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Chapter 630: Hussein's Achievements

With Xiaodao and the others in a trembling state of mind, they followed Xiao Feng to the entrance of East No. 3, hoping to meet this man who could not even afford to offend the mighty Master Xiao!

"Damn, there are too many people!" Xiao Feng looked at the dark heads and felt a headache. Where can he find Hussein?

Xiaodao and others were also looking around, they all wanted to see what Xiao Feng said he couldn't offend, but once he was offended, he would make this place a river of blood, and this ruthless man with corpses everywhere looked like a god!

"Brother Feng, here it is!" Suddenly, a shout came.

Xiao Feng turned around and looked around, then smiled: "Over there, let's go there!"

"Okay!" Xiaodao and the others nodded hurriedly, for fear of neglecting this super ruthless person!

"Haha, my friend, did you miss me?" As soon as he arrived, Hussein opened his arms with a smile on his face.

Xiao Feng stared at Hussein, but with the corner of his eye, he glanced around, because there were many burly men standing around, and they must have been brought by him. There were no fewer than fifty!

"Haha, Hussein, I miss you so much!" Xiao Feng suppressed his thoughts, opened his arms and gave Hussein a bear hug.

"If I had known you missed me so much, I would have come a long time ago." Hussein grinned, with a sincere smile on his face that clearly had Middle Eastern characteristics.

"I hope you will come by yourself. Why did you bring so many people?" Xiao Feng pointed to the people around him.

"They are responsible for protecting my safety." Hussein smiled: "Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no other intentions."

"Hey, let's go inside and talk about it later!"


Xiaodao and others stood nearby, looking at Hussein carefully. Is this young man with a Middle Eastern face a ruthless person that even Brother Feng can't offend? Apart from being good-looking, he doesn't seem to have any other attributes.

! Could it be that he is the prince of a certain oil country in the Middle East?

"Brother Feng, why are they staring at me all the time?" Hussein's intuition was very keen, and he quickly noticed the gazes of Xiaodao and others.

"Oh, they prefer handsome guys from the Middle East." Xiao Feng said casually: "Come on, let's go in."

"..." Hussein felt a little cold and tried to stay away from Xiaodao and the others: "I don't like men."

Xiaodao and the others were also speechless. Damn it, they don’t like men either, right?! However, they didn’t dare to say anything. Brother Feng couldn’t afford to offend him, so what the heck, they couldn’t even afford to offend him!

When the group returned inside, Xiao Feng turned to Xiaodao and said, "Find a place to arrange for these friends to rest. Be sure to treat them well and don't be rude."

"Yes, Brother Feng."

"You guys go and have a rest. Brother Feng is here and my safety is not a problem." Hussein said to a large number of his men.


Xiao Dao led the people away. Xiao Feng took out his cigarette and threw one to Hussein: "What are you doing in China this time?"

"I just missed you and came to see you."

"Stop talking nonsense to me, what are you here for? You want to see me, why did you bring so many people here?" Xiao Feng asked seriously.

Hussein did not speak, but looked at Xiao Feng's left hand. When he saw a ring on his finger, he smiled: "Have you always worn this ring?"

"Of course, you gave this to me to witness our brotherhood." Xiao Feng nodded, but murmured in his heart that if he hadn't attended the final ceremony of Shenma today and felt that his hands were too monotonous, he wouldn't have worn it.

Woolen cloth!

However, he obviously would not tell Hussein this. This is too hurtful! The main thing is that it is not that he does not value this relationship, but that he usually does not like to wear rings on his hands.

What ring can't be broken by hitting the rocks?

Hussein was not a mind reader, so he naturally believed Xiao Feng's words, and the smile on his face grew wider: "Well, actually, I came out this time to seek refuge."

"Escape?" Xiao Feng was stunned. Hussein's identity was unusual. He actually came out to seek refuge? "Is it the same thing as last time? Hasn't it been resolved?"

"There are a lot of messy things, and now conflicts have broken out! In addition to taking refuge, I also want to prove that I will be an excellent successor!"

"Uh, how do you prove it?" Xiao Feng's heart twitched. Terrorists want to prove their awesomeness. Usually...

"Come out and do some 'performance', haha."

"What you call performance means..."

"Carry out more terrorist activities, preferably ones that can shock the world!" After Hussein finished speaking, he added: "Actually, you know me, I hate terrorist activities and I hate terrorists! Use Huaxia

To put it in a word, I am in a world where I can’t help myself!”

"..." Xiao Feng was speechless, his guess came true!

"Haha, my friend, why don't you speak?"

"Damn it, you want performance, why did you come to China?" Xiao Feng was a little excited: "You have nothing to do. If you want performance, you can go to Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom..."

"Just not in China?"

"of course!"

"Well, I have no intention of launching terrorist activities in China. I am full of feelings for this mysterious country in China. This is my second motherland."

Xiao Feng nodded: "That's right!"

"I haven't chosen a place yet, so I don't want to come here to see you and ask you about your recent activities and whether you want to go to Japan! It's a pleasure to do things with you!"

When Xiao Feng heard this, he was happy. Isn't this a free thug coming to his door? "Hey, don't tell me, I'm going to Europe soon."

"Going to Europe? Why?"

"Let's play, do you want to go?"

"Going to Europe? It's a bit far."

"Nonsense, how far is it? If you want to achieve great results, you have to go to Europe! The Japanese country has already done a lot of trouble last time, and there is not much point in doing it again. When they get it done again, we will go to do it again!


"Yes." Hussein nodded.

"Hussein, you came at the right time, good brother!" Xiao Feng patted Hussein on the shoulder, "When the time comes, we two brothers will go to Europe to cause trouble together!"

"Well, I don't care."

Xiao Feng grinned. No matter where they go, Hussein and his group are definitely a terrifying force! When the time comes, they will face the king, hehe...

"Brother Feng, then I will stay in Jiuquan first?"

"No problem, I'll cover all the food, drinks, and fun, so you can just live here! Of course, you can just go and have fun, and don't do any 'performance'. This is my base camp!"

"Will not."

"When I finish taking care of the things at hand, we'll go to Europe!"

"Okay, I hope it won't take too long."

"Will not."

While the two were talking, Xiao Dao came in from outside: "Brother Feng, Director Huang is here."

"Oh? Invite him in."


Soon, Huang Wei came in from the outside: "Haha, Xiao Feng, it's so lively outside, why are you hiding here?"

"It's such a cold day, why are you standing here and freezing? Why are you here?"

"The second master called me and said that there would be a lot of people here today, and he wanted the officials to send someone to maintain order. I thought I was fine, so I came to take a look." Huang Wei said, turning his eyes to Hussein:

"Who is this?"

"This is Hussein, from the Middle East, and he is also my brother." Xiao Feng introduced: "Hussein, this is Huang Wei, the director of the Jiuquan City Public Security Bureau."

"Hello, Director Huang." Hussein stood up and said in fluent Mandarin.

"Hello." Huang Wei shook hands with Hussein and raised his brows slightly.

Huang Wei once served in Langya, and intuitively, he felt that Hussein was not an ordinary person. After shaking hands again, he was even more sure, because Hussein had calluses on his hands, which were worn out by playing with guns for a long time!

But think about it, how can the person who Xiao Feng calls his brother be an ordinary person? Thinking about this person coming from the Middle East, Huang Wei muttered in his heart, he couldn't be a terrorist, right?

How could Huang Wei have imagined that a random thought he had would turn out to be true! Hussein is not only a terrorist, but also has a huge background!

The three people were chatting in the room, and the atmosphere outside was also heated! With the input of a large number of police, the order at the scene was finally stabilized. Although it was noisy, at least it was guaranteed that there would be no bad incidents!

According to Huang Wei, he diverted thousands of police forces today. Except for those who had to stay behind, he took almost all the police forces to come here. He must ensure the order and safety here!

Today, the film and television city has been completely occupied by snowflakes! There are also fan club representatives who have flown thousands of miles from other places to pull up banners with words such as "Goddess Murong, we love you", "Guangdong

State fan groups support the goddess' and more...

The outside was occupied by fans, and in the middle were a large number of police and staff from Southeast Film and Television City, that is, the elites of Tianmen and Feng! They all wore suits and work cards, forming a human wall and trying to maintain order.

In the innermost part, which is the filming set of "The Age of Passage", big names gathered, and many stars came to support it. This can also be regarded as building momentum for goddess Murong's maiden film!

Many well-known film critics, directors, screenwriters, etc. also came. This kind of enthusiastic scene made them feel the influence of the goddess and full of expectations for the box office of this movie. It will definitely create a Chinese miracle.

Maybe even a wonder of the world!

Wu Zhenyan is very busy, and Xiao Wu is also very busy! He was originally just a little-known online writer, but now he has become a domestic gold medal screenwriter because of this unreleased movie!

Although no one has seen the script of the movie, being chosen by Starlight Entertainment to write the script for the goddess himself is enough to affirm his strength!

Many companies have extended an olive branch to him, hoping that he can write scripts, but he has rejected them all. He said that he has signed a contract with Starlight Entertainment and will be the official screenwriter of Starlight Entertainment in the future, and will not take any outside work!

Several veteran domestic screenwriters approached him, hoping that he could join their studio, etc., but he immediately shut up those screenwriters with just one sentence: "You can go to Xiao Feng to discuss it. If he agrees, I will

No objection."

"Hey, there are so many beauties, but it's a pity that we can only watch them, not eat them!" Xiao Wu finished dealing with the bosses and screenwriters, and then hid aside, staring at some female celebrities and making comments from time to time, "This girl's butt is

It's too big, this girl's breasts are already sagging...

This chapter has been completed!
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