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Chapter 1287 Xia family meeting!

Xia family.

Ever since the old man of the Xia family suffered a stroke, his health has deteriorated day by day. A while ago, he even fell into a coma. He woke up occasionally every day, and it only lasted more than half an hour!

In the past, when Mr. Xia was in charge of the Xia family, many people did not dare to reveal what they had in mind. After all, they were all afraid of Mr. Xia!

But now, Mr. Xia is a cripple. He is in a daze all day long and cannot speak when he wakes up. Who is afraid of a crippled old man?

So, all kinds of monsters and monsters, you started singing and then I came on the stage, making the Xia family a mess, and there were even faint signs of falling apart!

As the future successor determined by the Xia family, Xia Yu's pressure can be imagined. She has not slept well for several days in a row.

Under heavy pressure, Xia Yu wanted to put down this burden many times and stop caring about the Xia family's affairs, but thinking of her grandfather who loved her the most, she could only grit her teeth and persist. The Xia family was his lifelong effort, and she could never do it.

Let these people ruin it!

However, it seems that as of today, everything is coming to an end!

Because some elders of the Xia family have stood up and said that the country cannot live without a king, and the family cannot live without a master. Now that Mr. Xia is like this, he must seize the time to choose the next leader!

If Mr. Xia is good, these old guys will never dare to say anything. None of them know that Mr. Xia plans to train Xia Yu to take over!

Later, Xia Yu followed Xiao Feng, and Mr. Xia hesitated for a long time, but in the end he felt that his granddaughter was the most suitable person to take charge of the Xia family, and he also believed that Xiao Feng's character would only take more care of the Xia family.

, and not annex the Xia family!

But now that Mr. Xia has been crippled, these old guys have jumped out, each shouting about who is suitable as the next head of the family. Among them, the loudest one is Xia Lei! And Xia Yu, who was once the king of the Xia family,

My dear, among the older generation, only her second uncle supports him!

Xia Yu knew that the purpose of this family meeting was to take her down and let Xia Lei take over! So, after today, she can put down her burden. Although she is not willing to give in, what can she do?

"Xiao Yu, my second uncle asked you to come over." Xia Changchun found Xia Yu and said to her.

Now, Xia Changchun has entered the Xia family's inner circle, and his words have a certain weight. However, in this kind of family meeting, even if he has weight, he can only get one vote and cannot make waves at all.

"Yeah." Xia Yu smiled bitterly: "I guess my second uncle also persuaded me to give up."

Xia Changchun looked at the tired look on Xia Yu's face and felt a pain in his heart. Even he admired this girl a little. If he thought about it from another perspective, he felt that he was definitely not as good as her!

"Xiao Yu, have you told Xiao Feng about the Xia family's affairs?" Xia Changchun hesitated and asked.

Xia Yu glanced at Xia Changchun: "Uncle Six, this is an internal matter of our Xia family, so don't bother him! Don't call him either. He was injured, quite seriously, and is recovering at home."


"Well, I heard from Grandpa Jing that he almost died." Xia Yu thought of Xiao Feng's injuries, her eyes turned red, and her heart ached.

"When things here are over, I'll go see him."

"Okay." Xia Yu stood up: "I'm going to see my second uncle first."

"Well, go ahead."

Xia Yu went to see her second uncle, and it was just as she had guessed. His second uncle advised her to just give up. The situation was too bad for her. If she continued to fight, besides losing face, she would probably have other troubles.


"Second uncle, I can't control the outcome, but if I don't fight, I think my grandfather will be disappointed! So, I won't care about the outcome and just do what I should do with a clear conscience." Xia Yu was stubborn.


The second uncle looked at Xia Yu and sighed: "You girl, you have been stubborn since you were a child. No one can persuade you to do something you are determined to do!"

"Second uncle, I have already prepared for the worst, so I won't be afraid of anything that happens." Xia Yu said seriously.

"Okay, since you have decided, then I, an old man, will help you fight!" The second uncle nodded: "I would like to see what they really want!"

"Thank you, second uncle."

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go there." The second uncle stood up: "Let's go and see your grandpa first."


Xia Yu and her second uncle came to Mr. Xia's residence and looked at Mr. Xia sleeping on the bed. She couldn't help but shed tears.

"Grandpa..." Xia Yu sat beside the bed and took Mr. Xia's skinny hand: "Can you hear me?"

Mr. Xia didn't react at all and was still unconscious.

"Boss, please open your eyes and see what's going on with the Xia family now." The second uncle stood beside him: "Today, those old guys collectively launched an attack to convene a family meeting to elect the next leader...


"Second uncle, stop talking, don't let grandpa worry." Xia Yu stood up: "Let's go to the conference room."


Xia Yu helped her second uncle to leave. As soon as they left, they lay on the bed and fell asleep. The unresponsive Mr. Xia had a few tears rolling down his eyes...

"Second uncle, hehe, hello." The two of them arrived at the door of the conference room and happened to meet Xia Lei, who smiled and said hello.

"I'm not good!" The second uncle glared at Xia Lei.

"Haha, then you should take better care of yourself." Xia Lei pretended to be concerned, and then looked at Xia Yu: "Xiao Yu, why don't you look good? Are you too tired recently? You should pay attention to rest.


"It doesn't bother you to care." Xia Yu replied lightly.

"Okay, you guys go in first, I have to wait here for the Seventh Master and the others..." Xia Lei smiled: "They will be here soon."

"I really don't know what Uncle Qi is doing!" Second Uncle whispered and walked inside.

Xia Lei looked at Xia Yu's back and smiled coldly. After today, I will be the head of the Xia family! When the time comes, I will let Xiao Feng know that he has offended me and will not end well!

There are already many people in the conference room, especially some core members. Anyone who takes it out is a leader in their respective fields. It is they who support the huge Xia family!

"Second uncle." Xia Changchun came up to him: "I'll help you go over and do it."

"Yeah." The second uncle nodded: "Have you counted how many people support Xiao Yu?"

"No more than ten." Xia Changchun showed a wry smile: "Most of our generation and the older generation feel that since Xia Yu has followed Xiao Feng, he is a member of the Xiao family and should not stay here any longer.

Xia family...So, those who originally supported her no longer support her! Among the younger generation, Xiaoyu still has many supporters, but they don't have much decision-making power..."

"Well, let's do our best and obey fate!" The second uncle sighed: "Let's sit down first."


As soon as they sat down, they saw a group of people coming in from the door. One of them was Xia Lei. Next to him were several gray-haired old men. Among them was a thin old man, but he was very powerful. He was even better than Mr. Xia.

The seventh uncle from the senior generation!

"Sir Seventh, please take a seat." Although Xia Lei was proud and arrogant in front of others, he was very respectful in front of Uncle Seventh. He knew he needed this old man's help!

"Okay." Uncle Qi enjoyed this feeling. In the past, when Mr. Xia was here, although he was the only remaining member of the older generation, his status was neither embarrassing nor embarrassing. But now? He seems to be the real master of the Xia family, and the next

Who is at the helm? Let him have the say!

"Everyone, be quiet!" After everyone was seated, an old man spoke up. He was also from Mr. Xia's generation and ranked fourth.

The core members fell silent at first, and then other direct lineages, collateral lines, etc. also fell silent, and all looked at Xia Laosi.

"The head of the family is not in good health. He has been in a coma all day long and cannot handle the family affairs at all..." Xia Laosi, Barabala, began to talk. It was just that the family must be without a master, and we must seize the time to elect a new head of the family!

"Now, I would like to invite Uncle Qi to speak."

Uncle Qi stood up slowly, glanced across the whole place, saw everyone looking at him, and showed a satisfied smile: "Well, let me say a few words. You have all seen the situation in the Xia family now. If this continues,

, then the Xia family will be broken up, it will be over...our Xia family is one of the four major families. If it is broken up, its status will definitely plummet. I think you should be very aware of the harm? "

Although Xia Yu had always had a bad impression of Uncle Qi, she still agreed with his words. She had no choice but to retreat. As long as the Xia family didn't fall apart, it didn't matter what happened to her.

"So, today we are going to hold a family meeting, and after careful consideration, I feel that since we are looking for a family leader, we should find a young man. If a young man is enterprising and hardworking, he will definitely be able to lead our Xia family to a further step.

!" Uncle Qi changed the topic: "Well, after my observation and comparison, I think Xia Lei is pretty good!"

When the second uncle heard what the seventh uncle said, a trace of anger flashed across his face, and he cursed in his heart, this old shameless guy actually helped Xia Lei seize the power!

"Xia Lei, please get up and tell me, what will happen if you become the head of the family?" What was even more outrageous was yet to come. Uncle Qi looked at Xia Lei, winked, and asked him to get up and canvass for his votes.

"Okay." Xia Lei was overjoyed and stood up: "If I become the head of this family..."

After Xia Lei spoke a lot eloquently, Uncle Qi nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, yes, I believe you will become a good head of the family! I think the most important thing about being a head of the family is to serve the Xia family wholeheartedly...


The expressions of the second uncle and Xia Changchun changed. The seventh uncle's words were directed at Xia Yu!

"Xia Yu, I think this child is pretty good, but it's a pity that she is with that boy from the Xiao family, so I don't think she is suitable to be the head of the family... Okay, I won't say more, now the core members will use their hands.

You have the right to vote. You already know how I want to choose!"

Xia Lei looked proud, as if he had already seen himself sitting in the position of the head of the family, looking so majestic!

Many people looked at Xia Yu with sympathetic eyes. It turned out that she was the most ideal next generation leader in everyone's mind, not only because she was Mr. Xia's granddaughter, but also because of her intelligence and skill... The Xia family was in her

In my hands, I will definitely carry it forward, but it's a pity... alas!

"Xia Lei, my vote is for you!" Uncle Qi took the lead and raised the vote in his hand.

Originally the voting was anonymous, but now Uncle Qi has said it in public just to build momentum for Xia Lei. His intentions are to be punished!

"Hey, who is this old guy? He is so fucking shameless!" Just as Uncle Qi was enjoying the attention of everyone, a very discordant voice suddenly sounded.

This chapter has been completed!
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