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Chapter 639 Cherry Blossoms Falling Thousands of Miles

Kyushu, Kagoshima, Sakurajima, a secluded place surrounded by mountains and rivers!

"Senior sister, when you meet Master later, you must not say more about your relationship with that Chinese man, otherwise the consequences will be very serious." The off-road vehicle slowed down, and Sheng Nai turned his head and looked at the stunning Cang Cang, who was dressed in kimono.

Jing Kaoru.

Aoi Kaoru looked at the scenery outside the car window. She hadn't been back for a long time, but it hadn't changed much. The cherry blossom trees all over the mountains and plains, when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, are really beautiful and can make people drunk.

"Senior sister, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so bad?" Seeing that Aoi Kaoru didn't speak, Seina asked worriedly.

"I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling..." Kaoru Aoi shook his head gently, placing his slender white palm on his heart: "The heart is beating very fast, as if something bad has happened."

"Heartbeating fast? Is it because I am worried about seeing Master soon?" Sheng Nai was confused, and then comforted him and said: "Senior sister, Master loves you the most. She is just angry and will not do anything to you. You

No need to worry too much.”

"No, it's not because of this." Aoi Kaoru's originally fair face looked a little pale, and her heart was throbbing. This situation rarely happened to her, but every time it happened, something big would definitely happen!

A woman's sixth sense is sometimes ridiculously accurate, and as Kaoru Aoi, the legendary female killer of the Japanese nation, Huayi, her sixth sense is even more powerful and she can often foresee something!

"Then what happened?" Sheng Nai stopped the car and asked with concern.

"I don't know, let's go in first." Aoi Kaoru shook his head and opened the car door: "No matter what, we have to see Master."

"Yes." Sheng Nai nodded: "I will help you."

Aoi Kaoru got out of the car, and her loose kimono was blown by the cold wind, giving her a strange sense of beauty! She looked at the building in the bamboo forest not far away, took a deep breath, and suppressed the throbbing in her heart: "

Let’s go there!”

"Okay!" Seina nodded and followed Kaoru Aoi into the bamboo forest.

"Junior sister, you're back." As Kaoru Aoi approached the building, the door opened, and a woman in her thirties or forties appeared. She looked pretty good, but her face was as cold as a thousand years of ice.

"Senior sister," Kaoru Aoi nodded to this woman: "I'm back."

"Senior Sister." Sheng Nai also said hello, and then looked at the cars next to her: "Are there any more guests?"

"Well, come in." The senior sister nodded. Even when facing her two junior sisters, her expression did not soften and she turned around and entered.

Aoi Kaoru and Seina looked at each other and shook their heads. The senior sister was like this. She seemed to be cold to everyone except her master. They were used to it.

"Seina, do people come here often lately?" Kaoru Aoi asked softly.

Sheng Nai nodded: "Well, since master brought us back, many people from martial arts sects have been coming here."

"What are you doing here?"

"Some want to ask Master to come out to take charge of the overall situation, some are here for Bailiu Order, and..."

"what else?"

"There are still several sects who have sent people to propose marriage and want to marry with our sect, and the target of the marriage is..."

Aoi Kaoru's delicate body trembled slightly, and the feeling of heart palpitations became even worse: "I know."

After passing several long corridors and arriving at the innermost building, Aoi Kaoru met her master whom she had not seen for many days and was also a legendary figure of the older generation of Japanese martial arts - Senri!

The cherry blossoms fall thousands of miles, and the murderer leaves no trace. A few decades ago, this saying was widely circulated. Even people in Japanese martial arts knew that there was such a female legend!

Even Murato Tenmasa, who is praised as one of the three legendary figures of martial arts, once publicly praised this female legend, saying that if she were to fight against her, she would not be sure who would win or lose!

Decades of ruthless years have passed, and the beauty back then has gradually aged. However, from the outside, Qianli is only about fifty years old, but her actual age is over seventy-five!

At this time, Chisato, who was wearing a kimono, was sitting on a chair, and opposite her, there were several people sitting, old and young, who seemed to be visiting guests.

"You're back." Qianli heard the footsteps, raised his head, and glanced at Kaoru Aoi, his voice was calm, but there was a coldness in it.

"Master." Aoi Kaoru gave Qianli a master's salute: "I'm back."

"Go and stand by the side first, and then I'll talk to you after I finish entertaining the guests." After Qianli finished speaking, he looked away.

"Yes." Aoi Kaoru nodded respectfully and stood beside the senior sister and Seina.

"Master Qianli, is this the now famous Huayi?" An old man looked at Kaoru Aoi and asked with a smile.

"Well, she is my second apprentice, Kaoru Aoi." Qianli nodded.

"Senior Qianli, I hope you will agree to my request." Among the guests opposite, a young man in luxurious clothes looked at Qianli expectantly.

When Aoi Kaoru came in, he was stunned. How could there be such a wonderful person in Japan? He even suffocated for a second!

"Young Master Watanabe, to tell you the truth, many people from martial arts sects have come here recently, and they all want to marry with our sect. I did not refuse, but I also did not agree..." Qianli pondered for a moment,

Speak slowly.

"Oh? A lot of people? Huh, senior Qianli, how can they compare with me, Jun Watanabe?" A look of arrogance appeared on the face of the noble young man: "Our Watanabe clan has a martial arts sect, and there is Watanabe in the world.

This family is one of the most powerful forces in the entire Japanese country!"

"The day before yesterday, people from the Mitsui family came here. Three days ago, people from the Koizumi family also came here. In addition, people from Hatoyama, Aso and other sects have also been here." Qianli said calmly.

The face of the gorgeous young man changed slightly, because what Qianli said was not weaker than the Watanabe clan! Could it be that they were all eyeing Kaoru Aoi?

Originally, Jun Watanabe was not very interested in marrying the Senri clan, but when he heard that the legendary Hanayi also came from the Senri clan, he followed the family members and rushed over to see if Hanayi was really as good as the legend.


At just one glance, Watanabe Jun was fascinated by Aoi Kaoru's stunning charm. He decided that he must get this girl into bed! Getting into bed is not just a matter of getting him into bed, he has to do it for the rest of his life!

Therefore, he, who had never been interested in marriage, took the initiative to speak to Qianli. But he never thought that Qianli would bring out people from several other factions, which made him secretly annoyed.

"This time, something big happened in the Japanese martial arts. Many people who had been hiding from the world have come out! Marriage is only part of it. As a member of the martial arts, I must do something for the Japanese martial arts." Qianli Sao

He glanced at Jun Watanabe and said slowly.

"Master Qianli, given your status in the martial arts, even those big sects and powerful forces won't say anything to whom you promise to be your apprentice!" The old man spoke again.

"Let's discuss this matter later! I already have a rough idea of ​​what to do in my mind!" Qianli shook his head, "The most urgent task is to find out who killed Muratao-kun in China.


"We have been investigating, and the Bailiu Order has been issued, and many older generations have been summoned. Maybe this will be the biggest event in the Japanese country in a hundred years." The old man nodded.

"Well, today's martial arts has shown a situation of decline, we can't ignore it! China's ancient martial arts is an example!"

"China's ancient martial arts have declined, and we should really be vigilant." The old man nodded with deep understanding.

"In addition to China's ancient martial arts, some ancient things in the West are also facing embarrassing situations. Alas, this is a worldwide loss..." Qianli sighed and shook his head.

Junmi Watanabe got a little impatient when Senri kept talking about martial arts and ancient martial arts. He came here not to listen to her talk about this stuff, but because he wanted to marry Kaoru Aoi!

"Senior Qianli, I wonder if I can ask Huayi to show me around here?" Watanabe Jun rolled his eyes and had an idea.

Qianli looked at Jun Watanabe, then at Kaoru Aoi, and nodded: "Yes, okay."

"Master, I just came back and I'm tired." Kaoru Aoi simply refused. Her heart palpitations became even more severe. Could something big really happen?

"Nonsense, you take Young Master Watanabe around, don't neglect me." Qianli slapped the table and said angrily.

"Senior sister, just take him around as he pleases. Don't make our master angry. It's not that you don't know that master wants to save face. If you refuse in front of outsiders, she will be even more angry." Sheng Nai's heart skipped a beat.

Busy whispered to persuade.

Kaoru Aoi looked at Qianli, who had an ugly face, and nodded: "Yes, Master."

"Haha, let's go then." Watanabe Jun couldn't help being happy when he saw Aoi Kaoru agreed: "Sister Huayi, I've heard about you for a long time..."

"Please stay away from me." After finishing speaking, Aoi Kaoru turned around and walked outside.

"Uh." The smile on Jun Watanabe's face froze, and he cursed in his heart, sooner or later, you will be lying on my bed!

After Kaoru Aoi and Jun Watanabe left, the old man looked at Qianli and said, "I heard that Huayi was always in China?"

"Yeah." Many people at the martial arts level knew about this matter, and Qianli couldn't hide it, so he simply admitted it.

"I heard that she was with a Chinese man..."

"I can handle this matter, so I won't bother the Watanabe clan to worry about it." Qianli said coldly before the old man finished speaking.

"Hehe, hehe." The old man smiled awkwardly, nodded, and said nothing more.

Outside, Kaoru Aoi was walking in front. She was in a bad mood and was too lazy to talk to Jun Watanabe, let alone say a word to him.

Watanabe Jun followed Kaoru Aoi and glanced at her back. A certain thought in his heart was even worse. She was a top-notch woman and she must win her!

"Could it be that something happened to Ah Feng?" After leaving the bamboo forest, Aoi Kaoru suddenly thought of something and stopped.

Thinking of this, Kaoru Aoi didn't hesitate anymore, took out the satellite phone and quickly dialed the number. After a few beeps, the phone was answered: "Hello?"

"Lin Lin, what happened?" Listening to Lin Lin's voice that was obviously crying, Aoi Kaoru's heart trembled, something really happened over there?!

"Oh, Sister Xun'er, Brother Feng was shot and is being rescued in the operating room."

"Shooting?" Kaoru Aoi's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly asked: "What is the specific situation?"

"The bullet hit his heart, wuwu..."

Aoi Kaoru felt a 'bang' in her head, her vision went dark, and her body became unstable: "Heart, it hit the heart..."

"Well, Sister Xun'er, when will you come back? I'm worried..."

"Wait for me, I'll fly back right away!" Kaoru Aoi said, hung up the phone, staggered, turned and walked towards the bamboo forest.

This chapter has been completed!
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