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Chapter Sixteen Fire Dance's Prank

Huo Wu sniffed and held back tears: "Brother Feng, you won't be angry with me, will you?"

Xiao Feng smiled: "No, but your brother will definitely be angry,"

While Xiao Feng was talking, cars roared outside and brakes sounded everywhere. Then, a large group of people poured in from the entrance of the City God's Temple. The first ones were Huo Tian and Lin Mo.

Huo Tian's face was livid, he was holding a shotgun spray in his hand, and shouted: "You dare to touch my sister, you are seeking death. Come here, surround this City God's Temple, and you are not allowed to let out a single mouse."

"Yes," hundreds of young men shouted loudly.

Huo Tian held up the spray gun and rushed into the north lobby with his younger brother. The first time he saw Xiao Feng and Huo Wu, his heart suddenly dropped: "Wu'er, are you okay?"

"Brother, I'm fine," Huo Wu glanced at the shotgun spray in Huo Tian's hand and lamented in his heart. It seems that what happened today was really big.

The boys lying on the ground were all frightened and their bodies were trembling. What the hell are you doing? This is a shotgun, a pistol, a rub, making a movie, isn't it also a simulation to scare people? .

After Huo Tian was sure that Huo Wu was fine, he nodded and looked at the boys on the ground coldly: "Catch them all, take them back to Tianmen, skin them and cramp them, and search the City God's Temple to see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net."

"Yes," the personal boy raised his gun, held it against the boys' heads, and kicked them, "You are a fool, even the eldest sister of Tianmen dared to kidnap you. You are dead today."

"Don't hit them," Huo Wu hurriedly shouted, "Brother, don't hurt them,"

"Why," Huo Tian frowned. Could it be that his sister wanted to deal with them personally.

"Brother Tian, ​​there is another girl here," two boys walked out from behind the statue of the City God, carrying a girl.

Huo Wu hurriedly walked to her younger brother and said, "Let her go."

"Yes, eldest sister," the younger brother hurriedly took a few steps back, his gun pointed at the girl. If she dared to make any move, they would shoot her without hesitation.

"Are you okay," Huo Wu looked at the girl and asked.

The girl's face turned pale and she shook her head in horror: "Wu'er, what are they doing?"

"They are all my family, don't be afraid," Huo Wu comforted the girl.

When the younger brothers heard Huo Wu's words, their hearts warmed up. The elder sister didn't treat us as outsiders.

"Brother, what happened tonight was a prank on my part. They are all my classmates. I thought..."

Before Huo Wu finished speaking, Huo Tian raised his hand and slapped her on the face: "Prank, Huo Wu, what the hell have you been thinking about all day?"

Huo Wu covered her face, stared at Huo Tian angrily, biting her red lips: "Hit me, Huo Tian, ​​how dare you hit me,"

"I'm going to slap you today," Huo Tian said angrily, slapping you again.

Xiao Feng also didn't expect that Huo Tian, ​​who had doted on his sister since childhood, would actually hit Huo Wu. He didn't react to the first slap, and the second slap would not stop him from hitting Huo Wu on the face again.

Xiao Feng took out Huo Tian's wrist and said, "A Tian, ​​don't hit Wu'er, she is still a child."

"Brother Feng, let me go. My child, do you know how many brothers I sent to Dongcheng tonight and how many brothers I injured? There are no less than ten groups of brothers outside fighting with Dongxinghui." Veins popped up on Huo Tian's forehead. .

Xiao Feng secretly sighed, in the final analysis, the whole thing was caused by himself, "A Tian, ​​forget it, brothers can understand, it's not like you don't understand Wu'er, she just has this temper."

"Brother Feng, please let go of me, I won't hit her anymore," Huo Tian also calmed down and looked at the red mark on Huo Wu's face, his heart trembled with pain.

Xiao Feng nodded and let go of Huo Tian's wrist, "Let the brothers return to Nancheng first, and don't fight with the Dongxing Society again. After all, we were the ones who were wronged first, and it is not appropriate to turn against the Dongxing Society now."

Huo Tian took out his mobile phone and made calls one after another, asking Tianmen's younger brother to quickly exit the Dongcheng area.

Huo Wu raised his head slightly and glared at Huo Tian, ​​with tears streaming down his face. "Huo Tian, ​​you hit me. From today on, I will not call you 'brother' again," after saying that, he quickly rushed out of the lobby. .

"Wu'er," Huo Tian shouted, but he didn't let Huo Wu stop.

The girl glanced at Xiao Feng and nodded: "I'll take care of her, don't worry." After saying that, she left the lobby and chased Huo Wu.

Xiao Feng sighed and patted Huo Tian on the shoulder: "A Tian, ​​come out and I'll talk to you."

Huo Tian nodded: "Okay," after that, he said to the younger brothers: "You all go back first,"

"Brother Tian, ​​where are they?" the younger brother pointed at the boys lying on the ground.

Huo Tian glanced at them and shook his head: "They are Wu'er's classmates, let them go." After saying that, he followed Xiao Feng out of the lobby.

Xiao Feng first called Lin Lin and others, telling them that Huo Wu had been found, and asked them to go back and rest first, and he would take Huo Wu back soon.

Xiao Feng hung up the phone, took out a cigarette and threw one to Huo Tian. He lit the cigarette and asked calmly: "Did you already know that Wu'er likes me?"

Huo Tian was stunned and took a deep breath from the cigarette: "Yes, I know,"

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Xiao Feng frowned and looked at Huo Tian and asked.

Huo Tian shrugged and smiled bitterly: "Wu'er didn't let me say it,"

Xiao Feng sighed and patted his head with a headache: "A Tian, ​​I can't give Huo Wu happiness, do you know?"

"It's precisely because of this that she didn't let me tell you, so I didn't tell you,"

"..." Xiao Feng was speechless: "Four years, then you let her wait for me for four years. At her age, she should fall in love in college, accompany her boyfriend to the library to read books, and sit back to back on the grass. ,"

"I tried to persuade her, but she didn't listen," Huo Tian bit the filter firmly.

Xiao Feng looked at Huo Tian with a serious expression: "Huo Tian, ​​you are curious about what I have been doing in the past four years. Let me tell you, I have been a killer and a mercenary. I have done all kinds of bad things and killed countless people. Jiuquan, This is not the place for me to stay. Maybe it won’t be long before I leave again, living in blood every day, wandering on the line between life and death. Do you think I can bring happiness to women?”

"What about Lin Lin?" Huo Tian suppressed the shock in his heart and asked slowly.

"Lin Lin," Xiao Feng looked up at the bright stars in the sky: "I am trying hard to give her happiness. You know, I hesitated for a long time before I dared to let go and fall in love with Lin Lin."

"Brother Feng, I beg you to give Wu'er a chance, okay," Huo Tian said seriously, "We all grew up together. You should understand her temper. Things she believes in will not be changed easily."

"..." Xiao Feng opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything. Indeed, Huo Wu's temper was somewhat different from his own imagination. He would never give up on something he was sure of, and would never change something he decided on.

"I haven't spanked Wu'er since I was little, but I didn't expect to spank her today," Huo Tian was a little annoyed and squatted on the ground.

Xiao Feng patted his shoulder: "Okay, I'll forgive you when she's not angry anymore. Okay, let me think about it carefully. You go back to Nancheng first, and I'll go see Wu'er. Don't let anything happen again." Son,"

"Well, I'll leave first," Huo Tian nodded and led the people out of the City God's Temple.

Xiao Feng returned to the lobby and glanced at the boys on the ground: "Get up and leave," after saying that, he left the Chenghuang Temple and called Huo Wu to ask where she was.

After calling several times, Huo Wu didn't answer the call. Xiao Feng simply put away his phone and searched nearby. He guessed that Huo Wu hadn't gone far.

Sure enough, in a corner of the wall, I found Huo Wu and another girl.

When the girl saw Xiao Feng, she stood up and said, "Comfort her, I'll leave first."

Xiao Feng nodded politely: "Thank you,"

"Treat Wu'er well," the girl said, turned and left.

Xiao Feng looked at Huo Wu, who was squatting in the corner, and felt a little sad. Wu'er, who had always been a hot-tempered person, sometimes felt helpless and aggrieved.

Xiao Feng knelt down and touched Huo Wu's head: "Wu'er, your brother didn't hit you on purpose."

"Don't say nice things to him, I will never forgive him," Huo Wu looked at Xiao Feng with tears on her face, shook her head and said.

Xiao Feng gently wiped away Huo Wu's tears: "Wu'er, don't blame your brother. You know, after your brother heard that you were missing, he brought thousands of his followers to Dongcheng. The Dongcheng gang Dongxinghui thought that Tianmen was going to do something. Action, so we also sent out troops. Think about it, will there be a fight?"

Huo Wu looked at Xiao Feng and nodded: "I will fight,"

Xiao Feng smiled: "Well, I heard from your brother that he hurt a lot of people, so your brother can't be anxious. Please don't do this kind of prank again in the future, okay?"

When Huo Wu heard what Xiao Feng said, most of the grievances in her heart disappeared: "Never again,"

"You are the most important person in your brother's heart, you..."

Before Xiao Feng finished speaking, Huo Wu asked faintly: "What's in your heart?"

Xiao Feng's heart sank, and he responded with a grin: "Of course he is one of the most important people in my heart,"

"In your heart, how many are the most important people?" Huo Wu pressed forward step by step.

"Well, there are about thirty or fifty of them," Xiao Feng said deliberately.

"..." Huo Wu remained silent and lowered his head.

"Let's go back to the villa and sleep. Lin Lin and the others have been looking for you all night. I think they will feel relieved when they see you," Xiao Feng pulled Huo Wu up and said with a smile.

Huo Wu thought of something and looked at Xiao Feng: "Brother Feng, I still want you to carry me on your back like you did when I was a child."

The corner of Xiao Feng's mouth twitched, this crazy girl is really tormenting people, but in order to make Huo Wu happy and to compensate her, he squatted down and said: "Haha, Wu'er, get on the horse,"

"Wow, get on the horse," Huo Wu smiled happily, put her hands around Xiao Feng's neck, and lay on his back.

Xiao Feng straightened up and held Huo Wu's leg between his hands: "Hold it, I'm not responsible for it if it falls. The horse is going to run away."

"Hmm, big horse, drive~" Huo Wu shouted excitedly.

Xiao Feng carried Huo Wu on his back and walked toward the Mercedes-Benz. As he walked, he asked: "Wu'er, are you happy?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm so happy, I'm going to ride you every day from now on," Huo Wu said loudly, holding Xiao Feng's neck.

"..." When Xiao Feng heard this, he thought about it, would he have to ride on himself every day, Guanyin sitting in the lotus position?

"Haha, it's nice not to have to walk by myself," Huo Wu's happy laughter echoed in the dark night.


(Do you know why Mao Xiaowu updated so late? Because Xiaowu was cheated, I guess, I found out that I’m really miserable these days, quarreling and being cheated all made me catch up. I bought a wlan online last month The number was said to be used for a year and a half, but around 11 o'clock, when I went online and tried to connect again, I couldn't connect. The seller blocked me and didn't answer the phone. I was paralyzed, so I called China Mobile again to activate the service. , I just came up to update, I am speechless, the liar will kill the whole family,,, well, please forgive my lack of quality,)

This chapter has been completed!
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