scared. At this moment, what are you asking him?

He explained everything clearly, including the relationship between him and Mi Xueyong. He even said that it was Jia Wen who came to him in the first place and that he received 100,000 yuan for it.


The news quickly reached Feng Sizhe's ears. Knowing that Jia Wen had done this, he immediately gave Chen Hu and the others an order to quickly control Jia Wen and find out his motive for committing the crime. Of course, this

Everything needs to be done secretly. Speaking of which, Jia Wen is not only a respectable person, but also has an elder brother who is the deputy mayor of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Although his elder brother is now suspended, it cannot be said that there is no backlash.

Therefore, you must be very careful with such people and cannot easily reveal any flaws, otherwise things will be difficult to handle.

Chen Hu's movements were of course swift, fast and accurate, and he easily captured Jia Wen. As soon as Chen Hu and others appeared, Jia Wen still wanted to show off, and wanted to scare off the opponent by announcing his identity.

But this was of no use at all. It was just a big twist on Jia Wen's back, which made Jia Wen become more honest. When he thought of all the Hai Gang being arrested, Jia Wen knew that some things could not be hidden.

, so he told how Xu Liang found him again.

The final finger of the matter was Xu Liang, which Feng Sizhe had not thought of before. He thought that once Xu Qingdong fell, Xu Liang would stay away from Haibei City, but he did not expect that this kid had a strong sense of revenge and wanted to kill Feng Sizhe.

.I originally wanted to leave some thoughts for the Xu family, but now it seems that there is no such possibility. Well, in that case, then Feng Sizhe, old and young, will move together. This is what they asked for.


Thank you to Dahai’s hometown 88 for voting for a gold medal for the ghost. Thank you, prodigal son!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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