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Chapter 1154: Hell!

The sound of gunfire gradually weakened, and the explosion of grenades was heard from time to time. Tianmen's elite suffered heavy casualties!

Several tall foreigners stepped on the corpses of Tianmen elites and walked inside step by step. Anyone they bumped into would be killed, leaving no one alive!

"Where's Brother Dao?" An elite asked through gritted teeth.

"Dao, Brother Dao, he seems to be..."

"Fuck, retreat, let's go!"

"But the back door is blocked, and there are also their people!"

"I'll fight them!"

Dozens of Tianmen elites were armed with firearms, their eyes were red, and they were all desperate! Except for them, the rest of the Tianmen gang had no firearms, only mountain axes and other cold weapons, so they couldn't be enemies at all!

"We cover them and let the brothers rush out! No matter how powerful they are, there are only a few of them. I don't believe they can kill everyone!"

"But, we escaped, what about Hellfire? This is our headquarters of Tianmen!" Someone raised an objection: "If Hellfire is destroyed, it is equivalent to slapping Tianmen in the face. How can we still mess around in the future?!


Hearing such a voice, many people fell silent. Yes, those who come out to hang out pay most attention to this! However, even if they stay and fight hard, what will happen? It will only increase casualties, right?

"I will use my life to protect the hellfire and protect the dignity of Tianmen!" A young man covered in wounds carried a gun and replaced the magazine: "You all leave, I don't believe it, they are fighting


"I'm with you!"

"I also want to fight for the dignity of Tianmen!"

"Guard the glory that belongs to Tianmen!"

More and more people are preparing to fight to the death. Although they are not soldiers, they still regard death as home!


The radical Tianmen elite turned around to fight back, and the clicking sound of shooting rang out again, which surprised the masters of Burning Prison. Aren't they afraid of death?

"Brothers are fighting, what should we do?!" Some Tianmen elites holding mountain axes had no intention of leaving!

"Brothers are fighting, we are fighting side by side with them! Kill!" Someone holding a mountain ax turned around and rushed out, looking for an opportunity!

"There are hundreds of us and there are just a few of them. No matter how strong they are, we can still kill them! If one of us can't do it, we will take ten of them. If ten of us can't do it, we will take hundreds of them!"

The atmosphere at the scene was a little depressing, but the fighting spirit was also high! Not many people were afraid of death, and even if they were afraid of death, they would not show it!


More and more Tianmen elites turn around and fight out. When they run out of bullets, they will follow one after another and use their lives to kill the intruders!

"Anyone who violates my heavenly gate will be killed without mercy!"

"Anyone who violates my heavenly gate will be killed without mercy!"

"Anyone who violates my heavenly gate will be killed without mercy..."

With roars that resounded throughout Hellfire, the Tianmen elites glared at the intruders. There were six of them in total. One of them was killed before, but now there are only five left!

There are two at the back door and three at the front. Two of them have suffered gunshot wounds. Although it is not serious, it also affects their movements!

The momentum of Tianmen's elite shocked the prison-burning masters. Do these ants really want to use their humble lives to defend their so-called dignity?

They are not national soldiers, so why do they have such a strong sense of belonging and honor?

This kind of attitude of looking back at death is often only seen by real soldiers! Because they have a belief in protecting their home and country, they need to protect the things they should protect, such as their family!

However, after being shocked, the prison-burning master still showed a ferocious and bloodthirsty smile. Did the humble ant really think that he could change the situation of the battle with his momentum?

No, everything is a delusion!

'Da da da', the Tianmen elites armed with firearms were not afraid of death and hardly hid their bodies. They just held guns and fired, walking forward step by step, trying to drive away these intruders, or

, kill them!

‘Boom’, there was another explosion, several Tianmen elites were blown away, and their firearms fell to the ground!

What shocked the prison-burning masters even more was that the Tianmen elite behind them threw away their mountain axes, picked up the firearms on the ground, and continued to shoot at them!

"****! Do they think they are death squads?!" The prison-burning master gritted his teeth. If he made such a big noise, maybe it won't be long before someone comes. After all, this is Tianmen's territory!

‘Bang, bang, bang’, among the masters who burned the prison, there was a young man, holding a pistol. He shot extremely fast, almost no need to aim, but he shot one at a time, hitting the vital point between the eyebrows, which was a greater threat than a grenade!

"Kill him first!" Someone's eyes were red. Many brothers died at the hands of this man just now, and now he is still harvesting lives!

‘Do you think you are the only ones with grenades?!’ Suddenly, someone found a dozen grenades from nowhere, and several of them opened them and threw them towards the location of the sharpshooter!

Although this sharpshooter is also a master, he can dodge grenades in normal times, but when more than ten grenades were thrown at him at once, it was difficult for him to dodge!

"Ah!" the sharpshooter screamed in horror, and then more than ten grenades exploded almost at the same time. Bomb fragments flew everywhere and shattered his body.

"Brothers, we have avenged you!" Someone shouted with tears streaming down his face.

"Damn it, but who will avenge us?"

"Yes, Brother Feng will take revenge on us! If we all die, they won't survive!" Someone gritted his teeth and his voice was hoarse.

"Yes, Brother Feng will avenge us! Kill!"

"There are no bullets, what should I do?"

"Use a mountain axe!"

In about half a minute, the sound of the gunfire disappeared. The gun without bullets had completely lost its function and was thrown to the ground by the Tianmen elite.

"Brothers, kill!" Tianmen elites holding mountain axes shouted and rushed forward.


"Death, begin!" The remaining four masters looked at the Tianmen people with cold eyes and said solemnly.


Screams continued to sound. In front of these four masters, these trained Tianmen elites were still too weak!

Not to mention that two of the four people are at the level of human weapons, but the remaining two are also half-level at the level of human weapons, and they are considered masters among masters!

The four of them are like the incarnation of the God of Death. The sickle of the God of Death easily harvests young lives! They have no mercy, no kindness, no mercy...

"Kill!" The Tianmen elites were all red-eyed, with the corpses of their companions stepping on their feet, one after another, it was extremely brutal!

The wheel battle was still effective. After three minutes, a master who was half a human weapon level was divided into pieces by more than a dozen mountain axes!


Tianmen's elite chopped him off with axe after axe, and even if the man was dead, they still couldn't vent the anger and pain in their hearts!

"Ah..." There was another weird scream, and another master who was half a human weapon level was hit in the back by an axe.

While the master was staggering, some Tianmen elites made a quick decision and smashed out their own mountain-breaking axes, and the mountain-breaking axes roared towards him!

‘Puff’, two of the mountain axes hit his head. With such huge force, half of his head was cut off!

The white slurry spurted out along with the red blood, and it looked extremely bloody! However, no one among the Tianmen elites was afraid. At this time, they were all bloodthirsty and wanted to pounce on the intruders and drink their blood.

Blood, eat their flesh, break their bones!

The remaining two masters of the human weapon level were also injured. No matter how powerful they are, they can't fight against a large number of people! As the saying goes, a tiger cannot fight against a pack of wolves, and this is the truth!

However, it is worth mentioning that Tianmen's losses were too great. Hundreds of Tianmen's elite were killed and injured, which was extremely tragic! There were less than a hundred people standing, and they were fighting with their lives!

"Today, I will kill all of you stupid Chinese pigs!" One of the prison-burning masters roared angrily, because the companion who was chopped into meat paste just now was his cousin!

"Anyone who offends our Tianmen will be killed without mercy!" The remaining Tianmen elites were also exhausted. They gritted their teeth and strengthened their momentum!

One after another, members of the Tianmen rushed over. When they saw the situation in the hellfire, they opened their mouths and vomited!

This place, which was still the headquarters of Tianmen, has turned into a real hell. There are mutilated limbs and broken bodies everywhere, and the strong smell of blood is disgusting!

"Ugh, what happened here..."

"Let's go in and take a look. There seems to be some noise inside!" A bold Tianmen member shouted loudly.


Continuously, more and more people came, but just when they wanted to enter together, a loud noise sounded in their ears.

With a "boom" and accompanied by screams, a big explosion occurred at the gate of Hellfire. The hundreds of people who had just rushed over were wiped out, and less than 5% survived!

There were heavy casualties outside, and the situation inside was even more dire. The number of Tianmen elites, who numbered less than a hundred, dropped sharply again, to less than fifty now!

"Are there no grenades left?"

"No more, the basement is empty!"

"Damn it, I have to grit my teeth and fight hard!" The Tianmen elites who have been fighting so far have become accustomed to the miserable conditions and the smell of blood around them, because they know that before long, they may also become mutilated limbs on the ground!

"Kill!" The two masters of Burning Prison also felt tremendous pressure. They were both injured, and they were not serious!

Tianmen's reaction was beyond their expectations. Originally, they thought it was just an underground society, and they would harvest their lives like leeks!

However, this is not the case. Four of the six of them are already dead. If a large number of reinforcements come now, then the two of them may not be able to leave!

As beings with the level of weapons in the world, they were unwilling to die here, so they accelerated their killing spree. They wanted to kill everyone, then set the place on fire and leave through the back door!

Fifty people...

Forty people...

Thirty people...

The number of people is getting smaller and smaller, but the elites of Tianmen are not afraid at all, or they have forgotten their fear, or they are ready to die!

"Gameover!" One of the masters announced coldly that they could take care of the remaining few people in two minutes!

"Over you are paralyzed!" Tianmen elites shouted angrily, but they all knew in their hearts that it might really be over!

"You deserve to die!" Just when the Tianmen elite felt unwilling and relieved, an extremely cold voice sounded from behind the two masters.


(Yes, there are still 69 monthly tickets today, and there is no increase in one~Alas, sad, brothers, please work hard! There are 2 tickets left, if you get 10 monthly tickets that day, you will get three chapters! Don’t be stingy, everyone, there are some

, throw it out!)

This chapter has been completed!
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