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Chapter 696: Going to the Women's Prison

Although Xiao Feng asked Lin Lin to lie down for a while, she got up quickly, opened her suitcase, and helped him pick out the clothes to wear today, just like a virtuous little daughter-in-law~

"Why don't you sleep more?" Xiao Feng hugged Lin Lin and asked full of love.

"Haha, I'm going to make breakfast with my mom."

"Mom? Hehe, my baby's screams are getting smoother and smoother~" Xiao Feng grinned and scratched Lin Lin's nose.

"You, don't laugh at me..." Lin Lin's face was so shameless that she couldn't bear this. She became extremely red with just one sentence.

"Okay, then I won't say it!" Xiao Feng was even more affectionate: "You don't need to have breakfast. There are chefs and nannies, and they can take care of it."

"Then I have to get up. It's my first day here, so how can I sleep in?" Lin Lin whispered.

Xiao Feng suddenly said: "Ah, it turns out that the little daughter-in-law has to pretend to be afraid of leaving a bad impression on her mother-in-law, hahaha..."

"No, I'm not lazy at all, okay?" Lin Lin argued.

"That's right, my Lin Lin is not lazy, but very diligent! Okay, now that we're all up, let's wash up and have breakfast together." Xiao Feng put his arms around Lin Lin's shoulders and kissed her hard on her face that could be broken by blows.

A kiss.

After washing and getting dressed, the two came out of the room. Lin Lin went to help, while Xiao Feng went out for a run, which was considered exercise.

As soon as he came back, Lin Lin pushed him to wash his hands: "Hurry up, I'm waiting for you to have breakfast."

"Okay, okay, Ayun and Xiaoyue are both up? Don't young people nowadays like to sleep in?" Xiao Feng was a little curious.

"Hmph, you sound like you are seventy or eighty years old. Aren't you a young person?"

"Haha, yes, I am a young man. If I am seventy or eighty years old, I will not be able to take care of my girl at night, right?" Xiao Feng said with a shy face and a rippling smile.

"Fuck you, you haven't said anything serious all day..." After all, after Xiao Feng's development, Lin Lin was not a little girl who didn't understand anything, so she naturally understood what he meant.

"Hey, let me say something serious." Xiao Feng said at the end, his face already full of seriousness.

"What?" Lin Lin was stunned by Xiao Feng's serious expression: "Say it."

"The serious thing is - let's go have breakfast." After Xiao Feng finished speaking, he couldn't help but laugh.

"You... bully people!"

"I don't have any. Isn't it improper to have breakfast? We are made of iron. If we don't eat breakfast, how can we have the energy to do things in the morning?" Xiao Feng stopped teasing Lin Lin, put his arm around her shoulders, and walked towards the dining table.

When he came to the dining table, Xiao Feng grinned, "Isn't that right? The whole family is waiting for him!"

"Grandpa, dad, mom, good morning!" Xiao Feng greeted: "Haha, today's breakfast is so rich!"

"Haha, sit down and eat." Mr. Xiao smiled. The family was reunited. He had a rare and sweet sleep last night.

"Okay." Xiao Feng sat down, held the porridge in front of him, and took a sip: "Yes, as soon as I took a bite, I knew it was the craftsmanship of my Lin Lin, right?"

"Oh, you only have sister-in-law in your eyes? Come, try the omelette I made." Xiao Yue obviously wanted to perform well, and her life-long events depended entirely on her eldest brother!

Xiao Feng nodded, took a bite of the omelette, and gave a thumbs up to praise: "Well, Xiaoyue's omelette is also very good!"

"Haha." Xiao Yue smiled happily.

Perhaps for ordinary people, it is very common for the whole family to gather together to have breakfast, but for people from these big families, it is very rare!

So, everyone was chatting and laughing, enjoying the breakfast, and to hell with anything else they ate!

After eating, Xiao Feng and Xiao Yun left the Xiao family, and the Flame Girl also came back. This morning, Xiao Yue and Lin Lin were going shopping, and as a personal bodyguard, she naturally had to follow them.

Today’s car is not the Audi q7 driven by Xiao Feng, but a customized Land Rover built by Xiao Yun. It is bigger and more domineering than an ordinary Land Rover!

Xiao Feng sat in the passenger seat, holding a cigarette in his right hand, looking at the interior of the car: "The car is pretty good, is it bulletproof?"

"Well, even sniper rifles can prevent it." Xiao Yun nodded and sniffed: "Brother, give me a cigarette."

"Little brat, why are you smoking!" Xiao Feng refused: "I wonder if smoking will affect the development of the penis?"

"..." Xiao Yun's hand holding the steering wheel shook and he almost hit the trees on both sides of the road.

After stabilizing the car, Xiao Yun showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Brother, I'm an adult, okay? It won't affect my development, okay? Besides, who said smoking affects that development?"

"That's what I said!"

"..." Xiao Yun looked at his brother. Why didn't he find him so weird when he was 'against' him before?

"How far is it to Fortune Plaza?"

"Another half hour."

"Oh." Xiao Feng nodded, took out his mobile phone, and called Zhang Yu: "Hey, Xiao Yuzi, we will be there in half an hour, where are you?"

"I'm on my way too. I should arrive earlier than you."

"Okay, let's meet at Fortune Plaza." Xiao Feng hung up the phone, and then looked at Xiao Yun: "While I have nothing to do now, I will tell you the ancient martial art."

"Okay!" Xiao Yun became excited when he heard this.

Xiao Feng explained the ancient martial arts method again, and then said: "If you start practicing and you don't understand anything, please call me anytime and ask me!"

Although Xiao Feng himself is considered a layman, he still knows a little bit, so there is no problem in teaching a newbie like Xiao Yun!

"So many acupuncture points? Don't we have to go back and memorize the acupoints and meridians?"

"Of course, I've already sent it to your email. Just wait for you to read it yourself." Xiao Feng edited the email with his thoughts and sent it. After all, it's hard to remember if you say it in a hurry.

"Okay." Xiao Yun nodded, but kept repeating it.

"Hey, stop carrying it now, drive well and don't hit other people's cars!" Xiao Feng reminded.

"It's okay if we get hit. Our car is not afraid of collision." Xiao Yun replied calmly, leaving Xiao Feng speechless. Damn it, you are not afraid of collision, but others are!

Although my younger brother does not have much of the dandyism of children from aristocratic families, in the final analysis, their childhood environment and education still influenced them!

In their eyes, hitting someone is nothing. If they are killed, they will pay some money to pull them over. As for if they are not killed, then they are unlucky. Who asked him to drive on the road now?

I have to say that the values ​​​​of these children of aristocratic families are still different from those of ordinary people. We cannot say that they are wrong. We can only say that the two sides are not on the same level and their values ​​​​have been distorted!

When they arrived at Fortune Plaza, they saw the Audi Q7 driven by Zhang Yu and others parked on the side of the road. Xiao Yun honked the horn and then slowly stopped.

"Hey, this car is nice. Can you let me drive it for a few days?" Zhang Yu likes to play with cars. When he saw this privately customized Land Rover, he naturally became interested.

"No problem." Xiao Yun is very generous. He knows the feelings between his brother and Zhang Yu and others, and he also likes Zhang Yu's temper.

Seeing that Xiao Yun agreed, Zhang Yu said nothing more and looked at Xiao Feng: "Brother Feng, should we go directly to the women's prison?"

"Well, I've already made a call. Just go there." Xiao Feng nodded: "You guys just follow the Land Rover."

"Okay, let's go." Zhang Yu returned to the car, started it, and followed the Land Rover.

Yindu Women's Prison is located in the western suburbs of Yindu, about a two-hour drive from the city center! As the only women's prison in the province, it houses various female criminals who have violated the law across the province!

In the whole prison, there are murderers, economic criminals, thieves... As for whether there are rapists, haha, Xiao Feng doesn't know. It seems that there is no law in the country that protects men's 'chastity' rights.


Today, what Xiao Feng is going to find in prison is naturally not the prisoners with fixed-term sentences, but the real serious prisoners - life-term or death row prisoners!

This is not the first time Xiao Feng has come to the prison to find people, but most of the ones he went to were men's prisons. He would select some 'outstanding' people and let them join Sha Feng...

A large part of the new blood of Evil Wind comes from these death row inmates who have been deprived of their rights and are waiting to die in prison!

For example, Kuang Zhan was brought out of a provincial prison by Kuang Zhan, and Kuang Zhan's performance also did not disappoint him!

Today's crazy war-loving man is war-loving, and he was the same in the past!

At the beginning, this now evil No. 2 caused quite a stir in the local area. He killed all seven members of his family by himself, leaving only one child!

Xiao Feng looked at Kuangzhan's files and felt that this man had very good psychological quality and abilities. After killing seven people, he calmly destroyed the corpses, wiped out traces, and then left. If it weren't for a little accident, he would have escaped long ago!

Xiao Feng doesn't mind whether these prisoners are extremely vicious or not. Even the most vicious criminals will be docilely dealt with by Wu Ming when they get to Sha Feng!

Therefore, when Xiao Feng met Kuang Zhan by name, the first thing he asked was: "Since you have killed seven people, why did you leave a child behind?"

At that time, Kuangzhan only replied with six words: "The child is innocent."

Xiao Feng nodded with satisfaction, then asked him if he was willing to leave with him, and explained what he might have to face next - cruel training and death!

Most prisoners will choose to leave. If they stay in prison for no other reason, they will definitely die! As for getting out, there is a slim chance of survival!

Although what Xiao Feng said is scary, everyone still has a sense of luck. Maybe he is the one who survives?

The crazy fighting after being released from prison did not disappoint Xiao Feng. He quickly rose up in Sha Feng, stepping on the corpses of the same batch of prisoners along the way, killing everyone who stood in front of him, and became Sha Feng's No. 2!

Another example is Flame Girl, who was also brought out from the women's prison by Xiao Feng!

What impressed Xiao Feng deeply was that when he saw Flame Girl, she was being bullied by several female prisoners. Flame Girl resisted angrily, and her expression was even distorted, but she didn't shed a single tear!

Xiao Feng asked her why she didn't cry?

Flame Girl said: "Prison doesn't believe in tears!"

This chapter has been completed!
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