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Chapter 1428: Visitor from Japan!

Life has returned to calm. Except for Wu Huan running over from time to time to tell him what the price was, Xiao Feng has almost no contact with the outside world. He spends all day in the manor with the women and a pair of children!

"Hey, Han Shuang, Xiao Wu peed, change his diaper quickly!" This has almost become one of the most repeated words by Xiao Feng in the past two days!

This time, Han Shuang did not come over again, but said angrily: "That's your son too, you can change it for him yourself!"

"Uh..." Xiao Feng was speechless: "I can't, right?"

"I'll do it." Lin Lin said, about to stand up.

"Lin Lin, don't pay attention to him. As the father of a child, he still doesn't know how to change diapers? Huh, hurry up and learn now. When the sisters have children in the future, you will have to change the children's diapers frequently. You can't

You can't live without us, can you?" Han Shuang grabbed Lin Lin and said to Xiao Feng.

Lin Lin gave Xiao Feng a helpless look, then sat down again.

Xiao Feng couldn't laugh or cry, he was the ace of spades, no, he was the king of poker, he was the lieutenant general of China, he was the number one master of the younger generation in the ancient martial arts world, he was...well, he was the person who changed the diapers for children!

However, looking at Xiao Wu's big black eyes, he could only sigh, pick up the diaper next to him, imagine Han Shuang changing the diaper, and start changing it.

"Son, oh son, this is my first time changing a diaper for a child, you should feel honored!" Xiao Feng muttered as he changed it.

"Giggle..." Xiao Wu laughed happily.

Although Xiao Feng's movements were a bit clumsy, he still followed the same example and did a good job.

Han Shuang and Lin Lin looked on with happy smiles. It was hard for them to imagine that Xiao Feng would change their children's diapers one day!

Especially Lin Lin, who covered her mouth and smiled softly, it must be Sister Han Shuang who can cure Brother Feng!

"Come on, Irene, I've changed yours too." Xiao Feng seemed to be addicted to diapers. He took off the diaper that Lin Lin had just put on Irene a while ago, and put on a new one, and then

Full of sense of accomplishment: "Well, yes, I am really an all-around talent, no, an all-around genius!"

"Haha..." Listening to Xiao Feng boasting, Lin Lin and Han Shuang both laughed.

A ringtone rang, and Xiao Feng answered the phone casually: "Hello?"

"Mr. Xiao, what are you doing?"

"Changing diapers." Xiao Feng said casually.

"Huh? Change...diaper?" The other person was stunned and asked stuttering.

"Uh..." Xiao Feng patted his forehead and recognized the other party's identity: "It turns out to be Mr. Hao Er, haha, it's nothing, what's wrong?"

"Mr. Xiao, I have arrived in Jiuquan City."

"Oh? Coming so soon?"


"Okay, do you need me to send a car to pick you up?"

"No need, just tell me a location and I'll just go there myself."

Xiao Feng thought for a while: "You go to the Dynasty, I will wait for you there."


Xiao Feng hung up the phone, turned to Lin Lin and said, "I have to go out and do something. I have been idle at home for several days, and it's time to do some exercise."

"Is it not dangerous?"

"Haha, of course not."

"I knew you couldn't stay idle anymore, so go ahead."

"Yeah, let's go." Xiao Feng said, bending down and kissing Xiao Wu and Irene: "You guys should listen to your mother at home!"


Xiao Feng also laughed, stood up, and left.

Now, the Dynasty has been fully launched. In addition to the Immortal Dynasty's casino, office buildings and business circles are already very prosperous.

However, the headquarters of Xiao Group has not been moved there yet. In the words of Xu, Xiao Group has some problems now. She is thinking about reforms with Guo Jia and will move the headquarters there after the reforms are implemented!

When Xiao Feng came to Dynasty, he first went to Immortal Dynasty for a tour. The casino here is now the largest and busiest casino in China, surpassing many large casinos in Macau!

In fact, the reputation of the Immortal Dynasty has spread abroad, and even some big foreign players no longer go to Las Vegas and other places, but fly here directly to gamble here!

Moreover, the membership card of the Immortal Dynasty has now become a status symbol, because the membership cards for each level are different and have different permissions!

A total of less than 20 ninth-level membership cards have been issued so far. Everyone who gets a membership card must be a world-class giant!

Xiao Feng walked around the casino and nodded with satisfaction. Feng Laoer did have two brushes. Now this place has completely turned into a cornucopia, with tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of cash flowing in almost every day...

Of course, not all of this money is earned by the casino, but the cash inflow is enough to measure the size of a casino!

For example, the daily cash inflow of casinos such as Macau Shenma Lisboa is only 30 to 50 million!

"Master Xiao, you are here." Someone came forward and said respectfully.


"Master Xiao, please come over."

"Huh? How did the second master know that I was coming?" Xiao Feng was stunned.

The man smiled, raised his hand and pointed at the cameras scattered throughout the casino, without saying a word.

Xiao Feng understood it at a glance and nodded: "Okay, let's go over."

"Please, Mr. Xiao."

When he came upstairs, Xiao Feng saw Feng Laoer. He hadn't seen him for a long time. This guy seemed to have gained weight again.

"Hey, Feng Fatty, you really should lose weight!" Xiao Feng looked at Feng Laoer, who was holding a cigar, and grinned: "If you continue to be so fat, aren't you afraid of getting various diseases?"

"Damn it, stop cursing me, I'm in good health!" Feng Laoer rolled his eyes and exhaled smoke: "Why do you have time to come here today?"

"I'll come over here and wait for someone. He'll be here later."


"He is a Japanese man. He will arrange a reception room for me later."

"Okay." Feng Laoer nodded.

Xiao Feng looked at Feng Laoer and thought: "Feng Fatty, I'm not telling you, you really need to exercise more to lose weight..."

"Do you think I don't exercise? I exercise every night."

"Fuck, playing with girls, does that count as exercise?" Xiao Feng said angrily: "Be careful of dying on a girl's belly."

"Oh, I can't lose this weight."

"In this way, I will pass on to you the ancient martial arts training method. How are you practicing ancient martial arts? Although at your age, you can no longer become a master, but there is absolutely no problem in strengthening your body. If you practice for a long time, I will keep you and play seven games a night.

It’s not a big deal to be a little girl…”

Feng Laoer's eyes lit up: "Is it really that effective?"

"Of course, why are you lying to me!"

"Quick, quick, teach me!

Xiao Feng passed on the universal ancient martial art to Feng Laoer, explained a lot to him, and finally said: "You have to persist, there are many benefits."

"Don't worry, I value my life more than yours."

"..." Xiao Feng curled his lips and said nothing more.

The bell rang, and Noda Koji called, saying that he had arrived at Dynasty and asking where Xiao Feng was.

"I'll send someone down to pick you up right away." After Xiao Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone: "Fat Pig, send someone down and take him to the reception room."

"Okay." Feng Laoer picked up the phone and made arrangements.

Afterwards, Xiao Feng first came to the reception room, and then waited for Noda Koji.

This time, he called Noda Koji to come over. His idea was very simple. Big stick sweet dates are indispensable. This time, he came here just to give Noda Koji sweet dates!

Soon, there was a knock on the door: "Master Xiao, the guests have arrived."

"Invite them in."


Noda Koji came in from outside: "Hello, Mr. Xiao."

"Haha, Mr. Noda, hello, hello. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much." Xiao Feng stretched out his right hand and said very hypocritically.

"Ahem..." Noda Koji coughed: "Me too."

"Mr. Xiao."

"Hmm? Noda Zoai is here too?" Xiao Feng smiled: "Please sit down."

"Zoe, you go out for a walk first, the casino is downstairs..." Noda Koji said.

"Yes, father."

Xiao Feng smiled. He knew that Noda Koji must have something to talk to him: "What about that? I'll find someone to play with you." After saying that, he took out his mobile phone: "Hey, Dalong, are you too?

At the casino?”

"Yes, it's on the fifth floor."

"Oh, I'm in the reception room, you come over first."

"Okay, which reception room?"

"Well, I don't know either, just ask your father."


In just three or four minutes, the door opened and Feng Long came in from the outside: "Brother Feng, what do you want from me?"

"Well, this is a friend from Japan, Noda Saai, you take him to the casino to play." Xiao Feng introduced to Feng Long.

When Feng Long heard the name, he almost laughed, but fortunately he bit his tongue and nodded: "Hello, Mr. Noda, I am Feng Long."

"Hello, Mr. Feng."

“Zoai, go play with him.”


"Dalong, please treat our neighbors well, you know?" Xiao Feng said lightly when the two of them were about to go out.

Feng Long's heart moved, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly: "I know, Brother Feng."

"Go ahead."

After the two left, Xiao Feng looked at Noda Koji: "Mr. Noda, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Xiao, before coming here this time, I went to the Imperial Palace."

"Oh? Then what?" Xiao Feng narrowed his eyes, "Did the emperor say something?"

"Well, the Emperor asked me to bring a message."


"He said that he doesn't care about what happened this time. He hopes that you can return Tianyutian..."

"What? He doesn't care anymore?" Xiao Fengling was amused: "Did this old boy not wake up or something? I haven't caused any trouble to him yet, so why do I act like he's so generous and yet he doesn't care anymore?


"I think he must be very afraid of you. The saints all died in China..."

"By the way, does he know about our relationship?" Xiao Feng thought of something and asked.

Noda Koji shook his head: "Of course he doesn't know, this is the biggest secret... However, he knows that I have a grudge against you. In his words, the enemy of my enemy is a friend, not to mention that he and I were friends before.


"Haha." Xiao Feng grinned. Is the enemy of my enemy my friend? Not necessarily!

This chapter has been completed!
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