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Chapter 101 Return in triumph

When Xiao Feng heard Maitreya's shout, he almost didn't have time to think about it, and his body suddenly fell down behind the bunker. As soon as he lay down, he heard a loud "boom" and the entire underground factory trembled violently.

Shaking the debris on his head, Xiao Feng raised his head and looked to the opposite side. At a glance, he saw a large crater seven or eight meters wide in the ground opposite, with wisps of green smoke coming out. Then he heard the dense gunfire from the little devil's side.

The sound disappeared now. It seems that the little devils' habit of bullying the weak and fearing the strong has been maintained to this day. They were so frightened by a bomb that they did not dare to show their heads.

The little devil was so frightened by the bomb that he shrunk his neck, but the Shafeng members had no intention of letting them go! Taking advantage of the short pause, the members disappeared one by one faster than the other and pounced on the little devil.

When Xiao Feng came to his senses, he turned his head and saw that there was no one behind him. "Oh my god, why are you so excited?" He threw away his micro dash, reached out and pulled out the dragon pattern dagger and rushed forward.

The jet-black dragon-marked dagger has not drunk blood for a long time. It seems that the last time the dragon-marked dagger drank blood, it was in England, right? Today, the dagger will drink blood again and kill the person who deserves to be killed!

A one-sided massacre began~

Wuming was dressed in black robes, and his whole body was filled with a sinister and evil aura. Under his feet, a piece of Japanese had fallen. His right hand was slowly withdrawing from the Japanese's chest. A scarlet heart was under his feet.

His hands were beating and spurting out streams of blood.

"Die." Wuming's hoarse and cold voice sounded slowly. His right hand gradually exerted force, and his heart instantly exploded and turned into a pile of minced meat. The little devil whose heart was dug out, his eyes widened and stared distractedly.

Wuming's right hand seemed not to believe that what Wuming was holding was his own heart. As his heart burst, the little devil fell down, twitched, and became silent.

Wuming threw away the minced meat in his hand, and fixed his lifeless gaze on the next enemy. Wuming disdained the use of weapons. He only believed in himself, not in weapons. Every part of his body could be turned into a murderous weapon, and he could snatch the enemy in an instant.

human life.

Xiao Feng glanced at the broken heart that Wuming threw on the ground, and curled his lips, Damn it, the elementary school teacher did his best to mislead the children. At that time, the teacher said that Mao Xiao and Japan were all black-hearted, and the whole class believed it. Look.

The minced meat on the ground, isn’t it also red?

Xiao Feng's right hand flew up and down, and the ink-like dragon pattern dagger was now coated with a layer of blood red. Under the light, it glowed with a permeating brilliance. "Say, where is Saburo Watanabe? (Japanese)" Xiao Feng held his hand

He put the dagger in his hand against the aorta of a Japanese security guard and asked in standard Japanese.

In fact, Xiao Feng has always understood Japanese and can speak it! Isn't there a saying that if you want to destroy the enemy, you must first understand the enemy and learn from the enemy! Think about it, as someone who caused the 'Ginza Big Bang Massacre' in Tokyo

How is it possible that one of the masterminds doesn’t speak Japanese!

It's just that in the past, Xiao Feng didn't want to say anything in front of the Japanese, and he didn't even bother to say it! Now, Xiao Feng wants to know if Saburo Watanabe is here. If he is, then let's get rid of him at once tonight.


"Watanabe-kun is not here, Nomura-kun is here~" These Japanese security guards, after all, are not Japanese dead soldiers, and are not that tough. Under the coercion of the dagger, they immediately said.

"Nomura Haoji? Where are they?" Xiao Feng asked again.

The security guard was trembling all over: "It's up there." He pointed to the top of his head.

Xiao Feng's eyes flashed, and he thrust the dagger in his hand forward to cut off the security guard's artery: "Goodbye." After saying this, Xiao Feng pounced on the next opponent again.

"Hurry up, there may be changes above!" Xiao Feng said loudly, inserting the dagger into the heart of a security guard again.

More than a hundred security guards were slaughtered by Xiao Feng and others in just a few minutes. Xiao Feng looked at the members of Sha Feng and felt strange in his heart. The sharp knife composed of these strong men was indeed extremely sharp. Such a sharp knife,

The handle of the knife is in your own hands! With them, you have the capital to negotiate with any force, even the country!

"Let's go up." Xiao Feng held the dragon pattern dagger and walked towards the exit first.

"Zero, Tianmen's little brother can't hold it anymore, hurry up and provide support." Xiaobei's voice rang again.

Xiao Feng nodded, his pace became faster and faster, and finally turned into a fast run. His body turned into an afterimage, and he came to the entrance of the passage and rushed out.

The members of Sha Feng followed Xiao Feng, and they were waiting for Xiao Feng's instructions. The direction Xiao Feng's dagger pointed was where they were going to fight!

Xiao Feng tightened the bag on his back and looked at the two sides fighting fiercely in front. At this moment, both sides had run out of bullets. A cold weapon battle was taking place, and the scene was in chaos.

"Is he Hao Er Nomura?" Xiao Feng suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at the man who was fighting the demon sword dozens of meters away from him.

Nomura Haoji, the senior advisor of the Inagawa Society, the second largest gang in Japan, is a powerful figure in the Inagawa Society... Xiao Feng looked at Nomura Haoji in the battle, and his information flashed in his head.

"Saburo Watanabe is not here, so I will kill you today to get some interest." Xiao Feng shook his neck, took off his backpack, and threw it to Lin Mo not far away: "Wood, let the Tianmen brothers start retreating! Shame!

Member Feng, kill!" Xiao Feng gave the order.

After Xiao Feng finished speaking, he pounced towards Nomura Hao Er. Since returning to China, Xiao Feng has not encountered a master. Although his current strength is only two-thirds of his heyday, Xiao Feng is confident that he can compete with Nomura Hao Er.

Hao Eryi fights!

Upon hearing Xiao Feng's order, the members of Sha Feng also threw out their backpacks and began to kill the enemy with all their strength! At the same time, Lin Mo also deployed the Tianmen boys and began to retreat.

"Kill!" Xiao Feng shouted coldly, and the dragon pattern dagger in his hand was pointed at Nomura Hao Er's throat: "The demon knife, he left it to me!"

"Okay, Brother Feng, be careful!" Yaodao instantly broke away from the battle circle, threw Nomura Hao Er to Xiao Feng, and then went to find another target.

Nomura Haoji dodged Xiao Feng's sharp blow and looked at Xiao Feng standing in front of him. His eyes instantly turned blood red and the muscles on his face trembled. "Ace of spades?!"

Xiao Feng was not surprised at all that the other party knew that he was the ace of spades. After all, Saburo Watanabe knew his identity. "Yes, it's me! Haoji Nomura and Saburo Watanabe are not here today, so I will send you

You’re on your way!”

"Ace of spades, I want to avenge my son!" Nomura Haoji tightened the Japanese sword in his hand and roared through gritted teeth.

"Your son? Who is your son?" Xiao Feng really didn't know. After all, the number of Japanese who died in his hands was probably thousands! The Tokyo explosion killed several major gangsters in Tokyo.

, the younger brother died a lot, who knows which grandson is his son.

"Baga! Kill!" Nomura Hao Er roared angrily, raised the Japanese sword in his hand, and rushed towards Xiao Feng. The sharp wind of the sword split the air and made a whistling sound.

Xiao Feng turned sideways to avoid the knife, raised the dagger in his hand, and stabbed Nomura Hao Er hard in the heart. "I will not only kill your son, but I will also kill you today!" Xiao Feng smiled evilly, and hit hard with his left fist.

The temples of Haoji Nomura.

Nomura Hao Er's eyes were full of cruelty. He looked at Xiao Feng's dagger and fists and refused to hide. He obviously wanted to kill Xiao Feng in a way that would lead to a common death and avenge his son.

Xiao Feng cursed in his heart, Damn, the bastard wants to trade his life with himself! He has never done a loss-making business. In his eyes, Nomura Hao Er is almost like a dog. Trading his life with a dog would cost a lot.


Xiao Feng retreated violently, and the dragon-marked dagger flew out of his hand, shooting towards Nomura Hao Er.

Nomura Hao Er turned his head to avoid the dagger, holding the Japanese sword and preparing to strike with a slash, splitting the enemy in half. "Xiao Feng, I didn't kill you last time, I will definitely kill you this time."

When Xiao Feng heard this, murderous intent emerged in his eyes: "Were you the one who sent the killer in the cafe last time?"

"Yes, he was sent by me! Die and pay for my son's life." Nomura Haoji shouted loudly and rushed forward like a mad cow.

Xiao Feng stared at Nomura Haoji, gritted his teeth and spat out a sentence: "Chunchun, today I will avenge you!" His right hand shook slightly, as if commanding something, and went straight to Nomura Haoji's neck.

"Hmm." Nomura Koji let out a muffled groan, and his forward body paused, and a sharp pain erupted from his neck. A very thin golden thread was wrapped around his neck, giving him a feeling of suffocation.

Xiao Feng sneered, turned his wrist, and gradually tightened the golden wire, preparing to strangle Nomura Koji's neck alive. Under the dragon pattern dagger was an extremely sharp golden wire. I don't know how many masters have been killed by Xiao Feng because of their carelessness.

The head was cut off with gold thread.

Nomura Koji's eyes were bulging, and his face had turned purple. He threw away the Japanese sword and tried to grab the golden wire with both hands. However, the golden wire had sunk into his flesh, and he couldn't hold it anymore. He gradually tightened his grip.

"Zero, if you want to capture Saburo Watanabe, you still need him, so let's keep him alive for now." Xiaobei's voice sounded from the earphones.

Xiao Feng narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly. He loosened his right hand slightly and moved his body forward. The golden thread of the dragon pattern dagger wrapped around Nomura Koji's hands and neck. In this way, if he made any move, he could take it at any time.

His life.

"Xiao Feng, I will definitely kill you!" Nomura Koji took a few breaths and glared at Xiao Feng and shouted.

Xiao Feng said angrily: "Oh my god, how dare you scare me?" As he spoke, a knife struck Nomura Koji on the neck, knocking him unconscious.

The massacre of the surrounding evil wind members was also coming to an end. Maitreya No. 8 handed over a palm-sized remote control. "Here, Zero, the bomb remote control."

"Huh? This thing looks like a TV remote control to me? Well, it also has channels and volume." Xiao Feng took it and looked at it twice, and black lines appeared on his forehead.

Maitreya smiled with a smile on his face: "Yes, this is a modified Changhong TV remote control. Hey, Zero, as long as you press the 'menu' button, this place will be turned into ruins with a 'boom'."

"Well, you are worthy of being a bomb maniac. I'm convinced." Xiao Feng carefully put away the remote control and shouted towards Hill No. 6: "Hey, Hill, I'll leave it to you."

The hill came over swaying, nodded in understanding, grabbed Nomura Koji and threw him over his shoulder.

"Let's go." Xiao Feng looked around and quickly evacuated the 'Jin Lai Factory' with the Sha Feng members. When he was more than 500 meters away, Xiao Feng took out the remote control and pressed 'Menu'


In an instant, there was only a loud "boom" sound, and several huge fireballs suddenly exploded from the Jinlai factory. Clouds of black smoke filled the air, and the entire factory fell into a sea of ​​​​fire. A heat shock wave quickly spread to the surroundings, heading straight towards Xiao Feng

Wait for someone to come.

"Damn it." Xiao Feng was so frightened that he lay on the ground and couldn't help but cursed: "Maitreya, can't you kid make the bomb less powerful?! Fuck it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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