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Chapter 1487 I want to be quiet

After hearing Xiao Feng's words, the expressions of the two middle-aged men changed and their eyes became sharp: "Who are you?"

"Didn't your parents tell you that when you ask someone who they are, you have to tell them your family name?" Xiao Feng said mockingly.

"This is a matter between us and this kid, and has nothing to do with you two! I advise you to leave immediately, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!" One of the middle-aged men looked at Xiao Feng with some fear. The car was so...

He can save Xu Li at any speed, so he has to be afraid!

Xiao Feng looked back at Xu Li and smiled: "He is my friend, how come he has nothing to do with me?"

Xu Li fully realized it at this time. While he was moved, he was also filled with endless anger. He glared angrily at the two middle-aged men: "I have no enmity with you, why do you want to kill me?!"

"Although we have no grievances, some people want you to die, so you must die!"


"When we get down underground, we'd better go ask the Lord of Hell!" After the fat middle-aged man finished speaking, he pulled out a dagger and pointed it at Xiao Feng: "Boy, you want to meddle in other people's business, right?"

Xiao Feng nodded: "It's settled!"

"Third brother, kill this kid first, and then kill Xu Li!" The slightly fat middle-aged man shouted loudly, pulled out a sword from the dagger in his hand, and rushed towards Xiao Feng.

Another middle-aged man, who was also not slow, followed closely and launched an attack on Xiao Feng.

"I'll play with you!" Xiao Feng sneered, and his whole aura was like an unsheathed sword, approaching the slightly fat middle-aged man!

‘Bang’, Xiao Feng punched out, and the slightly fat middle-aged man swung his dagger, trying to cut off his wrist!

Just when the dagger was about to touch Xiao Feng's wrist, he spat out his inner energy, and the fifth level of energy exploded, directly bombarding the dagger, deflecting it, and then grabbed the opponent's hand holding the dagger.

The slightly fat middle-aged man's hand was grabbed by Xiao Feng, his face suddenly changed, he wanted to break free and retreat, but Xiao Feng's hand was like an iron pliers, and he would not let go at all!

"Pour it for me!" Xiao Feng shouted softly, flicking his wrist, and the slightly fat middle-aged man was thrown away by him, and he also kicked him in the stomach.

"Lao Zhang!" Another middle-aged man was shocked. His companion was defeated so quickly?

"Half-step innateness!" The slightly fat middle-aged man hit the ground, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, with a look of horror on his face, and squeezed out a few words through his teeth.

"What?" Another middle-aged man trembled and looked at Xiao Feng in disbelief.

Xiao Feng was also stunned, half-step innate? What does it mean?

"Get out!" The slightly fat middle-aged man got up from the ground and ran away, while the other one moved equally quickly and disappeared into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

"..." Xiao Feng looked at the backs of the two of them and was speechless and paralyzed. What is going on? Why are you so cowardly? You ran away if you couldn't beat them.

However, Xiao Feng didn't chase after him. After all, there were many people around, and he couldn't kill these two guys in public, so he just ran away!

"Xu Li, are you okay?" Xiao Feng came to Xu Li and looked at him.

"I'm fine...Brother Feng, thank you for saving my life." Xu Li looked at Xiao Feng and was very moved in his heart. He knew that if it weren't for Xiao Feng, he would have died long ago.

Xiao Feng smiled: "Why are you talking about this? If you are fine, let's go back."

"Okay." Xu Li nodded and glanced at the direction in which the two people were escaping: "Brother Feng, who are they?"

Xiao Feng rolled his eyes: "They are here to kill you. You don't even know. How could I know..."

"I haven't offended anyone at all. Even if I have a bit of grudge against someone, I won't let people come and kill me, right? Moreover, this is still in Thailand..." Xu Li smiled bitterly: "I also saw it, those two guys just now

, not ordinary people.”

Xiao Feng thought for a moment and said, "They are ancient warriors."

"Ancient martial artist? Ancient martial practitioner?" Xu Li was shocked.

Xiao Feng glanced at Xu Li: "Have you heard of it before?"

Xu Li gritted his teeth with a complicated expression: "Brother Feng, let's go back to the hotel first."

"Okay." Seeing that Xu Li didn't want to say more, Xiao Feng didn't ask again: "Let's go."

As soon as the three people left, two more middle-aged men came over. They looked at the abandoned car and looked at each other: "It seems that there is action over there..."

"Well, it's just the two of us, is that okay?"

"The young man next to him is very strong. With him here and the two of us, it should be fine."

"But can you trust that young man?"

"It should be no problem, otherwise, he wouldn't have saved anyone just now."

"Then let's continue to hide in the dark! Fortunately, the young man was there just now, otherwise, we would have been too late to save people!"


"Call back and report what happened today, and also check the identity of the young man."

"Well, let's go."

After the two middle-aged men finished speaking, they quickly disappeared into the crowd, as if they had never appeared.

Back at the hotel, Xu Li was still a little shaken.

Xiao Feng looked at Xu Li's look and said to the front desk: "Is there a luxury suite? With at least three rooms, arrange one for us."

"Sir, yes, please wait a moment."

"We returned the previous ones."


Soon, they completed the follow-up procedures, checked out the previous room, and moved into the deluxe suite.

"Brother Feng, I want to be quiet." Xu Li said to Xiao Feng as soon as he entered the door.

"Well, go and think about Jingjing." Xiao Feng patted Xu Li on the shoulder: "Don't stress, you are a man. As long as I am here, no one can kill you!"

Xu Li forced a smile and nodded: "I understand, Brother Feng."

After Xu Li returned to the room, Chacai, who was sitting on the sofa, raised his head and said, "Brother Feng, the two guys who killed Xu Li today were not easy. I am no match for any of them based on their combat power alone."

Xiao Feng nodded: "Well, they are all very strong."

"They should continue to take action."

"Then I'll wait for them to come!" Xiao Feng said lightly.

"Brother Feng, what level are you at now?" Chacai hesitated and asked.

"Well, I don't know very well. It's beyond the level of human weapons..."

"In the ancient martial arts world, don't there exist ancient martial arts levels?"

"I don't know much about it." Xiao Feng was a little embarrassed. He really didn't care much about these things!

Even though he is already famous in the ancient martial arts world, he probably doesn't know as much as some children in the ancient martial arts world about some basic common sense!

There was nothing he could do about it. When he was curious in the past, Mr. Jing didn't tell him, so he wasn't interested in knowing what happened now!

"Brother Feng, how long have you and Xu Li known each other..."

"We've known each other for...two days."

"What? Two days?" Although Chachai knew from their conversation that the two of them had known each other for a short time, he really didn't expect that it had only been two days.

"Yes." Xiao Feng nodded: "He and I met on the plane. Haha, we have a good temper. This guy pestered me to accompany him in Thailand."

"..." Chachai didn't know what to say anymore.

"What's wrong? Haha, are you wondering why I stood up for him?" Xiao Feng asked with a smile.

Chachai nodded: "That's right."

"Haha, the relationship between people does not depend on the length of time... Although time can deepen feelings, some people can become friends even if they meet once. I have a good impression of this guy. He is still my junior, so I am willing to help him

A handful... In addition, there may be something interesting happening with this guy, and I like to join in the fun."

"Interesting things?"

Xiao Feng smiled and nodded: "Yes, do you think that if he is really an ordinary college student, even if he provokes enemies, will there be any ancient warriors to take action?"

Zha Guai felt something in his heart and nodded.

"Cha Guess, if there are enemies again, you will be responsible for protecting Xu Li, and leave the enemies to me."

"I know, Brother Feng."

"Haha, Chachai, not only Xu Li, if someone wants to kill you now, I will stand up for you, even if the other party is very strong!" Xiao Feng patted Chacai on the shoulder and said seriously.

Chachai nodded: "Brother Feng, you helped me avenge my great revenge. My life will be yours from now on!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's talk about lowering your head! I was very curious about this thing before..."


After some small talk, Xiao Feng learned more about lowering the head, and he also knew that many of the information about lowering the head that he had found on the Internet was inaccurate!

"By the way, guess what, is there any head-lowering technique that can track the opponent?" Xiao Feng thought of something and asked.

"Yes, tracking down, with my skills, as long as the other party does not leave thirty miles away, then I can find the other party..."

"Oh? Thirty miles? It's not a short distance." Xiao Feng's eyes lit up.

"Haha, Brother Feng, the tracking skills of some Jiangtou masters can be hundreds or even thousands of miles away..."

"Really?" Xiao Feng's eyes widened.

"Really, my master can track you thousands of miles away... By the way, old ghost Basong can do it too!"

Xiao Feng took a breath. He had fought against Basong several times, and it was really lucky that he didn't die under his head-lowering technique! He even said that being able to kill this old ghost was partly due to luck!

At the same time, he secretly decided that there was no need in the future, but he must not offend these existences such as the head-dropping masters. They were too mysterious and could kill people almost invisible!

"Guess, when an enemy comes next time, you can find an opportunity to track down."

"okay, I get it."

Xiao Feng chatted with Chacai for a few more words to see if Xu Li had not come out yet, said hello, returned to his room, and started calling his woman.

After a round of phone calls, an hour passed. Just when he was about to call Mr. Jing to ask what the "half-step innateness" that the guy said before meant, there was a knock on the door.

Xiao Feng put away his cell phone, opened the door, and saw Xu Li standing outside.

"Why are you so haggard?" Xiao Feng looked at Xu Li, whose eyes were red and his face was pale, and was stunned.

"It's nothing." Xu Li shook his head: "Brother Feng, are you okay? Let's talk."

"Okay, living room or my room?"

"The living room."

"Okay." Xiao Feng nodded, came to the living room, took out three cans of beer from the refrigerator, and threw them to Xu Li and Cha Cai respectively: "Haha, are you done thinking about your quiet time? Tell me, what do you want to talk about?"

This chapter has been completed!
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