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Chapter 870: Chasing Butterfly

The butterfly is coming.

She came with Xiaoye. Although she didn't bring a knife, she was murderous. She drove a Jaguar sports car and rushed into the Luna Manor like two female leopards.

As soon as the two of them entered the Luna Manor, news came in. After receiving the news, Zhang Yu was so frightened that he ran away. He must not meet these two tigresses now!

The screeching sound of brakes sounded. Butterfly and Xiaoye got out of the car and walked towards the central villa: "Have you seen Zhang Yu?"

"No." The guard at the door of the villa shook his head when he saw the two men's menacing looks. The tigress is not easy to mess with!

"Let's go in first." Butterfly greeted and entered the villa with Xiaoye.

As soon as the two people entered, they saw Zhang Yu sneaking out like a thief. He ran to the door of the villa and asked the guard: "Hey, what did Butterfly say just now?"

"Brother Yu, my sister-in-law asked me if I saw you? Where did you go just now?"

"Ah, I went to the toilet, haha..." Zhang Yu forced a smile, it was really for him! Damn Xiao Feng, I was killed by you!

"Sister-in-law, I saw Brother Yu!" At this moment, the guard shouted at the top of his voice: "Brother Yu is back."

"Fuck you!" Zhang Yu was so frightened that he jumped up from the ground and hit the guard on the head with a bang: "If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute!"

"I..." The guard felt aggrieved. He didn't mean well. He just told Butterfly. Why did he get beaten?

Zhang Yu didn't bother to argue with the guard anymore, and Sayazi prepared to escape again, but it was too late. He saw a figure rushing out of the villa like a whirlwind.

"Where is Zhang Yu?!" It was Butterfly's voice, filled with suppressed anger.

"I, I'm here." Seeing that he couldn't run away, Zhang Yu could only shrug his head and pretend to be a good boy. However, he still took a peek and saw that Butterfly didn't have a knife in his hand, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second, Zhang Yu stared. Damn it, Butterfly waved his hand and revealed a butterfly knife. He flipped the blade dexterously in his hand, flashing with cold light.

"Damn it, I forgot that this girl is using a butterfly knife~" Zhang Yu cried and quickly raised his hands in surrender: "Butterfly, no, dear wife, don't listen to that guy Xiao Feng's nonsense, I was not on the plane at all


"Really?" Butterfly came to Zhang Yu with a cold face.

"Really, that happened a long time ago, and he brought it up again!" Zhang Yu nodded quickly, he had no choice but to hesitate now!

"Okay, have you really worked as a stewardess on a plane? Let me ask you, do you have one at home??" Butterfly stared at Xiao Feng, turning the butterfly knife in his hand.


"When you want it, can Xiaoye and I give it to you?"


"Do various postures satisfy you?"


"Then you're still looking outside?!" Butterfly said, swung the butterfly knife and went straight to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu hurriedly lowered his head and saw a few silver hairs falling down. He only felt that his scalp was cold. If he hid too late, he would have cut off his head. Damn it!

"Butterfly, listen to my explanation!"

"I won't listen to the explanation. I have to make your memory long today!" Butterfly said, launching another fierce attack.

"Ah, it's a murder, help me, you murdered your husband..." Zhang Yu couldn't stand there, he quickly rushed towards the villa, running and arranging at the same time.

After the two of them ran into the villa one after another, the guard rubbed his head and blinked: "What is going on? It seems that I really did something wrong!"

"Xiao Feng, please tell me something, I'm not hooking up outside!" Zhang Yu ran to the living room and looked at Xiao Feng who was sitting on the sofa, drinking tea leisurely, and his teeth itched with anger.

"What did you call me?" Xiao Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Brother Feng, no, you are my brother! Brother, I was wrong, I shouldn't slander you, you didn't sleep with the popular queen of Japan, okay? It was me, I slept with her..."

"What?! Zhang Yu, you actually slept with a Japanese girl? You finally admitted it!" Xiaoye, who was standing next to him, also got mad.

Zhang Yu was dumbfounded, and then he wanted to give himself a slap in the face for what he was talking nonsense! It would be okay if he fell asleep, but the key point is that he didn't fucking sleep!

But at this time, Xiao Feng got excited and said to Huo Wu and others: "Look, I just said that this kid is slandering me, right? He is obviously the one who is flirting with women outside, but he pushed me.

Did you spill the beans?"

"You... Xiao Feng, I, I want to break up with you!" Zhang Yu was about to cry.

Chased by Butterfly and Xiaoye, Zhang Yu finally had nowhere to escape and was blocked on the stairs. He looked at Butterfly, then at Xiaoye, gritted his teeth for the last time, and squatted on the ground with his head in his arms: "Don't run away, you guys."

If you want to be beaten, then beat, if you want to be castrated, then be castrated!"

Butterfly stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Yu's ears: "I'll deal with you when I get back!"

"Okay, okay." Zhang Yu nodded hurriedly, but murmured in his heart that when he gets back, he will throw you on the bed and see who can take care of whom!

The farce finally came to an end after Zhang Yu gave in.

They chatted until the evening, and no one left. They had dinner in the manor! Men and women gathered around a big table, which was quite lively.

After dinner, Zhang Yu took Butterfly and Xiaoye and left first. He has a long way to go tonight! He has to go back to accept punishment. As for who will punish whom in the end, it depends on each other's abilities!

Huo Tian and others sat for a while and then left. This little farewell was better than a wedding. Didn't Xiao Feng do something after being away for so many days?

Before leaving, Huo Tian and others all had evil smiles on their faces. They looked at Xiao Feng, then at the girls, and shook their heads. I hope Brother Feng won't die from exhaustion tonight!

Finally, everyone left, and those who stayed were the people living in the villa, namely Xiao Feng's women!

He was sitting on the sofa, looking at the people he had or had not yet had sex with, and he was also thinking about how he should sleep tonight.

When he was in Yindu, Xiao Feng's balls hurt because he held two beauties in his arms at night and couldn't watch or eat them! But now, he felt that his balls hurt even more. With so many beauties, who should he sleep with?

No, sleep together? But, in this case, can you still get up the next day?

"Let's go rest first." Long Sha and Xiao Feng have not yet punctured the last layer of window paper. No, the girls who have punctured the last layer of window film also noticed the difference in the atmosphere. Their pretty faces turned red and they stood up.

, and returned to the room as if escaping.

"You guys are chatting, and I'm going back to rest." As the oldest Xu Nuo, although she thought about it in her heart, she couldn't argue with her sisters, so she decided to leave too.

"Well, sister Xu Nuo, I still have something to talk to you about." Xiao Feng stopped Xu Nuo, took her hand, and then looked at the other girls: "Go back to your room first, I will talk to you later about something."


Hearing what Xiao Feng said, the girls all showed strange smiles and stopped staying. They all stood up and prepared to go back to the room.

"Go back and wash your hands, wait for me!" Xiao Feng smirked, picked up Xu Nuo, and walked quickly upstairs.

"Ah!" Xu Nuo was startled and quickly put her hands around Xiao Feng's neck, but she couldn't help but feel warm and moved in her heart. It had nothing to do with anything else, but she felt that this man was thinking of her!

Xiao Feng returned to the room with Xu Nuo in his arms and closed the door at will without locking the lock. He couldn't wait and threw her on the soft big bed: "Little Nono, why were you in such a hurry to go back to the room just now? Don't you miss me?"


"Little bad guy." Xu Nuo stood up and just looked at the man in front of him. Without doing anything, his body gradually started to react. It showed how much he missed that bone-eroding taste~

Xiao Feng looked at Xu Nuo, whose face was getting redder and redder, and her charming eyes as silk. He couldn't help it any longer, and pounced on her with all his teeth and claws. Soon, his clothes were thrown to the ground one by one...

"Ah~" The two twisting bodies finally came together, Xu Nuo made a seductive voice, and hugged his neck tightly with her arms.

"Have you missed him?" Xiao Feng did not move, but stared at the beauty beneath him.

"I think." Xunuo felt a little embarrassed when she saw Xiao Feng asking so nakedly, but she was a former woman, so she endured her shyness and nodded.

"Then tell me, what do you want me to do?" Xiao Feng continued to tease.

"I want you to be cruel..." Xu Nuo ran his fingers across Xiao Feng's back and mouthed the last two words.

"Hehe, then I did as you said!" Xiao Feng smirked, and then a seductive voice suddenly sounded, one voice louder than the other...

Time passed minute by minute, but the conquest on the bed did not stop. Xu Nuo was like an octopus, holding Xiao Feng's body, asking for it, humming...

I don’t know how long it took, and I don’t know how many times Xu Nuo flew into the clouds. Under a low roar, the room finally became quiet...

"You little rascal, you are becoming more and more capable..." Xu Nuo slumped on the bed, gasping: "Fortunately, I have enough sisters, otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to stand you."

"Hehe." Xiao Feng grinned. Any man would be happy from ear to ear when hearing such praise.

Xu Nuo turned over and rested her head on Xiao Feng's chest, listening to his strong heartbeat, bang bang bang...

"Xiao Nuonuo, after being in drought for so long, are you moisturizing enough this time?" Xiao Feng patted Xu Nuo's buttocks and asked with a smirk.

"Well~ you go find someone else, I'll take a rest." Xu Nuo nodded. She never concealed her inner desires in front of Xiao Feng.

"Okay." Xiao Feng sat up. This piece of land was moistened, but there were still several pieces of land that were dry! He knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight because he would have to do the hard work of plowing cattle!

Xiao Feng didn't put on any clothes and just left his room. He stood outside the door and looked left and right. Whose room should he go to next?

"Let's go find Wu'er first!" After hesitating for a few seconds, Xiao Feng finally made a decision. Thinking of Huo Wu's alluring body, his heart couldn't help but feel hot.

This book was first published on Novels.com, so you can read the original content immediately!

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