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Chapter 112 Core Data

The last time he hypnotized Sakai Kawajiro, Xiao Feng asked what kind of new weapon it was. However, Sakai Kawajiro in the hypnotic state did not explain it clearly, so he did not have an intuitive understanding.

Xiao Feng wondered, either the new weapon was so deeply rooted in Sakai Kawajiro's mind that he would not be able to say it even under hypnosis, or else even Sakai Kawajiro, the number two figure in the military, did not know what the new weapon was.

Xiao Feng can accept the first result. After all, hypnosis is too restrictive. As a former excellent agent, Sakai Kawajiro may have some means to preserve the last secret.

The second result shocked Xiao Feng. A new weapon that even the second-largest figure in the military could not participate in was so secret and awesome. Maybe, once developed successfully, it could really change some inherent patterns and balances.

Therefore, Xiao Fengcai came rushing over and was ready to have a "good talk" with Sakai Kawajiro. If they could reach an agreement, that would be the best. If they couldn't reach an agreement, they would use hypnosis again to see if they could dig out something more.

If it doesn't work in the end, then Xiao Feng has no choice but to fight desperately to get back the core data. Then he will naturally know what it will be.

As Xiao Feng guessed, Sakai Kawajiro snorted: "I don't know, don't try to get anything from me,"

"Haha, I think you have bad breath, so naturally I don't care about what's in your mouth," Xiao Feng made a cold joke, but the smile on his face disappeared.

Sakai Kawajiro was shocked. Could it be that Xiao Feng was going to do something to him again? Just when he was stunned, he felt his eyes go dark and lost consciousness.

Xiao Feng knocked out Sakai Kawajiro with a strike of his sword, and shook his head: "Damn it, if you don't drink a toast, you'll have to drink as a penalty, so I have to use my last trick,"

Hypnosis is divided into conscious hypnosis and unconscious hypnosis.

For example, Xiao Feng used to perform conscious hypnosis. The client had his own consciousness, but his consciousness was controlled by him.

Now, Xiao Feng is about to perform unconscious hypnosis, but it is very difficult. Even he is not sure that the hypnosis will be successful. Moreover, unconscious hypnosis puts a lot of mental pressure on the hypnotist. Not to mention that there are not many people who understand unconscious hypnosis. Even if they really understand the technique, no hypnotist would dare to use it easily.

The strange person who taught Xiao Feng hypnosis had repeatedly warned him not to use it unless absolutely necessary, as it would cause too much mental damage to him.

In fact, let alone unconscious hypnosis, even if it was conscious, Xiao Feng rarely used it. Now, in order to get more accurate information, he could only give it a try.

"Damn it, I gave you my 'first time' like this, you have to be responsible for me," Xiao Feng muttered, adjusted his breathing, and gradually his heartbeat became more stable...

Xiao Feng's brain gradually became blank, with fragments flashing one after another, and the words of the strange man who taught him hypnosis rang in his ears.

It took about ten minutes for Xiao Feng to find some feeling...

Outside the room, Ace of Hearts and Zhuge Xin were chatting, and the topic also revolved around Xiao Fenglai.

"Hey, Brother Zhu, why did Xiao Hei go in? It's been half an hour, and there's been no movement inside. Even if he exploded his anus, he would have screamed a little bit," the Ace of Hearts glanced at the door of the room a few times. asked.

Zhuge Xin went a little crazy and corrected the non-standard pronunciation of the ace of hearts: "You are the pig brother, Zhuge,"

"Yes, Brother Pig..."

"..." Zhuge Xin was completely speechless. How could this foreign devil be more shameless than Xiao Feng?

"Let's go in and have a look," said the ace of hearts, unable to suppress his curiosity.

Zhuge Xin knew that Xiao Feng was good at hypnosis, because he had seen it once before, so he knew not to be disturbed: "Don't go, what if they are really blowing each other's assholes inside, it will be embarrassing for us to catch them,"

"Overseas, homosexuality is legal and protected by law," Ace of Hearts said with a smile.

Zhuge Xin glanced at the ace of hearts with strange eyes: "Isn't your kid also gay?"

"No, of course I am not. My sexual orientation is normal. I like beauties, especially weak oriental women..."

"Aoi Kaoru is so weak," Zhuge Xin smiled narrowly.

"Hmm..." The ace of hearts fell silent, because if there really was a fight, there was no guarantee who would win between him and Kaoru Aoi.

Zhuge Xin and the ace of hearts chatted casually, and Xiao Feng in the room also made his own gains. Although he almost screwed up, he was hypnotized and asked about information about new weapons.

Xiao Feng was a little shocked, because according to Jiro Sakai Kawajiro, the new weapons are based on "nuclear" technology.

Nowadays, many superpowers are not mature in using "nuclear" technology. At most, they use nuclear technology to develop nuclear bombs with high destructive power, such as atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, neutron bombs, etc.

However, new weapons have made a qualitative breakthrough in the use of "nuclear" technology. They are not limited to the use of nuclear bombs, but have developed into multi-purpose, large-scale destruction applications.

Moreover, Xiao Feng also knew for sure that the so-called RB's new weapon was actually the information they stole from the United States three years ago, which contained too many core data secrets.

At the beginning, RB did a great job. Not only did they steal the core secrets of the United States, they directly slaughtered the researchers involved. In the end, they just slapped their ass and left. Anyway, the core technology was taken away, and the researchers involved in the research also died. , then this technology is doomed.

After the rb military obtained the core information, they did not dare to start research immediately. They first made various preparations so that once the work started, it could proceed smoothly.

Furthermore, it is also to avoid the pursuit of the United States. After all, if this technology is really implemented, the significance will be too great, and the United States cannot give up.

When the United States became a little more stable, the RB was also ready and began to form a core research group. Apart from them, there were no more than five people in the entire RB who knew about this secret, and Sakai Kawajiro was one of them.

In order to prevent being discovered by the superpowers, and even more afraid of being discovered by the United States, they divided the research base into several parts, the two most important of which are on Island F and mgw.

Although actively preparing, the Japanese military still underestimated the nuclear reaction, resulting in several major accidents. The most serious one was a major leak at the nuclear power plant on Island F...

Just as it happened, a major earthquake broke out and the truth was covered up. While several key figures breathed a sigh of relief, they directly blamed the leakage of the nuclear power plant on the earthquake.

Nuclear reactions, major earthquakes, and leaks from nuclear power plants directly destroyed the research base on Island F. There was no other way but to shift the focus to mgw.

However, accidents continued, frequently triggering various small earthquakes and killing a large number of marine life, which eventually attracted the attention of some superpowers, including the United States, which lost its military secrets three years ago.

At this time, the rb military community was in a state of unspeakable suffering. They even had a vague feeling that the earthquake was caused by a nuclear reaction.

The occurrence of various accidents has turned this core data into a hot potato. The military community wants to throw it away, but is reluctant to throw it away, and dare not study it further. Who knows what will happen next.

When the Japanese military was really ready to give up, they suddenly discovered, too late, that a large number of foreign forces had poured into the Japanese army with their own agenda.

It's hard to get off the tiger, maybe rb is facing this kind of painful situation.

Xiao Feng suppressed the shock in his heart and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He looked very tired and just wanted to have a good sleep to recuperate his energy.

‘Pa’, the door opened, and Xiao Feng came out, his steps a little frivolous.

Zhuge Xin and Ace of Hearts noticed Xiao Feng's condition, especially his pale face. They were stunned and stood up: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay," Xiao Feng forced a smile. He swore that he would never have to use unconscious hypnosis again unless absolutely necessary. It was so painful. He felt like his head was being torn apart.

The ace of hearts looked at Xiao Feng carefully, and finally smiled strangely, glancing at a certain part: "Xiao Hei, you won't really blow Jiro Sakai Kawajiro's anus, hehe, the fighting power is good, it lasted nearly an hour, young man People should know how to exercise moderation,"

"I'll wipe it, get out of here," Xiao Feng cursed, not bothering to pay attention to them, and went straight back to the room.

ZhuGE Well dressed.

"You said, it couldn't be Xiao Hei who knocked out Sakai Kawajiro, and then the overlord...how do you say that in China," the ace of hearts said with a strange smile.

Zhuge Xin was also defeated by the ace of hearts, and his imagination was really rich: "The overlord forced his bow,"

"Yes, that's right, the Overlord bowed hard, it must be like this," the ace of hearts nodded fiercely.

Zhuge Xin turned around and left the room. He had determined that Xiao Feng had just hypnotized Sakai Kawajiro. I wonder what valuable information Xiao Feng had obtained.

Xiao Feng returned to the room to rest for a while, and with Kaoru Aoi's gentle massage, the splitting headache gradually disappeared, but he still looked very tired.

However, time is running out. Xiao Feng must arrange everything as soon as possible. He didn't know what the new weapon was before, but now he knows it. He must not let others snatch it away.

"It is safest to put such an important thing in my hands," Xiao Feng muttered. Even if he got the core data, he had no intention of handing it over~

This core data can be said to be too heavy. According to Sakai Kawajiro, the United States spent a lot of money and formed a research team of 100 people. It took more than ten years to achieve a little breakthrough.

It can be seen that the new weapon technology is not mature, but it has begun to take shape, and subsequent research will be much simpler. In order to ensure the unity of data, rb directly slaughtered hundreds of researchers in the United States, which is not a big deal.

This chapter has been completed!
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