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Xiao Wu La Gua - the truth!

It has been more than three months since "Playing with the Beautiful Landlord" was released on November 1st!

Suddenly, Xiao Wu wanted to say something today...

I stayed up late for at least 49 of these 99 days. Do you believe it?

People who have never written anything may not know what it feels like to sit in front of a computer for a whole day and not be able to write a word... This happened to me at least five times in the past three months!

Every time, I would be irritable and restless. I would even argue with my girlfriend or make a fuss because of my mood problems... After the fuss, I will continue writing what I need to write, because you are waiting for the update!

As a writer, you must have your own professional ethics! Stable updates and constant updates are the most basic! Well, Xiao Wu admits that I had no professional ethics in the past! Many of the readers are old readers.

You know my previous updates... usually every half month, half a month at a time...

However, when I was writing this book, I never stopped updating for a single day in 99 days! Even if something happened and I had to update less, I would not allow myself to stop updating! There were more than 900,000 words in 99 days, not much, but not much! I coded words

The speed is limited, so I can’t compete with those who update 20,000 a day. But it’s better than the above, and many writers update once or twice a day!

Oh, by the way, a reminder! Xiao Wu’s chapters are all 3,000 words per chapter. If you update three chapters a day, it will be close to 10,000 words, and four chapters will be 12,000+! I hope you won’t compare me with those who have 2,000 words per chapter.

Compare and update the number of chapters. They have 10,000 words in five chapters, I am close to 10,000 words in three chapters, and I will surpass them in four chapters, right?

"Playing with the Beautiful Landlord" had average results in January, ranking sixth on the new book subscription list! What Xiao Wu wants to mention is February! Although it was only a short seven days, it filled Xiao Wu with the desire to fight!

Ranked first in the new book subscription list and eighteenth in the total subscription list. This is the honor you gave me! As a newcomer and a new book, I can break into the top 20 in the second month. I am very happy!

You let me see the hope of "Playing with the Beautiful Landlord" and gave me enough motivation to write it down! Thank you, my readers and friends!

February has a big year in the middle! I originally wanted to reduce the number of updates. After all, I have been busy for a year, and I also want to have fun and take a break! However, now I have decided that the number of updates in February will be 350,000+!!! Compared with the first

More than one month!!

Xiao Wu saw a lot of reminders, but you don’t need to, sincerely! To be honest, I still want to update 100,000 words every day, but I really can’t write it! The more updates I make, the more money I make. That’s it.

Simple! Who wouldn’t make money if they had money, right?

Xiao Wu can only guarantee that the amount of updates will not be less than three chapters every day! As for the specific number of updates, maybe four chapters, maybe five chapters... maybe ten chapters (it is estimated that updating ten chapters in two consecutive days will be exhausting!)

[February] Update time: 12 noon, 8 pm, and 12 am, divided into three time periods, to ensure that readers can read the novel in the morning, noon and evening to kill the boring time!

Okay, without further ado, I’ll save my energy to code!

Reading VIP group: 283387969. This group only accepts VIP readers. Screenshots are required to prove joining the group! I hope to create a "harem" belonging to Xiao Wu, a strong "support team", only VIPs are required in it!

Ordinary reading group: 197354125, this group is open to all readers! Of course, if you have joined the v group, don’t add it again, haha...

Xiaowu qq: 1589045849, welcome all readers to add me as a friend and give your opinions! With your opinions, "Playing with the Beautiful Landlord" will be better! Xiaowu hopes that through this book, he can get to know friends from all over the world.


Xiao Wu’s Tencent Weibo: ‘Lonely Dancer’! You can search and listen to learn about Xiao Wu’s latest news! The address is: ‘’!

This chapter has been completed!
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