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Chapter 282 Xiao Feng Zhan Three Kills

Xiao Feng and Sansha left the Ekel camp. As for how Tao Jin came to win people's hearts and stabilize his position, that was not an issue he wanted to care about.

Xiao Feng has done everything he should do. If Tao Jin can't even handle this small thing, then he really has no ability and deserves to die in this turmoil.

Xiao Feng loves talents, loves geniuses, and talented people, but does not love idiots. Therefore, this can be regarded as his initial test for Tao Jin. If he passes it, then the next step will be the test of loyalty. Only by passing the test again can he Only then can you enter his circle and be treated as one of your own.

Xiao Feng and Sansha were very busy, because there were several suitcases of money in the back seat of the car, which he wanted to send out today. These days, even sending money out is a tiring job.

In one day, Xiao Feng and Sansha ran through five camps, killed three generals, and supported three new generals. As for those two, they were smart people who knew the current affairs. When they saw that the situation was not right, they immediately expressed their loyalty and were willing to be Xiao's generals. Feng's younger brother is respected by General Yu.

While Xiao Feng and Sansha were running around, Zhang Yu was also not idle. He used another method to show his toughness. He sent three thousand troops to directly kill a general who had been very arrogant recently. The entire battlefield, It can be said that there are corpses everywhere and rivers of blood.

In the evening, the war was over. General Yu's side was completely victorious, showing Zhang Yu's powerful power. He was telling the generals who were ready to make a move that they wanted to compete with Zhang Yu, but they were still close.

"A Yu, Brother Feng called you just now and said that he had taken care of five generals," Butterfly came up to greet Zhang Yu who was covered in blood and said.

Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, then grinned: "As expected of Brother Feng, you are so awesome. I sent thousands of people to get one, but he and Sansha were able to get five,"

"You're injured again," Butterfly looked at Zhang Yu's hanging arm, which again had blood stains on it.

"It's okay, it's just a scratch from the bullet. I'll just apply some medicine for a while." Zhang Yu didn't care: "Brother Feng said when will he be back?"

"Probably going back,"

"Okay," Zhang Yu nodded and walked to the door: "Come here, tell me to go down and have a celebration banquet."

"Yes, General,"

Two hours later, Xiao Feng and Sansha drove back. The only difference from when they left was that there were bloodstains on both of them and all the US dollars in the back seat were gone.

The sound of brakes sounded, Xiao Feng and Sansha jumped out of the car, Zhang Yu quickly came out: "Brother Feng, you are back,"

"Well, I've got the news. Your side has won a big victory." Xiao Feng smiled and glanced at his injured arm: "This arm follows you, but it has suffered a lot. It has been injured all day long."

"Hey," Zhang Yu grinned: "Brother Feng, I have already prepared a celebration banquet. Let's eat first."

"Okay, I'll go back and change clothes," Xiao Feng nodded, turned around and walked to his room.

After changing their clothes, Xiao Feng and Sansha appeared again. When they came to the banquet, they found that General Kata was also there, listening to what Zhang Yu said with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Xiao," General Kata was sitting in a wheelchair. When he saw Xiao Feng coming in, he greeted with a smile.

"General Kata, how is your injury?" Xiao Feng looked at General Kata and asked.

"Haha, I'm recovering well, especially after taking the medicine Ayu gave me. I feel like I can stand up in less than a month,"

"That's good," Xiao Feng nodded.

The protagonist arrived and the celebration banquet started. Almost all the important people came to participate, such as Yun Tingfei, Artest, Six Pointed Star, Sun Ya and so on...

During the banquet, everyone was curious about how Xiao Feng defeated the five generals. Xiao Feng said a few words casually without explaining too much.

After finishing the meal, Xiao Feng called Zhang Yu into the room alone: ​​"Ayu, starting from tomorrow, we don't have to do anything. News will come out one after another. We can just wait and see what happens."


"Haha, go back and get some medicine, and go to sleep with the butterfly in your arms as soon as possible," Xiao Feng saw that it was getting late and patted Zhang Yu on the shoulder.

"Alas, I never succeeded," Zhang Yu said with a helpless smile.

"..." Xiao Feng was speechless: "You have never succeeded. Damn it, don't say that he is my Xiao Feng's brother. It's so embarrassing."

"I have tried all my methods to pick up girls in the past, but they are of no use. Damn it, if I hadn't been able to beat her, I would have had to push her over."

"Haha, let's cook it slowly. I can see that Butterfly has feelings for you. It's not too late for good food," Xiao Feng stopped making jokes about brothers and comforted him.

Zhang Yu nodded: "Well, then I'll go back to the room,"

"Go," Xiao Feng sent Zhang Yu out. As soon as he closed the door, he seemed to realize something. He turned around suddenly. When he saw the people in the room clearly, he rolled his eyes: "Sansha, you can't leave even if you have the door." ,Why go out the window?"

Sansha sat on the sofa, looked at Xiao Feng, and said nothing.

Xiao Feng was a little fussy at being looked at by the Three Killers. It was so late at night, and you had to be fussy when such a man wearing a devil mask looked at you.

"Hey, Sansha, you don't have any special hobbies, right? I'm telling you, I only like women, so don't try to mess with me," Xiao Feng couldn't help but say.

"..." Sansha's indifferent eyes finally changed, "You think too much, I'm here to challenge you,"

"Challenge me," Xiao Feng was startled: "Sansha, there's nothing wrong with you. You've been tired for a day. Go back and wash up and sleep."

"No," Sansha shook his head, his hoarse voice very serious.

"..." Xiao Feng was speechless: "It's so late at night, what a challenge. If you want to be tortured, how about we fight again tomorrow?"


"Damn, you just want to be beaten at night, right? OK, I will accept it," Xiao Feng was also angry. Why, he still treated me as a soft persimmon.

"Let's go," Sansha uttered one word, opened the window, and jumped out.

"I'm paralyzed. I don't know who I learned it from. If there is a door, don't use the window." Xiao Feng rolled his eyes again, opened the door, and pursued three kills.

The three kills were carried out very quickly. Under the moonlight, there was only an afterimage left, which was difficult for ordinary people to detect with the naked eye.

"Well, what ran over just now," Patrol A asked.

Patrolman B shook his head: "Nothing, you are hallucinating,"

"No," Patrolman A had just finished speaking when another black shadow flashed past and quickly disappeared from sight, "No, it's not an illusion."

"I didn't see it, I just felt a cold wind blowing over,"

"You must be short-sighted,"

"A little bit, but not serious..."

"..." Patrolman A said nothing and continued patrolling.

Sansha and Xiao Feng, one after the other, like two rapid meteors, left the base camp in a blink of an eye and headed straight for a nearby barren mountain.

"This is it," Sansha stopped and stood on the top of the mountain. The moonlight stretched his shadow.

The next second, Xiao Feng also appeared on the top of the mountain. He looked around and smiled playfully: "Sansha, are you afraid that others will see you when I beat you in such a remote place?"

Sansha didn't speak, his gray eyes stared at Xiao Feng, and a monstrous fighting spirit rose up, seemingly expanding infinitely, covering the entire mountain top.

"Scare me," Xiao Feng raised the corner of his mouth, and his fighting spirit also rose, entangled with Sansha's fighting spirit.

For a moment, the sounds of various insects and birds came from the top of the mountain. They were all frightened by the two men's fierce fighting spirit. They hid and flew away...

"Sansha, how do you want to fight," Xiao Feng finally put away his cynical smile and looked directly into Sansha's eyes.

"That's it," Sansha finished his words, and his body suddenly disappeared on the spot. The next second, the fierce fist wind went straight to Xiao Feng's face.

Xiao Feng did not dare to be careless. Even now, when facing three kills, he still did not dare to say who would lose and who would win.

You will know everything after fighting.

"Bang", Xiao Feng used his second strength to collide with Sansha's fist. Neither of them retreated. They just clashed for more than ten times in a row before finally separating.

"Continue," the combat effectiveness of the three kills continued to soar, and the same was true for Xiao Feng, with a sudden burst of triple strength.

On the top of the mountain, the two of them were going back and forth, and it could be said that no one could do anything to the other in a short period of time.

"Stop," Xiao Feng launched a bridge-breaking hand and retreated violently.


"If we fight back and forth, we won't get any luck," Xiao Feng stared at the three kills.

"What kind of lottery do you want?"

"If I win, how about you take off the mask and let me take a look?" When Xiao Feng saw the first of the three kills, he wanted to take off his mask. Unfortunately, he would not have the strength. Now he has the strength. , he naturally changed his mind again.


"Then I won't fight,"


"Three kills, I'm really curious,"

"Aren't you curious about Wuming?"

"Well, I'm not curious, we've known each other since we were kids," Xiao Feng shook his head.

"Come on, if you have the ability, just take it off," Sansha finally relented.

Xiao Feng was excited: "Okay, I'm here," after saying that, the heavy hands of the eighteen moves began to be used in turn. He also wanted to become stronger in this battle.

‘Bang, bang, bang’, three strikes in a row, Xiao Feng and Sansha each took two steps back, causing a surge of energy and blood.

"Three kills. It seems that if I don't use the fourth level of strength, we can't tell the winner." Xiao Feng clenched his fists and became a little fierce.

"You can give it a try," Sansha stared at Xiao Feng. He was also looking forward to the power of the fourth level, even if it hurt himself.

"Okay, let me give it a try," Xiao Feng shouted, without thinking, he rushed towards the three kills again.

Because in a real battle between the two sides, the opponent will not give him time to brew. What Xiao Feng has to do now is to try to use the fourth level of strength in the battle, so that he can truly become his own trump card instead of a useless existence.

While Xiao Feng was fighting the three kills, he was brewing the fourth level of energy. The inner energy traveled along the meridians and began to gather slowly. Some meridians also began to swell, and the bursting pain reappeared.

"Fourth strength," Xiao Feng roared, and the fourth strength exploded, shrouding the three kills and blocking all their escape routes.

‘Boom’, Sansha’s body shook, his throat felt sweet, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Naturally, Xiao Feng would not let go of this opportunity to take off the mask. He shook his hand and threw a Shunwan Pill into his mouth, and then used his right hand to claw at the demon mask of Sansha.

This chapter has been completed!
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